Monday, February 19, 2018

I did it!

Day 76
I demand that the temperature outside rises.
If it's not cold, its chilly.
If not chilly, it's uncomfortable.
If not uncomfortable, it's cold.
I saw the sun yesterday, so it's still there.
Not sure what else....
I'm really really really REALLY going to clean
my craft room today. I so am this time.
Like, for reals.
I have to pick up the oldest from work.
Then go adopt a fish or two.
Then home, then clean the craft room....
(which is the 'trying out' new name for the sewing room)
I've got to come back to Earth and get this shit done.

I'm ready to get serious, yo.
Like badass motherfucking serious.
Like manifesto of action.
Like literately catching every wave of this flow.
Obeying the flow.
Following every inkling.
It should be fun.
Of course it will be fun.
but it will also be chaos.

I accept.

Do you want to play with me?
Or watch me play?
then I'll share my adventures with you.
you can follow along with your own, or just watch.
You can use my steps/processes to help with your own.
I'll share.
Let's go!
yeah, I need to make a list for you first, lol.

Look I cleaned the craft room.....

 And AFTER! :::: I told you I would do it today!

now I need to move the cabinet that's in the storage room, to this room..
so all the crafting supplies will be in the same area... and I can keep tabs
on whomever decides to pull it all out and not pick it back up!
I still want to paint that bland ass ugly wall too..... it will be white.
of course, that will make the stains in the carpet pop out...but oh well.

off to watch anime....

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