Friday, February 23, 2018

It's hard to dance with the devil on your back.

Day 80
that leaves ten days to write
not that I won't after that.
but probably only when I actually
have something to write.
No more blabbering on about nothing.
Not that that isn't something in itself.
my body...does this thing...
where it doesn't want to comply to the demands
that I place on it. It gets all tired and shit. This sucks.
I would call it being out of shape, but its more
of an issue with something else.
Maybe a pinched nerve? Low blood sugar?
Maybe I'll get myself checked out when I
obtain health coverage.
Looks like I'll see you in the afterlife.
I'm going to fucking die.
thanks America. Fuck you too.
I'm tired.
I have piles of yardsale stuff on the floor.
I have script stuff to do tonight.
I'm not sure what's for dinner.
let's talk about something else.
There's this person who lives upstairs.
They watch netflix 99% of the time.
There aren't many times I converse with this person.
Some days flow well though.
Others, they are just trying to figure out what is going on.
Me too, my friend. Me too.
Some days they just don't care.
Me neither, high five.
Some days I hope a truck falls through the roof and crushes them.
Maybe wonder where they are.
I wander too. Me too.
Knowing where they are, but they don't know where I am.
Seeing them, but they don't see me.
The dragon watches as they sleep.
"Shall I devour him?" She asks.
....not today my friend. Not today.

Great story, eh?
Might make a good movie.
psychological thriller?
I'll think on it a bit.

 there's a 4runner for sale in NC
they haven't replied to my questions though...
of to buy it would be awesome too.

I'd like to have cash to buy a 4runner, please.
thank you.
I'd also like that person to answer my questions and
provide me with the pictures I want to see.
and a lower price.
thank you.
I'd also like a supportive car guy to come with me to buy it.
thank you.
One like my very good friend. If at all possible.
thanks! <3 <3 <3

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