All the words...
I met someone new the other day.
He's quite handsome, younger than the norm?
He's a shining light, radiating gold.
....and he said... to 'silence the words'.
not meaning all the things you think it may mean
...something new, something new...
I call them guides...
but this one...
this one is not like the others.
...I'm intrigued...
and oh, how I've missed the new things
and they are abundant
all the new things
and swiftly provided to me
I need only ask
I shall ask for all the things.
but not in words... not in words...
Secrets (in etymology speak) = to set apart
and secrets aren't meant to be spoken....
I'm sure you'll hear all about this in book 6...
which has thrown me some really deep scenes today....
I am still awaiting the first sentence... ...
but you see....
I'm 100% positive it will be silent...
still have the idea to rewrite book 1....but no willingness to do it...
there's a fresh canvas downstairs ready to be cast with color
it's way way too big....
but it's mainly for the art show in October
and if it doesn't sell, that's fine, I already have a place for it....
(so, yeah, I'm kinda gonna make it for me)
mind's themed around Lion King Jr....
and although i won't be doing actual lion king art....
it will be a lion... but it's gonna be laced in gold....
cause gold, yo. <3 I need more of that in my life
New line for ShadowDragon Dreams will be shared on the 1st....
need to hunt down emails for studios and such....
still need to finish sanding the hallway.... argh...
stapled a canvas today and baked cookies....
finished watching an anime....and there's no more episodes :(
I was hoping to have something magical to share...
but my lips are sealed...
energies feel like they are moving forward again, albeit slowly...
like a train... slow to start... but once it gets going....

I would call it an awakening....
but how awake can one actually get... so bored of that word....
an embodiment perhaps?
not even the word, but the presence... the beingness
essence of Soul
Soul.... just wants sleep lately...
happily satisfied in the meandering throughout the day
happily sauntering toward all the things already on the way
Mind is trying to keep herself busy... but still also agreeing that meandering is a necessity.
sauntering too, she says... cause she knows she's not making anything happen...
and if anything, getting in the way
Ego is chilling. All happy, with feet kicked up and a gentle sigh of relaxed-ness
Body... body is unconditional and is good with anything, but "please for the love of god, get a new mattress, so I can sleep better"....
Heart. Heart is eager to meet with the new guide again even though we all agree we have nothing to ask him.
Heart also thinks we should work on book scenes before we go to sleep...
and we all agree with her.
...and truthfully, I don't think anyone gets a real say in the matter most times...
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