is no joke.
Sign in Pisces, with ascendant and moon in Scorpio...
and by god, I'm actually more relatable to Scorpio than Pisces...
cause I can see the future.... and then stab you for being stuck in the past
I can interact with spirits and angels and god himself....
and then watch you flail in your hell unmoved.
I've stood beneath the seraphim... and survived their scourge...
and although I wouldn't wish it on anyone... I'll lead you to them if you need cleansed...
and I'll love you till you drown in it... drag you if you ask...even against the brimstone...
I'll give you everything you need to make the journey... but I will not carry you.
if you cling in fear, I shall hurl you off the edge.
I'll be the first to call you a hero .. and the first to call you a coward.
double edged sword...
all this magnificent life you're a part of...
and you are fucking it away...
all this glorious amazing potential and possibility within you...
and you can't see yourself for shit... blind motherfuckers.
I want to see your soul...
and you pour out your programmed accepted limitations
I want to hear your dreams and your joys...
and you tell me of your worries and your fears...
I want to see the god in you.
but you don't believe he/she is there...
I want your truth...
I want your passion...
I want all of you...
you are fucking cowards.
skirting around the big things because you are afraid of what's real.
flitting from this to that to distract from the real issues.
stalling.... for fear that you'll be found out...
I knew you before you spoke.
but I can't tell you that... I can't tell you everything about yourself...
if I did... you wouldn't be able to hold that truth... it's too big for even you...
I don't care what you 'do' with your time...
or all these things you think you are...
or what you've accomplished...
all that is clothing... skin... dna... thoughts...
I care about you. The part you can't show to the world...
the treasure...
the gold...
*maybe I'm a soul pirate... hmm
this is day 9.... and nothing new showed up today...
nothing new... but reminded of surrender...
that you can't hold your desires hostage...
how difficult do you think it is to surrender your desires?
to completely let them go and hand them over to the universe?
to unburden yourself from your desires?
to untether yourself from those things that weigh you down...even if they are pretty?
even if they are amazing? even if they are chuck full of cash?
I dare you to give them up.
Release them fully and completely
or are you a coward?
you can't follow me...
'cause I'm not afraid of becoming empty
I'm not afraid of freedom
I'm not afraid of losing all of myself...
because I know where I AM ....
pillows and blankets... and a ukelele
some glow bracelets, all the paint colors...
sunshine... or a thunderstorm... and at least one cat
books... all sorts of books...
a few live plants, music, a piano
and a fire burning in the soul
Yeah, some of us surviving
Some of us just roaming
Some of us just hoping the world will move more slowly
Some of us alive
We're all gonna die one day
Cause everybody I know, everybody I know
Is growing old, is growing old too quickly
And I don't wanna go
So how am I supposed to slow it down so I can figure out who I am?

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