have you read my shit I write on this blog????!!!!
I swear...
there's some really good inspiring stuff on here...
some wasted space too.... but damn...
I CAN actually write ... sometimes.
I was reading some older blog posts...
and holy shit...
I am still in awe at times...
not even remembering half of it...
and then pleasurably reminded of certain moments....
I CAN use words correctly ....
so long as I'm free to use analogies and incomplete sentences
Verse? Maybe prose? all day every day
who fucking cares what it's called!!!!
I can do what I want!
I already wrote a blog post....like 30 minutes ago...
and I was going to go meditate... (and I still will)
but I just thought I'd love on myself a bit more
... yeah, I like that. It makes me happy... and it's a cat.... so double happy!!
And he's flippin' his little birdies!!! triple happy!!!
too cute!
there's soooo much weird energy, I have no idea what to think of it
like weird.... undefinable
but you know what.... I'm an alchemist...
and I can make it into whatever I want it to be...
and I choose deeply satisfying....
preferably in the form of cash, but I'm not limiting it to only that
I was going to clean the pool this morning.... but then I remembered I didn't have it yet
but I'm glad I'm practicing how great it will be to throw the pool robot thingy in and walk away
- - - - - - - - -
I want to share some deep insights I'm unfolding
about bills and debt and money and such
I had this thought of just manifesting money....
but I KNOW that doing that doesn't really solve anything
been there, done that
even though I was going to up it to $300k this time.... (still feels good to think about)
but then after a chat with the master guru...
and after a browsing session on some conversations I've had with some spirit guides...
I don't have to 'do' anything!
and why I keep forgetting that is fucking beyond me!
All I have to be is open to receive all the things...
not even the money itself... all the things...
like the pool.... I have it already... and believe me I keep forgetting I'm still in 3d land, LOL
I SEE it.
like the 4runner.... I had it before it appeared in my driveway...
I SAW it.
The hubs, the kids, the house, the (other things)
I KNEW all of it!
and so....
from past experience and the fact, there is no past or future... but all NOW
I have everything already. I have all my things.
All the feelings, all the joys, all the wins, all the experiences, all the satisfaction.
What do I choose to look at?
What are you choosing to look at?
You too, have all your things... all your desires... all your whatevers...
OWN that shit!

the kitteh has returned...
he's soooo cute!
wit his wittle whiskerys and his wittle pink nose!
and the way his eye skin hangs halfway between his eyeball and eyelid :P
wittle kitteh catah
me wuvs him so so so much!
awww...he's stretching ad his claws are protruding into my ARM!!!
I wuvs him.... he does no wrong
we be like kitteh....
no wrong...
because only cats are allowed to judge
and he's sleepin'
so we good
all good
like kittehs
really, I'm going now... it's 12:55am....
and I might meditate 30min to an hour...
and then I'll be tired...
and it's harder to hold the door open when you're tired...
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