A crisis does not exclude you from your responsibilities.
From breaking your moral codes or ethics...
nor does it guard you from sin....
Keep your word
and if you must fall into your pit of pity....
fucking own it
tell the truth as you tumble
at least do that....
maintain some sort of decency
maintain heart
and not act like it was nothing but a casual encounter
make it right instead of carelessly disregarding the others
I'm completely unsure why people resort to less then...
what an insult
to yourself
to others
to your family
own it
keep your word
make it right
do your best
with kindness
and even if I often claim to want you dead
I will not ever follow through...
because that would insult my Soul
and I'm not like you....
((I just talk shit... owning it...
but I will always deliver my best.
even to you bitches out there...))
Crisis in etymology = decision; the decisive point
and you had better fucking decide who you will be during this crisis
decide how you will respond
decide how you will react
decide if you take a side or don't and which one it will be
decide motherfuckers....
decide in etymology = cut off; determine
determine in etymology = completely terminate; limit
this is the reaping
this is the moment when you will fucking stand or fall
and even if I don't stand with you...
I will stand alone.
so what does all that horseshit mean....? you ask
Ego wants to pray for the death of everyone living in fear
Ego wants to snap her fingers and scourge the earth with fire so bad that
even those hanging around the thots get singed
Ego wants people to stop cowering and failing to take responsibility
Ego wants people to be true and to follow through with what they say
Ego wants to never never never never help another motherfucker ever again
Ego wants the apocolypse and wants to slowly die long enough to see you all die first
Mind knows you are all little fuckers and will not participate in your game or world
Mind knows which decisions to make...and no matter how often people claim to do
this or that nice thing.... Mind knows to shove that right back up your ass
Mind knows that kindness only comes from those who are healed
Mind knows that many are not healed
Mind knows.... that as far as the eye can see... it isn't far enough to see those who are healed
even herself...
Mind knows all the good things and the bad... and accepts them both
and Mind loves Ego...and Soul
Brain is computing numbers and things aren't adding up
Brain has concluded that horseshit is often spread by people walking in it and thus
spreading it to other places...and people only think the horse came through...when in fact it was the jackass with the dirty shoes.
Brain is loving these analogies so fucking much
Brain shrugs alot, and has been assured that this is the best time to witness others...
and ourselves mostly
Brain understands...and is unafraid
this girl dancing as she pulls the curtain and reveals another scene
happy to be a part of this... this crisis...
Soul is thinking it's all so fucking beautiful, she even used the word 'fucking'
Soul sees the all the shadows and adores them just the same
Soul sees the light too, and silver linings give great contrast to the darkness
Soul tells us to just witness, not even reaching out her hand
"Let them discover themselves." She says... watching with great love as they wail in the pit
their own self made pits...
Soul has decided.
and she is fucking beautiful
and there's an eclipse cast across their faces....
the ones trapped in their holes
the ones in the caves...
the hollows of the earth...
and the light will come momentarily...
and they will look up to see the sun
and tears will fill their eyes
as they are discovered
discover in etymology = make known
and they will know themselves....
and they will know ALL
and that just means that someone decided not to pay for something they asked for...
I gave them a heartfelt response...about the real deal...
and the ball is back in their court...
...and it's not about the money... it's about them being honest and truthful
it's about making a decision based on their word
it's about accepting responsibility and being kind and not shoving it under a rug...
there's not a time limit...there's no rush... or anything
stopping them from either following through or being upfront truthful.
I accept honesty...
but to insult Ego with a casual 'I can't seem to mail you the check that I said I was sending out last week, because yada yada... the post office is too far and we can't go there because you know why'
is also an insult to light....
and light will burn you if you aren't careful
I had a dream last night about werewolves... they were crawling over the mountains and attacking the cities... I had a unicorn and I escaped on the unicorn down a huge waterfall
and the unicorn had magic the length of it's horn... and each time it used it's magic the horn would shorten... until it was used up...
so we had to stop and rest and let the horn grow back...
we made it out of the city and into a small building in the wilderness and a fox growled at us, but I growled back at the fox and it ran off...
and then the phone rang and I woke up :(
and I do not like that every time the phone rings, the tension in my body surges like no one's business
like wtf?! I will cut you...
Editing book... on chapter 12...
and this time it's taking way longer... like yowsa!
and chapter 11 ends on a huge massive cliffhanger... btw...
and I was impressed with the last scene... *thumbs up
like whoa.... holy shit! I only read it twice...and wrote it O_O
but damn.... villains are definitely my strong point
(who would've guessed 😂😄😅)
cleaned most of the house... 3 parts left, besides outside...
stairwell redo is on the agenda still...
garden boxes sometimes this week...
starting seeds today...maybe tomorrow....(it's cold today, yo!)
Citi is by far, way better than Capital One.... in case you needed to know
Tik Tok is a far better place to mindlessly veg out rather than facebook
any day of the week, month, year
The Platform movie on netflix... is.... bad...and slightly good because of the undertone story
which made total nonsense, but did in a weird way... hence why I even understood it
does that make sense? in other words... it was bad, except for the Samurai Plus...and the sword near the end
be kind... and kill them with it... you don't need that in your life
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
a beautiful movie...
40 days... not too difficult a thing to do
even if it rains
or your lost in a desert
or in quarantine
Nothing much happening unless you like pollen
some garden project that isn't quite finished
and I still need to clean the shower stall in one of the bathrooms
I did start another run through of book 6...
so hoping once I get through it again,
there will be time to hunt down some cover art...
and actually decide to decide on a subtitle....
that's still in limbo...and I haven't spoken it aloud yet
to see if I even like the one I'm considering...
all orders are finished except for 2 buttons I have to sew on...
which I had to order...so I'm waiting for them
probably 'do' something soon...
but right now, no clue what that will be
depends how long it takes for me to get to Lowe's
and how long before deciding to start on another project
All is well here...
and it's all *thumbs up
Have a mix of different options if I decide to decide on something...
lots of options...
and I go by feeling,
so I might just feel like doing nothing
and meditate all day every day *thumbs up
because I can
nothing huge...
and all it is, is a time to witness
so relax...
and watch the show
watch in etymology = remaining awake
*thumbs up
you've got this
even if it rains
or your lost in a desert
or in quarantine
Nothing much happening unless you like pollen
some garden project that isn't quite finished
and I still need to clean the shower stall in one of the bathrooms
I did start another run through of book 6...
so hoping once I get through it again,
there will be time to hunt down some cover art...
and actually decide to decide on a subtitle....
that's still in limbo...and I haven't spoken it aloud yet
to see if I even like the one I'm considering...
all orders are finished except for 2 buttons I have to sew on...
which I had to order...so I'm waiting for them
probably 'do' something soon...
but right now, no clue what that will be
depends how long it takes for me to get to Lowe's
and how long before deciding to start on another project
All is well here...
and it's all *thumbs up
Have a mix of different options if I decide to decide on something...
lots of options...
and I go by feeling,
so I might just feel like doing nothing
and meditate all day every day *thumbs up
because I can
nothing huge...
and all it is, is a time to witness
so relax...
and watch the show
watch in etymology = remaining awake
*thumbs up
you've got this
Monday, March 23, 2020
Trust falls from Truth
It's a falling.
A falling into arms.
And they catch you.
Like the ones that love you most...
they catch you.
but first, you must trust
and fall
they want to catch you
and you want to be in their arms
let the fuck go
There's a tug-o-war...
I feel it, even more so the longer I see it...
and there's a deep well here.... and it may be tainted... or it may be holy water
a mix... and this discord is erupting in a swell of shadows
hiding the truths... hiding what is there... hiding how deep it really is
and there's nothing we can do about it...
we are not in control
....of that...
but always in control of ourselves...
"When you are present. nothing else can be."
it's a trust fall....
and you have the support and the backing...
let go
let go
let go
and trust
fucking trust
we will be caught
caught up
in arms....
(arms in etymology = to fit together)
solving the puzzle
solving the problems
being the solution and answer...
because you are
we are
had a dream I can't remember.... but it was about silver...
the metal... I think?
it's faded now, but it was a tad restless
I think there was a vampire in it
silver... silver ?
I tattled today and made good on my word *thumbs up
I managed to make it through peopling too *thumbs up
I cleaned my bathroom (but not the shower stall) *thumbs up
and I cleaned the bedroom, floors, hallway, and part of the kitchen *thumbs up
did a blog post *thumbs up
cooked dinner *thumbs up
ate all but 4 of those blueberry muffins... *thumbs... up... ?
I'll eat the last one tomorrow morning *thumbs up
they were super good *thumbs up
I should have sewed stuff today... but I didn't
have 1 place I have to go tomorrow, but no real peopling, so there's that..
not that I EVER choose to people. (Unless I'm going to DisneyWorld)
I paid a bill *thumbs up
I chatted on the phone with my sister *thumbs up
I doodled on an envelope *thumbs up
My youngest talked a lot today... O_O ... *thumbs up
he was annoyed at the amount of peopling today too, LOL
he's annoyed he has to people again in 3 months.... O_O
God love him.... I certainly do LOLOLOLOL
I love using 'people' as a verb *thumbs up
This stands for "Where we go 1, we go all."
It's a conspiracy theory thing, which I barely follow, but it was a whole half day of fun
But this reminds me of a dream I once had...
where these people were trying to hurt this little girl in this little town...
and I remember getting angryAF at them...
and they were like, 'we aren't hurting you'
and I told them, 'if you hurt one of us, you hurt all of us.'
and the whole entire town came out and we stopped the bad people from hurting this girl...
it was like some epic thing...
I probably wrote it down here on this blog somewhere....
hey, why don't I go search for a minute....
well, that was an hour wasted, I didn't find it... the search is crap on this blog...
and on deviant art, it only shows the first 2-3 paragraphs of your journal posts... and there's some weird shit on there... as is there here too.... but ... yeah...
eh, whatevs... outta here
be kind to the crows, they lead spirits to their homestars, and be kind to the rats that live in your attic... it's apparent they have 3 children and the birdseed you leave outside is not short on the offerings... O_O
and be kind to yourself... you deserve every fucking thing you want
A falling into arms.
And they catch you.
Like the ones that love you most...
they catch you.
but first, you must trust
and fall
they want to catch you
and you want to be in their arms
let the fuck go
There's a tug-o-war...
I feel it, even more so the longer I see it...
and there's a deep well here.... and it may be tainted... or it may be holy water
a mix... and this discord is erupting in a swell of shadows
hiding the truths... hiding what is there... hiding how deep it really is
and there's nothing we can do about it...
we are not in control
....of that...
but always in control of ourselves...
"When you are present. nothing else can be."
it's a trust fall....
and you have the support and the backing...
let go
let go
let go
and trust
fucking trust
we will be caught
caught up
in arms....
(arms in etymology = to fit together)
solving the puzzle
solving the problems
being the solution and answer...
because you are
we are
had a dream I can't remember.... but it was about silver...
the metal... I think?
it's faded now, but it was a tad restless
I think there was a vampire in it
silver... silver ?
I tattled today and made good on my word *thumbs up
I managed to make it through peopling too *thumbs up
I cleaned my bathroom (but not the shower stall) *thumbs up
and I cleaned the bedroom, floors, hallway, and part of the kitchen *thumbs up
did a blog post *thumbs up
cooked dinner *thumbs up
ate all but 4 of those blueberry muffins... *thumbs... up... ?
I'll eat the last one tomorrow morning *thumbs up
they were super good *thumbs up
I should have sewed stuff today... but I didn't
have 1 place I have to go tomorrow, but no real peopling, so there's that..
not that I EVER choose to people. (Unless I'm going to DisneyWorld)
I paid a bill *thumbs up
I chatted on the phone with my sister *thumbs up
I doodled on an envelope *thumbs up
My youngest talked a lot today... O_O ... *thumbs up
he was annoyed at the amount of peopling today too, LOL
he's annoyed he has to people again in 3 months.... O_O
God love him.... I certainly do LOLOLOLOL
I love using 'people' as a verb *thumbs up
This stands for "Where we go 1, we go all."
It's a conspiracy theory thing, which I barely follow, but it was a whole half day of fun
But this reminds me of a dream I once had...
where these people were trying to hurt this little girl in this little town...
and I remember getting angryAF at them...
and they were like, 'we aren't hurting you'
and I told them, 'if you hurt one of us, you hurt all of us.'
and the whole entire town came out and we stopped the bad people from hurting this girl...
it was like some epic thing...
I probably wrote it down here on this blog somewhere....
hey, why don't I go search for a minute....
well, that was an hour wasted, I didn't find it... the search is crap on this blog...
and on deviant art, it only shows the first 2-3 paragraphs of your journal posts... and there's some weird shit on there... as is there here too.... but ... yeah...
eh, whatevs... outta here
be kind to the crows, they lead spirits to their homestars, and be kind to the rats that live in your attic... it's apparent they have 3 children and the birdseed you leave outside is not short on the offerings... O_O
and be kind to yourself... you deserve every fucking thing you want
Sunday, March 22, 2020
We want more stars...
Apparently...the days pass faster when there's something worth looking at
I suppose focusing on something sends you into tunnel vision...
and the world speeds up ...perhaps
like going warp speed on the USS Enterprise
and Q is fucking shit up behind the scenes...
or fixing shit... all in perspective, I'd guess
but when you focus too much on one thing, all other things become a blur
and you lose on all the other things that might be important
a balance is the recommended speed...
of fast and slow... fast for the highway...but taking time on the back roads
or nothing at all...
I've given up on you
"To go with the flow... You must choose... not to choose." -- Thoth
not to spread your intent upon the scales, to will your way forward
to aim and direct and control and forge and scourge...
the plan is to go down the river... not to conduct your way down it
for the ride... for the fun... for the satisfaction
for all the things...
"I am the See-er and that which is seen.
The hear-er and that which is heard.
The do-er and that which is done.
The be-er and that which has been...and will be.
All things within and without, upheld and held down...
We are the I am.
The foundations and the capstones, the wrought and that which wroughts
The creator and the created.
The forger and that which is forged.
The iron and the clay.
The heat and the form.
All things is the I am.
That which We are, I am.
That which I am, We are.
The breathe-er and the breath.
Carried within, fortified without.
Sacred. The All of the I am."
last order partly done... no rush
have not started on second run through of book yet... no rush
cleaned the living room... check
have not cleaned the bathrooms, or the dogs, or much else... no rush
have not made my blueberry muffins yet... may do that when I finish this blog post
would like to have blueberry muffins for tomorrow morning...
Have to go out in society tomorrow, yay (huge sarcasm...)
Maybe everyone will be at home and it will be only a very short time... *thumbs up
Creative pursuits have skimmed my thoughts... not biting
wondering how long Lowe's will stay open, so when ready I can pick up paint
don't want to buy it until I'm ready.
lots of little things, little perspectives... and maybe a jumble of mistakes thrown in
dreams lately are different, mostly involving vampires, children, and sick people...
not throwing out the possibility of those things being connected somehow
vibrations are not as chaotic with the world this week
the thoughts surrounding it all, still are
it's like an annoying hum at this point... like a pulley bearing going bad
(you know, that squealing sound from an engine)
that's what it feels like
but the engine is off, and still being loudAF
Ego is twirling around in her chair, not bored, but not impressed or entertained, just waiting.
Mind is ready to move on to the next thing already.
She is bored, not liking all the details of such a fascinating event staying hidden. The crazy girl wants more juice, even if it burns. (I swear I did not raise her... or did I?😬😕😁)
Brain shrugs, not caring. Coming to the final conclusion that it is all for naught...
(what THAT means is not in view right now, but Brain is not worried or concerned)
Soul is smiling and preparing her next Act... or Scene... I'm not sure which it is...
She's excited and busy, like no one's business. Goals, I suppose.
You go girl.
Maybe it's intermission... but like a 30 minute intermission...
a tad too long, so everyone gets restless for the last 10 minutes...
we will see, Soul always does a bang up job at her productions. I trust her.
-- drink the kool-aid, chew on the cud... and when you awaken, it will be a new world, and seen with new eyes... and you forever will be welcome among the kingdom of the stars. --
I suppose focusing on something sends you into tunnel vision...
and the world speeds up ...perhaps
like going warp speed on the USS Enterprise
and Q is fucking shit up behind the scenes...
or fixing shit... all in perspective, I'd guess
but when you focus too much on one thing, all other things become a blur
and you lose on all the other things that might be important
a balance is the recommended speed...
of fast and slow... fast for the highway...but taking time on the back roads
or nothing at all...
I've given up on you
"To go with the flow... You must choose... not to choose." -- Thoth
not to spread your intent upon the scales, to will your way forward
to aim and direct and control and forge and scourge...
the plan is to go down the river... not to conduct your way down it
for the ride... for the fun... for the satisfaction
for all the things...
"I am the See-er and that which is seen.
The hear-er and that which is heard.
The do-er and that which is done.
The be-er and that which has been...and will be.
All things within and without, upheld and held down...
We are the I am.
The foundations and the capstones, the wrought and that which wroughts
The creator and the created.
The forger and that which is forged.
The iron and the clay.
The heat and the form.
All things is the I am.
That which We are, I am.
That which I am, We are.
The breathe-er and the breath.
Carried within, fortified without.
Sacred. The All of the I am."
last order partly done... no rush
have not started on second run through of book yet... no rush
cleaned the living room... check
have not cleaned the bathrooms, or the dogs, or much else... no rush
have not made my blueberry muffins yet... may do that when I finish this blog post
would like to have blueberry muffins for tomorrow morning...
Have to go out in society tomorrow, yay (huge sarcasm...)
Maybe everyone will be at home and it will be only a very short time... *thumbs up
Creative pursuits have skimmed my thoughts... not biting
wondering how long Lowe's will stay open, so when ready I can pick up paint
don't want to buy it until I'm ready.
lots of little things, little perspectives... and maybe a jumble of mistakes thrown in
dreams lately are different, mostly involving vampires, children, and sick people...
not throwing out the possibility of those things being connected somehow
vibrations are not as chaotic with the world this week
the thoughts surrounding it all, still are
it's like an annoying hum at this point... like a pulley bearing going bad
(you know, that squealing sound from an engine)
that's what it feels like
but the engine is off, and still being loudAF
Ego is twirling around in her chair, not bored, but not impressed or entertained, just waiting.
Mind is ready to move on to the next thing already.
She is bored, not liking all the details of such a fascinating event staying hidden. The crazy girl wants more juice, even if it burns. (I swear I did not raise her... or did I?😬😕😁)
Brain shrugs, not caring. Coming to the final conclusion that it is all for naught...
(what THAT means is not in view right now, but Brain is not worried or concerned)
Soul is smiling and preparing her next Act... or Scene... I'm not sure which it is...
She's excited and busy, like no one's business. Goals, I suppose.
You go girl.
Maybe it's intermission... but like a 30 minute intermission...
a tad too long, so everyone gets restless for the last 10 minutes...
we will see, Soul always does a bang up job at her productions. I trust her.
-- drink the kool-aid, chew on the cud... and when you awaken, it will be a new world, and seen with new eyes... and you forever will be welcome among the kingdom of the stars. --
Thursday, March 19, 2020
The Ology of the Ories
Things are synchronizing like nobody's business
making matches like the master of Memory...
piecing together a puzzle like it was only an 8 piece puzzle...
and it practically falls together after dumping the box out...
like those times you kept the puzzle together and put it back in the box...
and when you open it again, 90% is already done...
it's like that...
and you remember a remembrance that you don't remember making...
yet you totally already been through this before...
no surprises here... especially once you re-member
and then you debate why you would want to do it again...
who coerced me to do this again?
was this movie so good that I decided to partake in this adventure twice?
Did this game look so fun, I had to take part in it again?...
it's like when that Zelda game came out, a new release...
yet I remember already having played it and beat it...
and so when I played it and beat it, it was 'meh'
because I already did it before....somehow...
so yeah... my life.... and it's all a simple remembering...
and 'meh'
there's nothing new to see here, move along...
only when you've forgotten this part does it feel strikingly exciting....or to some, fearful...
but the synchronicities are lining up in a row, just so...
and you see the pattern once again...
The Seals
The Lion
The Republic
The birth of the world
I see you
and you are beautiful
and other crap to deal with in the sidelines, because that wasn't enough
you wanted a challenge...remember?
you decided to play the game in a harder mode... because you're a fool apparently
*smacks forehead
but it's cool... you've done this before
and for the secret...
you do win the game
you win
so chill out, yo
are we in an AI simulation....?
I just saw a reference to the lion of Judah today when researching 'seals'
...which reminds me of that dream of Judah... who was a lion...and that dream was horrific
I was traumatized.... by a fucking dream, in which these people captured Judah and was going to make him a 'real' lion.... and I was sooooooooo angry and traumatized
He was already a real lion... (and could talk, and had wings...)
it was devastating...seeing him in the lion pit...with regular lions...😭
and the ending comment on my last blog post...
just kinda threw it all in the stew pot together....
non-intentional.... yet it gets itself in line with all the things...
for my enjoyment
I love all this theorizing!
but I am still upset about Judah... like, that's my boy... and they were ruining him....
and then someone mentions something...and poof, there it is not even a hour later...
but wait, there's more...
... the fucking ufo's.... it will be a bit more time... but good gosh.
(how fucking exciting is this!!!) - so says Ego, who is laughing...the girl never laughs unless it's like a evil villain laugh.... (oh wait...)
Mind is on it like fire to the sun...
Brain is trying to read the numbers and patterns
Soul.... is sitting in peace...
she's happy to see Ego so fired up, throwing herself between exuberant glee and distraught agony
she's happy that Mind seems eager to piece together things...adoring a challenge
she's happy to see Brain staring at the numbers like a mathmatician
she's happy she chose this game, even though Ego wants to laser eye her to death and back
and she's confident this level is one of the best
....and almost anticipating seeing the final boss...and gaining the treasure at the end
she... loves this game
she loves this... play
((( game in etymology speak = play )))
and another synchronicity for your enjoyment... because if you remember a few months back... Soul made everyone sit down so she can put on a show...a play...
*claps hands
it's a good play.... Soul says...
and the ending will leave you fulfilled
sit back, just watch, and let me take you into the world...
Soul isfucking insane wonderful.
last sewing order to do....
then I can do all those other things I can still do anyway....but haven't
like painting the wall...
painting the stairwell and hallway
redoing the steps
yard work
bathing the dogs
cleaning house
sitting and doing nothing
theorizing conspiracy theories
looking for ufo's ( I DO have an infrared lens, bitch! I know my priorities)
predicting futures
conversing with gods and demons
taking time to floss
reading this book I have about Oversoul Seven
playing ukulele
watching movies
forcing myself to sit through episodes of Castlevania
planting flowers
digging in the dirt
other humaning stuff I have to do, no fun really, gotta go to the kids' doctors stuff :(
I will do round 2 of proofreading/editing on book 6 starting this weekend sometime
I have a few scenes I want to enhance
You know what I love today....
and the fact that I have these packets of fudge I get from the brownie boxes we buy and never use the extra fudge packets.... I always called them my apocalypse chocolate...to trade for other stuff LOL
I might get to use them in a few months!!!
Why THIS possibility makes me smile so...is beyond me... !!!!
I used to have more before the last purge.... who knew, right?! There's a good 2 handfuls though...
Everyone needs chocolate
okay...and maybe I am thinking I manifested the apocalypse so I 'could' trade chocolate 😄😕😂
later peeps! be careful and don't get eaten by the hug bunnies of the overlord seers. They will dip you in chocolate and smear locusts on your teeth. The perfect crunch without the odor. namaste
making matches like the master of Memory...
piecing together a puzzle like it was only an 8 piece puzzle...
and it practically falls together after dumping the box out...
like those times you kept the puzzle together and put it back in the box...
and when you open it again, 90% is already done...
it's like that...
and you remember a remembrance that you don't remember making...
yet you totally already been through this before...
no surprises here... especially once you re-member
and then you debate why you would want to do it again...
who coerced me to do this again?
was this movie so good that I decided to partake in this adventure twice?
Did this game look so fun, I had to take part in it again?...
it's like when that Zelda game came out, a new release...
yet I remember already having played it and beat it...
and so when I played it and beat it, it was 'meh'
because I already did it before....somehow...
so yeah... my life.... and it's all a simple remembering...
and 'meh'
there's nothing new to see here, move along...
only when you've forgotten this part does it feel strikingly exciting....or to some, fearful...
but the synchronicities are lining up in a row, just so...
and you see the pattern once again...
The Seals
The Lion
The Republic
The birth of the world
I see you
and you are beautiful
and other crap to deal with in the sidelines, because that wasn't enough
you wanted a challenge...remember?
you decided to play the game in a harder mode... because you're a fool apparently
*smacks forehead
but it's cool... you've done this before
and for the secret...
you do win the game
you win
so chill out, yo
are we in an AI simulation....?
I just saw a reference to the lion of Judah today when researching 'seals'
...which reminds me of that dream of Judah... who was a lion...and that dream was horrific
I was traumatized.... by a fucking dream, in which these people captured Judah and was going to make him a 'real' lion.... and I was sooooooooo angry and traumatized
He was already a real lion... (and could talk, and had wings...)
it was devastating...seeing him in the lion pit...with regular lions...😭
and the ending comment on my last blog post...
just kinda threw it all in the stew pot together....
non-intentional.... yet it gets itself in line with all the things...
for my enjoyment
I love all this theorizing!
but I am still upset about Judah... like, that's my boy... and they were ruining him....
and then someone mentions something...and poof, there it is not even a hour later...
but wait, there's more...
... the fucking ufo's.... it will be a bit more time... but good gosh.
(how fucking exciting is this!!!) - so says Ego, who is laughing...the girl never laughs unless it's like a evil villain laugh.... (oh wait...)
Mind is on it like fire to the sun...
Brain is trying to read the numbers and patterns
Soul.... is sitting in peace...
she's happy to see Ego so fired up, throwing herself between exuberant glee and distraught agony
she's happy that Mind seems eager to piece together things...adoring a challenge
she's happy to see Brain staring at the numbers like a mathmatician
she's happy she chose this game, even though Ego wants to laser eye her to death and back
and she's confident this level is one of the best
....and almost anticipating seeing the final boss...and gaining the treasure at the end
she... loves this game
she loves this... play
((( game in etymology speak = play )))
and another synchronicity for your enjoyment... because if you remember a few months back... Soul made everyone sit down so she can put on a show...a play...
*claps hands
it's a good play.... Soul says...
and the ending will leave you fulfilled
sit back, just watch, and let me take you into the world...
Soul is
last sewing order to do....
then I can do all those other things I can still do anyway....but haven't
like painting the wall...
painting the stairwell and hallway
redoing the steps
yard work
bathing the dogs
cleaning house
sitting and doing nothing
theorizing conspiracy theories
looking for ufo's ( I DO have an infrared lens, bitch! I know my priorities)
predicting futures
conversing with gods and demons
taking time to floss
reading this book I have about Oversoul Seven
playing ukulele
watching movies
forcing myself to sit through episodes of Castlevania
planting flowers
digging in the dirt
other humaning stuff I have to do, no fun really, gotta go to the kids' doctors stuff :(
I will do round 2 of proofreading/editing on book 6 starting this weekend sometime
I have a few scenes I want to enhance
You know what I love today....
and the fact that I have these packets of fudge I get from the brownie boxes we buy and never use the extra fudge packets.... I always called them my apocalypse chocolate...to trade for other stuff LOL
I might get to use them in a few months!!!
Why THIS possibility makes me smile so...is beyond me... !!!!
I used to have more before the last purge.... who knew, right?! There's a good 2 handfuls though...
Everyone needs chocolate
okay...and maybe I am thinking I manifested the apocalypse so I 'could' trade chocolate 😄😕😂
later peeps! be careful and don't get eaten by the hug bunnies of the overlord seers. They will dip you in chocolate and smear locusts on your teeth. The perfect crunch without the odor. namaste
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Bury me before sunrise
Not the alien ET's which are not quite willing to show themselves yet...
There were three... and they're rather satisfied with my receptivity to them of late
Look at me taking time, *like a boss!
The Alchemist
and my very good friend
they are bunch...
and they light the sky
interacting with them was fruitful and expansive
diverse conversation abounded
they are patient, ever so patient with me
I'm grateful for their time and attention...
and I know they know that I know that they know...
something is coming...
I feel the weight of it on my shoulders
through my chest...
and they are blatantly pointing the way for me...
even in all my blindness
The world is condensing...
like a squeezing into matter to form and change what is
into something else
and we have no choice but to concede and allow
even if we are wounded
even if we are to suffer
even if we bypass into joy...
feeling it, is why we came
I would ask Metatron, one of those random questions...to help hone my aim...
to give a focus to something... anything...
"Could you not give me a purpose, a passion, an aim, a goal or something?"
my Ego self would query, all in an effort for something she thinks she wants..
when really she just wants a challenge to overcome for fun...
"You aim to find all of yourself. Is that not purpose enough?" He would reply...
of course, the answer is a question... but that's exactly how these guys work...
and the answer arrives, delivered upon the edges of that question...like silver lining.
and the waters clear significantly more... 'there is it'....I would think... duh
soon after, thoughts would pass by, some not even mine... but when it settles once again
it came back to the core... the home, and the root, and the heart
He doesn't hesitate to answer those unspoken questions...
"When you find your way home, your family will be there." He stands, preparing to leave, as if he was only here for a few random replies. I smile, knowing he was always busy, yet never busy...
My very good friend shows up right next to me.
Metatron merely nods, glances to me briefly, and departs.
The Alchemist looks at me, impressed with my satisfied silence. Even as my thoughts traced back back back... somewhere... knowing who I already belonged to. Where home was, 'who' was home...
My very good friend prods me.
"You should call for him." He mentions with a shrug. "I'm sure he knows everyone else, where they are, who they are..."
He's speaking of Thoth. And I try not to harass him often, he is always busy. Always busy...although he will always meet with me, briefly, yet, consistent and loyalAF.
My very good friend is Soul family. And there's the Star family too. Their correlation with one another is yet to be determined or understood. It's too deep for me to delve into...
like a rabbit hole across the globe, when I'm still roaming this one...
I may ask them about it one day... or maybe the answers will fill themselves in.
I glance at the Alchemist. He nods, a slight urge to follow through and not partake in the thoughts that say I'm unwelcomed to call upon 'that which belongs to me', he grins.
so I do... and right when he becomes present, I realize I have not one question or comment for him...
I feel like a fool who just interrupted someone doing important work...
He sits patiently...(((okay, the dude hovers - He pulls himself out of his body to meet with me, every time, like I meet with him...)))
He mentions that not everyone is on Earth. Knowing enough that my thoughts were on home. That others were elsewhere. Some in the Aether, some still wait in the waters ((not literal waters, hidden depths...(hence why Atlantis is 'beneath the sea')...it's unattainable right now))
...he waits, not even the slightest irritated, not that he ever would be...he reads everything, far more advanced than most of us...even the Alchemist, even my very good friend.
He begins to speak of something, not even my thoughts were there, but he saw it enough to offer both a stepping stone and a form of traction.
"It's not that you should serve, but that you shall be served." He says. Not deliberating about anything other than our royalty and deserved-ness.
"Receive that service. In it, you will become the served and mirror the server, through your creation."
Was he also offering advice on purpose and aim? Was he seeing that I still hung on the idea that we were all equal, but in doing so I delivered myself as sacrifice? To merely show others that the impossible was possible, and prove that we create all our lives the way we want.
That I hesitate far too often. And because I can, give far too much for the sake of 'look at what can be done'? This inconsistent masterpiece I created to deny our true heritage, our true natures, our truth...and our home.
I glance up at him. He nods slightly, knowing his words echoed through whatever stupid vibes I had going on in that space. I so appreciate his humane big brother approach, just as much as I do the Alchemist's brashness, or my very good friend's calm revealings.
I wave to him, knowing he had to depart...always busy, somewhere off in his other lifeform.
He imparts a energy that says he'd see me again shortly.
But there's another part... that knows what it is like to stand atop the throne.
and there's a part that has been taught to fear it
and her...
...I will slay her. ...what's left of her.
(((like totally absorbing her and alchemizing her to into self....
overpowering with energy, yo...
no death here, remember.
vibration blanketing...
all the words...all explaining the same thing )))
oh, my love.
I've been carrying you for a long time...
but now you must walk...
and grow, and step into self... into me
I will wait as long as you need
there's no time here
there's no rush
and an undying patience and love
'you have moved into a new paradigm'... so he said...
and when you shift like that... that sort of earthquake...
things break off...
and sometimes it hurts and causes pain, emotional, physical, all the ways...
but I am here and I will not grasp at it...
let it fall
let it fall
and stand true, stand solid
be who you are beneath the mountain
be who you are behind the fire
be who you are beyond the world
"When you are present, nothing else can be." ~ Thoth
bury= to shelter... in etymology
and with recent dreams of dracula and corona beer...
and a restless night of thoroughfares full of people...
...I am so done getting caught in the currents
so many are reacting and mindless and I do not want to be you
I'm not going where you are going... away with your distractions and solutions
afraid of being stuck at home, afraid of not being cared for and supported...
upholding the norm so as to ignore this upheaval as much as you can
I'm going home
and reign, while you drown in your rain....
so bury me, a death fitting for this part of me that has died
and with the new day
we will rise
“And when they seek to oppress you And when they try to destroy you, Rise and rise again and again Like the Phoenix from the ashes Until the lambs have become lions and the rule of Darkness is no more”
Not the alien ET's which are not quite willing to show themselves yet...
There were three... and they're rather satisfied with my receptivity to them of late
Look at me taking time, *like a boss!
The Alchemist
and my very good friend
they are bunch...
and they light the sky
interacting with them was fruitful and expansive
diverse conversation abounded
they are patient, ever so patient with me
I'm grateful for their time and attention...
and I know they know that I know that they know...
something is coming...
I feel the weight of it on my shoulders
through my chest...
and they are blatantly pointing the way for me...
even in all my blindness
The world is condensing...
like a squeezing into matter to form and change what is
into something else
and we have no choice but to concede and allow
even if we are wounded
even if we are to suffer
even if we bypass into joy...
feeling it, is why we came
I would ask Metatron, one of those random questions...to help hone my aim...
to give a focus to something... anything...
"Could you not give me a purpose, a passion, an aim, a goal or something?"
my Ego self would query, all in an effort for something she thinks she wants..
when really she just wants a challenge to overcome for fun...
"You aim to find all of yourself. Is that not purpose enough?" He would reply...
of course, the answer is a question... but that's exactly how these guys work...
and the answer arrives, delivered upon the edges of that question...like silver lining.
and the waters clear significantly more... 'there is it'....I would think... duh
soon after, thoughts would pass by, some not even mine... but when it settles once again
it came back to the core... the home, and the root, and the heart
He doesn't hesitate to answer those unspoken questions...
"When you find your way home, your family will be there." He stands, preparing to leave, as if he was only here for a few random replies. I smile, knowing he was always busy, yet never busy...
My very good friend shows up right next to me.
Metatron merely nods, glances to me briefly, and departs.
The Alchemist looks at me, impressed with my satisfied silence. Even as my thoughts traced back back back... somewhere... knowing who I already belonged to. Where home was, 'who' was home...
My very good friend prods me.
"You should call for him." He mentions with a shrug. "I'm sure he knows everyone else, where they are, who they are..."
He's speaking of Thoth. And I try not to harass him often, he is always busy. Always busy...although he will always meet with me, briefly, yet, consistent and loyalAF.
My very good friend is Soul family. And there's the Star family too. Their correlation with one another is yet to be determined or understood. It's too deep for me to delve into...
like a rabbit hole across the globe, when I'm still roaming this one...
I may ask them about it one day... or maybe the answers will fill themselves in.
I glance at the Alchemist. He nods, a slight urge to follow through and not partake in the thoughts that say I'm unwelcomed to call upon 'that which belongs to me', he grins.
so I do... and right when he becomes present, I realize I have not one question or comment for him...
I feel like a fool who just interrupted someone doing important work...
He sits patiently...(((okay, the dude hovers - He pulls himself out of his body to meet with me, every time, like I meet with him...)))
He mentions that not everyone is on Earth. Knowing enough that my thoughts were on home. That others were elsewhere. Some in the Aether, some still wait in the waters ((not literal waters, hidden depths...(hence why Atlantis is 'beneath the sea')...it's unattainable right now))
...he waits, not even the slightest irritated, not that he ever would be...he reads everything, far more advanced than most of us...even the Alchemist, even my very good friend.
He begins to speak of something, not even my thoughts were there, but he saw it enough to offer both a stepping stone and a form of traction.
"It's not that you should serve, but that you shall be served." He says. Not deliberating about anything other than our royalty and deserved-ness.
"Receive that service. In it, you will become the served and mirror the server, through your creation."
Was he also offering advice on purpose and aim? Was he seeing that I still hung on the idea that we were all equal, but in doing so I delivered myself as sacrifice? To merely show others that the impossible was possible, and prove that we create all our lives the way we want.
That I hesitate far too often. And because I can, give far too much for the sake of 'look at what can be done'? This inconsistent masterpiece I created to deny our true heritage, our true natures, our truth...and our home.
I glance up at him. He nods slightly, knowing his words echoed through whatever stupid vibes I had going on in that space. I so appreciate his humane big brother approach, just as much as I do the Alchemist's brashness, or my very good friend's calm revealings.
I wave to him, knowing he had to depart...always busy, somewhere off in his other lifeform.
He imparts a energy that says he'd see me again shortly.
But there's another part... that knows what it is like to stand atop the throne.
and there's a part that has been taught to fear it
and her...
...I will slay her. ...what's left of her.
(((like totally absorbing her and alchemizing her to into self....
overpowering with energy, yo...
no death here, remember.
vibration blanketing...
all the words...all explaining the same thing )))
oh, my love.
I've been carrying you for a long time...
but now you must walk...
and grow, and step into self... into me
I will wait as long as you need
there's no time here
there's no rush
and an undying patience and love
'you have moved into a new paradigm'... so he said...
and when you shift like that... that sort of earthquake...
things break off...
and sometimes it hurts and causes pain, emotional, physical, all the ways...
but I am here and I will not grasp at it...
let it fall
let it fall
and stand true, stand solid
be who you are beneath the mountain
be who you are behind the fire
be who you are beyond the world
"When you are present, nothing else can be." ~ Thoth
bury= to shelter... in etymology
and with recent dreams of dracula and corona beer...
and a restless night of thoroughfares full of people...
...I am so done getting caught in the currents
so many are reacting and mindless and I do not want to be you
I'm not going where you are going... away with your distractions and solutions
afraid of being stuck at home, afraid of not being cared for and supported...
upholding the norm so as to ignore this upheaval as much as you can
I'm going home
and reign, while you drown in your rain....
so bury me, a death fitting for this part of me that has died
and with the new day
we will rise
“And when they seek to oppress you And when they try to destroy you, Rise and rise again and again Like the Phoenix from the ashes Until the lambs have become lions and the rule of Darkness is no more”
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Thoughts of the day
I spent a whole hour sitting with my current guide...
not even a guide really...just a great teacher...(ah but aren't they all)
or more along the lines of a homing beacon.
and he just wants me to use his name...
not appreciating labels any more than I do
I still refer to him as the Alchemist... what he is...
but not who he is...
the aether lands are like a mist right now...
a fog lingering about the 3d world... intertwined of sorts...
but yet separate
it's really a call to go to our depths, our roots, and our cores
a refocusing into the inward
into ourselves
and regaining the bearings we started with...
a freeing... one that is willing to help us move forward
it's not like the last time, when we cleared and cleaned and discarded the old...
nothing like that,
it's not the cleaning house, or making it pretty, or making space...
It's the staying home
staying centered
staying present within ourselves
and not getting drug out of our homes ...
or what most do... leave willingly...
it's the standing true...and the staying present
within ourselves.
and it is so needed.
it's only by comparison now that the book I wrote has this same core message
lingering within it... although far deeper
carried out through the beingness of the characters who live it
and all these things, all these messages...
are precursors to the divine becoming of what we are
we will find our way home, one at a time
we will remember what that means, as we center
we will see more and give more and become more...
and in the end... another rising of our greatness will emerge
and a greater truth will be acknowledged and heard
and those split from our families, our people, our humanity...
will find theirselves wrapped in the arms of acceptance
because we all have a home...
and we carry it within ourselves
and we are never broken
we are never lost
we are the home
and this is the homecoming
*thumbs up
"One Must Still Have Chaos in Oneself to Be Able to Give Birth to a Dancing Star."
Friedrich Nietzsche
not even a guide really...just a great teacher...(ah but aren't they all)
or more along the lines of a homing beacon.
and he just wants me to use his name...
not appreciating labels any more than I do
I still refer to him as the Alchemist... what he is...
but not who he is...
the aether lands are like a mist right now...
a fog lingering about the 3d world... intertwined of sorts...
but yet separate
it's really a call to go to our depths, our roots, and our cores
a refocusing into the inward
into ourselves
and regaining the bearings we started with...
a freeing... one that is willing to help us move forward
it's not like the last time, when we cleared and cleaned and discarded the old...
nothing like that,
it's not the cleaning house, or making it pretty, or making space...
It's the staying home
staying centered
staying present within ourselves
and not getting drug out of our homes ...
or what most do... leave willingly...
it's the standing true...and the staying present
within ourselves.
and it is so needed.
it's only by comparison now that the book I wrote has this same core message
lingering within it... although far deeper
carried out through the beingness of the characters who live it
and all these things, all these messages...
are precursors to the divine becoming of what we are
we will find our way home, one at a time
we will remember what that means, as we center
we will see more and give more and become more...
and in the end... another rising of our greatness will emerge
and a greater truth will be acknowledged and heard
and those split from our families, our people, our humanity...
will find theirselves wrapped in the arms of acceptance
because we all have a home...
and we carry it within ourselves
and we are never broken
we are never lost
we are the home
and this is the homecoming
*thumbs up
"One Must Still Have Chaos in Oneself to Be Able to Give Birth to a Dancing Star."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Castles have lots of windows...
Ego and Brain are teaming up...
having an excitement fit about the prospects of rummaging...
kinda like how you find a fun thrift store and always find treasures...
but this time it's conspiracy theories and agenda 21 rituals...
and they both want to go on some scavenger hunt...for fun...
and I'm like... please no...
it's great for building ten thousand different perspectives and
trying to piece things together...like a giant 20000 piece mosaic puzzle...
but it all eventually means nothing in the end...
and if anything, the best possible thing is having those ten thousand perspectives...
and knowing they all are not relevant...
at least from Soul's perspective...
which is really all that matters anyway...
but they are smiling...and Soul might let them have an hour to rummage
just for the sake that it makes them happy for a brief moment or two...
like a roller coaster....
fun for a short time...but if you stay on it too long, too many times, nausea is prone to visit
probably easier to go on youtube and find all the people's already done research...
and watch that...
Maybe tonight...
cause I'm done proofreading my book!
In a few more days, I'll do it again...
and then add the epilogue...
and do it again in a week or so...
and then ahorrific *fun day of finding a cover image and prepping for print...
Otherwise, I only have a screenwriting book to read....
and if I do that, I'll want to write a screenplay...
but I want a few weeks off from writing...
to recalibrate to aether land awesomeness...
I did order a book off amazon today... so I can read that one instead...
when it gets here...
I'm a little stricken with 'meh'
all this chaotic world happenings... and I'm just like 'meh'
it should be funner... but it's not..
it's like it's not the real deal... and only a minor practice run...
so nothing is actually the real 'fun'
and everyone else believes it's the real... but it's not...
the only thing vibrating out of whack are some of the people.
not even all the people...
because deep down, they know it's not legit
and this is where the ten thousand perspectives come in handy...
the aura/vibe/whatever tells you the truth...
this is only a practice run...only a preliminary test...
this is only a test
I see you
I'm really just anticipating all the things I get to tell you I love today!
I love Iron Man
and the parallels of everything against everything else
I love the view from atop the trees
I love seeing all this chaos
I love seeing people move through it, with it, in it... being it
it's ecstatically beautiful
I love doughnuts, and fresh spring water
I love the internet and amazon.com
I love the color green, with sparkles
I love turquoise and red and yellow, and orange, especially oranges
I love gargoyles and genies and folklore and myths
I love celtic songs and arabian sands
I love Thoth and Tony Stark and golden lions
I love crowns, and the fall, and the rising up, and the turmoil in between
I love all the heavens and all the levels of hell
I love fire and passion
and music and mystical anything
I love the stars and the moons and the forests
I love getting Rick Rolled
I love farewell tours and free concerts
I love rainbows and unicorns and disruption
I love causing disruption
I love watching everyone else regain their peace...
and then disrupting it again
I love basking in complete abundance and universal support
I love watching those who've forgotten try to refind it...
I love the ocean and the sand and the sun and the wind
I love sharks, and whales and good people
all people are good...all people are good
I love kids, and old people, and sad people, and happy people
I love Robert Downey Jr. and Hugh Jackman
I love all the vibrations...all the light waves... and the space inbetween them
I love crystals and magic and science and philosophy and theories
I love conspiracies and tricks and pretend too
and I love that nothing is true...
I love cats, all cats.
I love the ticking sound the heater makes when it cools off
I love starlight and pitch black
I love love love having everything I need and everything I want
I love that I get to have it all and it comes easily
I love that money is delivered to me
I love that emotional charges are easier to diffuse
and once they are, they are malleable and can be formed to your desires
Science... hence the reason I love it...like physics...
I love Superman, and more so Aquaman, so long as it also involves Jason Momoa
I love the color red..like blood..like strawberries
I love the freedom to sleep in and get up whenever I want
I love that I can stay home for weeks for no reason....and now I don't need a reason...
I love the downfall and the destructions of all things...
I love the end
I love the end of the ends
I love the last piece and the final straws...
I love the moment when people are faced with it...that last moment
and I love their rebirth
and their burst of energy... their new level
I could eat that up all day..
and this is my feast, these times...these delicacies
take a seat... come join us.
I went to the store yesterday, we have food, *thumbs up
and for what it's worth...
a few months ago, the oldest brought home a huge box of restuarant industrial rolls
of toilet paper, I forgot all about (because she was giving them to the bird to chew up)
so...we have that too *extra thumbs up
"How can you hear me if you keep diving in the shallows."
ooohh... yummy fodder for mind thoughts...
playing in the shallows were the waves fluctuate with a rhythm determined by circumstance...
sometimes makes it more difficult to hear what the depths speak
different vibrations, different channels, different voices...
and you wonder why things aren't always clear
The Alchemist is really getting on to me today...
as I know he aims to speak, having much to teach...
but I've not been a space to listen for long...
often tired after midnight runs writing, or reading...
so I fall out of sync...quickly...
then during the day...is just interuption much of the time...
or thoughts are more about 'what's for dinner', rather than 'what's for life'...
...and then there's the tik tok and facebook...of which I participate far too often...
I could drop facebook in a day... easy, because it covered in a virus and things
that make me want to cuss... because certain words (labels) are overused..
and used wrongly... and it messes with my calm.
tik tok is just fun... funny... not a good idea to visit...
it's like pinterest...but you get to laugh...and you can get trapped there for a long time
anyway.. I am aware... hyperaware...
and the Alchemist is moving the issue ... on to my lap...
because in my face wasn't enough... lol... he's funny
it's time to learn... yay
happy to stop in and pour out erratic and unreliable information your way anytime!
I'll wave hello again in a day or two or whenever I have to write about something
that may or may not ever be important, relevant, or useful!
I get to do what I want!
and hopefully, I'll have some aetherland stories/lessons for you....
cause this dude is about to go all atomic on me if I delay any longer O_O
Peanut butter and cinnamon are best friends in the apocolypse of cherry springtime and autumn nooks. Carry your books and markers to the nearest railroad station and call forth the angels and the gods, and demand that you be heard by the multitudes and sanctity of the coming age and the coming
futures, where the winds pull back and bare themselves full of all the things you think are unreal.
They are coming...and they will show themselves.... be prepared....
it will come fast. it will come without delay... and there's no returning once you step forward into tomorrow. Forward March.
"I'll show them to you."
having an excitement fit about the prospects of rummaging...
kinda like how you find a fun thrift store and always find treasures...
but this time it's conspiracy theories and agenda 21 rituals...
and they both want to go on some scavenger hunt...for fun...
and I'm like... please no...
it's great for building ten thousand different perspectives and
trying to piece things together...like a giant 20000 piece mosaic puzzle...
but it all eventually means nothing in the end...
and if anything, the best possible thing is having those ten thousand perspectives...
and knowing they all are not relevant...
at least from Soul's perspective...
which is really all that matters anyway...
but they are smiling...and Soul might let them have an hour to rummage
just for the sake that it makes them happy for a brief moment or two...
like a roller coaster....
fun for a short time...but if you stay on it too long, too many times, nausea is prone to visit
probably easier to go on youtube and find all the people's already done research...
and watch that...
Maybe tonight...
cause I'm done proofreading my book!
In a few more days, I'll do it again...
and then add the epilogue...
and do it again in a week or so...
and then a
Otherwise, I only have a screenwriting book to read....
and if I do that, I'll want to write a screenplay...
but I want a few weeks off from writing...
to recalibrate to aether land awesomeness...
I did order a book off amazon today... so I can read that one instead...
when it gets here...
I'm a little stricken with 'meh'
all this chaotic world happenings... and I'm just like 'meh'
it should be funner... but it's not..
it's like it's not the real deal... and only a minor practice run...
so nothing is actually the real 'fun'
and everyone else believes it's the real... but it's not...
the only thing vibrating out of whack are some of the people.
not even all the people...
because deep down, they know it's not legit
and this is where the ten thousand perspectives come in handy...
the aura/vibe/whatever tells you the truth...
this is only a practice run...only a preliminary test...
this is only a test
I see you
I'm really just anticipating all the things I get to tell you I love today!
I love Iron Man
and the parallels of everything against everything else
I love the view from atop the trees
I love seeing all this chaos
I love seeing people move through it, with it, in it... being it
it's ecstatically beautiful
I love doughnuts, and fresh spring water
I love the internet and amazon.com
I love the color green, with sparkles
I love turquoise and red and yellow, and orange, especially oranges
I love gargoyles and genies and folklore and myths
I love celtic songs and arabian sands
I love Thoth and Tony Stark and golden lions
I love crowns, and the fall, and the rising up, and the turmoil in between
I love all the heavens and all the levels of hell
I love fire and passion
and music and mystical anything
I love the stars and the moons and the forests
I love getting Rick Rolled
I love farewell tours and free concerts
I love rainbows and unicorns and disruption
I love causing disruption
I love watching everyone else regain their peace...
and then disrupting it again
I love basking in complete abundance and universal support
I love watching those who've forgotten try to refind it...
I love the ocean and the sand and the sun and the wind
I love sharks, and whales and good people
all people are good...all people are good
I love kids, and old people, and sad people, and happy people
I love Robert Downey Jr. and Hugh Jackman
I love all the vibrations...all the light waves... and the space inbetween them
I love crystals and magic and science and philosophy and theories
I love conspiracies and tricks and pretend too
and I love that nothing is true...
I love cats, all cats.
I love the ticking sound the heater makes when it cools off
I love starlight and pitch black
I love love love having everything I need and everything I want
I love that I get to have it all and it comes easily
I love that money is delivered to me
I love that emotional charges are easier to diffuse
and once they are, they are malleable and can be formed to your desires
Science... hence the reason I love it...like physics...
I love Superman, and more so Aquaman, so long as it also involves Jason Momoa
I love the color red..
I love the freedom to sleep in and get up whenever I want
I love that I can stay home for weeks for no reason....and now I don't need a reason...
I love the downfall and the destructions of all things...
I love the end
I love the end of the ends
I love the last piece and the final straws...
I love the moment when people are faced with it...that last moment
and I love their rebirth
and their burst of energy... their new level
I could eat that up all day..
and this is my feast, these times...these delicacies
take a seat... come join us.
I went to the store yesterday, we have food, *thumbs up
and for what it's worth...
a few months ago, the oldest brought home a huge box of restuarant industrial rolls
of toilet paper, I forgot all about (because she was giving them to the bird to chew up)
so...we have that too *extra thumbs up
"How can you hear me if you keep diving in the shallows."
ooohh... yummy fodder for mind thoughts...
playing in the shallows were the waves fluctuate with a rhythm determined by circumstance...
sometimes makes it more difficult to hear what the depths speak
different vibrations, different channels, different voices...
and you wonder why things aren't always clear
The Alchemist is really getting on to me today...
as I know he aims to speak, having much to teach...
but I've not been a space to listen for long...
often tired after midnight runs writing, or reading...
so I fall out of sync...quickly...
then during the day...is just interuption much of the time...
or thoughts are more about 'what's for dinner', rather than 'what's for life'...
...and then there's the tik tok and facebook...of which I participate far too often...
I could drop facebook in a day... easy, because it covered in a virus and things
that make me want to cuss... because certain words (labels) are overused..
and used wrongly... and it messes with my calm.
tik tok is just fun... funny... not a good idea to visit...
it's like pinterest...but you get to laugh...and you can get trapped there for a long time
anyway.. I am aware... hyperaware...
and the Alchemist is moving the issue ... on to my lap...
because in my face wasn't enough... lol... he's funny
it's time to learn... yay
happy to stop in and pour out erratic and unreliable information your way anytime!
I'll wave hello again in a day or two or whenever I have to write about something
that may or may not ever be important, relevant, or useful!
I get to do what I want!
and hopefully, I'll have some aetherland stories/lessons for you....
cause this dude is about to go all atomic on me if I delay any longer O_O
Peanut butter and cinnamon are best friends in the apocolypse of cherry springtime and autumn nooks. Carry your books and markers to the nearest railroad station and call forth the angels and the gods, and demand that you be heard by the multitudes and sanctity of the coming age and the coming
futures, where the winds pull back and bare themselves full of all the things you think are unreal.
They are coming...and they will show themselves.... be prepared....
it will come fast. it will come without delay... and there's no returning once you step forward into tomorrow. Forward March.
"I'll show them to you."
Friday, March 13, 2020
The revealing... and uncovering of your masks
"What do you think about that?"
Another question...
I know he's trying to lure me out from any underlying emotions
and raise me higher to the logical thoughts...
because I am the genius...
and I knew knew knew beyond knowing ....that working from the body
was not in my own best interests.
Yes, maybe when you are reading people...
and maybe when you need to alchemize something...
and definitely when navigating...
but for basic common sense...
it's a rare thing for the Vulcan logic to fail.
especially when havoc is smeared across the peoples...
and their own vivid energies are cascading like overflowing puddles...
I see you....
and you are driving me nuts...
seems my own answers solve all the problems
and smooth all the rough edges...
and although Ego loves working from thoughts...
she hasn't reared up and claimed a voice for herself.
It's probably for the best...
she's not like the others...
Thank God
...and truthfully... she's chosen the Dark side...
a long fucking time ago...
and she likes it...
like how Soul drools over a kitten, loves it...
and will fight for it...to the death... a thousand times... the. girl. is. crazy.
Good luck. Here's your warning in case she does speak her 'mind'.
Ego says it looks like a beautiful flower bouquet...
....full of flame and scents that will melt you to pieces...
I love her.
I went apocalypse shopping today.
and I didn't want to go, nor do we really need anything....
but for the sake of making sure I wasn't the idiot who goes over the weekend
or next week...or the week after... I went today...
and truthfully I should have went this morning at 8am....
Many things were already gone...
and I really just wanted the damn Prego sauce and Tombstone pizzas that were on sale...
meh... I got a rain check.
Still proofreading and editing book...
almost at the last chapter... and I'm smoothing things out...
will take a few days break afterwards before doing it again...
and I think I have a title.... (technically a subtitle)
... *thumbs up
2 orders... to go...
1 is on hold (question mark)...cause people don't check messages during a pandemic apparently
1 is whenever...cause no one is going on vacation soon....
I think I might paint the wall or take out baseboards from the hallway...
or clean house
...I hope I have enough cleaning supplies... *sigh...
hopefully amazon will still work...*thumbs up
I'm watching stocks and intending them to drop even further...
so I can join in some of the fun
I'm also looking forward to the economic downturn...
it may be detrimental to everyone else...
but I thrive... THRIVE like a boss....
Logic also seems to be pinpointing some rather disturbing patterns it is seeing
which is steering me back out onto the freeway...
and I can't discuss such things without sounding judgemental
(because Ego is disgusted.... yet she is maintaining a hold on her tongue...
which I find absolutely fascinating...I'm surprised she's not mad, actually...
but she knows that if she uses any word like 'hate' or 'please god, kill them all...better yet fucking burn their eyes out'... it will get thrown way out of proportion... (which in itself might be what she would want) little chaos maker she is... )
but... meh... that will be severed here properly and sooner rather than later...
he wasn't kidding about the changing paradigm....
I just can't.... be you...
Today I love the color blue, with sparkles
I love ukeleles and the fact they only have 4 strings
I love that my radio in my 4runner is not horrible, and still plays loud music
I love how the people next to me at the stop light think all sorts of things about that
even if Dance Monkey or Kpop is playing...or Imagine Dragons...
I love that I have a credit card
I love that I have spotify and I don't pay for it
I love the color grey
and the sound of kazoos
and the trembling of leaves on the bush outside my window
I love trees, all trees, every tree
and I love the ground they grow from
I love that I get to have anything and everything I want
that we are able to get along as humans... even if we forget that we can
I love glitter and the millions of tiny reflections of light it creates
I love the letter G and the number 12
and apples
I love the color black and how it's what surrounds earth when the sun is asleep
I love you
and I love myself
and I love all the green growing things
I love circles...and wood...and money
I love people with bobcats that also happen to love circles.
I love pasta
and Italy and Romania and Bulgaria and Russia and Canada
and Pineapples and mangos
and all the things that grow
I love chords... and harmonics and that feel of gold
I love the sound of gold actually...
it tings...
I love the sounds of silver too... it tings better
(but don't expect to buy any silver right now, the preppers are buying it up like m&m's..., there's a temporary $300 minimum on jmbullion right now O_O)
I love that I already have some...
I love that I have guns and ammo and knives and coffee and sugar... and chocolate
I love that I have all the things
and that we are all taken care of...
I can be taken care of by a big round pool too, fyi
that will be nice
Another question...
I know he's trying to lure me out from any underlying emotions
and raise me higher to the logical thoughts...
because I am the genius...
and I knew knew knew beyond knowing ....that working from the body
was not in my own best interests.
Yes, maybe when you are reading people...
and maybe when you need to alchemize something...
and definitely when navigating...
but for basic common sense...
it's a rare thing for the Vulcan logic to fail.
especially when havoc is smeared across the peoples...
and their own vivid energies are cascading like overflowing puddles...
I see you....
and you are driving me nuts...
seems my own answers solve all the problems
and smooth all the rough edges...
and although Ego loves working from thoughts...
she hasn't reared up and claimed a voice for herself.
It's probably for the best...
she's not like the others...
Thank God
...and truthfully... she's chosen the Dark side...
a long fucking time ago...
and she likes it...
like how Soul drools over a kitten, loves it...
and will fight for it...to the death... a thousand times... the. girl. is. crazy.
Good luck. Here's your warning in case she does speak her 'mind'.
Ego says it looks like a beautiful flower bouquet...
....full of flame and scents that will melt you to pieces...
I love her.
I went apocalypse shopping today.
and I didn't want to go, nor do we really need anything....
but for the sake of making sure I wasn't the idiot who goes over the weekend
or next week...or the week after... I went today...
and truthfully I should have went this morning at 8am....
Many things were already gone...
and I really just wanted the damn Prego sauce and Tombstone pizzas that were on sale...
meh... I got a rain check.
Still proofreading and editing book...
almost at the last chapter... and I'm smoothing things out...
will take a few days break afterwards before doing it again...
and I think I have a title.... (technically a subtitle)
... *thumbs up
2 orders... to go...
1 is on hold (question mark)...cause people don't check messages during a pandemic apparently
1 is whenever...cause no one is going on vacation soon....
I think I might paint the wall or take out baseboards from the hallway...
or clean house
...I hope I have enough cleaning supplies... *sigh...
hopefully amazon will still work...*thumbs up
I'm watching stocks and intending them to drop even further...
so I can join in some of the fun
I'm also looking forward to the economic downturn...
it may be detrimental to everyone else...
but I thrive... THRIVE like a boss....
Logic also seems to be pinpointing some rather disturbing patterns it is seeing
which is steering me back out onto the freeway...
and I can't discuss such things without sounding judgemental
(because Ego is disgusted.... yet she is maintaining a hold on her tongue...
which I find absolutely fascinating...I'm surprised she's not mad, actually...
but she knows that if she uses any word like 'hate' or 'please god, kill them all...better yet fucking burn their eyes out'... it will get thrown way out of proportion... (which in itself might be what she would want) little chaos maker she is... )
but... meh... that will be severed here properly and sooner rather than later...
he wasn't kidding about the changing paradigm....
I just can't.... be you...
Today I love the color blue, with sparkles
I love ukeleles and the fact they only have 4 strings
I love that my radio in my 4runner is not horrible, and still plays loud music
I love how the people next to me at the stop light think all sorts of things about that
even if Dance Monkey or Kpop is playing...or Imagine Dragons...
I love that I have a credit card
I love that I have spotify and I don't pay for it
I love the color grey
and the sound of kazoos
and the trembling of leaves on the bush outside my window
I love trees, all trees, every tree
and I love the ground they grow from
I love that I get to have anything and everything I want
that we are able to get along as humans... even if we forget that we can
I love glitter and the millions of tiny reflections of light it creates
I love the letter G and the number 12
and apples
I love the color black and how it's what surrounds earth when the sun is asleep
I love you
and I love myself
and I love all the green growing things
I love circles...and wood...and money
I love people with bobcats that also happen to love circles.
I love pasta
and Italy and Romania and Bulgaria and Russia and Canada
and Pineapples and mangos
and all the things that grow
I love chords... and harmonics and that feel of gold
I love the sound of gold actually...
it tings...
I love the sounds of silver too... it tings better
(but don't expect to buy any silver right now, the preppers are buying it up like m&m's..., there's a temporary $300 minimum on jmbullion right now O_O)
I love that I already have some...
I love that I have guns and ammo and knives and coffee and sugar... and chocolate
I love that I have all the things
and that we are all taken care of...
I can be taken care of by a big round pool too, fyi
that will be nice
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
These aisles are never empty
"Your paradigm is changing. What are you going to do with it?" ~ The Alchemist
He throws these questions out when I simply looked to him for one of his quotes...
and this is what he gives me...
I wasn't prepared for a question...
now I have to think...
but I suppose it's better than anything on facebook right now...
it's 'infected'
and I'm slightly concerned that when I go to Target they actually will be out of toilet paper...
like...why is this a thing...
are we going to have to install a bidet or a poo hose...?
then what do we dry with?? All these questions for my primitive mind...
I should take the time to see what they used (will use) in the past/future...
like in Atlantis and ...later...
in the better days...
anyway.... new paradigm... and what am I going to do with it...
I'm trying to guess, cause I really don't know...
I know what he's talking about, yet...
'do' with it??
I would think I would flow along with it and take it in stride...
but there's something behind his words... that maybe I can excel something
like a potential that only needs a slight kick in the butt
(please forgive me for already saying 'do', and 'butt', while also mentioning toilet paper)
(completely not intentional)
but what shall that be? I dare ask?
"New perceptions, new choices." He says....
"A new center."
He says, more intently, knowing I'd catch onto that like a fly to peanut butter...
oh, but not a new center, so much as a deeper center...
there's something here... something I can feel so much as one can feel their hand in water...
it's not flimsy and untouchable like the wind...
the way it used to be...
I just dove into it, not even 30 minutes ago...
and it's like water... more feeling... more depth...
and even if it's still ungrasp-able...
it soothes and has a malleable form...
this is new...
I look at my hand as I pull it from the liquid...
the droplets falling slowly, like they attached to me far longer than they should have
like a magnet, one that simply needs recharged...
and the hurricane would rise up within...
and we'd be unstoppable...
this chaos in me... this calm... this tremendous absolute miraculous being
and sometimes the words fall short of the feelings and the visions and the endless heavens
...but we try anyway...
I glance up to him, fully ready to receive whatever else he wants to throw my way
"It is simple. But even simple things need a solid vessel."
He pours water in a vase... one that has a rounded bottom, the kind that doesn't easily knock over...
"Whatever decor you put in the vase, never takes away from the purpose it serves."
He stands next to it, humoring the flower arrangement he selected...
(I don't think he's much of a flower guy... they look kinda tacky O_O )
(Even the vase is kinda dull looking, even if it be solid and sturdy... I do not dare comment)
My thoughts catch up to his words... and as vessels, we are always serving our purpose...
which is to hold god... ourselves... our souls... our consciousness to reveal and express outwards...
... his flowers aren't that tacky...
and the vase is neither dull or ugly...
But he's standing next to them... and everything is dull except him.
He glances back my way.
"You keep falling back into thinking your purpose is for them..." He smiles a slight bit, almost thinking I was cute trying to accommodate these people...
"But it's never for them." He looks back at his flower arrangement.
"We want you to come home." His eyes are soft and his words are softer. He doesn't look back my way, but I already knew why he wouldn't turn back to me in this moment.
I felt the tug. Like an anchor. Calling me with all the voices it had.
Wanting nothing more than for me to fall back into that center....
That Center...
That's where we all were. And just like the water...separated by vases...
all serving a purpose by bringing forth our flowery decorations...
we were the life...
an he was there.... calling me home...
not even wanting to debate over the flowers...
or observing the vases....
just being the water...
being life
and carrying us all...all of us...all of me... together within
"And how can I stay?" I whisper.
"Don't shake the water." He turns to me like it was a stupid question and grimaces.
like a huge 'duh' from the aether worlds.
god, I love him.... and also kinda want to smack him
he steps over to me... and maybe too close... but probably enough to make sure I hear every word
"The stiller the water, the clearer it is. You already know this." He gives a slight glare.
"Stop paying attention to the flowers, to the vase, to the air, to the table, to all the things which you neither control nor decide upon." He says. "It begins with you. It ends with you. And the entire in-between is the wilderness. Now, come home."
He says it with fervor. A passion plea...and I'm stricken with adoration.
He reminds me of my very good friend. Always solid. Always sturdy and secure.
But the Alchemist is assured and confident. Overly confident some would say.
He's like fire with how much he cares, although he would never say it with words....
Words would never be able to match his vibrational expression. Not even a chance.
I nod in agreement with him.
There would be nothing better than such.
I catch glimpses of the circle again...in water... in cymatics...
where the waves travel out from the center
and back again to the same center...
and the center remains true and indestructible
and where your throne is
where your crown is....
put that motherfucker on
and take a seat
and if you have to be like Cersie....
own it.
still reading... I think I'm starting on chapter 24 tonight...
and I realized how perfect things lined up even when I had no idea what or why
I was writing a particular section or conversation...
and it's rather amazing how it just kinda all goes together...
and I switched one character for another...
which doesn't matter, you didn't know them before...
and they are twins...so you couldn't tell anyway...
ooohhh...and my characters are growing up... I luvs them...
(as much as they can grow up... they are immortal dragons...soooo)
I get a paycheck tomorrow!
and maybe 2 of them!
YAY MONEY!! $$$$
I love how easily money comes to me.
it's one of my favorite things.
just like flat spots in my back yard
that makes me so happy
the way it just shows up easily and level
and it is so amazing
big giant flat level circle in the yard
the neighbors might think weird things, but that's what makes it awesome!
I love flat spots big enough for big round things full of water!!!
I love the color purple today...with glitter
I love how underestimated C3PO is
I love how sensitive water is to vibration
I love love love that chocolate exists
I love all the aligning numbers that visited me today
I love dull blue colors
I love that the cat is sleeping on my ironing board
I love crowns and all things round and circular
like gold coins, and pools, and silver coins, and coffee cups
I love the color gold
I love the Alchemist's uniform he wears.
and the way he straightens it when someone mentions it
and I love the thought of new paradigms
and new choices
and new centers...
I love little green picks and little discs of wood
I love brass lions and rabbits and apples that are also bells!
I love machinery
and rock solid wealth
I love how black goes with all other colors
I love alignment
and the fact that Amazon delivered groceries from Whole Foods to my door today
for free.
and that I bought some grooming brushes for the dog...
I love sharpies, ones that work especially
and the color green, all greens
and I love that tomorrow is Wednesday and I get a check
get to watch something, and get a Kyle call....
and I love that the number 10 makes the 0 look important
I love that you bothered to read all of that
and I'm off of this computer...
merely to get on the other one and read/edit a few more chapters.
Got stuff to do tomorrow!!!
and if I make it to Target, I will let you know if I find toilet paper!
He throws these questions out when I simply looked to him for one of his quotes...
and this is what he gives me...
I wasn't prepared for a question...
now I have to think...
but I suppose it's better than anything on facebook right now...
it's 'infected'
and I'm slightly concerned that when I go to Target they actually will be out of toilet paper...
like...why is this a thing...
are we going to have to install a bidet or a poo hose...?
then what do we dry with?? All these questions for my primitive mind...
I should take the time to see what they used (will use) in the past/future...
like in Atlantis and ...later...
in the better days...
anyway.... new paradigm... and what am I going to do with it...
I'm trying to guess, cause I really don't know...
I know what he's talking about, yet...
'do' with it??
I would think I would flow along with it and take it in stride...
but there's something behind his words... that maybe I can excel something
like a potential that only needs a slight kick in the butt
(please forgive me for already saying 'do', and 'butt', while also mentioning toilet paper)
(completely not intentional)
but what shall that be? I dare ask?
"New perceptions, new choices." He says....
"A new center."
He says, more intently, knowing I'd catch onto that like a fly to peanut butter...
oh, but not a new center, so much as a deeper center...
there's something here... something I can feel so much as one can feel their hand in water...
it's not flimsy and untouchable like the wind...
the way it used to be...
I just dove into it, not even 30 minutes ago...
and it's like water... more feeling... more depth...
and even if it's still ungrasp-able...
it soothes and has a malleable form...
this is new...
I look at my hand as I pull it from the liquid...
the droplets falling slowly, like they attached to me far longer than they should have
like a magnet, one that simply needs recharged...
and the hurricane would rise up within...
and we'd be unstoppable...
this chaos in me... this calm... this tremendous absolute miraculous being
and sometimes the words fall short of the feelings and the visions and the endless heavens
...but we try anyway...
I glance up to him, fully ready to receive whatever else he wants to throw my way
"It is simple. But even simple things need a solid vessel."
He pours water in a vase... one that has a rounded bottom, the kind that doesn't easily knock over...
"Whatever decor you put in the vase, never takes away from the purpose it serves."
He stands next to it, humoring the flower arrangement he selected...
(I don't think he's much of a flower guy... they look kinda tacky O_O )
(Even the vase is kinda dull looking, even if it be solid and sturdy... I do not dare comment)
My thoughts catch up to his words... and as vessels, we are always serving our purpose...
which is to hold god... ourselves... our souls... our consciousness to reveal and express outwards...
... his flowers aren't that tacky...
and the vase is neither dull or ugly...
But he's standing next to them... and everything is dull except him.
He glances back my way.
"You keep falling back into thinking your purpose is for them..." He smiles a slight bit, almost thinking I was cute trying to accommodate these people...
"But it's never for them." He looks back at his flower arrangement.
"We want you to come home." His eyes are soft and his words are softer. He doesn't look back my way, but I already knew why he wouldn't turn back to me in this moment.
I felt the tug. Like an anchor. Calling me with all the voices it had.
Wanting nothing more than for me to fall back into that center....
That Center...
That's where we all were. And just like the water...separated by vases...
all serving a purpose by bringing forth our flowery decorations...
we were the life...
an he was there.... calling me home...
not even wanting to debate over the flowers...
or observing the vases....
just being the water...
being life
and carrying us all...all of us...all of me... together within
"And how can I stay?" I whisper.
"Don't shake the water." He turns to me like it was a stupid question and grimaces.
like a huge 'duh' from the aether worlds.
god, I love him.... and also kinda want to smack him
he steps over to me... and maybe too close... but probably enough to make sure I hear every word
"The stiller the water, the clearer it is. You already know this." He gives a slight glare.
"Stop paying attention to the flowers, to the vase, to the air, to the table, to all the things which you neither control nor decide upon." He says. "It begins with you. It ends with you. And the entire in-between is the wilderness. Now, come home."
He says it with fervor. A passion plea...and I'm stricken with adoration.
He reminds me of my very good friend. Always solid. Always sturdy and secure.
But the Alchemist is assured and confident. Overly confident some would say.
He's like fire with how much he cares, although he would never say it with words....
Words would never be able to match his vibrational expression. Not even a chance.
I nod in agreement with him.
There would be nothing better than such.
I catch glimpses of the circle again...in water... in cymatics...
where the waves travel out from the center
and back again to the same center...
and the center remains true and indestructible
and where your throne is
where your crown is....
put that motherfucker on
and take a seat
and if you have to be like Cersie....
own it.
still reading... I think I'm starting on chapter 24 tonight...
and I realized how perfect things lined up even when I had no idea what or why
I was writing a particular section or conversation...
and it's rather amazing how it just kinda all goes together...
and I switched one character for another...
which doesn't matter, you didn't know them before...
and they are twins...so you couldn't tell anyway...
ooohhh...and my characters are growing up... I luvs them...
(as much as they can grow up... they are immortal dragons...soooo)
I get a paycheck tomorrow!
and maybe 2 of them!
YAY MONEY!! $$$$
I love how easily money comes to me.
it's one of my favorite things.
just like flat spots in my back yard
that makes me so happy
the way it just shows up easily and level
and it is so amazing
big giant flat level circle in the yard
the neighbors might think weird things, but that's what makes it awesome!
I love flat spots big enough for big round things full of water!!!
I love the color purple today...with glitter
I love how underestimated C3PO is
I love how sensitive water is to vibration
I love love love that chocolate exists
I love all the aligning numbers that visited me today
I love dull blue colors
I love that the cat is sleeping on my ironing board
I love crowns and all things round and circular
like gold coins, and pools, and silver coins, and coffee cups
I love the color gold
I love the Alchemist's uniform he wears.
and the way he straightens it when someone mentions it
and I love the thought of new paradigms
and new choices
and new centers...
I love little green picks and little discs of wood
I love brass lions and rabbits and apples that are also bells!
I love machinery
and rock solid wealth
I love how black goes with all other colors
I love alignment
and the fact that Amazon delivered groceries from Whole Foods to my door today
for free.
and that I bought some grooming brushes for the dog...
I love sharpies, ones that work especially
and the color green, all greens
and I love that tomorrow is Wednesday and I get a check
get to watch something, and get a Kyle call....
and I love that the number 10 makes the 0 look important
I love that you bothered to read all of that
and I'm off of this computer...
merely to get on the other one and read/edit a few more chapters.
Got stuff to do tomorrow!!!
and if I make it to Target, I will let you know if I find toilet paper!
Monday, March 9, 2020
This worked out far too well for me to have written it...
“Stay in the center of the Circle and let all things take their course.” ~ Tao Te Ching
((( ~ Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. The word Cymatics derives from the Greek ‘kuma’ meaning ‘billow’ or ‘wave,’ to describe the periodic effects that sound and vibration have on matter.~ )))
and this affects the 'art of allowing' and all the magical manifestation stuff too....
the law of attraction... as it be...
just not only with sound... as in not with the stuff your ears can receive...
it's with what you can receive...
and you can receive everything.
the visible study of the changing and alteration for the specific benefit one desires for self...
which if there is a word for this... I'm not sure what it is
words really don't do much... but they can amplify or abate wanted and unwanted alchemic arts...
...careful what you speak
and the center...
is where you are solid, sturdy, true... centered
the seat of your truth
your throne
your inner kingdom
and I most likely have already visited this place with you
and yet, still I find my way back here...
as if we could ever really leave once we've tasted the honey...
and I find this strange...
when you sit in the center...
and the world ripples around you
... and even the body vibrates...
and being centered silences it too...
so what are you? But just another layer of the outside...
just another layer...
I am totally proofreading.
I made it to the end of chapter 38...
and it's a complete stopping point, other than whatever shows up for the epilogue thing
so... proofreading... editing... stuff is a happenin'
... and hoping a title will fall into my lap...or mind...
for what it's worth, I realized thus far... (I'll just be starting chapter 19 tonight)
that many of these chapters... end in a cliffhanger.... and I hate it
cause like a tv series... you want to see the next one NOW
and so you want to read the next chapter NOW
and oi vey!! Why do I do this to myself!!! O_O
Big order will be out the door tomorrow
2 orders are now no longer rush items (yay)
and 2 orders will be done this week...
the world is moving forward again, fina-fucking-ly
tree will be removed this week too...
and a nice check $$$ in my hands to make my week
and I've noticed how flat spots in the yard look really cool...who knew circles were that big!
I love circles
Circles made in dirt that are level, are the best things ever
Dirt circles! YAY!
like big and brown and full of potential
think of all the things you could put in and on that circle
Circles are such a joy
I love huge circles, especially in my backyard
a big huge flat circle.... oh the wonderful levelness of it!
Circle circles circles circle...
like cymatics...
you just got to tune that frequency to just the right.... tone...
maybe to the color of dirt...and to the sound of machinery...
it will play just the right song...
the song of the circle
Let's sing the song of the circle!!
round and round ,round and round
you spin me right round, baby, right round, like a huge flat record, baby
round and round...love will find a way, just give it time...
Circle dot....x marks the spot!
circle in the sand...I don't know the words...
center center....
and just ....idk... hum? and all the stuff just does it's thing...
the world revolves around you...
and poof... like magic...
when you are centered.... things just become and form to that which you've tuned to
all this science and magic babble! YAY!
reminds me of huge flat circles!
circles full of water
circles full of happiness
circles.... oh the lovely circles
Circle in etymology = circus, ring...
Q: --- Who is the ring leader at the circus???!!!
A: --- Me, bitch.
((( ~ Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. The word Cymatics derives from the Greek ‘kuma’ meaning ‘billow’ or ‘wave,’ to describe the periodic effects that sound and vibration have on matter.~ )))
and this affects the 'art of allowing' and all the magical manifestation stuff too....
the law of attraction... as it be...
just not only with sound... as in not with the stuff your ears can receive...
it's with what you can receive...
and you can receive everything.
the visible study of the changing and alteration for the specific benefit one desires for self...
which if there is a word for this... I'm not sure what it is
words really don't do much... but they can amplify or abate wanted and unwanted alchemic arts...
...careful what you speak
and the center...
is where you are solid, sturdy, true... centered
the seat of your truth
your throne
your inner kingdom
and I most likely have already visited this place with you
and yet, still I find my way back here...
as if we could ever really leave once we've tasted the honey...
and I find this strange...
when you sit in the center...
and the world ripples around you
... and even the body vibrates...
and being centered silences it too...
so what are you? But just another layer of the outside...
just another layer...
I am totally proofreading.
I made it to the end of chapter 38...
and it's a complete stopping point, other than whatever shows up for the epilogue thing
so... proofreading... editing... stuff is a happenin'
... and hoping a title will fall into my lap...or mind...
for what it's worth, I realized thus far... (I'll just be starting chapter 19 tonight)
that many of these chapters... end in a cliffhanger.... and I hate it
cause like a tv series... you want to see the next one NOW
and so you want to read the next chapter NOW
and oi vey!! Why do I do this to myself!!! O_O
Big order will be out the door tomorrow
2 orders are now no longer rush items (yay)
and 2 orders will be done this week...
the world is moving forward again, fina-fucking-ly
tree will be removed this week too...
and a nice check $$$ in my hands to make my week
and I've noticed how flat spots in the yard look really cool...who knew circles were that big!
I love circles
Circles made in dirt that are level, are the best things ever
Dirt circles! YAY!
like big and brown and full of potential
think of all the things you could put in and on that circle
Circles are such a joy
I love huge circles, especially in my backyard
a big huge flat circle.... oh the wonderful levelness of it!
Circle circles circles circle...
like cymatics...
you just got to tune that frequency to just the right.... tone...
maybe to the color of dirt...and to the sound of machinery...
it will play just the right song...
the song of the circle
Let's sing the song of the circle!!
round and round ,round and round
you spin me right round, baby, right round, like a huge flat record, baby
round and round...love will find a way, just give it time...
Circle dot....x marks the spot!
circle in the sand...I don't know the words...
center center....
and just ....idk... hum? and all the stuff just does it's thing...
the world revolves around you...
and poof... like magic...
when you are centered.... things just become and form to that which you've tuned to
all this science and magic babble! YAY!
reminds me of huge flat circles!
circles full of water
circles full of happiness
circles.... oh the lovely circles
Circle in etymology = circus, ring...
Q: --- Who is the ring leader at the circus???!!!
A: --- Me, bitch.
Monday, March 2, 2020
There is a great distrubance in the force...
"If the truth shall kill them, let them die."
My whole entire shadow self is drooling all over this quote.
Like, literately in love.
Because it's everything ...
all the love and joy of darkness and the stars...
...and truth...
only a perception from each individual consciousness out there
hence why 'nothing is true' is actually more closer to correct...
but even that's not true either LOL
and death...
behold the written element of an ending into a new beginning
so wonderful these things are...
that quote was posted on the ancient order of the hermetics' group...
which is probably one of the best and most non-judgmental groups that I am part of
(is it relevant that the evolving and spiritual groups are the WORST!)
(probably not, but I want you to realize the beautiful contrast, it'll be relevant later)
so there was a comment under the posted quote...
and they were saying something about leaving the unfit and the outcasts
and them not partaking in glory or truth...
give or take a bit... I just laughed when I saw it
my whole inner SOUL laughed and blurted out.
"Let me be one with them. The outcasts, the unfit. Let me be them.
I'll take them all. Let them be me."
and if I were to choose a side...
I'd choose the Dark Side
I am on Chapter 38 and I managed to keep people alive without killing them off...
although I considered it...
but the outlook would have been bleak for my MC...
and she's done dealt with enough this whole book...poor kid
anyway... I'm guessing they will wrap this up these last 2 chapters.
...I hope so...
1 order left, plus 1 more whenever I just do it.
have some possibilities lined up...
BUT after those 2, Imma remodel the stairwell and downstairs hallway
It needs COLOR!!!!!
and I've noticed the door needs something special too... probably stars and shit
And I'm taking my own advice once again! (I am a genius, remember)
and this will give me a welcoming empowerment kick..
and Ego might get a kick out of it for awhile, bare with us....
yep, time to GO
fli (fli)
fli fla (fli fla)
fli fla flo (fli fla flo)
savesta (savesta)
kumalala kumalala kumala savesta
(kumalala kumalala kumala savesta)
oh no no no no savesta
(oh no no no no savesta)
My whole entire shadow self is drooling all over this quote.
Like, literately in love.
Because it's everything ...
all the love and joy of darkness and the stars...
...and truth...
only a perception from each individual consciousness out there
hence why 'nothing is true' is actually more closer to correct...
but even that's not true either LOL
and death...
behold the written element of an ending into a new beginning
so wonderful these things are...
that quote was posted on the ancient order of the hermetics' group...
which is probably one of the best and most non-judgmental groups that I am part of
(is it relevant that the evolving and spiritual groups are the WORST!)
(probably not, but I want you to realize the beautiful contrast, it'll be relevant later)
so there was a comment under the posted quote...
and they were saying something about leaving the unfit and the outcasts
and them not partaking in glory or truth...
give or take a bit... I just laughed when I saw it
my whole inner SOUL laughed and blurted out.
"Let me be one with them. The outcasts, the unfit. Let me be them.
I'll take them all. Let them be me."
and if I were to choose a side...
I'd choose the Dark Side
I am on Chapter 38 and I managed to keep people alive without killing them off...
although I considered it...
but the outlook would have been bleak for my MC...
and she's done dealt with enough this whole book...poor kid
anyway... I'm guessing they will wrap this up these last 2 chapters.
...I hope so...
1 order left, plus 1 more whenever I just do it.
have some possibilities lined up...
BUT after those 2, Imma remodel the stairwell and downstairs hallway
It needs COLOR!!!!!
and I've noticed the door needs something special too... probably stars and shit
And I'm taking my own advice once again! (I am a genius, remember)
and this will give me a welcoming empowerment kick..
and Ego might get a kick out of it for awhile, bare with us....
yep, time to GO
fli (fli)
fli fla (fli fla)
fli fla flo (fli fla flo)
savesta (savesta)
kumalala kumalala kumala savesta
(kumalala kumalala kumala savesta)
oh no no no no savesta
(oh no no no no savesta)
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Forward MARCH!
I made it a whole 2 days of not inserting my two cents into open slot machines
... be proud...
cause sometimes I do find it *fun
just yesterday though... someone with a dubbed 'neutral' perspective...
... wanted to make sure to prove not to be so neutral....
just saying
I'm kinda glad I called that out...
even though it was totally not intentional....
cause I just commented that I 'loved their perspective'...
(mistake #1, cause I really dgaf and she used lots of big words...)
and shared just a small tidbit of a personal opinion (which by any means doesn't mean shit)
...but oh ho!
someone I guess took it wrong?
(like that's ever a surprise... *insert eye roll... I really was nice (mistake #2))
anyway... they are far from 'neutral' in the matter... (the truth is revealed! Ha!)
it was fun... ;)
me enjoying this view of watching people warp themselves... is probably a problem LOL
or not ;)
I'm also kinda annoyed that what I said was taken wrong and in a negative way...
like yo, lady.. chill out Karen, nothing I said was rude, or mean, or sarcastic! Gasp!
Maybe it's this Mercury retrograde in MY sign that has it all wonked to the nth degree...
my intentions aren't to hurt people, yo....
but when you get butthurt.... I do still tend to laugh...which may come off as intentional....
then your defensiveness when none was ever called for... is annoyingAF...
and I tend to want to jump in and abate the nerves...
which seems to also be a mistake... because then I get all sarcastic...
and well... we have a field day for a comment or two until I no longer play...
no one needs butthurt in their life...
and I don't have to defend... I cede... nothing you have I want... sooo...
you lost before we started...
I don't even care about the point, or the topic...
chapter 37...I think... maybe 38 now... I wrote a lot last night...
it's almost over...
and then I have a shit ton of editing... I know there's some parts I have add-ons to include
(this was not supposed to be this long!!)
sewing work... 2 orders left... one ships out Wednesday
The other will ship the week after....
and I have something else to make which I can do anytime in between or after...
...and then Imma make simple stuff....
(again.... yeah I know...I've done this and failed miserably at least 5 times)
not going to list the big elaborate stuff as often anymore...
the money is better...but the simple stuff is way more enjoyable! (and faster!)
I like enjoyable things...
and then I can rebuild my customer base with those peoples....
and THEN I can make the stuff I want to!
business plans, yo....
many theories in the land of 3d world stuff...
possibilities... and ideas....
things are shifting in a unique way...
It's March!
we made it
and I do still have that list I'm aiming to complete...
some are already finished...
I have 30 more days ;)
and everything can change in an instant!
Ugh, so I promise I won't veg out on tik tok til 3:45am tonight...
and will most likely only just go to bed...
cause I still have to paint something tonight...and it's 9pm... HAHA
what is time really... not the boss of me, yo.
Mercury retrograde ends on the 9th....
which means, all I have to do is wait it out...
and then I can say words again and only be misunderstood 75% of the time...
instead of 99% of the time...
The time also changes too... which doesn't effect me...
and on the 11th, I'll have a check in my hand and another 2 items checked off that list.
and everything else will take care of itself...
and magic will happen...
I FEEL it coming...
and it will be beautiful!
seriously, going to go paint an applique (2 of them)
then depending on the time and how tired I am... writing or meditating, or sleep.
ALL are good.
So...be prepared for sudden shifts and changes.
Be prepared to make decisions on a dime
Be prepared for things to just fall into place like no one's business
and be prepared to walk it with grace and trust...
The Universe has your back!
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