Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Read between the liiiiiiioooonnnnnssss.....

Day 21...that's three weeks
and I probably do not have to tell you what opened for me...
Lion King Jr.
Looks like I will have some art showcasing during said theater production...
which is good for the artwork...
and what did I tell you about the lions...
I'm not li-on! ...
and if I get even luckier...
I'll get hit up for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe too...
   (that's the one I would have chosen... but who says I can't have both?)
so lion king-ish type artwork coming up from moi
like rainbow giraffes... that sounds amazing...
and all the lions...
but because it's 'jr'... that means kid friendly...
like mosaic stuff... not sure yet...
it'll figure itself out

I was headed to go edit Laser Racers...
but stopping by here was also an option
my projects... of which I have 2 too many...
clear coating the dragon and flower I have in the kitchen...
but I'm out of polycrylic... so now I have to go to Lowe's...
and if I go there, I might as well pick up the paint for the stairwell...
but then again, why.. I need to test sand it first to see if I can get the
texture crap off...
so I may or may not buy paint tomorrow.
Half way done with the last car pic commission painting...
hope to have it finished tomorrow...
So if I can get that and the other pics coated... all the art pieces will be done...
which in turn...
makes room for the Lion King Jr. stuff ...
and the fabrics that will be arriving sometime tomorrow
I have someone who placed an order, but they haven't paid yet...
so I have that on the roster...3 t-shirts... easy peasy
editing screenplay...because I'm posting it ASAP
I discovered what Hollywood's problem is...btw...
and by Hollywood's problem, I mean the reader who reviewed my script...
and it's not a's just not relevant to my reality...
anyway... they want to see action and hoopla... and ll the fast moving inane crap...
things that mean NOTHING...
and I'm not that type of screenwriter...
It reminds me of Mr. Rogers... and I'd rather fight for story and depth and moved
characters, than all the unending hubbub and noise...
I'd rather be special and unique...
which I totally am, duh!
soooo..... a brief edit and posting it up for grabs
Victory and Killian too....
(The Fox Prince and Sky Thunder are not ready yet)
Book 6... as soon as I get the opening scene/sentence...
we will be on our way...
but those are just projects...
and none of that stuff trumps what I've got going on...
like deep vortex manifesting magic...
of which I spend hours every day on... more if I can help it
what else is going to get me a pool for next summer?! duh!


I don't think I'll make it to editing tonight...
so off to meditate some vortex magic
and book 6 visualization stuff, of course!


ummm. I found an ad blocker for facebook sponsored ads!!! YAY!
no more crap!
later peeps, my day is complete... and it was awesome!

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