again taking my own advice pretty much...
I'm so smart ;)

...I love this pic....
sooo... there's a happiness balloon hovering nearby and I can't help but smile at it...
Bright bold red...
and I've come to the realization I only own 1 red shirt... and zero yellow sweaters...
(challenge accepted...)
3d world is being so cooperative and I'm glad it finally came aroundaether lands are joyful and deep
chapter 36...
I totally slowed down on the chapters, only because I'm spent by the time I get started...
and I really just want to meditate more...
I have stuff to write for it though.
I'll tackle about 5-10 pages tonight
sewing work... I got appliques to sew today...
and I've filled my procrastination quota already, so looks like once this blog
post is finished, that's what I'll be doing
My inner spidey sense tells me that I will have a burst of 'clean the house'
really soon.... and I'm almost paranoid that it's coming... and right now I don't wanna
...but once it hits... all other things on the agenda will suddenly make way...
I so badly want to purge and deep clean... but not right now... I got things to do, yo
there's also a huge sense of an adventure on the horizon
something is coming and going to pop soon...
and this sounds exciting!
don't know what it is... but that's cool too
...okay, navigating my amazon seller account...was an adventure just now...
and I never want to go there again...
you'd think they'd make it user friendly and actually have a support number...
but no... what a pain... that's a BIG NO
like eating your first taste of squid or something... YUCK
(I've never had squid...but I can imagine)
okay, okra.... or a Vienna sausages...😝 but 10 times worse like mushrooms...
...looks like I'm back to Etsy... even though I hate them too...
should I even bother at this point... *sigh
fuck them all
no effort = peace
so I choose peace....
I love how life is coordinating with my book... go figure...
not really sure what else... Imma go sew some shit so it feels like I made progress
I just spent 20 minutes hunting for the cat to take his meds...
and I've done decided that living in the unseen is best spoken silently.
lots of new fangled learnings a happenin
may the one who kisses your lips also kiss your soul...
and the one you invite in... invite them in fully...
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