Another question...
I know he's trying to lure me out from any underlying emotions
and raise me higher to the logical thoughts...
because I am the genius...
and I knew knew knew beyond knowing ....that working from the body
was not in my own best interests.
Yes, maybe when you are reading people...
and maybe when you need to alchemize something...
and definitely when navigating...
but for basic common sense...
it's a rare thing for the Vulcan logic to fail.
especially when havoc is smeared across the peoples...
and their own vivid energies are cascading like overflowing puddles...
I see you....
and you are driving me nuts...
seems my own answers solve all the problems
and smooth all the rough edges...
and although Ego loves working from thoughts...
she hasn't reared up and claimed a voice for herself.
It's probably for the best...
she's not like the others...
Thank God
...and truthfully... she's chosen the Dark side...
a long fucking time ago...
and she likes it...
like how Soul drools over a kitten, loves it...
and will fight for the death... a thousand times... the. girl. is. crazy.
Good luck. Here's your warning in case she does speak her 'mind'.

Ego says it looks like a beautiful flower bouquet...
....full of flame and scents that will melt you to pieces...
I love her.
I went apocalypse shopping today.
and I didn't want to go, nor do we really need anything....
but for the sake of making sure I wasn't the idiot who goes over the weekend
or next week...or the week after... I went today...
and truthfully I should have went this morning at 8am....
Many things were already gone...
and I really just wanted the damn Prego sauce and Tombstone pizzas that were on sale...
meh... I got a rain check.
Still proofreading and editing book...
almost at the last chapter... and I'm smoothing things out...
will take a few days break afterwards before doing it again...
and I think I have a title.... (technically a subtitle)
... *thumbs up
2 orders... to go...
1 is on hold (question mark)...cause people don't check messages during a pandemic apparently
1 is whenever...cause no one is going on vacation soon....
I think I might paint the wall or take out baseboards from the hallway...
or clean house
...I hope I have enough cleaning supplies... *sigh...
hopefully amazon will still work...*thumbs up
I'm watching stocks and intending them to drop even further...
so I can join in some of the fun
I'm also looking forward to the economic downturn...
it may be detrimental to everyone else...
but I thrive... THRIVE like a boss....
Logic also seems to be pinpointing some rather disturbing patterns it is seeing
which is steering me back out onto the freeway...
and I can't discuss such things without sounding judgemental
(because Ego is disgusted.... yet she is maintaining a hold on her tongue...
which I find absolutely fascinating...I'm surprised she's not mad, actually...
but she knows that if she uses any word like 'hate' or 'please god, kill them all...better yet fucking burn their eyes out'... it will get thrown way out of proportion... (which in itself might be what she would want) little chaos maker she is... )
but... meh... that will be severed here properly and sooner rather than later...
he wasn't kidding about the changing paradigm....
I just can't.... be you...
Today I love the color blue, with sparkles
I love ukeleles and the fact they only have 4 strings
I love that my radio in my 4runner is not horrible, and still plays loud music
I love how the people next to me at the stop light think all sorts of things about that
even if Dance Monkey or Kpop is playing...or Imagine Dragons...
I love that I have a credit card
I love that I have spotify and I don't pay for it
I love the color grey
and the sound of kazoos
and the trembling of leaves on the bush outside my window
I love trees, all trees, every tree
and I love the ground they grow from
I love that I get to have anything and everything I want
that we are able to get along as humans... even if we forget that we can
I love glitter and the millions of tiny reflections of light it creates
I love the letter G and the number 12
and apples
I love the color black and how it's what surrounds earth when the sun is asleep
I love you
and I love myself
and I love all the green growing things
I love circles...and wood...and money
I love people with bobcats that also happen to love circles.
I love pasta
and Italy and Romania and Bulgaria and Russia and Canada
and Pineapples and mangos
and all the things that grow
I love chords... and harmonics and that feel of gold
I love the sound of gold actually...
it tings...
I love the sounds of silver too... it tings better
(but don't expect to buy any silver right now, the preppers are buying it up like m&m's..., there's a temporary $300 minimum on jmbullion right now O_O)
I love that I already have some...
I love that I have guns and ammo and knives and coffee and sugar... and chocolate
I love that I have all the things
and that we are all taken care of...
I can be taken care of by a big round pool too, fyi
that will be nice
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