just now...
while thinking of how to start a blog post
of course, he threw in a bunch of other great sayings...
but we don't have all day to write them all down.
it's just an idea...
and you only give away the ones you don't want
or don't want to raise up as your own...
you only share the ones you aren't afraid to lose
but... the ones you keep close...
they are for you...
so keep your dreams close
keep your joys closer
keep your thoughts, your visions, your money...
keep those things in the NOW
and it's always NOW

I'm not sure Mercury retrograde is a thing...
or some of us are immune to the supposed effects...
cause it feels like the receiver is picking up a whole lot more than usual...
even without that meditation thing
this is not unusual...
and also the wi-fi downstairs is actually not being a prune today
unlike yesterday's fiasco...
I learned 2 new ukelele songs too! (today! Yes I am that awesome)
of course...learning the words to these songs is a whole different aspect...
Got to go pick up some cashola tomorrow. $$$
and drop by the post office...
and maybe a check will arrive in the mail...
and an invoice will be paid...
and the IRS will inform me of an upcoming deposit
and maybe....some really nice person with a bobcat will arrive with a perfect quote.
all that is totally possible... plus some more cool things
I'd like to put in an order for a 0% balance transfer as well.
and a hot bath...
and maybe finish chapter 32 tonight.... and possibly aim for an ending...
and I should (don't should on yourself!) ...paint that wall...
or start on it...
I know why I haven't, and it's because I keep changing the art designs in my head, lol....
"too much thinking doth make one mad...."
So I snoozed like all but 3 groups on facebook... cause Imma bout to to do that thing
of not...staying out of it, lol.
I appreciate contrast, however the "I can't hear you." comes fully into play
and the woe is me attitudes and outlooks need a good smack in the face...with a cast iron pan
Love is not enough to pull you from the pit
but if I slowly pry your fingers off the ledge....
you'd be awfully in a hurry to pull yourself out of it...
just sayin
...I thought you were asking for help....
so.... next time be more specific on what type of help you want...
do you want coddled in your detriments...or do you want to change your life?
I'm the 'bad guy'
that's the word of what the aether looks like right now
like this translucent space that you can see through to all the other things...
and it's like being under water, and the air is like a gel...
things move slowly, it appears...
but you can look at them before they pass
and the space goes out forever
and there's the whole world in here
the whole world, the whole universe
all this goodness
there is great love for you here
all is well
all of these things are already yours....
so go to them, let them come to you...
just call their names... their vibrations...
and in your hands they will be
and in your life they will be
and they are
the Alchemist stands beside me
my guide, who seems to have more patience than I first realized
we are on to the next adventure...
and it is marvelous
hmmm...I wrote all THAT ^^^
and I must have forgotten to post it (twice) HAHA!
made money, spent money... and made it to chapter 33....
GAH! I'm pretty sure this book is going to be long...
I haven't even started editing... oy vey!
today's updates...
there's at least 40 tabs open on this browser.... (43, I counted)
all ukelele songs...
minus 2...which is this blog...and the page I post the blog to on facebook...
and I am going to cut out a dress, so I can say I did work on something productive today...
even though we all know that is irrelevant.
and then I'll find out what else afterwards!
It's all a surprise!
but seriously, I need to get off of here and actually post it...
cause most of it is like way past relevant...
let's just say that life is beautiful and you are loved <3
Amazing things are everywhere!
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