My whole entire shadow self is drooling all over this quote.
Like, literately in love.
Because it's everything ...
all the love and joy of darkness and the stars...
...and truth...
only a perception from each individual consciousness out there
hence why 'nothing is true' is actually more closer to correct...
but even that's not true either LOL
and death...
behold the written element of an ending into a new beginning
so wonderful these things are...
that quote was posted on the ancient order of the hermetics' group...
which is probably one of the best and most non-judgmental groups that I am part of
(is it relevant that the evolving and spiritual groups are the WORST!)
(probably not, but I want you to realize the beautiful contrast, it'll be relevant later)
so there was a comment under the posted quote...
and they were saying something about leaving the unfit and the outcasts
and them not partaking in glory or truth...
give or take a bit... I just laughed when I saw it
my whole inner SOUL laughed and blurted out.
"Let me be one with them. The outcasts, the unfit. Let me be them.
I'll take them all. Let them be me."

and if I were to choose a side...
I'd choose the Dark Side
I am on Chapter 38 and I managed to keep people alive without killing them off...
although I considered it...
but the outlook would have been bleak for my MC...
and she's done dealt with enough this whole book...poor kid
anyway... I'm guessing they will wrap this up these last 2 chapters.
...I hope so...
1 order left, plus 1 more whenever I just do it.
have some possibilities lined up...
BUT after those 2, Imma remodel the stairwell and downstairs hallway
It needs COLOR!!!!!
and I've noticed the door needs something special too... probably stars and shit
And I'm taking my own advice once again! (I am a genius, remember)
and this will give me a welcoming empowerment kick..
and Ego might get a kick out of it for awhile, bare with us....
yep, time to GO
fli (fli)
fli fla (fli fla)
fli fla flo (fli fla flo)
savesta (savesta)
kumalala kumalala kumala savesta
(kumalala kumalala kumala savesta)
oh no no no no savesta
(oh no no no no savesta)
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