...because they built themselves upon dreams and expectations...
and not upon their own soul.
When you watch the hearts of others withdraw and fall back into duality...
even when they preach about peace...
oh the masks you wear...
I fucking see you and always have...
yet you can't see yourself...
you can't remember who you are...
you can't find the truth...
and your eyes fall prey to the truth of something outside of you...
you've forgotten...
and you've hidden your love beneath your reflections...
and am I abnormal to devour the world and all of you pathetic humans in love?
am I such an anomaly to give even more compassion when it's needed more?
am I so insane enough to sacrifice all expectations and judgments to see under your masks?
I will not follow you into your own deprivation
I will not follow you into chaos and duality
where the winds blow east and the waters race west
I will not decide to withdraw truth and love out of fear
I will not cower to fear
I will not coddle to reaction and blame and shame and all the fucking tsk tsk's...
I will not step away blindly from pain and pretend it is not allowed
This is a safe space
THIS... as in me
and nothing you can do, or say, or even pile up 'facts' upon...
will ever crumble this kingdom...
it's built upon Soul
I am the builder
I am the creator
and I know my parts...
and in doing so, I know all others
I will not hold anything but a space for ALL the THINGS.
All is well.
There is great love for you here.
and the conditions...
are irrelevant.
Stand before the Christ... or the God...or the stars...or the forest...or the mountains
and know
there is no greater truth than love.
and ALL is allowed to be

~~ "The same star lights up the sky and kisses our eyes like poison." ~~
So I may have taken a liking far too much to a perspective that allows all to be.
Everyone wants to choose a side.... EVERYONE wants to be left or be right...
and even religion teaches to choose a side....
lukewarm is a sin... remember...
Fuck you...
I choose ALL, BOTH...or if it must come... NONE
Full life and love..... or nothing
Half ass living is not a life
keep that to yourself... I will not partake in mediocre
Stand above the walls
See all sides...
Rise above the world
See all...
all is beautiful... and it can't not be...unless you are staring at a brick wall...
Be nice... be kind... the given rule...
I will be nice and kind and a bit cruel too...
I will tell you to fuck off.
I will take money if I found it on the floor
I will also give it to you if you ask
I will judge and I will love whoever I want
We will always forgive....and sometimes forsake...
fuck you.
I will do as I please.... and love you as I do
I choose all...
and you too are allowed to be here
you are allowed
I allow you
I played ukelele all day yesterday and barely got anything done
My work ethics are at their prime, haha!
I did clean the fish tank! And go to the DMV!
Today I did not go to the store like I said I would....
and even as 4pm approaches...I'm still not going to go
I don't want to people....
and for what it's worth..I can't even facebook today either...
...I did comment earlier...
and my heart is peaceful about the being seen and heard...
because it's important we all accept other's as a brother, as a sister...
and I thank this novel I'm writing for all these perspectives...
and know that even if we hold someone in a brighter light...
their shadows sometimes are cast darker...
but who's fault is that?
yeah...you get me... you understand
give more love if you feel your expectations have been broken....
give more love...
give more...always give more... give it all away...
every last drop...
I love you humans...
and I despise you too...
but to bleed out....
mmmm.... it's like candy....
knowing I'm staining you and making you cry and grit your teeth on rage...
oh...but the love
You have no idea the depths...
the bottomless pit that you fear... can't ever fill up...and can't ever be empty...
you have no idea when you only see in duality...
"come up here"
see us all
like the stars see us
I really am planning to get something done today...
even if this ^^^ stuff keeps rolling out of my feelers
mmm... too many words it seems...
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