I have strange dreams (don't we all) but this one was above average strange.
We were in a city, a modernized city, something more up to date than what you usually see (at least in Tennessee). Really fancy like, but not to the point of overly futuristic.
I was on the streets...no cars, just people walking. I don;t even think there were roads?? Anyway, suddenly everyone started to walk inside the nearest building to them....me included. Sort of like we knew we had to go inside because something was coming. No one ran or spoke, but in an amazingly orderly fashion we went to the closest building near us. (Almost like programed zombies...weird.)
I knew my family was at out apartment in another building, and I wasn't even concerned about them, I was sure they were safe.
When we filed into the building (me and the other people from the street) we went up to the highest level that we could get to. Everyone was standing around, but now they were talking trying to figure out what was happening.
Then we could hear the wind outside and there was bright flashing lightning (but no thunder) going on outside. Everyone started freaking out.
In this building there were these large roundish sculptures, I started to climb in behind them once everyone began running and screaming. The window above us was gone (not sure if it got busted out or what, I didn't hear it) but water was splashing into the room, sorta like rain, but it was splashing up from downward, not falling from the sky??
More people screamed and took cover. I knelt down inbetween the pieces of sculpture to stay safe from whatever was happening outside. ( I could no longer see from where I was, but I could still see the lightning flash)
There was a small group of people to my right who were crouched together crying. A single person to my left who was scared and shaking.
I squatted there calmly as I watched them...trying to figure out why they were so scared.....when I myself knew that I was safe and secure...and then I woke up.
I didn't wake up suddenly with my freak-out meter beeping (which would be serious cause for alarm) but still....it was too strange.
Now that I think back, maybe it was a flood...but it came too quickly, so perhaps a tsunami? No clue on the lightning with no sound, except it reminds me of the other dream with the lightning that formed from the red cloud things....sigh. It's impossible to analyze dreams, until after something happens, lol.
But we were in a new fancy city....I wonder if this means hubby will get that job and they'll relocate us to somewhere else...hmmm...near the beach...like Virginia....
I like the beach and I'm really glad we were safe...well, my family was safe and I was safe....and evidently I had more money than I do now, because I was wearing a fancy suit.
I wonder if I had a camera around my neck?? okay, there I go daydreaming now, lol.
No fun watching people scream and run for their lives...I feel sorry for them...that they do not have peace...they do not have security...they do not have sanctity and they do not know how to take rest....but are rather swallowed with fear. :(
So it's also new year's eve....what do you think of that? I think it's great and lame all at the same time, lol. But am very glad 2011 is over, cause it was ho-hum. I guess that means I'm ho-hum too. Oh well.
Looking back...let's see..what happened in 2011...
A bundle of people proved how far they are from their God.... found me some real winners right there.
Roller derby.... cool ass roller derby :) love! (but it's making me kinda broke)
Sewing work....I made more than last year....but now I hate it. Perfect! :) 'cause I want to be a photographer now.
Got a fancy CH/A unit...love! House is warm and electric bill is the same (not including that loan payment on the system though) love
Felt better this year since we stopped drinking the poisonous tap water and now pay double for spring water....love feeling better...but you'd think the tap would be safer than it is. Kinda really sad that people out there still use it to drink...or worse if they give it to their kids/babies/pets....even my plants die if I water them with the tap water....sad, and it makes me angry.
New truck, love...new truck payment...don't love.
Fancy embroidery machine, love...but no longer awesome.
My book 2 is almost finished, love....but it really needs about 5 more chapters and I don't have anything to add to make it longer, haha. (I will not do what Stephen King does and talk about stupid crap to fill up pages...STUPID!!!!)
I got my CCP, pretty cool...but really pointless if I don;t have my own thing to carry with me...duh...but that's what being poor does to you :)
I even got my tax id and a resell permit for my biz...but NOOOOO, I can't afford to buy the fabric in bulk to start out....and it is stupid to pay taxes if you make under $20K a year....stupid.
What else....I helped two wonderful kittens. I gave away stuff (and have more if someone wants to come pick it up) I worked for another boutique (like a real job!) I painted a desk (that tells the future!!!oooohhhhhhoooohhhh!!!) I learned a bit about astronomy. Taught the kids a bunch of cool stuff and neglected the dumb school stuff :)
Got a new mattress earlier this year and now I hate it....boo
I'm growing out my hair...boo.....BUT, only so long and then I'm going to dye it red for a photoshoot and then I'm going to cut it all off!!! Yay! :)
I have a pretty garden this year, but I am still finding it difficult to find a place to put the butterfly bush....ugh. It looks like a big weed and it needs sun, and everywhere but the center of my yard is shade, and I don;t want it in the center of my yard....boo
The people in my head are real....I have proof and confirmation... :)
I don;t think I had a visitation with the big guy this year that resorted to a freak-out...or maybe I did....they all feel like they happened just the other day....sigh.
I started this blog, haha....which freaked out a few certain people because I talked about South Park....whatever, lol. I think you're all funny.
Not sure what else....went to the beach, fun!
Black Friday shopping sucked ass this year since everyone else went out the day before....whatever people...you suck. I didn't even get anything good except a back-up sewing machine for when I kill mine.
I learned to make homemade cookies without milk. Yum
I read some books, cool.
I watched some movies, cool
Got some guineas....which are fine except the one female we ended up with makes a thousand times more noise than the others...yikes! and I thought roosters were bad!
Successfully taught the kids all the states, capitols, and bones...although I'm not sure how much they retained of it, lol. It's been awhile since we reviewed.
There's doorway, high atop the spanning hillside. through the door is where you'll find your rest. No rushing, no hurry. No fighting with time. Peace of joy and beginnings and endings.
You know you need to do something....you know something is wrong...when you are at the breakfast table..."Hurry up, quickly, finish, are you done yet?" During the schooltime hours..."hurry up, stay focused, get it done, quickly." Chores and tasks, ..."hurry up, come on! Grab that, this, now go." Dinner..."move, clean that up, wash your hands, sit down, hurry, now get done..."...the constant voice behind your lips that forces out something other than what your heart pleads. "Let's go, get in the car...move it! We need to go!" the rush...that struggle, the attempt to control time...to control your world, to control your life and your surroundings, to control those around you to have them fall into perfect alignment with the made up fantasy that you were raised to believe is real....
No....stop....step through the doorway. Nothing will ever be as you think it should be. everything is perfect as it is...it is you who needs to change...you who needs to let go....do not be afraid...He is there, within you, waiting, making you look up to the door, pleading for you to let go of everything...
but your heart is silenced, His voice is covered by the tension behind your lips....."quickly, now, hurry."
Stop...look, listen...feel......
You are missing so much...you could die tomorrow. You could die and you will have rushed getting there.
Scream out the control....Scream into the howling wind. Let it all go......
I would seriously recommend clearing your chakras!
Since I am ushering a new book recommendation each post for January (even though its not Jan. yet...) I can sadly say that all the supposed chakra books I have ever read are literately stupid! So your in luck...but if you want to go about the simple...'omg, that totally makes sense' version, I recommend watching the episode of Avatar:The Last Airbender (cartoon series!!) where Aang is hanging out with the guru and learning about how the chakras are and what you need to do to clear them...I am serious, the cartoon actually tells you more in one 20 minute episode than any book I have read about them......Go watch it! I think it's Book:Earth, chapter...: something or other...it's right before the day of Black Sun battle...
Just saying...it's pretty awesome. But the chakra things is wicked cool...but you need to be sure you take it further and involve God in it too...about that letting go thing....cause there is so much more to Him than what you taught yourself to believe ;)
Have fun with that.
Yikes, it's late, I gotta go write in my other book! (after I grab me a piece of cake!) Love you all, beautiful crystals upon the setting sun of rage and glory. ...
I forgot to give you your gift....
I found this on an angel's page (at least I'm going to call this person that...because there's something magical about them) -
Please go listen...it's rather beautiful...but I'm sad we all have forgotten what real magic is....
GO HERE--it is my gift to share with you....
Við skulum bera saman við sjávarföll á undying ást ... í hjarta konungs okkar
Google translate will help you figure that out, much love lightning bugs ;)