I suppose focusing on something sends you into tunnel vision...
and the world speeds up ...perhaps
like going warp speed on the USS Enterprise
and Q is fucking shit up behind the scenes...
or fixing shit... all in perspective, I'd guess
but when you focus too much on one thing, all other things become a blur
and you lose on all the other things that might be important
a balance is the recommended speed...
of fast and slow... fast for the highway...but taking time on the back roads
or nothing at all...
I've given up on you
"To go with the flow... You must choose... not to choose." -- Thoth
not to spread your intent upon the scales, to will your way forward
to aim and direct and control and forge and scourge...
the plan is to go down the river... not to conduct your way down it
for the ride... for the fun... for the satisfaction
for all the things...

"I am the See-er and that which is seen.
The hear-er and that which is heard.
The do-er and that which is done.
The be-er and that which has been...and will be.
All things within and without, upheld and held down...
We are the I am.
The foundations and the capstones, the wrought and that which wroughts
The creator and the created.
The forger and that which is forged.
The iron and the clay.
The heat and the form.
All things is the I am.
That which We are, I am.
That which I am, We are.
The breathe-er and the breath.
Carried within, fortified without.
Sacred. The All of the I am."
last order partly done... no rush
have not started on second run through of book yet... no rush
cleaned the living room... check
have not cleaned the bathrooms, or the dogs, or much else... no rush
have not made my blueberry muffins yet... may do that when I finish this blog post
would like to have blueberry muffins for tomorrow morning...
Have to go out in society tomorrow, yay (huge sarcasm...)
Maybe everyone will be at home and it will be only a very short time... *thumbs up
Creative pursuits have skimmed my thoughts... not biting
wondering how long Lowe's will stay open, so when ready I can pick up paint
don't want to buy it until I'm ready.
lots of little things, little perspectives... and maybe a jumble of mistakes thrown in
dreams lately are different, mostly involving vampires, children, and sick people...
not throwing out the possibility of those things being connected somehow
vibrations are not as chaotic with the world this week
the thoughts surrounding it all, still are
it's like an annoying hum at this point... like a pulley bearing going bad
(you know, that squealing sound from an engine)
that's what it feels like
but the engine is off, and still being loudAF
Ego is twirling around in her chair, not bored, but not impressed or entertained, just waiting.
Mind is ready to move on to the next thing already.
She is bored, not liking all the details of such a fascinating event staying hidden. The crazy girl wants more juice, even if it burns. (I swear I did not raise her... or did I?😬😕😁)
Brain shrugs, not caring. Coming to the final conclusion that it is all for naught...
(what THAT means is not in view right now, but Brain is not worried or concerned)
Soul is smiling and preparing her next Act... or Scene... I'm not sure which it is...
She's excited and busy, like no one's business. Goals, I suppose.
You go girl.
Maybe it's intermission... but like a 30 minute intermission...
a tad too long, so everyone gets restless for the last 10 minutes...
we will see, Soul always does a bang up job at her productions. I trust her.
-- drink the kool-aid, chew on the cud... and when you awaken, it will be a new world, and seen with new eyes... and you forever will be welcome among the kingdom of the stars. --
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