Have you ever met Thoth?
He's not the easiest to contact via astral travel or channeling....
and I think he's doing some gig out on Sirius, ... AND in the Pleiadians....
therefore, I'm making the assumption his time/awareness is split dramatically.....
so when I call for him...
he's usually quick to hop in and out again....
that, and he didn't want to get caught by the council...
the council didn't like that he talked to me, LOL
because he told me things I wasn't supposed to know...at the time anyway...
but he doesn't care, because he doesn't follow their rules...
and I don't either....
and I think that once I figured out who I was, they knew that their time with me had been severed
hence I was soon disembarking to whereever I went and I had to agree to the newer terms...
like a promotion or something...
of course Thoth is still busy... and still doesn't linger long...but he's got two dimensions going...
and can you even imagine being able to hold two consciousnesses at the same time in different
parts of the universe.... and then you have your little sister asking for advice in the aether world, HAHAHAHA!
He was with us when we were in Atlantis. So much more present than us younger kids....much more so. I'm glad he still entertains our primitive queries while we do this earth shit skit.
what was I saying....?
the new guy... of gold and light and clarity... with those circular lines around his head....
knows his shit...
and learning it is one thing... but remembering it and training the behaviors of such matters...
really does take focus and attention...
but there's a golden key in my fucking hand....
and even as I stare at it, knowing the door to which it belongs....
my feet have yet to move towards it....
and Mind wants to write this down...Mind and Ego are in cahoots to prove all this energy stuff and all this aether stuff, all these vibes, and all this magic... leave a trail of crumbs...as proof of it's existence.
but Soul knows it won't.... it can't... the crumbs will be invisible, just like magic...
and Soul knows no one will ever ever ever ever believe in this magic.... unless they too are magic.
Mind thinks writing it down would be viable...
but oooohhh.... how often did we write of the 4runner in my driveway?
maybe 3 months?
and *poof = 4runner in MY driveway! <3
but do they see? do they believe? do they think it came without any action from me?
focus and attention, yo.
and 15 minutes of imagination, with a cup of emotion poured into it
15 minutes....every day, or at least most days.... and I can probably say sometimes it wasn't even 15 whole minutes...
and you think magic isn't real..?
thing is...
I know what's behind the door...the door this key opens...
because I put stuff in there myself...
and all those glorious things will pile out...
and everyone will say it's lucky....or surprising....or how did you manage to find this stuff?!
...but I will say...
I stored this here so when I got here, I'd have new toys to play with....
because no one wants a boring life.
...this is all my stuff, already... all of it... I just haven't taken it out of storage...
but the key is in my hand.... and the door is right there...
and that shit belongs in my life at this upcoming time....
because fate....lol...no ... because I know what I want, yo.
and I get to have it.
there's lots of cool stuff in this one.... I'll update you as I sift through all my treasures....
but remember.....
just because you open one of your storage units...
doesn't mean your whole life changes...
sometimes parts of it does...
sometimes parts of yourself does...
but you always get exactly what you need...
because Soul is the one who packed all these things....
and Soul knows more about you than Mind or Ego
focus and attention....
15 minutes of imagination and a cup of emotion
Open your fucking treasure.
I found a little happy fat Buddha today! (for my windowsill)
and I found a stainless steel wok today!!! (yay for stir-fry!)
and musical instruments!!! (accordion from Italy, mini tambourine, and a Japanese finger harp thing)
AND The KEY, yo! (ok, I didn't 'find' it.... gold angel guy revealed it to me)
all this amazingness!
paintings coming up soon
new line releases tomorrow
book 6 parts are filling in nicely, I need to start taking notes....
fish tank is still being a bitch, but there's nothing wrong with the water quality...
other stuff on list I haven't even touched...
sanding the hallway will get done this week...
tired...gonna go...
do that meditation thing and open the door or something