I will not follow you into your own deprivation.
Shall I stand still and make a puddle of stuckness while you catch up?
What if you never catch up?
This isn't quick sand.
This isn't tar....or glue....
I will go this way.
I will do these things.
I will receive these things.
Look at all my good fortune.
So why you hate?
Why you be jealous?
Why do you critique those things I allow myself to have.
To do.
To be.
To go.
To see.
To feel.
I will not follow you into deprivation.
I will walk forward on my own path.
You are welcome to follow.
You are welcomed to not.
But I will walk forward without fear.
The flames will not burn me.
The thorns will not stab me.
Sometimes the journey is tiresome...
and sometimes it may not be as expected...
but I will go.
I am unafraid

the tasty amount of wealth that fills the quantum field is enormous
and it's all just an idea
and there are some ideas greater than others
you can pick from anything....
but like the salad bar.... mushrooms and cucumbers are a 'no go'
while the chicken and tomatoes are a 'hell yes'
and we shall stay the course.... because we are done being famished
EAT your heart out
Your spirit can't get fat
I'm guessing there's orders going to get paid!
and I'm a great guesser!
I'm also guessing that someone will oblige me about digging up my yard SOON
hung out with flowers today!
They happened to love my music ....the louder the better
and truthfully appreciated every time I called out 'railroad tracks'
so they could prepare for the bumps...
they were very friendly today
and I petted 3 doggies
Still on chapter 31....
and there's an amazing scene that needs to happen in book 7
and I don't know how or when or if it's going to get there, but mmmm....
there might be more later, but for now...
that's all you're getting
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