that's all this girl
Sun in Pisces
Moon in Scorpio
Ascendant is Scorpio
according to the birth certificate...
I was born under the moon... at 11:32pm...
(of course the mom does not agree with this...
but maybe it was the drugs... or lack of paperwork skills)
I guess we will never know
anyway, that would attribute to the lack of resonance with some of the Pisces crap
and explain the whole 'I love you, but please die', mentality HAHA

sooo...what to talk about today..?
chapter 34.... and there's obvious things I need to go back and edit...
and I'm trying not to rush...
but the side stories are boring for me recently...
stuff... sewing work... getting there and procrastinating like a boss
*thumbs up
not much else really in 3d world...
aether lands are lit though
doing this weird transmuting with chakras thing...
interesting I guess... it's new and I'm not sure it's producing much just yet
we will see I suppose
ask me tomorrow
I'm pretty sure the whole ideaology of victimhood is going out of style
I hope it dies quickly....
you just can't stay a fucking needy baby forever, yo
if anyone posts shit about being wronged or a victim any ANY sense ...Imma unfriend yo ass
you get 2 days to wallow at your pity party ...
and then you better get the fuck over it.
low ass vibes are not in alignment with all this awesomeness over here
eat it
and choke for all I care
not sure.. things are mucky in the waters...
all is well though
it's a shifting...this happens often enough for me to ignore it completely
even if I can't do it 100%
it's really exciting once it's finished though!
Like sunrise.
(like a cleaned fishtank... it glows, yo)
dude! I can go buy some fish!
(two of course, Pisces for the win!...
wait... three! Triple Water tribe!
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