Not the alien ET's which are not quite willing to show themselves yet...
There were three... and they're rather satisfied with my receptivity to them of late
Look at me taking time, *like a boss!
The Alchemist
and my very good friend
they are bunch...
and they light the sky
interacting with them was fruitful and expansive
diverse conversation abounded
they are patient, ever so patient with me
I'm grateful for their time and attention...
and I know they know that I know that they know...
something is coming...
I feel the weight of it on my shoulders
through my chest...
and they are blatantly pointing the way for me...
even in all my blindness
The world is condensing...
like a squeezing into matter to form and change what is
into something else
and we have no choice but to concede and allow
even if we are wounded
even if we are to suffer
even if we bypass into joy...
feeling it, is why we came
I would ask Metatron, one of those random help hone my aim...
to give a focus to something... anything...
"Could you not give me a purpose, a passion, an aim, a goal or something?"
my Ego self would query, all in an effort for something she thinks she wants..
when really she just wants a challenge to overcome for fun...
"You aim to find all of yourself. Is that not purpose enough?" He would reply...
of course, the answer is a question... but that's exactly how these guys work...
and the answer arrives, delivered upon the edges of that silver lining.
and the waters clear significantly more... 'there is it'....I would think... duh
soon after, thoughts would pass by, some not even mine... but when it settles once again
it came back to the core... the home, and the root, and the heart
He doesn't hesitate to answer those unspoken questions...
"When you find your way home, your family will be there." He stands, preparing to leave, as if he was only here for a few random replies. I smile, knowing he was always busy, yet never busy...
My very good friend shows up right next to me.
Metatron merely nods, glances to me briefly, and departs.
The Alchemist looks at me, impressed with my satisfied silence. Even as my thoughts traced back back back... somewhere... knowing who I already belonged to. Where home was, 'who' was home...
My very good friend prods me.
"You should call for him." He mentions with a shrug. "I'm sure he knows everyone else, where they are, who they are..."
He's speaking of Thoth. And I try not to harass him often, he is always busy. Always busy...although he will always meet with me, briefly, yet, consistent and loyalAF.
My very good friend is Soul family. And there's the Star family too. Their correlation with one another is yet to be determined or understood. It's too deep for me to delve into...
like a rabbit hole across the globe, when I'm still roaming this one...
I may ask them about it one day... or maybe the answers will fill themselves in.
I glance at the Alchemist. He nods, a slight urge to follow through and not partake in the thoughts that say I'm unwelcomed to call upon 'that which belongs to me', he grins.
so I do... and right when he becomes present, I realize I have not one question or comment for him...
I feel like a fool who just interrupted someone doing important work...
He sits patiently...(((okay, the dude hovers - He pulls himself out of his body to meet with me, every time, like I meet with him...)))
He mentions that not everyone is on Earth. Knowing enough that my thoughts were on home. That others were elsewhere. Some in the Aether, some still wait in the waters ((not literal waters, hidden depths...(hence why Atlantis is 'beneath the sea')'s unattainable right now))
...he waits, not even the slightest irritated, not that he ever would be...he reads everything, far more advanced than most of us...even the Alchemist, even my very good friend.
He begins to speak of something, not even my thoughts were there, but he saw it enough to offer both a stepping stone and a form of traction.
"It's not that you should serve, but that you shall be served." He says. Not deliberating about anything other than our royalty and deserved-ness.
"Receive that service. In it, you will become the served and mirror the server, through your creation."
Was he also offering advice on purpose and aim? Was he seeing that I still hung on the idea that we were all equal, but in doing so I delivered myself as sacrifice? To merely show others that the impossible was possible, and prove that we create all our lives the way we want.
That I hesitate far too often. And because I can, give far too much for the sake of 'look at what can be done'? This inconsistent masterpiece I created to deny our true heritage, our true natures, our truth...and our home.
I glance up at him. He nods slightly, knowing his words echoed through whatever stupid vibes I had going on in that space. I so appreciate his humane big brother approach, just as much as I do the Alchemist's brashness, or my very good friend's calm revealings.
I wave to him, knowing he had to depart...always busy, somewhere off in his other lifeform.
He imparts a energy that says he'd see me again shortly.

But there's another part... that knows what it is like to stand atop the throne.
and there's a part that has been taught to fear it
and her...
...I will slay her. ...what's left of her.
(((like totally absorbing her and alchemizing her to into self....
overpowering with energy, yo...
no death here, remember.
vibration blanketing...
all the words...all explaining the same thing )))
oh, my love.
I've been carrying you for a long time...
but now you must walk...
and grow, and step into self... into me
I will wait as long as you need
there's no time here
there's no rush
and an undying patience and love
'you have moved into a new paradigm'... so he said...
and when you shift like that... that sort of earthquake...
things break off...
and sometimes it hurts and causes pain, emotional, physical, all the ways...
but I am here and I will not grasp at it...
let it fall
let it fall
and stand true, stand solid
be who you are beneath the mountain
be who you are behind the fire
be who you are beyond the world
"When you are present, nothing else can be." ~ Thoth
bury= to shelter... in etymology
and with recent dreams of dracula and corona beer...
and a restless night of thoroughfares full of people...
...I am so done getting caught in the currents
so many are reacting and mindless and I do not want to be you
I'm not going where you are going... away with your distractions and solutions
afraid of being stuck at home, afraid of not being cared for and supported...
upholding the norm so as to ignore this upheaval as much as you can
I'm going home
and reign, while you drown in your rain....
so bury me, a death fitting for this part of me that has died
and with the new day
we will rise
“And when they seek to oppress you And when they try to destroy you, Rise and rise again and again Like the Phoenix from the ashes Until the lambs have become lions and the rule of Darkness is no more”
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