not even a guide really...just a great teacher...(ah but aren't they all)
or more along the lines of a homing beacon.
and he just wants me to use his name...
not appreciating labels any more than I do
I still refer to him as the Alchemist... what he is...
but not who he is...
the aether lands are like a mist right now...
a fog lingering about the 3d world... intertwined of sorts...
but yet separate
it's really a call to go to our depths, our roots, and our cores
a refocusing into the inward
into ourselves
and regaining the bearings we started with...
a freeing... one that is willing to help us move forward
it's not like the last time, when we cleared and cleaned and discarded the old...
nothing like that,
it's not the cleaning house, or making it pretty, or making space...
It's the staying home
staying centered
staying present within ourselves
and not getting drug out of our homes ...
or what most do... leave willingly...
it's the standing true...and the staying present
within ourselves.
and it is so needed.
it's only by comparison now that the book I wrote has this same core message
lingering within it... although far deeper
carried out through the beingness of the characters who live it
and all these things, all these messages...
are precursors to the divine becoming of what we are
we will find our way home, one at a time
we will remember what that means, as we center
we will see more and give more and become more...
and in the end... another rising of our greatness will emerge
and a greater truth will be acknowledged and heard
and those split from our families, our people, our humanity...
will find theirselves wrapped in the arms of acceptance
because we all have a home...
and we carry it within ourselves
and we are never broken
we are never lost
we are the home
and this is the homecoming
*thumbs up

"One Must Still Have Chaos in Oneself to Be Able to Give Birth to a Dancing Star."
Friedrich Nietzsche
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