Sunday, August 29, 2021

FFS 5 & 6 - 10

5. Adding Momentum
6. Knowing when to Rest
7. Gaining Contrast
8. Delegating
9. Deciding Different
10. Rinse and Repeat

~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~


We've got our river, we've got it cleared, organized, and have clarity on where we are headed, at least somewhat.
We have flow and know when and how to make our obstacles easier, at least energetically.
We are learning and at least we know we can work on these things.
We've felt our emotions and trust our navigating and driving skills.
We trust our river, our energy, the boat, and ourselves.

Adding momentum is about adding energy and increasing the amount of flow, of speed, of movement.
It's about knowing we are on course and then amping up the power a bit so as to make the ride more enjoyable and fun and exciting!
In simpler words, it's about adding some rapids and narrowing our river so it moves faster.

This is great to work on when we are in the zone and are centered, attentive, and focused.
This is for when we know know KNOW what we want, why we want it, and are excited to reach our goals and experience those desires fully.

When we are in a place of clarity and certainty about our desires and/or our course....
we have the means to increase our momentum and power to direct all forces toward those desires.

*** Note! - WARNING! *** If we are still yet unclear or uncertain about what we want or why...
        we do NOT want to increase momentum! That's like getting into your new power boat,
         but you're only 3 years old.
        You gonna crash, mate! Maybe gain some air when you ram into that rock and go flying
         over the river and into the forest....
It may look fun, but no... please reconsider.

BUT when we KNOW what we want, we KNOW what we want...

Here's your power boat keys...  *hands little keychain with a key and a skull dangle on it to you
You are welcome to transform your powerboat into a raft with oars, so you can have fun in the rapids too. Or make it a cruise ship, whatever suits you :)


It's simple to add momentum and get it started....navigating it is what makes it fun and challenging!
To create this new momentum...

1. DECIDE - CHOOSE - SELECT something that feels utterly incredibly amazing!
2. MOVE toward it with INTENTION, and with that FEELING of incredible amazingness.
3. Have your end goal CLEAR AF in your mind's eye.

** This doesn't have to be an end all gung ho, 'Imma do this no matter what' energy (what a great way to BURN TF out!) We are still practice allowing and giving space, even in the rapids.)

** This just has to be clear, defined, and carry an energy of


Adding momentum is like
  action steps + attention + maintaining emotions and thoughts (energy flow)

pretty easy...but it requires...
* focus (pay attention! There's no snoozing when the rapids propel you forward),
* a plan (you're moving faster, so you need to think faster before you get to the obstacles you are heading toward)
* and realignment consistently (making sure you are on course, making the same choices, following through with your plan, and being invested in the emotional energy you are working with)
* actual actions that align with your course and choice

-- FOCUS --
Become solid in your choices. Get to know them from head to toe.
Pay attention when your interest or awareness of them wavers, this is when you need to realign and refocus.
Pay attention to the actions you are physically taking, the choices you are actually making and make double sure they are in cahoots with your intended course and desires.
We do not want to invite in resisting actions while we are creating rapids, this causes crashes, burn outs, injuries, lost momentum, cold wet pants, and disillusion on where the heck you are going.
Distractions while in the rapids will wreck havoc. SO PAY ATTENTION!
Be hyper-aware of the energetic emotions during this whole ride.
   If you hit a snag of doubt, of fear, of 'oh shit, what have I done?!' Stop immediately and deal with this energy right NOW. Do not let it linger, you do not want that in the boat with you, it will fuck you up.
Either leaving you without oars, a hole in your boat, jammed up against some boulder....and creating more and more of those exact same snags of doubt, fears, or 'oh shit, what have I done?!'s...

  GET CRYSTAL CLEAR on what is in your boat with you! You have to trust your crewmates. (thoughts, emotions, awareness, source, etc!)

-- A PLAN --
What is your desire, where do you want to go, what's the best path you see right now?
Ask those questions all the time....because sometimes those things change slightly...and you want to change with them on cue. Even in the rapids.
This is like looking ahead and you see an issue you didn't see before and you want to avoid it!
So readjust your path and go around or through that issue with a new better plan.
Not all actions are every day things, or every week things, but stay centered and keep checking in with your course and planning steps.
Be vigilant about proactive actions that support and carry you along these rapids.
Pay attention to the course, what's on the way, (not to far ahead, but what you can see now), and plan accordingly to maintain a strong support system through this journey.
ONE STEP at a time.... but if you can see the next, make a note and plan for it soon.

* Don't distract yourself with things you haven't come to yet. (That's like believing the guy that said there was an alligator up ahead....but by the time you get there (cause you planned on fighting a gator for weeks!) and it's not even there at all!.... and worse yet, you are rafting the Colorado river and not somewhere in Florida....and you realize how much time you wasted....)

Focus and planning every step of the way.
Watch whether you are being consistent, whether you are making slight changes or big changes.
If you are making big changes, you want to slow down a bit and gain more clarity.
Small changes are fine, but don't get so swept away by some other path that it obscures your intentions.

Check in with your emotions on how this path feels.
If something feels icky, work through that. Decide if you need to pause for a bit and readjust.

(WE CAN stop the river on a dime, but it often leaves us energetically spent or up against a hard place, however if you need to pull back on the reins and turn the rapids off, it's okay to do so)

Sometimes we feel like the river is losing momentum after the initial first bundle of rapids... that's okay too.... and this tells you where you need to breathe for a moment and then prepare for the next set of rapids. (If you ever white-water rafted, you know there are breaks in between, some longer than others, some very  very short....and sometimes an upcoming waterfall (windfall!) which is why you got in the boat in the first place.
Allow this time and space and TRUST.
Realign where needed and add new momentum if you need by focusing back on the emotional and energetic pulls you feel inside of you.

Here's where your thoughts and emotions allow space for the physical doingness of things.
You can call in Publisher's Clearing House to come to your door with a check, but you are still going to have to get up off that couch to answer the door! (bad analogy and maybe hugely out of proportion, but...

So take action! Manage the plan and take the steps! Do the writing, make the phone calls, clear and create space, pay attention, FOCUS, handle the emotions. ALLOW space and time and people.
DO things that represent YOU.
ACT how you would act as if you already had the desire you are creating.
STOP MAKING EXCUSES of why you can't do this YET!
Fall into complete trust with yourself and your source!
Exercise and MOVE the energy in your body! (like if you don't like gyms, just dance in your kitchen, or take a walk, go swimming.... chase your dog... I don't like gyms either...) (Do yoga or tai chi, or go window shopping, or do weird things in your backyard with a cauldron and pointy hats....whatever! Take long showers, stretch, embarass your kids with a funky dance...etc!)
MUSIC. Loud, with base.
Meditation, visualization.

PAY the bills, go to work when you have to, eat good things.
Tell your smallest debt you will not tolerate it living in your experience for one more month....cause you got new friends.
Make your adult kids buy their own shampoo.... whatever yo!
Do things that directly impact and support your course!


*****  ((( I will certainly give you a run down list of action oriented things to help you in the finance area soon! It's a long post, but I know it can help. This isn't that BS shit you find on google about how to save money crap. )))  I know switching car insurance could save you 15% or more, or adjusting your thermostat can 'save' on bills.... BUT THAT IS COMPLETELY LACK THINKING AND IT IS A FUCKING TRAP!!! Do NOT listen to that shit!
You may think it's helping you 'get ahead'.... but it is often creating a prison around you. *****


Homework for 5:10 Adding Momentum

Plan out your course and desires.
If you are ready to add momentum, start taking actions, both energetically and physically.
DO the work, focus, hone, and take steps forward.

   the plan
   your desires/goals
   and what you would like to see at the end of a given set date

Mediate and visualize.
Get familiar with yourself, your energy, and your navigation techniques.

STOP making excuses.
The rapids are for the prepared and brave.
Be aware of when you need to breathe and when you need to slow down.


Saturday we will have the next unit of 6:10 Knowing when to Rest

This is the opposite of entering the rapids.
Both are needed, both are allowed.

Will upload the Financial Actions thing I haven't named yet soon!



~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~


I deserve this time to relax...
I earn this time to relax...
or my fav... I create this time to relax...

Similar to the stillness and silence versus movement and music...
The other end of the spectrum for allowing time and space and peace and quiet...
   strengthens our other paradigm.
It builds resiliency and stamina.
It teaches us more about ourselves and gives room for introspection, readjustments, contrast,
time for course corrections, and the idea of letting it all fall away and falling of ourselves into complete peacefulness of not taking anything on.
A trust fall into allowing.

The letting go of oars, the turning off the engines of our power boat...
The allowing of it all to JUST BE... and especially letting ourselves JUST BE
The releasing of the 'doing' or 'aiming' or navigating' or 'planning'.
Complete release and revitalization.


It's about floating.
  (not to be confused with 'drifting'...)

---  Floating is moving without effort along our river that we already created and formed.
We already did the work of clearing and creating space and shaping it with our awareness of thoughts and the cultivation of our supportive emotions.... We already did this work...
and when we've maintained that work,
we can absolute TRUST 100% that our river maintains that energy for us  (at least for a time until we want to dive back in)

---  Drifting on the other hand, is just letting go without having cultivated's blindly believing that somehow things will just get better....but we haven't even made that river, cleared anything, we don't know where we are going, or what kind of river we are even in...
THIS is why so many stay in effort and struggle...
They do the 'doing', but they neglect the 'energetic being' of the energy that moves through us.
So when they relax....they feel like they should be 'doing' something to maintain it, or they feel like things have suddenly gone to shit...
   ( was always just were covering it with your distraction on the doingness this whole time and not even looking at the crap you had building up in your river...)

We can't always forever float and relax, but we can make the whole process easier and easier by simply giving ourselves inwardly and outwardly our attention to where we barely do anything but realign our thoughts and emotions when needed....and the 'doingness' actions are always easy, simple, and practically moot....because they no longer become 'hard work'...they simply are things we kinda don't mind...and then they are just things we do because we want to!

That is our true WORK.... when we integrate both inward and outward energies to become our whole selves....and our whole selves are based on JOY, LOVE, PEACE, WONDER, ETC, ETC, ETC!
Our work is not meant to be hard, or controlling, or abusive, or undermining, or painful.
It is meant to be purposeful, fulfilling, desired, and engaging.


***** So how do we know when to rest?

Sometimes we come to a place in our life paths that signal the end of something.
It could be when a big project is completed.
When something that required extra focus has ended.
When a sense of overwhelm enters the picture and we can't control the circumstances.
When we are coming into contact with the same blockages over and over.
When the momentum toward something falls off the cliff (waterfall! or windfall!)
When a huge new thing yanks us from our course because it is now at our forefront.
When we need to make a big decision and we don't have enough information yet to make that decision.
Anything that represents the same or similar energy vibe.

ALL of these will require that time and space for REST.

With money... it needs it's rest times too!

When we get a lump sum in unexpectedly. We don't want to act in a state of excited energy. We want clarity and focus first.
When we get a huge bill in unexpectedly. We don't want to act in a state of dampered low energy. We want certainty and solidness.
When we went on a vacation or spending spree and we need to take time to adjust our settings and plans to make room (and give time) for things to be refilled.
When we are constantly giving outward, but the inward flow is blocked.
When we are blocked at all involving an issue or challenge. We don't want to 'pay to make it go away'....unless we are sure of that and it will relieve a sufficient amount of pressure.
   We don't want to spend $10k on a new deck from the 'Deck Company of the Millenium!'....without really considering whether 'Tom's Decking, been in business for 20 years, and we'll do it for $3k' is actually the better option.
When we are getting bombarded with those upselling us or trying to get our money. THIS calls for a complete and DEAD STOP! If this comes into your life experience, go within and fix this energetic cord ASAP!   You either affirm the boundary that you will not partake with those who are insisting or feeding off your energy, or you allow them to entertain you and take advantage of you and sell you more than you ever could use in the first place.


Dead stops of our river are sometimes needed. And they require you to deal with it NOW.
Affirm boundaries. Instate new boundaries.
Create a space of timelessness to focus and find out what is best for you or the situation.
It's allowing everything to hold up and wait until you are able to join back in with flowing, with floating, with momentum, or with waiting longer.

This includes those times you pick up on something you definitely do not want to participate with or in.
Dead Stop!
When someone's needy or whiny or keeps 'c'mon man, I just need $20 for gas'...
Dead Stop.
When you asked for assistance, but someone is inconsiderate of your time, energy, or money.
Dead Stop.
When unexpected avalanches, floods, or waterfalls pop up out of nowhere and you lost track of your peace, place, path, or patience.
Dead Stop!
Anything that feels the same or similar in energy to any of these.
Dead Stop!


Floating and resting is about allowing without trying to get somewhere or something...
It's about being at peace with the now and trusting that your work will carry you.
It's resting without worries.
It's relaxing without trying or efforting.
It's JUST BEING in the river and feeling it out in bliss, or enjoyment, or soothing calmness.

Know when to rest.
Grow your awareness on the energies and when they start to rear their heads.
Trust you have the tools you need to know when the time comes when and how to add more momentum or lesson it.


***** How do you know when rest time is over?

When you get bored.
When you feel kinda hum drum about floating.
When something interesting strikes your fancy or pulls your attention.
When you feel the energy picking back up (rapids up ahead!)
When you get awareness on a new desire or path or plan that lights you up like lightning!
When you invite someone, or new thoughts, or new emotions into your boat with you.
When important issues arrive and you want to participate in them.
When you just want to cause some mischief, drama, or are generally ready for some excitement.
Anything that relates similarly to any of these.


Rest time is over. Take your last swig of scotch and reposition yourself.

Check in with your emotions and thoughts. Make sure they are in your corner and are supporting you!
They are your crew! No mutiny allowed, ha!

Check to make sure the river is generally clear. That there is some clear space.
Check your energy again!

Give some time to meditate and visualize your net course of action and how you want to feel about it.
Check your energy again!

And move into flow, adjusting as necessary.
If there's momentum, plan ahead a few steps, and pay attention.
If there's uncertainty, just feel it out in flow until you can make a choice or decision that feels supportive or in alignment for you. You can make a new choice if that one doesn't feel good afterwards.


This process is the same, over and over, regarding thousands of different scenarios and circumstances.
It's simple once you see where you need to put your attention and awareness.
It's easy once you can give time and space to yourself, and your emotions.
It's effortless when you learn to flow and trust.


No homework.
Just build awareness of your river energy.
Take a rest.

Have a great weekend <3


Next Wednesday is 7:10 GAINING CONTRAST

Hope you are enjoying this work and it's supporting you on your journey.
Thank you for being here.

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