Financial Feng Shui 101
Money and Action
There's parts to dating.
The eyes, the attention, the asking out.
The wooing, if you will...
The getting to know one another.
The holding hands, the first kiss.
The cuddling.
The hot and heavy.
The omg.
The overnighting.
The proposal, the engagement, the set the date.
The day!
The honeymoon.
More omg.
....and after that, many get left for dry and don't know what the heck they are doing.
but just hang on a sec... there's more.
The watching each other handling life.
The burnt suppers, the laughing at your favorite shows
the frustration when one of you watches ahead 3 episodes, the omg, Imma kill yo ass!
the bringing home a puppy, a kitten (or two), or a child.
The mess, lots of it.
More omg.
the new car, the new job, the wrecked car, the lost job
raking in the cashola...and the broke af.
ooohhh! All the juicy stuff! and the reality of not ever really knowing what you're doing or why.
Money is the same way.
This whole introduction.
and you get to know each other.
...and just like a relationship...
eventually you too (you two)..
get both sides of the truth of one another.
Thing is... it makes you stronger...and if you allow it, creates so much of an unbreakable bond...
you end up 50 years in and love this whole adventure even more than you did at the onset.
Most of us are postmarriage with our money.
We are learning and relearning and RElearning who tf this person is we call our 'moolah'.
Always trying to make it happy, make us happy, and hoping by chance we can keep this thing going without having to put in so much fucking work.
But...just like a marriage....'working on it' usually always means you are creating problems by getting all up in it's business.
I want you to try and step back a bit and allow for a moment.
Just detach from the whole energy of grasping and controlling and 'trying' to make this thing work.
We KNOW already that never works and creates so much more resistance and frustration.
So quit it.
Take a breather and step back to gain a perspective on the bigger picture that you can see.
Money comes in.
Money gets used...or saved.
Money goes out.
1: Money comes in. In-come. -- Through a job, services, a hobby or two or three, other people, investments, interest, assets, stocks, bonds, hustling, catching opportunities, luck (or a 'system' what I call it with gambling at the casino), and about 100 other ways we've never thought of.
2: Money gets to work for us, with us. -- It provides things for us, it takes care of our business, or needs, our desires, it helps us and others, it supports our lives and others, it makes things better, it helps us gain clarity, it hones our perceptions, and broadens the possibilities, experiences, and opportunities we get to participate in.
3: Money gets spent. -- we pay bills, pay debts, pay others, buy what we need, feed ourselves, pay taxes....and it's gone.
Or is it?
It was just energy in that form and we used it.
More energy is always coming.
Always. It may not always be in the form of money, but it's definitely coming.
It's easy to imagine a truck in your mind and manifest a truck.
(I did this with my 4runner...took 3 months, but I got it and I paid cash, regardless if I ever had that kind of cash when I started visualizing my 4runner that was gonna look fucking fantastic in my driveway!) You can picture the make and model and color and year, you can get pretty detailed and seriously sit inside it!
Imagining money is a bit obscure. As money is energy and how do you picture energy afterall?
A glowing flow of liquidy light? Lightning? There sure is a lot of different ideas on what that looks like. Even for cash you mean American money? Gold bullion? A check in the mail... I mean... it's numbers....and numbers are identifyers of more than just monetary value...
It can be done, but get detailed and stick with it.
The first thing we all do when visualizing cash, is we get 2 days in and lose patience and then we change it up to something else that seems easier....then we forget for a couples days and then we change it again to something we think might be more plausible based on what we can already bring in...then we fall off the wagon and claim it can't be done.
You know this is true. I can't even admit how many times this has not worked for me for that exact reason.
So you can visualize the thing you want. Material things often stay solid. Easy peasy.
You can visualize money too, but energy moves and fluctuates, so you have to stay true to your vision.
If you want to date money and go on an adventure...
--- I suggest creating an income statement.
Write out what money does come in consistently.
and what goes out consistently.
and ALWAYS give yourself 30% FIRST!
("Ack! 30% is a lot, what?!") it certainly is and you fucking deserve it. You are paying yourself.
Stop giving it to everything and everyone else until you get your cut first.
SOUL gets her 30-fucking-% for putting up with the bullshit you swear you 'have to' do.
I guarantee after maybe a few weeks you will FEEL a huge difference in this energy, because you are giving that energy to yourself FIRST!
Every amount of money that comes in, YOU get 30% for Soul's stash...and that is for her to use on whatever she desires. And believe me, she will let you know when she has one.
Not for bills, not for debts, not for new work pants, not for your kids school supplies.
I soooo know this is the most hardest to come to terms with...I know... but just try it...give it 3-4 weeks... tell me how you feel afterwards...and if it still sucks, then try something else... but 30% is the going rate. Don't undervalue yourself. <3
--- Pay your bills SECOND
Everything you owe and are obligated to. Hold up your commitments and promises.
When we begin falling behind in these things, the snowball effect so-to-speak will increase that fall through. Even if the minimum is all you can pay, do it.
No one likes extra fees just because you needed 7 extra days.
Pay the important things in order.... and make sure your order accurately reflects your values.
You may think your phone payment is important, but you know damn well you have to eat and have electricity to even charge your phone before that. You need gas to get you around. You definitely need to care for those you are the provider for.
(food/shelter/utilities) basics and then go from there.
--- Most people think paying debts down is next. Fuck them. Make your bill payment, even if it's the minimum....and make sure your household has food and what it needs. (No, not 5 cases of Charmin in every bathroom kinda crap) Food for a few weeks, basic cleaning/hygiene supplies, stock your freezer.
I'm not saying become a doomsday prepper or stock months and months worth of goods... I'm saying, consider you're still going to live there for a few weeks, so provide for that extra time when you can.
Not having to think about buying groceries every paycheck actually frees your mind to consider your path and plan at a much clearer and certain state.
You want to be clear. And no one is ever clear if they barely have groceries to last through the week.
--- Stash a few bucks in cash here and there. In your car, your wallet, your spouses wallet, your desk drawer, your backpack. A few bucks... maybe $30, maybe more...whatever you are okay to set aside, Whatever feels good. It's still your money, it's not going anywhere without you. (not including what you give your spouse or kids, consider that a goner, lol)
It's fun having money in places you frequent. Even funner when they get more friends to join the party next week. This is a cash stash. For a smoothie. For new tires when yours decides to lose it's tread. For those work pants. For those school supplies. For that extra oomph to get one of those debts paid off completely.
--- After all that. After you are in a place of 'okay, all that feels good and what?'
Tackle and decide what you want to do with any debts you have.
Write them out. How much they are, how much the minimum is, if you are paying interest and what that rate actually is. (how much it is costing you to carry it, if anything) When the special interest rate ends, etc.
Everything from your rent-a-center couch you had to have for twice the cost, to your car, to your mortgage, to your credit card(s) (x5), to your student loans.
If you are paying interest on any of these... you need to completely devour the one(s) with the highest interest rate. They are stealing your money and you know that balance barely budges.
Mortgages aren't usually over 6%, no biggie if you are handling the payments just fine.
Auto loans are what 12-16%...maybe... idk, I haven't had a car loan in 15 yrs..
Student loans are usually set, and probably aren't looking to pay those off anytime soon.
Credit cards, bank loans....oooohhh, these little buggers... can be anywhere from 0%-29%
Let's eradicate the ones over 10%...
If you can't pay them off with a hidden chunk of money you have, I would suggest moving them to a 0% interest balance transfer card. It costs you a tad up front, but...if you don't plan to pay it off in 2-3 months, that fee is chump change compared to the massive amount you already are paying in interest alone.
You can apply for new credit online, depending on your credit rating.
If you've fucked that up by not paying your bills/mortgage/cards recently.... there are consolidation loans (yuck!) bankruptcy (great if that's just what you need and you're fine with them being all up in your business 1000%) or disappear off grid (my fav, but I don't agree with not holding up to my word, so I have never done this)
Most debt is not from people making bad choices... (well, maybe if you bought that $4k couch from rent-a-center, it is) but sometimes things got too much and we were trying to maintain it, maybe someone lost a job, maybe we just didn't know what we needed versus what we thought we needed...
No shame in this game.
You are fully forgiven for mistakes, whoopsies, fuck ups, and on purpose bad decisions, and for the world fucking you over when you were not prepared. Happens all the time. But we learn.
Now we are making new decisions that can alleviate any money mishaps and bring us more into abundance rather than struggling to 'make things work'....
There are soooo many doorways to bring in extra funds by doing or offering up your time or skills.
We can take extra jobs, take on side hustles, charge for our talents or products we've created.
We can do a lot through doing....
We can get clarity and centered and let this whole idea of doing = money,
turn into something closer to being = money, allowing = money, flowing = money.
I'm not saying go sit under a tree and meditate your bills away.
But you can spend time there and bring awareness to why you believe bills need to go away.
I'm not saying to quit your job and bail on your debts or responsibilities.
We get to have abundance, including a warm place to live, good food, and technology.
I'm not saying to just give up and let the world have it's way with you.
But I absolutely want you to have your way with it.
And you do that by getting into the mess and organizing your inward self and outward business.
Do one without the other, you'll be in for a one-sided struggle bus of whatever you got going on.
We need both.
Both awareness and intent to carve a new path for our wealth and abundance.
To get familiar with what we want and how we want to feel about it.
And to hands-on do things in our finances that move us to a place of support for that new abundance.
There's cash flow with having assets that pay you. Investments that pay you. Hobbies that pay you.
Money flows through these things because they are part of your river.
Money flows TO what you do, not because of it.
If you place these things in your river, even if you want it to be meditation or art or writing...
Energy will flow there and absolutely can be in the form of money energy.
(you would find it probable that the amount of trust/attention you have for this directly reflects into the income it brings in for you - great place to discover any blockages and mindsets to clear)
Some of us don't even have consistent income where jobs give you a paycheck every week. (like moi)
But that doesn't mean money doesn't come in.
I sew things, I paint things, I do what I want to do....
yeah, I might have only brought in $971 for June... (I keep track, yo!)
but July gave me $3380... April $8348... inconsistant AF, but I know it's my inner work that took a nosedive in late May and in June...(I was readjusting and realigning)
so, in truth, it had little to do with what I was actually 'DOING'...and 99% of where I was at energetically.
When I started early July making huge energetic movements, things lined up for me to expand on opportunities and monetary gains.
Did I 'do' anything, I did, absolutely, but I didn't do it without first getting my river set up for it, giving myself ease, allowance, pleasure, more pleasure, and fucking walking into the next few weeks with knowing I was being who I wanted to be and not anything less.
And I may have played electrician and wired a whole outdoor shed for free yesterday... but now I might also get a part of my yard leveled for free, for my patio. So, what feels good, be a part of it all when you are needed.
Leave the expectations out of it and be centered in your SELF.
THAT is what all energy flows through and gets defined through. Make sure YOU are a good signal.
Here's a fun list of things to do.....
get creative, make art, build things, open an etsy shop, sell your shit on the marketplace, storage auctions, yardsales, flipping, pet sitting, photography, drawing, play ukelele on the street corner, give advice and ask for money for it, become a coach, teach a skill, cooking classes!, organize other people's stuff, clean houses, drive around on garbage day in nice neighborhoods and save the tossed out furniture and fix/redo it and sell it for more, sew, brand yourself and gain a following, share your knowledge, run errands for others, drive for uber or lyft, do field inspection, sell goods in your online shop, drop ship, investments!!!, crypto!!!, rental houses, build houses, remodel campers, build sheds/playhouses, woodworking/repair, gunsmithing, raise worms (there is something here), dog training, watch kids, homeschool teacher for parents who want to homeschool but cant (big openings on this), advisor, logo design, website design, t-shirt designer, create stickers that piss people off!, become an extreme couponer and sell your extras out of the garage, gardening, teaching gardening (I need this), housecleaner (I need this too), yard work person, plant specialist, aquarium tender, dog walker, hairdresser, organize group activities, decorator for houses/weddings/events, fix cars, rebuild engines, teach mechanics, ETC
* Whatever you do...make it so fucking LOUD it cuts through all the noise. Everyone does what you make a statement where you stand out and somehow do it better.
Here's a fun list of things to be.....
Patient, funny, happy, joyful, excited, easygoing, relaxed, brave, spontaneous, adventurous, abundant, wealthy, healthy, wise, silly, comfortable, serene, peaceful, amazing, inspired, loved, compassionate, passionate, in flow, aligned, centered, clear, solid, steadfast, valuable, worthy, meaningful, fulfilled, special, amazed, breathtaking, beautiful, kind, nice, gentle, friendly, empathetic, honorable, courageous, powerful, strong, heartfelt, assured, focused, meaningful, aware, calm, restful, lively, agile, quick, desirable, supportive, supported, magical, inspiring, wonderful, welcoming, excellent, smart, knowledgeable, amiable, cordial, accepting, allowing, relieving, reliable, radiant, ready, prepared, accountable, accurate, dedicated, wondrous, expanding, evolving, including, included, becoming, being.
* Whoever you are, whoever you are being... make it so fucking solid, it stands true to YOU first and then stands out to reflect exactly what you are and brings exactly those things comparable, to you.
All of these create energy and bring energy. All of you has inlets for that energy to flow, allow it and open yourself up to more than just one way of 'doing' things. We get to have both, have all...
They say the coin only has two sides...but bitch, we have a hoard of coins...and there's so many sides who's not gonna count them all?!
I believe in abundance without having to define it this way or that....
and it's proven to come without the job, or without the hard work I will keep doing it this way...and when each of us are ready, we'll head to the next level where we can desire more and receive more too... together, hand in hand...
Cause we are married to energy, remember. And now it's Tuesday and we want our tacos.
And next week is the finale episode of our favorite series, and we are watching it together...
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
FFS Money and Action
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Dancing with my foot in my mouth
There's a sacredness in what you hide from the world.
When one sees so deeply that you see yourself, you know what is sacred and you only take those crystals out when your guests are few and your bonds are as sacred as the pieces you share.
oh...but often, even all of yourself is overlooked and seen as quiet nothingness to the eyes of those who can't ever see beyond the shadows, those who have never tasted heaven's nectar...
and they scoff, or look away, or are only caught up in the thoughts they are entangled in...
and you...
standing there, having presented them with a sacred piece...are left with your gift unaccepted and dismissed.
and you reaffirm that you are even more sacred.
a fool for having shown them the sapphires and emeralds of your soul...
... pearls cast before swine...
and the doors are closed to the urchins on the street...
and the peasants sent away...
because their is no place for you in the kingdom of the heart
and heaven is here.
I'm not talking about the dirty or old or weary or weak or beggars...
I'm talking about those without recognition of angels, or stars, or songs, or energy...
sleepwalkers... zombies... the 12... the clones... the asleep.
and so...
and so...
the sacredness is reserved for the forest spirits.
the water spirits.
those who have dance parties in 7th heaven whist you drive to Target...
The smiles. The laughter. The dance. The energy....
There will be no sharing it with the commoners.
It is for the gods.
and dancing will be with those who are alive. awake. aware. and those who have crossed the fire and the flame. and drowned in the depths and soared through the stars.
The ones who can recognize sacredness and give their own.
We are calling in $5k
It is designated for departure on the first shuttle to 505 (maybe 605)...?
and we shall Chase it down with the rest. ;)
Business Monday is tomorrow
I just named it that, cause I got a lot to 'do'....ew
Takin' care of business... but not busy-ness....
Serious work. Good work.
Like my monetary reception of this is accurately delivered.
Serious upping the game, all because it's a Monday and people seem to think much of those type days.
I think I will start a book tonight/tomorrow.
This will devastate my idea that things will sail smoothly and I'll get plenty of sleep.
A worthy sacrifice except I'll also sleep enough and things will sail smoothly...
because I said so
I love how it's 10pm on a Sunday night and there's all this 'totally gonna rock this world' energy
I totally will.
I hope Monday morning shares the sentiment.
Of course it will.
Lots of aetherland stuff...
too much.
I'm not even going to write it all out...
it'll be in the book, I'm sure.
The Alchemist is here...
"Are we still lingering on these distraction before you just begin?" He asks...
perhaps because I'm not sure I want to start a book.... like do you even know I won't be able to stop once it starts, right? Maybe if I type it here....the book will wait til...
"Until what? Until you spent weeks putting it off, hoping by chance the whole plan is forgotten." He cuts in through my thoughts. "I wrote this plan, you are aware....yes?"
I certainly am.... and I did sign the contract too... and I read the plan, even if I didn't read the contract, and didn't put up a fight....
"Still having trouble with starting?" He asks, ready to remedy that whole thing in an instant.
I debate how to answer... perhaps in saying yes, it will be vanquished...perhaps it requires more work?...
but what if I say no...that'd be a huge not true statement.... and anyway... as a Pisces sun...starting is not my strongest attribute, I own the finishing though...
I say it firmly. As really, vanquishing is a big word...and the Alchemist is all magic and I want to see how he translates the word 'remedy'... my curiosity is bound to create adventure, yes?
He smiles. Too broadly, too fucking fast.
Oh fuck...
"I do want to sleep!" I yell out quickly, making sure he knows I'm not willing to sacrifice shit.
"Let's see here.....what you juuuuust wrote...uuuuup heeeereee...ah..." He glances at me. "A worthy sacrifice." He smirks.
"There is a whole sentence ther---"
"What? Were you saying something?" He jests...
He slams his book shut with one hand...what was he looking at? Is that my blog post in his book ????
"I will handle it." He assures me. "We start on..." He leans closer to me. "On Business Monday."
I close my eyes... another loss at my own game...
He's good....and I seem to be a master at presenting him with all the tools and set up for everything like an oaf.
"You're not an oaf." He seriously corrects me, gently.
"Thank you." I smirk.
"Better get to sleep." He whispers as he walks off.
I love him.
FFS 5 & 6 - 10
~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
We've got our river, we've got it cleared, organized, and have clarity on where we are headed, at least somewhat.
We have flow and know when and how to make our obstacles easier, at least energetically.
We are learning and at least we know we can work on these things.
We've felt our emotions and trust our navigating and driving skills.
We trust our river, our energy, the boat, and ourselves.
Adding momentum is about adding energy and increasing the amount of flow, of speed, of movement.
It's about knowing we are on course and then amping up the power a bit so as to make the ride more enjoyable and fun and exciting!
In simpler words, it's about adding some rapids and narrowing our river so it moves faster.
This is great to work on when we are in the zone and are centered, attentive, and focused.
This is for when we know know KNOW what we want, why we want it, and are excited to reach our goals and experience those desires fully.
When we are in a place of clarity and certainty about our desires and/or our course....
we have the means to increase our momentum and power to direct all forces toward those desires.
*** Note! - WARNING! *** If we are still yet unclear or uncertain about what we want or why...
we do NOT want to increase momentum! That's like getting into your new power boat,
but you're only 3 years old.
You gonna crash, mate! Maybe gain some air when you ram into that rock and go flying
over the river and into the forest....
It may look fun, but no... please reconsider.
BUT when we KNOW what we want, we KNOW what we want...
Here's your power boat keys... *hands little keychain with a key and a skull dangle on it to you
You are welcome to transform your powerboat into a raft with oars, so you can have fun in the rapids too. Or make it a cruise ship, whatever suits you :)
It's simple to add momentum and get it started....navigating it is what makes it fun and challenging!
To create this new momentum...
1. DECIDE - CHOOSE - SELECT something that feels utterly incredibly amazing!
2. MOVE toward it with INTENTION, and with that FEELING of incredible amazingness.
3. Have your end goal CLEAR AF in your mind's eye.
** This doesn't have to be an end all gung ho, 'Imma do this no matter what' energy (what a great way to BURN TF out!) We are still practice allowing and giving space, even in the rapids.)
** This just has to be clear, defined, and carry an energy of
Adding momentum is like
action steps + attention + maintaining emotions and thoughts (energy flow)
pretty easy...but it requires...
* focus (pay attention! There's no snoozing when the rapids propel you forward),
* a plan (you're moving faster, so you need to think faster before you get to the obstacles you are heading toward)
* and realignment consistently (making sure you are on course, making the same choices, following through with your plan, and being invested in the emotional energy you are working with)
* actual actions that align with your course and choice
-- FOCUS --
Become solid in your choices. Get to know them from head to toe.
Pay attention when your interest or awareness of them wavers, this is when you need to realign and refocus.
Pay attention to the actions you are physically taking, the choices you are actually making and make double sure they are in cahoots with your intended course and desires.
We do not want to invite in resisting actions while we are creating rapids, this causes crashes, burn outs, injuries, lost momentum, cold wet pants, and disillusion on where the heck you are going.
Distractions while in the rapids will wreck havoc. SO PAY ATTENTION!
Be hyper-aware of the energetic emotions during this whole ride.
If you hit a snag of doubt, of fear, of 'oh shit, what have I done?!' Stop immediately and deal with this energy right NOW. Do not let it linger, you do not want that in the boat with you, it will fuck you up.
Either leaving you without oars, a hole in your boat, jammed up against some boulder....and creating more and more of those exact same snags of doubt, fears, or 'oh shit, what have I done?!'s...
GET CRYSTAL CLEAR on what is in your boat with you! You have to trust your crewmates. (thoughts, emotions, awareness, source, etc!)
-- A PLAN --
What is your desire, where do you want to go, what's the best path you see right now?
Ask those questions all the time....because sometimes those things change slightly...and you want to change with them on cue. Even in the rapids.
This is like looking ahead and you see an issue you didn't see before and you want to avoid it!
So readjust your path and go around or through that issue with a new better plan.
Not all actions are every day things, or every week things, but stay centered and keep checking in with your course and planning steps.
Be vigilant about proactive actions that support and carry you along these rapids.
Pay attention to the course, what's on the way, (not to far ahead, but what you can see now), and plan accordingly to maintain a strong support system through this journey.
ONE STEP at a time.... but if you can see the next, make a note and plan for it soon.
* Don't distract yourself with things you haven't come to yet. (That's like believing the guy that said there was an alligator up ahead....but by the time you get there (cause you planned on fighting a gator for weeks!) and it's not even there at all!.... and worse yet, you are rafting the Colorado river and not somewhere in Florida....and you realize how much time you wasted....)
Focus and planning every step of the way.
Watch whether you are being consistent, whether you are making slight changes or big changes.
If you are making big changes, you want to slow down a bit and gain more clarity.
Small changes are fine, but don't get so swept away by some other path that it obscures your intentions.
Check in with your emotions on how this path feels.
If something feels icky, work through that. Decide if you need to pause for a bit and readjust.
(WE CAN stop the river on a dime, but it often leaves us energetically spent or up against a hard place, however if you need to pull back on the reins and turn the rapids off, it's okay to do so)
Sometimes we feel like the river is losing momentum after the initial first bundle of rapids... that's okay too.... and this tells you where you need to breathe for a moment and then prepare for the next set of rapids. (If you ever white-water rafted, you know there are breaks in between, some longer than others, some very very short....and sometimes an upcoming waterfall (windfall!) which is why you got in the boat in the first place.
Allow this time and space and TRUST.
Realign where needed and add new momentum if you need by focusing back on the emotional and energetic pulls you feel inside of you.
Here's where your thoughts and emotions allow space for the physical doingness of things.
You can call in Publisher's Clearing House to come to your door with a check, but you are still going to have to get up off that couch to answer the door! (bad analogy and maybe hugely out of proportion, but...
So take action! Manage the plan and take the steps! Do the writing, make the phone calls, clear and create space, pay attention, FOCUS, handle the emotions. ALLOW space and time and people.
DO things that represent YOU.
ACT how you would act as if you already had the desire you are creating.
STOP MAKING EXCUSES of why you can't do this YET!
Fall into complete trust with yourself and your source!
Exercise and MOVE the energy in your body! (like if you don't like gyms, just dance in your kitchen, or take a walk, go swimming.... chase your dog... I don't like gyms either...) (Do yoga or tai chi, or go window shopping, or do weird things in your backyard with a cauldron and pointy hats....whatever! Take long showers, stretch, embarass your kids with a funky dance...etc!)
MUSIC. Loud, with base.
Meditation, visualization.
PAY the bills, go to work when you have to, eat good things.
Tell your smallest debt you will not tolerate it living in your experience for one more month....cause you got new friends.
Make your adult kids buy their own shampoo.... whatever yo!
Do things that directly impact and support your course!
***** ((( I will certainly give you a run down list of action oriented things to help you in the finance area soon! It's a long post, but I know it can help. This isn't that BS shit you find on google about how to save money crap. ))) I know switching car insurance could save you 15% or more, or adjusting your thermostat can 'save' on bills.... BUT THAT IS COMPLETELY LACK THINKING AND IT IS A FUCKING TRAP!!! Do NOT listen to that shit!
You may think it's helping you 'get ahead'.... but it is often creating a prison around you. *****
Homework for 5:10 Adding Momentum
Plan out your course and desires.
If you are ready to add momentum, start taking actions, both energetically and physically.
DO the work, focus, hone, and take steps forward.
the plan
your desires/goals
and what you would like to see at the end of a given set date
Mediate and visualize.
Get familiar with yourself, your energy, and your navigation techniques.
STOP making excuses.
The rapids are for the prepared and brave.
Be aware of when you need to breathe and when you need to slow down.
Saturday we will have the next unit of 6:10 Knowing when to Rest
This is the opposite of entering the rapids.
Both are needed, both are allowed.
Will upload the Financial Actions thing I haven't named yet soon!
~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
I deserve this time to relax...
I earn this time to relax...
or my fav... I create this time to relax...
Similar to the stillness and silence versus movement and music...
The other end of the spectrum for allowing time and space and peace and quiet...
strengthens our other paradigm.
It builds resiliency and stamina.
It teaches us more about ourselves and gives room for introspection, readjustments, contrast,
time for course corrections, and the idea of letting it all fall away and falling of ourselves into complete peacefulness of not taking anything on.
A trust fall into allowing.
The letting go of oars, the turning off the engines of our power boat...
The allowing of it all to JUST BE... and especially letting ourselves JUST BE
The releasing of the 'doing' or 'aiming' or navigating' or 'planning'.
Complete release and revitalization.
It's about floating.
(not to be confused with 'drifting'...)
--- Floating is moving without effort along our river that we already created and formed.
We already did the work of clearing and creating space and shaping it with our awareness of thoughts and the cultivation of our supportive emotions.... We already did this work...
and when we've maintained that work,
we can absolute TRUST 100% that our river maintains that energy for us (at least for a time until we want to dive back in)
--- Drifting on the other hand, is just letting go without having cultivated's blindly believing that somehow things will just get better....but we haven't even made that river, cleared anything, we don't know where we are going, or what kind of river we are even in...
THIS is why so many stay in effort and struggle...
They do the 'doing', but they neglect the 'energetic being' of the energy that moves through us.
So when they relax....they feel like they should be 'doing' something to maintain it, or they feel like things have suddenly gone to shit...
( was always just were covering it with your distraction on the doingness this whole time and not even looking at the crap you had building up in your river...)
We can't always forever float and relax, but we can make the whole process easier and easier by simply giving ourselves inwardly and outwardly our attention to where we barely do anything but realign our thoughts and emotions when needed....and the 'doingness' actions are always easy, simple, and practically moot....because they no longer become 'hard work'...they simply are things we kinda don't mind...and then they are just things we do because we want to!
That is our true WORK.... when we integrate both inward and outward energies to become our whole selves....and our whole selves are based on JOY, LOVE, PEACE, WONDER, ETC, ETC, ETC!
Our work is not meant to be hard, or controlling, or abusive, or undermining, or painful.
It is meant to be purposeful, fulfilling, desired, and engaging.
***** So how do we know when to rest?
Sometimes we come to a place in our life paths that signal the end of something.
It could be when a big project is completed.
When something that required extra focus has ended.
When a sense of overwhelm enters the picture and we can't control the circumstances.
When we are coming into contact with the same blockages over and over.
When the momentum toward something falls off the cliff (waterfall! or windfall!)
When a huge new thing yanks us from our course because it is now at our forefront.
When we need to make a big decision and we don't have enough information yet to make that decision.
Anything that represents the same or similar energy vibe.
ALL of these will require that time and space for REST.
With money... it needs it's rest times too!
When we get a lump sum in unexpectedly. We don't want to act in a state of excited energy. We want clarity and focus first.
When we get a huge bill in unexpectedly. We don't want to act in a state of dampered low energy. We want certainty and solidness.
When we went on a vacation or spending spree and we need to take time to adjust our settings and plans to make room (and give time) for things to be refilled.
When we are constantly giving outward, but the inward flow is blocked.
When we are blocked at all involving an issue or challenge. We don't want to 'pay to make it go away'....unless we are sure of that and it will relieve a sufficient amount of pressure.
We don't want to spend $10k on a new deck from the 'Deck Company of the Millenium!'....without really considering whether 'Tom's Decking, been in business for 20 years, and we'll do it for $3k' is actually the better option.
When we are getting bombarded with those upselling us or trying to get our money. THIS calls for a complete and DEAD STOP! If this comes into your life experience, go within and fix this energetic cord ASAP! You either affirm the boundary that you will not partake with those who are insisting or feeding off your energy, or you allow them to entertain you and take advantage of you and sell you more than you ever could use in the first place.
Dead stops of our river are sometimes needed. And they require you to deal with it NOW.
Affirm boundaries. Instate new boundaries.
Create a space of timelessness to focus and find out what is best for you or the situation.
It's allowing everything to hold up and wait until you are able to join back in with flowing, with floating, with momentum, or with waiting longer.
This includes those times you pick up on something you definitely do not want to participate with or in.
Dead Stop!
When someone's needy or whiny or keeps 'c'mon man, I just need $20 for gas'...
Dead Stop.
When you asked for assistance, but someone is inconsiderate of your time, energy, or money.
Dead Stop.
When unexpected avalanches, floods, or waterfalls pop up out of nowhere and you lost track of your peace, place, path, or patience.
Dead Stop!
Anything that feels the same or similar in energy to any of these.
Dead Stop!
Floating and resting is about allowing without trying to get somewhere or something...
It's about being at peace with the now and trusting that your work will carry you.
It's resting without worries.
It's relaxing without trying or efforting.
It's JUST BEING in the river and feeling it out in bliss, or enjoyment, or soothing calmness.
Know when to rest.
Grow your awareness on the energies and when they start to rear their heads.
Trust you have the tools you need to know when the time comes when and how to add more momentum or lesson it.
***** How do you know when rest time is over?
When you get bored.
When you feel kinda hum drum about floating.
When something interesting strikes your fancy or pulls your attention.
When you feel the energy picking back up (rapids up ahead!)
When you get awareness on a new desire or path or plan that lights you up like lightning!
When you invite someone, or new thoughts, or new emotions into your boat with you.
When important issues arrive and you want to participate in them.
When you just want to cause some mischief, drama, or are generally ready for some excitement.
Anything that relates similarly to any of these.
Rest time is over. Take your last swig of scotch and reposition yourself.
Check in with your emotions and thoughts. Make sure they are in your corner and are supporting you!
They are your crew! No mutiny allowed, ha!
Check to make sure the river is generally clear. That there is some clear space.
Check your energy again!
Give some time to meditate and visualize your net course of action and how you want to feel about it.
Check your energy again!
And move into flow, adjusting as necessary.
If there's momentum, plan ahead a few steps, and pay attention.
If there's uncertainty, just feel it out in flow until you can make a choice or decision that feels supportive or in alignment for you. You can make a new choice if that one doesn't feel good afterwards.
This process is the same, over and over, regarding thousands of different scenarios and circumstances.
It's simple once you see where you need to put your attention and awareness.
It's easy once you can give time and space to yourself, and your emotions.
It's effortless when you learn to flow and trust.
No homework.
Just build awareness of your river energy.
Take a rest.
Have a great weekend <3
Next Wednesday is 7:10 GAINING CONTRAST
Hope you are enjoying this work and it's supporting you on your journey.
Thank you for being here.
Friday, August 27, 2021
New levels...unlocked
Ooooohhh... dear....
The sky has fallen
and it has devoured me
First off, I want to thank myself for keeping semi- up with this blog and writing about things...
even if I am vague...
because I woke up with a book idea...
and the title.... and I already have all the everything for it..
and ...
you know how they say that many feel like a circle trying to go through a square hole....
that feeling of being out of sorts with no place to belong or fit into....
I find myself moving effortlessly and quite beyond I know this place...
into...with...among...this space...
and I'm a bit unfamiliar with fitting in anywhere....
but holy shit...
I read a past blog post that blatantly pointed it out too....
(this one >> here )
and I'm wondering if my inner soul already knew where, what, who I was/am...
and it's like I got these new digs and outfit and it's my all time favorite...
but it was my favorite before anyway...
and I get to wear it all the time...
and there's just words spilling out like gushing in love and awe and
there's room for all of me here...
Back to the book....
oh fuuuuucccckkkk
The title, the whole thing...all ready to just be a real thing.... and I'm so fucked
Everyone knows that as a writer, if you don't write it out...
at least for me...
It will stay waiting in line FORFUCKINGEVER!
even years and years and years later....
Ask me how I know...
I dare you to ask me how many screenplays I have waiting in line in my fucking head....
I dare you.
That doesn't include Book 7 of Angel of MidKnight ( I on book 7??)
see I can't even fucking remember...
(but an every other year I have a few more months HA!
and I have no idea of the ending yet.....
oh wait..... oh fuck.... NOOOOOO!!!!
yes I do, I just received it days/a week ago..... and FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!
it's a fucking cliffhanger and now I know I'm doomed FORFUCKINGEVER!
Look I am literately in love with these characters....but for fucks sake...
for fucks sake....
immortal dragons don't die or get old like humans.... fuuuuuuccckkk
so I have a book to write...
along with my course...
along with maybe keeping up with this blog...
along with the screenplays I won't write anytimesoon.....but that doesn't mean they won't bicker and complain and WHINE....about when it's their turn to be written out... (they are children)
and AofM will need written come next year....
and it's almost September...
I would like to order sufficient monetary payment for writing shit please Universe....
send forth my way.... I accept. I accept. I accept.
I had an aether encounter with EM in focus 15.... (he's moved from 12 to 15 now....go figure...)
and we had a discussion... and apparently Imma need $5k.... here soon...
yeah, cause let's gamble on aether communications about what we do with money....
... oi vey!
but it's EM... and well... he didn't make shit up last time...
which also happens to be that last time that I didn't listen...but it happened anyway...
and maybe I missed out on some monetary gains... *lesson learned, eh?
mundane mayhem!
2 dresses to finish and ship out tomorrow... (yay)
1 dress to think about planning to work on while I don't do anything about it actively
5 pieces of art to make
1 art piece to finish
a duvet cover and shams to applique spaceships on...
the next FFS course unit to write out... for next week...
need to watch Castlevania... I'm just invested in Alucard...and I'm only 3 episodes into the next season.
lots of potential maybes...but meh...
If I'm smart I won't open the tab to start writing this new book... I don't want to sit and write today
(oh look, yet here I am already writing a blog post... pssh)
Im bored and going to go check on my quail...
sew these dresses up...
dinner, jeopardy, Roman Reigns...
package up those orders...
and take a long shower... and ...
instead of tik toking, I'll probably open up my mini laptop with Windows 95 on it...
and open Word....and start a book...
one without an ending... *for the win
And visualize the fuck out of receiving payment for every fucking word I write..
***mentally signals Universe that I want rush priority shipping
I get paid for every fucking word I write.
I love getting money for simply writing words!
I love that words can and DO translate to cash in my hand, cash in my pocket, cash in my stash, cash in the bank, cash in stocks, cash in crypto, and cash in my wallet too!
I love that money loves that I write and attracts to me all the time!
Later peeps!
Thursday, August 26, 2021
All the world is a stage....and the matrix has us
I've been exceptionally busy with 3d world stuff.
Forgive the writing blunders and lack of such...
beside things I am writing for my Financial Feng Shui course.
Remember something for me...
This whole world is just a movie.
Many are participating and interacting with it, like they are it...
and some of us are watching it.
We have box seats and we laugh at the idiots below who think it's all real.
But I digress....
This movie kinda sucks.
The writing is bad.
We already know the ending, it has the same lame structure as all movies...
(I can appreciate the tech that went into it)
and I want to remind you of the time I went on a cruise...
and the theater play was bad...
like so bad, that I would stick it right next to The Last Airbender...
and my sister and I begrudgingly watched one show....cringing the whole way through it.
it was that bad.
like this movie we are watching now... in 3d land reality
However....back to the cruise shows
So this next showtime was for a different 'story'... and so my sister and I, along with my other sister and mom....went to the theater.... our second time, their first....
and as the show started, (like being in the box seats) that same familiar cringe of laughter and 'oh my god, I can not sit through one more day of this horseshit' came over me (us)
So me and my sister got up during the first 5 minutes and walked out... in front of everyone.... leaving my other sister and mom petrified at our huge dose of rudeness (balls!) to leave...
We left and didn't think another thing of it...
and what happened....
more people from the theater got up and walked out too.....
cause it was THAT BAD
and maybe they needed that permission...
someone with the guts to do the right thing
the real RIGHT thing...
to leave the theater, to not watch the horrendous, play...
And yesterday there was a huge signal that I received from the aethers about walking out of the theater.
We don't even have to watch and laugh at the players, or participants, or even watch the shit show....
we can leave....
and when we leave, we give permission for others to leave as well....
Which brings me directly to the dream I had last night/this morning...
The theater was on fire.
Peope were in seats throwing up a hooplah about whatever and tossing bottles of condiments around...
literately ranch dressing, mustard...stuff like that... and someone commented about the syrup and how they didn't change the logo...but it said Mama Jemimah instead of Aunt Jemimah.... which was weird, but okay....
and way.... there were these people in their seats in front of a stage... (nothing on stage though...
outside of this room were like this MASSIVE AF theater building like ancient Greece cathedral university sized place... People were walking along just doing their things.....
It felt like it was a mini mall and people just being people....
There was a fire in the back rooms of the could SEE it from the door cracks...and I was wondering why no one cared or wasn't in a hurry...
But no matter.... I kept walking around trying to find the exit...
thing is.... like the matrix, there wasn't one.
This whole dream was directly comparable to the matrix. (not the movie, the actual thing)
So I remember seeing fires outside the theater too, thinking people didn't seem to care and didn't react to any of they didn't know, or didn't see it....idk...
The fire on the inside started spreading FAST! Smoke was everywhere! People still did not care!
I remember people opening the outer doors when the fire got closer... and the heat and flash burns incinerated them into ashes....almost instantly...
The only time someone screamed was when they realized they were on fire, but it only lasted a second.....everyone else walking around didn't even seem to notice these people burning to death instantly! Eventually the fire spread more and more and covered this entire massive university/theater.
The people inside were just fumbling around not even knowing what to do with themselves...and didn't realize the smoke was killing them and the walls were catching fire by the stage...
SO while I'm watching all this shit go down..... there's NO WAY out to even go anywhere....
Me and this other lady go back behind the stage to at least find a recess to get away from the smoke/fires... and sheetrock and insulation are fire retardants too , right?!
We find this storage closet (it had spiders in it) but we got in it and closed the door...
Then I immediately woke up...
with this broad and clairvoyant sense of CLARITY and CENTEREDNESS
I don't know...
maybe going inward is how we get out of this matrix that is burning down around us.
Maybe we can't just leave the theater... but we can know it's not real...and neither is this outward experience at all...
Maybe we have to go back in our closets...
deal with the spiders...
save ourselves...because no one else even knows what's going on.
so fuck me.... but this is something hugely in my view right now...
and it's just now 12:22...and I usually get up about this time...usually.... but the dream pulled me awake at yeah...
I got another unit of my course written... this blog post....
and lots of time to do the things I need to do anyway...
and go swimming...assuming the water is warm...and it's super hot/sunny out.
I just had to tell you about that crazy stuff...
and aether lands are quite reactive and responsive and there's this new connection I'm on that I'm getting to know better and better....
I'm sure it has to do with that contract I signed and I LIKE it!
AND this integration of shadow.... not just in thoughts/past/etc... but in body too...
it's just beyond my scope of words right now.
I'm off to wreck the world like a BOSS!
FFS 3 -4 :10
~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
Clarity. A big word that means more than the little letters can hold.
It's about KNOWING, an assured sense of solid centeredness and a big nod of YES.
When we know without a doubt what we want, the path to it carves itself out for us.
We can't see the path if we aren't certain. We can't sense it if we are hovering all over the place.
We can't walk it if we are looking at ten thousand other maybe's...or still sifting through the pros and cons.
The only time the path gets cut out is when we simply decide.
Once we decide and choose, all that energy of knowing is like a lightning strike.
It ignites and lights up the path of least resistance to connect us to whatever our desire is.
We may not see the whole entire path, lightning isn't quite a straight line, yo!
But we can see the first step. The one still steaming hot and shining brightly.
This is when you take it and begin your walk.
After clearing and creating space, we move into the place of gaining clarity on what we want to allow to move through our now open space, and what stays and what can keep going right back out.
This is about learning discernment. What helps, what benefits, what supports, what feels good, what is useful... and the opposite of what isn't helping, what does not support, what feels icky, or what is useless.
Allowing more and more of the best of things and experiences will attract more and more of the best of things and experiences.
** We remain clear to keep the flow, we remain spacious to allow it to gather and grow, and we allow more of what we DO want, and less of what we don't.
It's a learning game of paying attention, building awareness, and taking actions around what the energy is, where it's going, and why.
These journal prompts are about really identifying and sharpening our contrast on what comes and goes, and what we want more of.
Be aware of the feelings you have around the things and people and day to day interactions you engage with. And know that you get to choose and decide whether or not, or how much, of those energies are welcomed in your outer world, and your inner space.
You get to decide.
You don't even have to choose an option that is presented to you. You CAN create your own options as well!
(I do this all the time, because I don't like the ones the world presents to me...they're boring, or dumb, or unsupportive, or too hard, or too much work, or I just don't have that kind of time, or I don't want to.)
So I create my own options and choose the one that feels the best. ALL THE TIME. And I don't give myself shit about it. I know it works, even those times I have chosen to buy a go cart over 'saving' or investing or paying a debt off.
We DO NOT have to play into that trap of 'doing the right thing' according to the world. DO everything according to how it feels. Supportive, empowering, fresh breath of air, expanding....all the good things is what you want to trust.
Go deep on these and really get to know yourself. Clarity comes from focus and intent.
1: What things support you the most? ____________________________________________________
2: Which people support you the most? ___________________________________________________
3: Which interactions, events, situations, engagements support you the most? _____________________
4: How can you enhance and open up more space for those things that are supportive? ______________
5: What other supportive things, people, or actions could you invite into your world? _______________
and what actions could you take immediately to open that doorway? ____________________________
6: Which things, people, or circumstances have you feeling blocked, stuck, or limited? _____________
7: What steps can you take that will relieve the pressure or interaction with those things? ___________
8: For energies that you want more of, take time to visualize those good things to visit, to gather, to interact with your world. Feel the emotions around that support and expansion.
Talk with the people, give appreciation for the meeting, enjoy the visualization of experiencing the event. Give yourself the time to hone in on the presence of the emotions around these things.
9: Write out some of the most important new things you want to add. Be detailed. Be consistent. Get familiar about what you are wanting and why. Be truthful and go deep as you can.
Asking and confirming what you want is a huge part of this work. The Universe can't deliver unless it knows what you want and where to find you to deliver the goods.
Be centered, make sure your signal about what you want is strong, and send out the order form from the Universal catalogue! It always delivers when you are certain and in clarity about all your desires!
10: Visualize those things you just ordered above! Picture them coming in the mail. See you opening the packages and enjoying them. Visualize meeting the right people at the right time. Imagine all the things, all the places, all the everything! Spend time here for a bit.
How does that feel? __________________________________________________________________
Does this uplift and bring a stronger awareness to your desires? ________________________________
Does this feel like something you have the space for? Or are there things you need to remove so you do have more space? ____________________________________________________________________
Is how your life is now, allowing for the receiving of those new energies? ________________________
What can you take action on that helps align you with those new energies? ______________________
After you've done the journaling, do another walk-through of your space.
Open things and look inside, sift through the clothes a bit, browse all your things and furniture and the overall spaces around you.
Feel the energy of these things and spaces.
Write out notes on what things align with your asked for desires and what does not.
What can you change, or switch out, or get rid of all together.
Do you feel downsizing will help, or new items?
Would more fresh food in the fridge align to those new desires? More flowers? A cake? More plants?
More open windows? Music playing...
Our surroundings aren't everything, nor the main thing, but they give a direct relation to our world and where we may want to change, switch, redirect, or renew our lives. The awareness of our things and their energies, helps us attune to our intuition and builds our senses stronger, so we can move into direct alignment with what we want for ourselves.
Inwardly, pay attention to all the feels.
When we decide and choose our desires full on, it strikes the path of emotions too.
It tells us immediately where we need to move, what we need to allow, what we need to let go of completely, and where we still need to give space and time to within ourselves.
Lightning often sets things on fire. Like old items we've been attached to, old relationships we hold onto out of obligation or 'because we should'... It lights up the path we do want....but it obscures the other things we no longer need to travel with.
That doesn't mean we go and tend to those things all the time, but we just keep our eyes forward on the path, and whatever is not on it, will fall away on it's own. We don't have to do all the work. We just have to stay intentionally focused.
~ The hardest part is discovering what you really want and then choosing it. ~
So many just don't really know. Or they do, but they haven't decided yet.
Here's the key though.
There's no wrong answer...and while you walk your path toward your desires.... you get to choose again and again. It relights...each and every time.
Sometimes we walk and discover an even better option...and that lightning strike will light it up and it might deviate from the original path ....which is great, because now you are so familiar with walking your chosen path, that all that hesitancy and doubt and bs you've carried before, is long gone.
You know the journey has been worth it and a new path just leads to new and better each and every time.
It's a building of trust with yourself. Over and over and over.
So choose with complete faith, with complete trust.
So your river of life is clear, it's got swirling pools of space to gather and relax, it's getting clearer and clearer and you can almost see the bottom. AND you've got it directed to where you want to travel.
Whether that be through the mountains, along the prairies, the desert, the rainforest, whatever!
You shape it as you go along. All good.
Let's get to MONEY!
Be crystal clear on what you want for your money.
It is a fluid energy and if you aren't 100% certain of what it needs to do for you, it will splash all over the place and evaporate.
Be attentive and affirmed in your interactions with it.
It loves to be loved, but don't let it sit out in the sun and dry up.
1: What do you want your money story to look like? To feel like? ______________________________
2: How does money come to you now? ___________________________________________________
3: In what ways can you see now, can money flow better to you? ______________________________
4: If you ordered from the Universal catalogue of inlets for money to flow to you, what would you order? Don't hold back. You can get as imaginative as you want! ______________________________
5: What would you do with the money that came through those new and exciting pathways? ________
6: How can you build a fun relationship with money and how it's used? _________________________
7: Imagine you are having a great time hanging out with your bestie Money! Visualize that day and explore all the emotions and feelings you receive when you picture you spending time and energy together.
Those emotions are the ones that will build and build and uphold this whole relationship between money and you. Make it good, make it fun, make it creative and free loving!
Homework for 3:10 CLARITY ON DESIRE
Journal prompts
Energetic walk through of your space
Directly making the choices that benefit you.
(Write them out! Speak them out loud. Make them real!)
Taking immediate actions based on those desires.
(One step at a time! One step for each desire)
Money prompts and visualization.
Practice those emotions of building a strong relationship between you and your money!
Abundance log! Fill this out with all the little things too!
Create your own affirmations that uplift and support your work and space.
Please share, comment, or ask questions on the comment thread!
I hope this work helps you in any way and thank you for being here.
Saturday the 28th will be 4:10 Practicing Flow!
~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
The literal translation and meaning of Feng Shui itself is Wind, Water....
and both of these are the epitome of what represents the truth of what flow is.
It's about navigating resistance and moving effortlessly with ease, with grace, with peace.
Storms can be awesome and powerful too at times, and sometimes our flow will accelerate at times too... but generally and more often, we can be in a state of allowing and non-resistance.
This doesn't mean we aren't going to keep making our decisions and aiming for what we want and just letting the river of life have it's way with us... (except those times we are doing it intentionally)
But it means that we trust our navigating, our choices, our support, and can easily maintain course or adventure while also enjoying the sights and sounds of the world around us.
Not everyday, or even the majority of days is struggle. Or ever has to be.
We don't do that here.
That's like rebuilding your river every day, trying to go upstream and against your own inner knowing or energy, clinging to rocks and getting swamped by rapids, or stuck in the muck, or snagged on a tree limb you left there for years.
We know how to clean. We know how to create space. We know what we want.
Now we begin to cultivate the navigation.
For flow, we practice moving toward the simplicity, the ease, the path of least resistance.
We aren't looking to move the boulders in the river, we are simply and effortlessly choosing to flow around them.
We aren't looking to stay in our little eddy forever, or visit with every nook and cranny, or trying to figure out where to clean next. We simply choosing to stay in the flow.
We aren't looking to chat with the land lubbers either. They often pull us right out of our flow and use our attention up, distracting and pulling us away from our courses. We simply are choosing to stay in the stream of our alignment, and stay in our boat, and stay in our river, our lane, our world, our reality, our creation.
1. What things in your life thus far create the most ease for you? ______________________________
2. When you navigate something that was effortless and easy...What was it? How did you respond? What made it so simple? __________________________________________________________________________________
3. When you are in flow, how does this feel? What emotions come up for you that create a sense of support and fulfillment? ______________________________________________________________
4. What areas in your life seem less in flow? What are your areas that create struggle? ____________
5. Why do you think they are like that? What ways can you realign around them to make them easier?
6. Taking just the first action step regarding those difficult things, what is one thing you can do today to give them a new space, and create a path around/above/beyond them? _________________________
7. Visualize and sit for a few moments. Imagine those barriers or blockages in your river of life.
Pay attention to your emotions around these things or situations.
Picture your boat moving with the flow of water (energy) and easily moving past these issues.
When we energetically move past our snags, we no longer have to give attention to them, as they are now behind us, and we can again look forward to where we are traveling.
Do this again and again until your boat flows past these blockages easily. At first we may picture our boat hitting it and spinning around, or it getting stuck on it, or not enough water to lift our boat up and over the boulders.... Keep reimagining until it feels so easy, so simple, that that boulder is nothing but a pebble.
This imagery is us being intentional about adding energy (water) to our focus. It raises the water level to lift us over our obstacles, it, widens the river to slow us a bit so we can avoid the obstacles, it enhances our boat and support systems to simply bounce off and away from our obstacles....and so many other ways to bring us to victory.
Flow is about moving with energy, not against something, or navigating alone without our own inner support.
8. How does it feel inwardly about moving past these big things? ______________________________
9. When you imagined yourself move around these situations, what came up for you? How did you find yourself past these obstacles? ___________________________________________________________
10. Dig deep into your feelings, and hold the energy of gratitude and appreciation about how your boat, your river, your obstacles, your self, your energy, carried you further along. Sit here with this feeling of appreciation.
This work is about knowing without a doubt, that everything you ever need in this whole life journey is right here with you at all times, forever. Feel this gratitude and knowing. Sit with it, hold it, give it attention and a clear space within you.
Flow is about navigating past any obstacles we come across.
We design our river, but sometimes others throw rocks into it too. Sometimes someone with a speedboat creates waves for us. Sometimes the land shifts, or it thunderstorms and we get flash floods and rapids when we are not ready for such a turbulent ride.
When we are aware and conscious. When we are in a space of trust within ourselves....
No matter what we come across on our path, we know know know that we have the tools, the ability, and the energy to carry us forward, past obstacles, a place to rest, a place to map out new directions, and everything else we need and desire.
We can feel which emotions, which actions, which thoughts are easy and effortless and which ones we are trying really hard to 'get to' work.
You know when something feels heavy and irritating and frustrating and 'I don't want to deal with this horseshit'. You know when you have just had it for today, or when you wish a mthfckr would. You know when you are waiting for it all to crumble to dust because you have no more f*cks to give.
Those times.... are the perfect times to gain the absolute most clarity, because you know you want better, you want more, you want new....and that is where you clarify and decide.
THEN we allow ourselves to go with the easiest path we can find.
Not the 'right' one.
Not the one someone else wants for us, or someone else told us to take.
Not the one that looks good.
(Looks are deceiving and looks will not make you come alive. That's like agreeing to pretend that all these pretty things can make you FEEL, when they are just eye candy.)
What we want is the path that makes us FEEL alive while we decide to take that first step.
That feeling is the energy that starts our journey and will carry us throughout it.
That feeling is what we want every step, every day, every thought, every moment.
That feeling is the energy. It is the river, the water, the boat...
Make double triple sure you choose what feels the best for you.
(and not to worry, when you feel even better later, you can choose a even better feeling, boat, energy again later too! There's no FOBO here! We get to decide anew all the time.)
Take 15 minutes and do a meditation. Do a visualization.
Really really get familiar with your emotional inward energy.
This energy is the key that unlocks all the doors. That CREATES all the new doors!
This energy is where it's at and where it continuously gets refilled at.
It's the gas station, the supermarket, the Universal Catalogue to order all your desires.
It's the Source code.
It all begins here.
The longer you stay in alignment with it, the longer and stronger that energy fills and carries you.
We gain momentum here to create rapids when we want, or slow down when we want.
We heal ourselves here, inwardly, outwardly, and through all our relationships.
This place is the light, and this place is the creation of light.
Get in there and feel it all up (fill it all up)
You're the bucket, the boat, the river..... and your choices create what that energy flows through and to.
Money and FLOW
Sometimes we spend so much time looking at what is, that we forget to access our current and stream and keep pouring attention onto what we already see.
This in effect makes what we see stay longer. Stay more prominent, and stay waving it's arms at us, going 'Look at me! Ain't I so cool! Thanks for the attention!'
Let me tell you right now....
if we stop looking at what is (the bank account, the debts, the lack)
and go inward to look at what we DO want to see.... (abundant cash, vacations, a cybertruck)
Our attention fills that up instead.
We absolutely are choosing what we focus on, and while it may be a bad habit of comparing and analyzing and worrying or whatnot.... we CAN switch those patterns onto something else.
We can create new conduits and new flow into always having enough, having more than enough, and knowing we are fully supported.
It takes practice.
It takes intent.
It takes awareness like a BOSS not to fall back into the 'look at this bill!
Instead catch that bitch and be like "Look at this measly bill I'm going to slaughter and send to the gates of Hades!!!! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Cause I'm so fucking abundant and wealthy, this is mouthwash."
Get fucking ridiculous!!!
Let me tell you why....
Because it's fun.
Because you're energy does not know the difference between what's real and what isn't.
BUT it responds directly to the feeling you give out.
It responds to your signal...and if your signal is all like.. "Hey, I need 20 bucks.. for gas.."
It's over there going... "Wtf she say? I can't hear a damn thing over all the racket going on."
But if you are saying "Yo, I've learned my lesson about selling my 10 shares of Tesla stock, so Imma buy those bitches back...send me the means, cause I am not going to fuck this up again."
The energy is like "You sold your Tesla stock, wtf is wrong with you?!"..... then slaps you with a sackful of cash to fix your shit....and gives you a black eye cause you probably had a ton of emotional energy behind it...and yeah...that's how it works.
Get ridiculous. Make up shit.
Energy doesn't have the same limitations and absurdities as you do.
It does not see barriers, blockages, weaknesses....
It sees a path... and
and you are the vessel and the channel and the compass
Homework for 4:10 PRACTICING FLOW
Journal prompts
Walk through and clear what has gathered
Create space within about your new desires
Reaffirm and clarify your desires by writing them out and visualizing!
Connect to the energetic emotions that support those desires
Move more focus into your wealth areas and get ridiculous
Spend time with that energy of abundance
Flow past or through one of your struggles.
Pay attention to where you need to allow more and allow more flow.
Next Wednesday is 5:10 ADDING MOMENTUM
Stay in this!
We are almost half way through, but it gets easier and easier the more you hone these first steps.
As always, feel free to message me if you need more details, have questions, or would like to work with me for a more customized approach.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
FFS 1 & 2
~Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
Clearing is about creating room to breathe. Room to stretch. Like giving a sigh and allowing yourself relaxation.
It's moving the physical and emotional into a more aligned placement, so thoughts have room to pass, emotions have room to be felt, and the things have their own place to go.
It's an out with the old, the hard, the dirty, the heavy, and the cramped.
So when the space is prepared, it's in with the new, the ease, the clean, the light, the simpleness.
Clearing is like an eraser.
When we wipe out the things that we are no longer wanting to travel with.
These can be mindsets, beliefs, ideas, stress, frustrations, struggles, etc....
It could be the deleting of things that we feel hold us back, that drain us, that pose ongoing challenges, or create delays.
First step is simply identifying the things we want to change, get rid of, clear, or clean up.
Below are some simple prompts to help you get in tune with defining and bringing awareness to these things. Both those things in the world outwardly, like your living space, your job, family, career, money, car, etc.... AND those things inwardly, like your patience, mindset, awareness, intuition, trust, etc....
Take some time and delve into these prompts as much as you feel called. Get to know the issues you are wanting to change or expand upon. Really get to know what you don't want anymore, and what you do want.
When we define what we do want, it creates a picture of the possibilities, so the Universe/Source/God/Self, knows where to lead us. If we never know, then we usually keep going in circles, detours, or a nice kind of 'meh'. Nothing wrong with that, btw. And sometimes we like to try new things and change it up, all good.
(((PS: I know many of you will skip actually writing any of this out....but I want to make a HUGE HUGE HUGE point....
Writing it out and letting your eyes see and read what you've said, is one of the prime ways to bring awareness, remembrance, and to pull these deep things from under the covers out into the open.
This in itself allows you to change it. Otherwise it will usually stay under the covers and you'll never directly hands-on change these things. AND writing it out, let's you come back to it at the end of this course and you can for reals SEE and FEEL the difference in how you've done the work!!!)))
1: What top 3 things in your life do you immediately think of when you considering doing a total erase of? ____________________________________________________________________________
2: If they were removed, how do you think you will feel?
3: What actual physical things could use your attention on clearing out?
4: Which things or thoughts feel the most heaviest and hardest to negotiate?
5: If you could recreate your world any which way you please, disregarding your current abilities, what would that look like? _______________________________________________________________
6: If you could create the feelings and emotions you would want to feel on a daily basis, what would those be? Joyful? Full of love? Peace? Understanding? Wisdom? Confidence? Trust?
7: Take a minute and sit quietly. Visualize your self-created world. Both the things you see outwardly, and how you inwardly feel about yourself. Explore this new expanded version of yourself. Feel the energy of how it feels to have, be, do these things.
Really pay attention to your body and the energy that moves through you. This energy is what you want to lead you. The energy of freedom, of security, of trust, of knowing you create your world and are allowed to do so.
Walkthrough time!
This is the hands-on, small little tidbit of actually looking and observing your surroundings.
Make a list of things you want cleared, cleaned, moved, or changed.
Doesn't need to be elaborate, but make a note.
-- Walk through your home. Pay attention to table and counter tops, open shelves, and floor walk space.
These are one of the focal points on clearing.
-- We want all counter and table tops to be as clear as possible. Not pristine, nothing on them, but not cluttered so much, you can't even use the space itself. Write down which ones need attention.
Cluttered counters and table tops grab energy and hold it still.
-- Open shelves are for display or books. Make sure these aren't too overworked. Does the things on it have breathing room? Are things too big or heavy for the shelf itself? Make a note!
Too big, heavy, stuffed shelves disallow flow, especially if they are over your head height.
-- Walk space. You should not have to contort your body around items, or walk a certain way over/around other items. This is one of the absolute factors in creating flow, clearing, and allowing...things in your way that you have to move around are blockages, limitations, and obvious signs of struggle. Make these things FIRST on your list of clearing to tackle.
-- Check your work space areas.
Your car (please pick up things off your floorboards and remove items off your front dash!)
Clear your wallet and checkbook!!! You don't need 12 coupons in there, or the card to win a free smoothie. CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR!
Clear your schedule of the things you obviously are not wanting to do. If you have an obligation, learn now not to invite that back into your life for next time.
Keep yourself, your time, your mind CLEAR.
Focus on clearing space that you see openly. We'll get to the drawers and cabinets later!
~ Clearing your thoughts ~
You know when a thought hits you that pulls your energy into that funk of 'ugh'.
When it comes. Call it out. You can say it in your head, but just like writing things out allows you to see it, speaking it out allows you to see it there too....and doesn't allow it to hide back under the covers.
"This is too hard, and stupid..."
Take your other half and call that bitch out.
"Shut up Karen, this is easy for a goddess like me. Imma rock this world like a BOSS!"
Literately do whatever you have to do, say whatever you have to say, and OWN your shit.
Sometimes we can say it nice, say it truthful, say it with pizazz, but YOU GET TO CHOOSE how to respond to yourself too! Don't put up with your own BS!
This is where your badass ego of love pours out and swallows up your whiny 'I can't do it' vibe and reminds you of how awesome you are and GET TO BE!
Don't be afraid of yourself.
Choose what you want and follow through.
Clear out those thoughts that are not supportive.
Clear out those feelings that hold you back.
Clear out those structures, rules, limits, barriers, etc...that are not serving you.
WRITE them out. CALL them out. GET them OUT of your way.
Clear your surroundings.
Outward things mirror our inward selves.
Overfilled, cramped cabinets create too many thoughts,
messy unfolded clothes and towels are confusion and forgetting,
unfinished projects create delays elsewhere... clear them, finish them, or get rid of them,
old, broken things hold us in a state of undone... clear them, fix them, or replace them.
Take 15 minutes and sit with the clarity of how things would feel on being cleared and free.
Really feel this energy. Get to know it. Get to know it like you ARE it. (because you are)
Allow the room, the breathing space, the relaxing, the ease.
Love yourself for allowing this time.
15 minutes. Every day.
Add some affirmations if you'd like.
"I love clear spaces. I love space for growth. I invite new experiences. I welcome new abundance."
Whatever words you feel are supportive and empowering. Whatever you need, give it to yourself <3
Start an ABUNDANCE log or journal about the abundance you have in your life and come in contact with.
Make notes of money you receive, gifts you receive, acts of kindness from others, things that help or serve you. Try to add in items everyday. Really keep tabs on what is flowing and how it improves over time.
Also keep tabs on gifts and services you've given to others. You are a part of the world and this too allows abundance in and out of your life, like breathing, like living...
*****I know you might be wondering how this relates to money! I assure you, when you get clear on these things and take actions that reveal this is one of the main examples of how it will manifest into your world. Clearing your wallet and checkbook is first step.
If you want to give an extra effort in speeding this up, get your financial records and know what debts, bills, or areas you want to really deal with first. WRITE THESE OUT!
1: How can you rearrange these things to create a clear space?
2: What areas do you feel supports you in allowing more income?
3: What can you delegate to others to handle?
4: What is most pressing?
5: Where can you open yourself up more to receiving?
Visualize these things being handled and taken care of. Really sit with the emotion of relief and/or receiving the things/feelings/support you need.
*** Don't focus on the money itself, as money is a fluid energy and it has NO FORM!
Focus on the things you want to accomplish with the money!!!! The thing, the experience, the relief, the joy....
SOOO many people try to think their way rich, or debt free, or receiving cash all the time... BUT
BUT BUT BUT!!! The energy of money, of debt, of receiving is not a tangible's not a real thing... HOWEVER... the energy of an item, of an emotion, of relaxation, of having enough, of experiences, of joy... IS A REAL THING AND THAT IS WHAT CAN BE CREATED!!
I once manifested $42,000 ....and what was the thing that allowed it to come?
Sitting with the 'giving up of trying and forcing'...and just allowing myself to receive the 'relief and trust that I have it no matter if it ever showed it's face in reality'. I HAD IT WITHIN in the form that was real. And that called it forth into my reality. Energy MATCHES energy. Match what's real for you.
Sure there were other things at play, other real world occurrences that finally came through, things that finally lined up...but all of that was out of my control. I had control of myself though.
I want that for you. To know your 'REAL' inner truth, and to allow everything thing you are to be experienced in the world.
Homework for 1:10 CLEARING
Journaling prompts
Notes of your walkthrough
Clearing and cleaning all major items on your list!
Meditation and visualization after the clearing.
Thoughts and emotions after the clearing.
Abundance log
I'm doing this work along with you! I've done it before and I know it works for me, I hope it works for you too!
Writing and calling things out out loud is a big thing, try to do this! Do the visualization at least once a day, more if called. This hones your energy to the desire and let's you strengthen your intuition on your path.
Friday is Q & A, along with shares if you feel up to it. Take pics of before/afters, share some affirmations, whatever can help one of us, may help another. Cheer and support each other.
Saturday we will be moving on to 2:10 Creating Space
Use these 3 days to clear those obvious places, to bring awareness to your thoughts/emotions,
and to clear energy for new abundance to arrive.
~Financial Feng Shui 101 ~
Creating Space is all about the providing and sustaining space for receiving.
Room to receive, gather, and store (at least for a short time) new abundance.
So not only did we create new flow in the river of life through clearing, we are now creating a few eddies and coves to create fun swimming holes, deeper waters, and places to relax in place for a time.
This relates to clearing out the spaces that are intended for gathering, storage, and an opening for receiving.
Creating space is the hardest part of this work. It requires emptying, rebuilding, remaining focused, keeping clear, and then coming back to it with a strong sense of pickiness about what you're going to keep and what you're not.
It is the backbone of the whole process... as when you have flow, and create space, that space fills up and it fills up FAST! It also fills up continuously until it's FULL!
and if you want to keep things moving and more fresh energy coming in, you've got to stay on top of it and keep creating space.
That means to become aware of where the flow is slowing, how much areas are holding for too long and where you need to adjust and shift for things to flow even better.
This next step, these next 4 days is the oomph power to get our river set up. This is basic structuring and the upholding of all the other things. Start this process and actually complete the first two steps, you will see a shift in the abundance levels. After that we sift and sort and hone our focus, but these are the beginning and firestarter sparks that ignite the abundance inferno!
When the spaces we have are filled...and left that way for too long, this creates stagnancy. A stickiness to where the whole entire flow becomes sluggish, backed up, and sometimes a complete stand still.
There's no where for new energy to go. There's a back up of old energy that hasn't been dealt with and is becoming rancid.
Energy is meant to be utilized. In AND out accordingly. Even if it's used physically as in objects and exercise. Emotionally as in joy, excitedness, crying, etc... Or any number of ways that move energy in and out, out and in.
Even money. We receive it and we spend it. We can save it so long as energetically the energy around that is also clear....whether we have a goal for that savings, or even an emotional peace we are receiving through it.
Again, write out these journal prompts, really take a real life look at your world, your surroundings, and your inner junk drawers. Focus on where you gather, carry, receive, store, and hide things our of view.
These are the vessels that secure what is coming in for you to delve through and keep what you want.
These are the bags and containers that hold energy for a time until you use them.
1: What big things feel stuck and stagnant in your life? _____________________________________
2: If everything was an energy, which energies feel sluggish or heavy? _________________________
3: Sit quietly and feel within your body where there may be similar matching sluggishness and energy.
Heavy, dull, numb, or knots within us. These are emotions or traumas that are still waiting to be sorted
out and discovered.
Write out what you feel and where these feelings are located in your body. Describe what they are or what they might mean to you. _________________________________________________________
4: If you could unstick all the heavy things and recreate your river for flow and spaces to gather new energy, what would be the first things to recreate? _________________________________________
5: How would it feel for you to see your world open up? For new opportunities and new energies to come into your life? _________________________________________________________________
6: How would it feel to have those inner emotions and thoughts be fully dealt with and healed? What sort of space would open up within you? How would that really feel? __________________________
Know that when we begin this work, it open a lot of doors and pathways. Sometimes it opens long forgotten drawers and closets we've been shoving stuff into for quite a while.
When we work in the river of life to restructure, it kicks up a lot of mud. The water looks gritty, the rocks are indeed sometimes heavy. We remember and find things we've forgotten about.
When these things come up, it's not about conquering them, it's about seeing them at this time, in this place, right now.
Throwing them back into the drawer, the closet, or buried under twelve blankets is the same thing as leaving the rotting fish clinging to the cesspool of the side of the river.
Give them time to be seen. Give yourself the time to see them. That's all energy needs is attention and direction.
That's who we are. We are the directors and creators of how this energy is used, kept, and moved.
Get involved with your outer world hands-on, and get involved with your inner world, hands-on.
Walkthrough time!
For our outer worlds, this step will be the messiest. I apologize now for the mess you're about to find yourself in within the next few days. Moving and sorting just these things alone is crazily fun and you might go a bit insane.
-- A quick list helps keep you on track and guides you to the follow-through completion. Start jotting down your actual physical storage places and transporting carrying totes.
That means your drawers (yes even the junk drawer(s)! especially them!), kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc!
Your closets, all of them.
Your entire car, the trunk, the console, the glove compartment, all of it. It transport YOU!
Your cabinets. Kitchen, bath, garage, etc!
Your wallets, bags, pockets, baskets, bins, whatever. All these places that hold your things, all the places that hold your energy. At home, at work if you can, in the places you often are.
** What you see openly is the flow, what you see only when you open it is the storage. **
Get to cleaning. Take out the drawer and dump it. Go through it all. Be highly discerning as to what serves you, what you use, and what if anything you really could care less about it. Take it out and throw it in a giveaway box.
Clean, sort, and fold all your stuff. Remove what you don't enjoy, love, or have time for.
I would love to recommend Marie Condo's ...'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up' if you want to get gung ho SERIOUS about this.
Otherwise, do the best you can. You'll feel better if your socks can breath, but sometimes we just gotta get started and get detailed later.
~~ For creating space within.
When things come up in your thoughts, or emotions...give 5 minutes and sit with them. They need you. They can't move, shift, change, heal without your presence. Give them you.
Love them, allow them, accept them. It's okay to be with them. Sometimes our allowing of them alone can shift them. Sometimes moving those energies to our heartspace can heal them.
This course isn't all about the shadow work, but there are so many brilliant ways to be the space where the healing and allowing of these big inner energies can be received and released through us.
Always feel free to message me if you would like help on this.
Creating a space within for us to be who we are and allow all of who we are to be seen and heard and FELT is imperative for growth, expansion, receiving, clarity, and abundance.
Create space within most of all. <3 this alone can change the world, our world... the outer things are just a microcosm of that which we fully are.
You won't get new things in if you are always holding onto the old useless things.
You can't receive new energy if you keep playing the old channels.
So CLEARING for flow - CREATE SPACE for receiving.
AFFIRMATIONS for 2:10 Creating Space
"I have enough space to hold all of my desires. I am able to release and receive the best of things. I welcome new energy. I love to spend time with new energy. I give attention to the new things and am a safe place to receive more. More good things come when I have a place to care for them. I carry that which serves and let go of what does not. New things are always on their way. New energy fills my spaces all the time. I am always receiving. I am always flowing. My house breathes fully. My car breathes fully. My space allows me to breathe fully. I am full and in flow. I have what I need and have room for more of what I desire."
Whatever floats your boat. Make up what feels good and supportive for you.
Money and creating space.
The first important place is within. We need to clear our inner emotional energy around money.
Do you feel tense when thinking about money? Overwhelmed?
This represents hesitancy, mistrust. You feel unsafe, unsupported, and oftentimes in a full on struggle with the energy it revolves around. Whether those be bills, debts, lack, scarcity, and unclear.
Thoughts are one thing that can be overridden with new thoughts, or new practices, but the emotional side is another. This can't be changed simply by 'doing' this or that to shut up the feelings.
The feelings can only be changed through just that....feeling.
And the feeling of them can be changed energetically by your presence and allowance of them to move.
We often tend to grab hold of a feeling about it and justify it with our thoughts and beliefs about it.
But in letting just unclenching our hand/mind... and just being a witness and watching without judgement....creates a space where this emotion can move. The more we allow it, while just watching it yank and pull and twist our insides... the more it will feel safe to emerge.
When the dark emerges, it moves into light and that emotion can and will change and begin it's healing.
It can't do that if we hold it back, if we point the finger or shame, blame....if we cover it, hide it, deny it, ignore it, or pretend it doesn't exist.
Every time a thought or feeling pops up, catch it, witness it, allow it.
Soothe it. Give it a safe space. Say affirmations that bring relief. Create and rewrite ideasl and beliefs that feel supportive for you in this NOW.
This is a practice. Reread lesson 1 on clearing. Do lesson 2 on creating space. Do them over and over until you feel the resonance and space to move forward.
Nothing here is a race, a rule, a structure, a 'you gotta do this and that' shit.
You are the space and this is just a message for you if/when you need it.
I know these things take time and even if it's 2 years from today... every bit of it, every step will be worth it. <3
Homework for 2:10 Creating Space
Journal Prompts
Walkthrough notes
DO THE WORK on cleaning, clearing, providing space in all the nooks and crannies!
Meditation and Visualization before and after the physical work
Time with your feelings around money. Just be the space, not force or try to make it do anything.
Fill out your Abundance log, don't forget to add that you opened up new spaces for receiving :)
Next Wednesday we will continue with 3:10 Clarity on Desires
No rush, these files will be available for you to copy/print through out this entire course to do in your own time.