Sunday, February 4, 2018

Surfing these waves.

Day 61

Lesson: number 'no one is counting'
Follow the wave....
Surf on it.
When you feel it pulling,
act immediately with the first step.
Don't wait.
Don't hesitate.
Don't figure it out.
Flow. Unlimited.

I've noticed something about myself.
I research my great ideas...
and then when I'm beaten down with the
obvious difficulties...
(like physical, monetary, or because they seem really freaking hard.)
I try to limit them.
I try to make them lesser.
I do whatever to make them seem easier.
More attainable.

What a shame.
Turning Gods into peasants.

So I've decided.
I'm not going to agree to that.
That contract had been breached.
It is now null and void.

Because often.... I follow my great ideas.
and because I have lessened them...
I had the lesser version of them.
It's not because they were easy.
Or because they were cheaper.
I would have reached my goals regardless of any of that.
I'm deciding not to make anything less than.

Why get a used 4runner with 30k miles.
When I can just drive off the lot with a brand new one.
Why ponder how to make cabin building simpler.
When I can get someone else to build it.
Why get stuck trying to do anything.
Just do it.
And do it the way that feels the best.
Even if it costs more.
Or takes longer.
Or you get someone else to handle it.

Make all the decisions out of love. Not fear.
follow the wave.

Just some insight in my daily life here.
Doing nothing today, but cooking dinner.
We're having roast and fresh rolls, and potatoes and veggies.
Come over if you'd like. Dinner is at 6-ish.

Today is the beginning of 'Finish the Script Week!'
7 days of it getting done.
7 days of watching for opening doors, so that when
it's finished, maybe I can get that reward.
Of course, now that I've decided not to lessen shit...
I won't have a plan b reward.
This sounds fantastic and slightly terrifying.
Like I said...two tickets, and a place to sleep for 3 nights.
not on this side of America....

Need to hunt down birthday presents tomorrow.
? ? ? ? ? ? ?  14 = 14 times the presents... or so he says. waiting for orders. Come one people.
I would like to make some money by actually working.
Ya know, so everyone else won't feel jealous of my
manifesting skills.
'Where did you get this money?'
'Did you find it?'
'I asked for it...?'
'From who?'
'The Universe.' *shrugs
'Whatever, Jennifer.' *walks away upset because they don't believe in magic.

Have a great day alien pumpernickel cupcakes with rosemary glitter on top!

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