day 24...
did you know...
aquarium rocks cost a crazy amount
so do the little plastic plants
like...since you are creating a fake biodome and all...
we are guessing you'll need these things...
even if they are fake...
and since someone gave you a 55 gallon tank... for free...
we have to make our cut somehow...
and we'll do it by charging you five times more than necessary
for the colored rocks you want... yes black is a color...
and for the plants you need... cause no fish likes an empty tank
and the fish have to be happy
-- cut out the background canvas for that same aquarium...
unsure yet if I might need a backing on it or not...probably...
-- started sanding the walls a bit...
but the sander's disc pad thingy broke off....
so that needs fixed before I continue...
-- the tees are almost finished...
but I'm out of royal blue thread...
amazingly that was the only color so far I didn't have
-- awaiting a check in the mail
-- will fill aquarium tomorrow...get the piece for the sander...and get some thread
-- other things of which I won't tell you
I'm pretty sure there was something specific I was going to share today...
but I didn't write it down and now it's not making itself present...
another insightful view into the aether world probably...
well.... other notions are calling me, so i'm outta here
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