Tuesday, February 27, 2018

AAARGH! Must break free from distractions!

Day 84
time to get serious.
I've got things to do and my time procrastinating and letting things gel is about over.
I know I have to do the things I'm not doing....I want to....but I'm feeling the tide has turned and now it's time to get to work on the matters at hand. So my focus will be put into doing those things I've not been doing.
make sense?

the list of 5 things to get done so I don't have to do them later.
1) shower (yeah, so what if I neglected this, I haven't gone anywhere!)
2) think of some things to add to Victory outline. I still think it's too short.
3) think of ways to strengthen The Fox Prince before trying to edit it.
4) take everything out of the craft cabinet and discard old/useless crap
5) watch a movie while organizing what's left of my fabrics.

I could do my other list, as I already did the beat card outline for Victory, it's just not completely ready to start the screenplay on it. So wondering where the cut off point is exactly?? It's on the board.
I guess after I add to it?

Do you remember Killian O'Malley.
Yes...the leprechaun I made and sold to someone in Ireland.
yes, that perverted one with a penis, who like to watch spongebob.
and he cussed a lot.
How about a movie for him...
Comedy slash horror flick?
Low budget, rated R, and great to watch with a few of your buddies while smoking pot.
Yeah, I'll sell it to Amazon or Netflix...or one of those little dinky horror film studios.
It'll be funny.

I have another gelling in my head... It's for Pixar.
I can't tell you anything about it over the internet or phone.
It's box office worthy. Worthy for the Pixar gods.


Past hacking is seriously hard work.
Not hard as in doing, hard in imprinting.
not explaining.

Ihop is gross, don't bother eating there.
free pancakes day is good though.
ok...really need to get to work on stuff.
I'll see you tomorrow. You got 6 more days with me!

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