but pah-leez!
this is not a hard thing to understand...
You can't just say certain words and make them even plausible to the comment...
have you looked up the meanings of words???
most of them are easily recognizable....
but I don't think you know what they mean...
these are not big words...
they are not hard words...
rather common ones actually...
this IS easy...
so step the fuck up... and get your thoughts reined in....
cause you are going loco, yo
and I will not reach my hand down into the pit to pull you out...
lest you pull me in....
climb motherfucker... climb... here's your ladder
"We are done seeking comfort in our limitations."
a quote a friend posted yesterday....
and do we know what our limitations are?
I mean, I am well aware of mine...
very attuned to what they are, to exact science almost...
actions to take to disempower those limitations are what's elusive...
we all know we have struggles...
we know them well...
but what to do about them...yeah, that's what we need
~show us the way~
some people can help... and help enormously too
show us doors, mirrors, windows, views, solutions...
even a single sentence can shake us from those stuck patterns
and I'm thinking people don't share enough of their stories...
how can those who are stuck on this random subject find the door out....
if you close it and don't tell us there was ever a door...
share your shit...
the grit you frolicked in until your skin was raked raw....
the mud you wallowed in until you were wrinkled and cold...
so we know where you were...
and then tell us what changed and where and why and who...
and how the door was actually this or that for you...
cause maybe it could be for us too...
I don't want your structured check lists...
I don't want your 10 steps to whatever...
I want you and your truth...
that's all that will ever save us...
especially when we are stuck in the mud... or the grit...or the swamps of life...
even if you are ashamed of ever being in the mud....
fucking tell us how to get out of it, douche bag.
and we are done with limitations....
and I dare you all to see them and destroy them
seek and destroy...
it will be fun
and it will be a good day
You know what I did yesterday?
Spent way too many hours mindlessly scrolling tik tok... (for the win)
I did read the last bit I wrote in book... but didn't add more...
still on chapter 35
I was all prepped to cut out sewing stuff, but fabrics weren't condusive...
and now waiting for reply back from customer to see what she wants instead....
I did get a bunch of the designs printed...
so tomorrow I will be cutting out appliques ALL DAY O_O (for two dresses!)
good thing it's going to rain
I had a plan to talk about 'Support' today...
but now I'm not sure why...
like sometimes I feel a certain someone is against me...
and I want their support... (especially when I've fallen into that 'efforting' shit)
and other times they don't seem concerned enough to annoy me about it...
like... dude...
then the next day they are up to remedy my requests...
... like that's all I need... humor me until I get what I want...
then I'll leave you alone until something new comes along... that's all...
this is not hard
stop playing the 'wave game' and we can vibe together in cool crisp calmness <3
(fyi: the wave game would be like having a low vibe, then high, then low again...
and being an ass) (not to be confused with the loco idiot in paragraph #1)
I like how I can call people names on here.... neither one of them read this blog
and even if they did... *shrugs (no shame)
And then I was thinking I could write about going with the flow...
instead of against it... and 'efforting'...
because I know I've been doing that regarding finding someone with a bobcat...
and I know I need to not do anything
and it will get taken care of...
like, I KNOW
dude, I told you, I already see my pool, yo...
and I have a little robot I get to throw in it to clean the bottom...
anyway... Brain is being a fucker and wanting to know things I don't yet know...
Soul is chilling and singing... enticing me to follow suit with Dory...and
'just keep swimming' in her most charming voice...
Ego is internally laughing while also holding a solid eye roll...
Even she is tired of Brain's shit
Mind is actually being a retard right now and clapping along with Soul's song...
(I don't really know the difference between Mind and Brain... but there is one...)
Aether lands.... no clue...
I went and did that fucking 'get in your body' bullshit that I wrote about NOT doing...
and now I'm sitting in this motherfucker all disconnected with Awesome...
*sad face
I will remedy that shit tonight...
look.... I tried to see it all from some other angle and work with this
wonderful electrobiological specimen....
but this is not my cup o'
it's great when participating in certain activities...but in my truth...
I LOVE my connection with myself far more... thanks, but no thanks...
(and I don't live here... I visit periodically, erratically at best)
"Sorry Karen, my mom called and I have to go home"
okay, that was far too many words...
not sorry
maybe I'll talk about limitations again tomorrow and throw some real truth your way...
or not..
ask me tomorrow, cause sometimes I forget I have them LOL
and if I get back out into the aether lands... I might forget they ever existed...
interesting theory.... I will look into that...
(NO, NOT on Google. The Aether.... or Ether... for you prunes who like simple words)
~ interdimensional healing ~ ???
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