is laughing, hard enough to hold her stomach...
all the things I sprinkled with effort...
all those glorious things I 'figured' I would 'do'...
oh, how I was so misaligned!
"Everything is taken care of."
that doesn't mean I have to take care of it
or I have to 'do' anything for that matter, lol
it's already handled
by the universe...or something that likes to concern itself with those things...
I'm literately free to not 'do'
not like I wasn't all this time anyway...
but it's funny when you move to a different perspective...
and you see something the other you couldn't
ALL the things
from above the wall
far far above the wall
like both sides of yourself...
no, not the left and right sides...
the inner and the outer ;)
day 19...and I'm feeling ALL the things and love love love love it ALL!
GASP! There's stuff going on around here!
And ALL of it makes me so happy!
I don't even have to edit
so many other options... like just not doing it
or hiring someone else to do it
or bargaining with someone else to do it
or just not doing it
not the books, not the scripts...
I can toss out a few breif edits...
and send the little children out into the world
because they aren't mine anyway...
they just came through me...
and if they wanted someone who could edit...
they would have known better
they certainly would have known better, LOL!
and I don't see anyone waiting around for feedback
Did you know...
there's polarity in the aether too.
Like letting go... and then gathering up
like moving on... and taking with you
because ...power...empowerment
and ...the new words of the day...
unlike the past voyages into the underworlds...
instead of "I accept"...
it's "I consent."
and I feel like I'm signing up for government intrusion or something, lol
but you know what...
I completely trust the ALL of the Universe
ALL of it.
ALL of myself..and ALL parts of myself...
There was a moment in meditation today...
where I saw pieces of the old vibration...
and I said "Not one more day."
for day 19.... that one statement...felt like some kind of massive leap
also today...I ran out of ink...
so I couldn't print out the base outline for my last art commission
and I didn't have any urge to create anything else...
but I found myself here...
and I'm getting pulled away already...
where will I find myself in a few short moments...
I don't know..
and that in itself is absolutely perfect
I didn't hear back from the theater yet... totally cool
and today I was instantly reminded that there is NO WRONG ANSWER
No wrong choice, no wrong way,
nothing is wrong
so stop trying to figure it all out...
I promise you it's perfect... yes, that way, that choice, that answer...
or neither...nor...
I might outline book 6 a bit...
maybe it'll give me the first line... the first sentence...
that's all I need to start...
same goes for the screenplays... if it would throw me the first scene...
I'd start it and finish it... but nooooo
it wants to throw middle of the movie scenes at me...
my oldest turns 18 on Wednesday!!! O_O
Go forth...
LIVE long...

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