I made it a whole 2 days of not inserting my two cents into open slot machines
... be proud...
cause sometimes I do find it *fun
just yesterday though... someone with a dubbed 'neutral' perspective...
... wanted to make sure to prove not to be so neutral....
just saying
I'm kinda glad I called that out...
even though it was totally not intentional....
cause I just commented that I 'loved their perspective'...
(mistake #1, cause I really dgaf and she used lots of big words...)
and shared just a small tidbit of a personal opinion (which by any means doesn't mean shit)
...but oh ho!
someone I guess took it wrong?
(like that's ever a surprise... *insert eye roll... I really was nice (mistake #2))
anyway... they are far from 'neutral' in the matter... (the truth is revealed! Ha!)
it was fun... ;)
me enjoying this view of watching people warp themselves... is probably a problem LOL
or not ;)
I'm also kinda annoyed that what I said was taken wrong and in a negative way...
like yo, lady.. chill out Karen, nothing I said was rude, or mean, or sarcastic! Gasp!
Maybe it's this Mercury retrograde in MY sign that has it all wonked to the nth degree...
my intentions aren't to hurt people, yo....
but when you get butthurt.... I do still tend to laugh...which may come off as intentional....
then your defensiveness when none was ever called for... is annoyingAF...
and I tend to want to jump in and abate the nerves...
which seems to also be a mistake... because then I get all sarcastic...
and well... we have a field day for a comment or two until I no longer play...
no one needs butthurt in their life...
and I don't have to defend... I cede... nothing you have I want... sooo...
you lost before we started...
I don't even care about the point, or the topic...
chapter 37...I think... maybe 38 now... I wrote a lot last night...
it's almost over...
and then I have a shit ton of editing... I know there's some parts I have add-ons to include
(this was not supposed to be this long!!)
sewing work... 2 orders left... one ships out Wednesday
The other will ship the week after....
and I have something else to make which I can do anytime in between or after...
...and then Imma make simple stuff....
(again.... yeah I know...I've done this and failed miserably at least 5 times)
not going to list the big elaborate stuff as often anymore...
the money is better...but the simple stuff is way more enjoyable! (and faster!)
I like enjoyable things...
and then I can rebuild my customer base with those peoples....
and THEN I can make the stuff I want to!
business plans, yo....
many theories in the land of 3d world stuff...
possibilities... and ideas....
things are shifting in a unique way...
It's March!
we made it
and I do still have that list I'm aiming to complete...
some are already finished...
I have 30 more days ;)
and everything can change in an instant!

Ugh, so I promise I won't veg out on tik tok til 3:45am tonight...
and will most likely only just go to bed...
cause I still have to paint something tonight...and it's 9pm... HAHA
what is time really... not the boss of me, yo.
Mercury retrograde ends on the 9th....
which means, all I have to do is wait it out...
and then I can say words again and only be misunderstood 75% of the time...
instead of 99% of the time...
The time also changes too... which doesn't effect me...
and on the 11th, I'll have a check in my hand and another 2 items checked off that list.
and everything else will take care of itself...
and magic will happen...
I FEEL it coming...
and it will be beautiful!
seriously, going to go paint an applique (2 of them)
then depending on the time and how tired I am... writing or meditating, or sleep.
ALL are good.
So...be prepared for sudden shifts and changes.
Be prepared to make decisions on a dime
Be prepared for things to just fall into place like no one's business
and be prepared to walk it with grace and trust...
The Universe has your back!
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