From breaking your moral codes or ethics...
nor does it guard you from sin....
Keep your word
and if you must fall into your pit of pity....
fucking own it
tell the truth as you tumble
at least do that....
maintain some sort of decency
maintain heart
and not act like it was nothing but a casual encounter
make it right instead of carelessly disregarding the others
I'm completely unsure why people resort to less then...
what an insult
to yourself
to others
to your family
own it
keep your word
make it right
do your best
with kindness
and even if I often claim to want you dead
I will not ever follow through...
because that would insult my Soul
and I'm not like you....

((I just talk shit... owning it...
but I will always deliver my best.
even to you bitches out there...))
Crisis in etymology = decision; the decisive point
and you had better fucking decide who you will be during this crisis
decide how you will respond
decide how you will react
decide if you take a side or don't and which one it will be
decide motherfuckers....
decide in etymology = cut off; determine
determine in etymology = completely terminate; limit
this is the reaping
this is the moment when you will fucking stand or fall
and even if I don't stand with you...
I will stand alone.
so what does all that horseshit mean....? you ask
Ego wants to pray for the death of everyone living in fear
Ego wants to snap her fingers and scourge the earth with fire so bad that
even those hanging around the thots get singed
Ego wants people to stop cowering and failing to take responsibility
Ego wants people to be true and to follow through with what they say
Ego wants to never never never never help another motherfucker ever again
Ego wants the apocolypse and wants to slowly die long enough to see you all die first
Mind knows you are all little fuckers and will not participate in your game or world
Mind knows which decisions to make...and no matter how often people claim to do
this or that nice thing.... Mind knows to shove that right back up your ass
Mind knows that kindness only comes from those who are healed
Mind knows that many are not healed
Mind knows.... that as far as the eye can see... it isn't far enough to see those who are healed
even herself...
Mind knows all the good things and the bad... and accepts them both
and Mind loves Ego...and Soul
Brain is computing numbers and things aren't adding up
Brain has concluded that horseshit is often spread by people walking in it and thus
spreading it to other places...and people only think the horse came through...when in fact it was the jackass with the dirty shoes.
Brain is loving these analogies so fucking much
Brain shrugs alot, and has been assured that this is the best time to witness others...
and ourselves mostly
Brain understands...and is unafraid
this girl dancing as she pulls the curtain and reveals another scene
happy to be a part of this... this crisis...
Soul is thinking it's all so fucking beautiful, she even used the word 'fucking'
Soul sees the all the shadows and adores them just the same
Soul sees the light too, and silver linings give great contrast to the darkness
Soul tells us to just witness, not even reaching out her hand
"Let them discover themselves." She says... watching with great love as they wail in the pit
their own self made pits...
Soul has decided.
and she is fucking beautiful
and there's an eclipse cast across their faces....
the ones trapped in their holes
the ones in the caves...
the hollows of the earth...
and the light will come momentarily...
and they will look up to see the sun
and tears will fill their eyes
as they are discovered
discover in etymology = make known
and they will know themselves....
and they will know ALL
and that just means that someone decided not to pay for something they asked for...
I gave them a heartfelt response...about the real deal...
and the ball is back in their court...
...and it's not about the money... it's about them being honest and truthful
it's about making a decision based on their word
it's about accepting responsibility and being kind and not shoving it under a rug...
there's not a time limit...there's no rush... or anything
stopping them from either following through or being upfront truthful.
I accept honesty...
but to insult Ego with a casual 'I can't seem to mail you the check that I said I was sending out last week, because yada yada... the post office is too far and we can't go there because you know why'
is also an insult to light....
and light will burn you if you aren't careful
I had a dream last night about werewolves... they were crawling over the mountains and attacking the cities... I had a unicorn and I escaped on the unicorn down a huge waterfall
and the unicorn had magic the length of it's horn... and each time it used it's magic the horn would shorten... until it was used up...
so we had to stop and rest and let the horn grow back...
we made it out of the city and into a small building in the wilderness and a fox growled at us, but I growled back at the fox and it ran off...
and then the phone rang and I woke up :(
and I do not like that every time the phone rings, the tension in my body surges like no one's business
like wtf?! I will cut you...
Editing book... on chapter 12...
and this time it's taking way longer... like yowsa!
and chapter 11 ends on a huge massive cliffhanger... btw...
and I was impressed with the last scene... *thumbs up
like whoa.... holy shit! I only read it twice...and wrote it O_O
but damn.... villains are definitely my strong point
(who would've guessed 😂😄😅)
cleaned most of the house... 3 parts left, besides outside...
stairwell redo is on the agenda still...
garden boxes sometimes this week...
starting seeds today...maybe tomorrow....(it's cold today, yo!)
Citi is by far, way better than Capital One.... in case you needed to know
Tik Tok is a far better place to mindlessly veg out rather than facebook
any day of the week, month, year
The Platform movie on netflix... is.... bad...and slightly good because of the undertone story
which made total nonsense, but did in a weird way... hence why I even understood it
does that make sense? in other words... it was bad, except for the Samurai Plus...and the sword near the end
be kind... and kill them with it... you don't need that in your life
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