Sunday, February 11, 2018

A question for the scorpions....

Day 68
--- we are feeling rather...
shall I say ...eloquent.
And partially too open.
Open enough to say whatever
comes to mind.
That's my rising sign rearing it's head.
Although I'm a Pisces. Scorpio has managed
in solidifying the fact that I scare people away.
I'm a bit too critical too.
I really don't give a fuck.
I love you all enough to share that with you.

My script is in the hands of my proofreaders.
So I get a few days off from writing or reading it.
That means I don't have to stay up late on the computer, eh?
I could watch a movie I've been meaning to.
I could finish painting my craft room.
I could go to sleep!!!
I could meditate!
So many choices! And I love that.

I'm taking it that I'll have to travel alone.
No one has asked to be my travel buddy.
Except one person whom I've never met.
Her name is Jodi, she lives in a camper trailer.
She's a inspirational speaker.
I'm always up for inspiration.

dude...I still need to clean my storage room.
new work people to call tomorrow.
playing chauffeur all week.
haven't decided to do the realtor thing or not.
I want to go hiking...fuck
stop being cold and rainy!


I've got nothing to saaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.......
Want to play a game?
Not my games?....ok...I see then....
then I'll play ALONE!
Like I'll travel ALONE!
Not quite the 'Honest Game' which we've already discussed...
this one is more quick and to the point.
But you still have to be completely honest.
1) Ask a question that makes you cringe. Or one that you
don't want to answer. Because you'll feel judged or sorry
for yourself, or some other bullshit reason.
2) answer it anyway. truthfully.

I'll go find a deep dark questionnaire, because I don't have questions I won't answer... hang on a sec.
ok, they are all STUPID! No wonder the world is the way it is.... omg, these are not deep nor dark... but I will copy/paste and deal.....geesh.

---Where would you like to be in 5 years? - traveling to Australia.

 ---What was the experience that impacted you the most in your life? - those times I lucid-dreamed of Jesus Christ.

 ---What type of relationship did you have with your parents? - dude, my mom lives 4 minutes away. All good. We go gambling together! What do you think? My dad lives in Wyoming??? I think. I wonder if he's near Jackson Hole? I'd like to visit there. Relationship. nonexistant, except for the random posts he posts on facebook.
or did you mean god the father? he's me... god the mother... she's me too. god the son... me too! Yay!

 ---Would you be with someone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you? - I already am.

 ---How would your best friends describe you? - what the fuck are those??! oh wait, I have a very good friend... he says I'm bratty... O_O

 ---Do you usually follow your heart or your head? - ummm. both. My heart decides. My head complies and obeys.

 ---Would you put your family or your friends first if you had to choose one? Myself. Kids. Do I know you, do I like you, then you're next.

 ---What did your last relationship teach you? - what does this mean?? I've been married for 18 years. If you're talking about any relationship.... I was taught to go with the flow and clear out stagnant energy pools by a seraphim named Ebonel.

 ---Do you prefer dating just one person and see where it goes or dating multiple people until you make a decision? - I didn't waste my time dating. I knew when I knew. ..well...shit, I knew before I even dated. WTF Jennifer! I thought you liked to be surprised! Guess not.

 ---What are the qualities you’re looking for in someone you want to grow old with? - what?? I'm not going to grow old,. Fuck that shit

 ---What are you most grateful for in your life? - everything.

 ----If you could change anything about your past, what would it be? - nothing

 ---What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself today and why? - nothing.
--- If you knew that you only had one year to live, what would you change in your life? nothing

^^^^^Rant: why the hell are these questions asking to change something. You can't change the past or future, they don't fucking exist!!! As for the present.... you don't change anything, you CHOOSE something DIFFERENT!  Get with the program folks!

---Where do you go when you need some inspiration? - in my mind... or pinterest.. or

---Who is the first person you call when you’re in trouble? - trouble? is that still going around?

---What is the craziest thing that you’ve done with someone? - I made babies. No one ever wants to have crazy fun... :(

---What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? - the best??? holy shit, idfk. I will give you whatever you give yourself?

---If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be and why? - my husband

---Do you think confessions make a relationship stronger? - NO!

---Did you ever judge someone for the dark secrets they told you? - no!

---If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why? - hmmmm... teleportation. To get the fuck away from these stupid ass questions.

---What is your biggest regret in life so far? - None far?? It's not like you choose to have a regret dumbass! People choose what they think is the right path to take, if they had known better they would have done better! I hate this stupid questionnaire!

---What was your favorite romantic moment and why? - ...uuuuhhhh am I allowed to answer this... There's a part in my 5 (not written yet) where...oooohhh... yes, that scene. - because its fucking hot!

---What is your favorite childhood memory? - that time I punched my half-sister in the face for marking on Charlie!!! - That time my mom cussed out the people at the high school when I dropped out. - That time ....wait...we're not in childhood anymore?....fuck.

---Are you still in touch with your childhood friends? - you mean my invisible friend... no. the

---What do you do when you’re angry? - I swallow it up and alchemize its ass to dust. Flow baby, flow.

---What are your beliefs on God? God is in me. and you. God is energy. Inner - G.  All.

---Do you believe in soul mates? I think this term was made up by some idiot. Soul groups with people you recognize when you come to being on earth, yes.... soul mates... eh, idk. the meaning of this has become skewed. I can't answer it without fixing its definition.

---How long does it take you to really trust someone? - the question you should be asking is.. How long does it take for you to trust yourself? that's your answer.

Damn, that was a waste of time. Feel free to carry on wayward son. I'm out.
I'll need to find real questions before I do another one of those! Yikes!

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