Friday, January 31, 2020

Stuttering gets you nowhere

"Stop repeating yourself."

maybe not just the words you speak...
(((when you are talking with a guru master...and you are far too used to speaking to idiots
who often need it said a conglomerate of different ways until they can grasp it.)))
but maybe not just the words...
maybe it's also our actions...
taking the same steps as before...
as our old patterns...
as our old stories...
never moving forward into the new
into the renewal of ourselves...

because it is all unfamiliar
we haven't been down this road before...
we've never cut this trail before...
this wilderness
this wild untouched rawness of where a soul dares to tread

holy fuck, yes

Machete in hand, and acceptance of the trek
certain of scrapes and scratches and a possibility of thorns
might run into a snake or briars, or something poisonous.
might come out on the other side with a rash and hives
but you can't find El Dorado taking the road...
You can't discover Parapata while driving on the highway..
or Paititi....or the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs while shuffling around Target.

You won't end up in Paradise walking this path you've carved out to Safety

fuck yes...
Go Wild


So I'm looking deeper into the pool thing...
and heaven help me if I end up hiring homeless joe to dig me a hole before it's all over with
I've seen it already...
I like the way it looks in my yard
It's always warm...
and I enjoy throwing the cleaning robot into it every now and then... and he has a name
I can afford it
I can have it
and there's no reason I have to believe it's going to be hard
I've included the installation package when I ordered it from the Universal Catalogue.
I will make sure the prep work is included as well, because that's where I'm at right now...
and although I know everything is taken care of...
3d world slowness is trying to dictate that it's harder than it looks...
and I know better than to believe anything 3d world says.
 ....or it's people

you've never met me, have you?
~ "You don't know crazy, until the impossible is squashed by the the creator.
And the created... the manifestation is born out of that which we are." ~

 snap, that was good quote.... and I'm the one who made it
huzzah bitches!

mmmm...this without all that shade, or close to it... or way better...

 Image result for above ground pool on slope.


on chapter 27
it's getting there to the end! and I'm winging most of it...
 things keep popping up that I wasn't aware of...
only three things left on my outline....if you could call it that...
it's like three sentences with three words each, lol
no inlet to put them has appeared yet...

aether lands are interesting, although not in leaps and bounds...
some deep oooooooooooommmmm hum sound in sync with this high pitched iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg... sound
need to take more time to meditate, book writing til the am hours is not helping
once the book first draft is done, I'll be back on a roll with it.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright

Choice is the act of hesitation that we make before making a decision. It is a mental wobble. And so we are always in a dither of doubt as to whether we are behaving the right way, or doing the right thing, and so on and so forth…and lack a certain kind of self-confidence. And if you see you lack self-confidence, you will make mistakes through sheer fumbling. If you do have self-confidence you may get away with doing entirely the wrong thing.

You have to regard yourself as a cloud, in the flesh. Because you see, clouds never make mistakes. Did you ever see a cloud that is misshapen? Did you ever see a badly designed wave? No, they always do the right thing. But if you would treat yourself for a while as a cloud or wave, and realize you can’t make a mistake, whatever you do, cause even if you do something that seems to be totally disastrous, it will all come out in the wash somehow or other.

Then through this capacity, you will develop a kind of confidence, and through confidence, you will be able to trust your own intuition." ~Alan Watts...

totally disastrous...
yet it all washes out...
evening out the blood stains
the mishaps
the things snafu'd

and we see our indestructability
our immortality
the eternalness of expansion and progress

"What makes you think you are further behind than when you began?"

and what fears lie hidden that tell you there is anything wrong at all?
or could ever be wrong?

What is this grand scheme ideal of who we are 'supposed' to be?
This righteous begin who oozes in goodness?
What the fuck is goodness?
Intergrity, humility...
who wrote these fucking words and dictated they should be at the top of the scale?
What scale are you living by?
The one preimposed upon you...
the saint?
the one without sin?
what the fuck is sin?
the sinner?
playing along with these scales...
because it's the 'right' thing to do?
the highest of the high?


you haven't met me, my friend....
you haven't met the fire and walked through it
the lower you go on the scale... pssh...
makes the scale disappear...
the higher you go on the scale...
makes the scale disappear...
because you can't dictate with words and images what the truth is
no one can

Microwaves serve a purpose just as much as x-rays...
both on opposite sides of a certain scale...
and who is it that judges these things?
they both could kill you... so which is the more righteous wavelength?
maybe the one that kills you slower, giving you more time?
or the one that kills you faster, sparing you the suffering?

and the vibrations that you carry
that you think
that you act upon
that you witness....
the 'lower' ones that feel like ick...
the 'higher' ones that feel amazing...
both serve a purpose


don't know where I was going with that...
maybe no point to it...
use what you want and discard the rest...

Related image.

3 orders to go...
1 in process to ship Tuesday or Wednesday
2 more ready to be cut out to ship by next Monday
... almost ready to paint the wall

book on chapter 25
I may take a break tonight and just meditate...
cause I haven't done it in a while... at least not effectively...
probably why the manifesting skills are not as good as they could be...
this irritates me, lol
I like my snap of the finger instant gratifications....
(maybe not that instant...but it certainly looks that way compared to recently)
and instant is totally possible too!

Ya know...
some spicy jambalaya
a warm blanket
and a good movie...
...and some cookies...
that's not hard to manifest.....but the actions steps are obvious

all the other things are not hard either...
however, the action steps are incredibly good at remaining anonymous.
people fall falls short...tried efforts fall short...
and the answers, are not answers at all
even the effort and action isn't needed...
knowing this is one thing
allowing it is another...
and even the aether never tells you how long patience will need to be...
but you know the answer... you are the answer
                 (patience in etymology = suffering)
just sit and stay home...
stand in your center
reach the core
and remain steady
stand true

your hands want to react to 'do'
but you must remain steady
remain strong
and let the world crumble around you
let it fall...
then... when your hands move on their own...
build whateverthefuck you want with the wreckage
be the whirlwind and the eye within it
grow stronger and wreck havoc
stay on the throne of your kingdom
and know know know.... the king doesn't do the work
he leads the work
by mere words, mere thoughts, mere intentions, mere desires....
                (mere in etymology = pure: undiluted)

~Thy will be done... on earth as it is in heaven...~

be the king, or be the servant...
and know both... serve a purpose

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
~Gospel of Thomas

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


~~ ***  Stand true little Spirit Dragon *** ~~
        ~~ *** Stay in your strength *** ~~

All day, every day... we can easily find ourselves in others...
but we only need to find it within ourselves.
And we read these energies and try to gather our answers...
is this right?
is this correct?
how is this?
is this acceptable?
am I close?
but we are the answer
look outside the window...or beneath the trees
or scan your friends list...ask your fam
feel free to ask your spirit guides...
or the Christ
or your god...
all things are mirrors to you...
all things are mirrors to you...
and you are the only source of the light...
you are the only source of the light...

~~ *** COME HOME *** ~~


and Source is where your power resides...
and all the reflections are merely what can only be you...
like the green reflects off the leaves... everything else passing through
so the leaves are green...

it is all you
all you
all the things
all the fucking things
and it is a beautiful thing to behold
ecstasy with creation
what a brilliant plan this was built to be...

Oh, how I would hope to never forget these things
how I would live with this day by day by day...
but we are creations that create and expand and no longer fit our old selves
and we move and change...
and our creations move and change...

How perfect a design


Chapter 22 I think...
Some neat happenings are occurring that I didn't know were coming!
I love when the book writes itself and I find out new things!
Ahh! I just want to squeeze all these characters!
and I'm curious what's going to happen with it....
and I'm sorry not sorry... but it just so happened that I may have leaked out
information that will not be covered in this book...
which in turn may fortify a book 7....
I'm not sure how I feel about that...
(like I have a 'later' story....but it doesn't need written... cause it doesn't follow my MC)
((( but now it's recommended I take it further than what book 6 could adjust for...
and anyway... I'm sure in 18 months I'll be freaking out with all the new things
to write about once again... and I kinda opened a whole rabbit hole with my MC
and there's much to be discovered... uncovered... cause it told me things that were never never
never in my outline to begin with... ))))

Sewing work... I still intend to ship two orders out Friday
two orders mostly made over the weekend....
1 more order done next week...
and then we can get serious? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!

I just want to play my ukulele, yo
and write...
I'm gonna go get some ice cream...
and write....
cause it's already 11:30 pm... and I'm late...
not that I have a schedule at all...
maybe I'll just meditate...
I'll decide after my ice cream


Monday, January 20, 2020

Pour out....

One to One.
Two by Two.
Three for Three
Four and Four
Five is Five
and Six times Six
We set the gauge to burn
and we incinerate the flesh
melting away the lusts and the grime
forever being changed and rebuilt
leaving behind a diamond
long after the flesh has flaked away

and we grasp out at the seen
forgetting the unseen
and we watch it disintegrate from the fingers
and where does it now remain...
but inside the essence of memory
and we carry it with us
never forgotten

and the crisp spark that lights the night
radiant and true
everlasting vision forward to expand
we take another step and recreate
forever choosing this journey
like night chooses the dark
and we wrestle with the splitting
and we tear ourselves
wrought usunder
there and here, here and there
and everywhere

until we no longer are forgotten
and we travel home


Could I show you something which words can not embrace...
where the drop in your heart isn't a falling but a breath
and we float upon the galaxies of creation
a sound can take you there
an image can take you there
a song can take you there
a sentence can take you there
all the ways...
yet who follows the path unending
but the fearless
the one who is willing to be rapt
willing to let go
and able to loose is all
to lose it all, knowing nothing is ever lost

and I saw it today
felt it today
and all the things that hit that chord
that blissful chord where you stand...
I saw you
and I know you are here...even in the mix of others
so much noise...
so much creation dancing to and fro, to and fro
yet, today I saw you
and you were still there
beautiful as ever
and where was I...
...but in the midst of it all

I will never forget your song


Related image.

just a thought....
pour out = poor out

no more of that!
Let's be RICH!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

You are full... pour the shit out now...

I want to congratulate everyone who still visits this blog
This 'Everything But' the run-of-the-factory revue show...
except those paragraphs that include day to day happenings...
which in all honesty, I don't like writing...
but it satisfies that small percentage of my Ego that says...
"that's all they want to know anyway" ... shit

because sometimes certain people want to know when the damn book is done...
or what strange artistic adventure I'm tackling next...
or maybe not...?
those things are for facebook posts...
so either way...

this place is for inner conglomerates of ideas and assumptions
a wreck of perceptions and analyzed info..
with a gallon of 'all this weird stuff I found in the attic' stirred in...
and always stirring...

we've discovered something...
more like uncovered it, it was always here...

you know how in video games, you the main player usually is offered
a choice of three different views to watch your player...
you can choose
#1 view - which is like looking through the eyes of your player...
#2 view is hovering right behind them, so you see them, but close...
#3 view is back and away from your you can see behind them too.

((pretty sure real life is like 7 different views, but for the sake of this description, we are going to stick with the basic 3))

You know which one you like best, so you choose that view while you play...
and if you switch it, you end up dying or lost...or something...
because it's not the perspective that works best for your player...

Now imagine that real life is like you playing this player...
Lots of people are using #1 view.
They are completely in their body and enjoy all the things of such...
they feel things and get rapt up in other things...
their perspectives are based on where they are and what they are doing...
up front and center...

View #2 is used by others, but not nearly as much as #1
where you are in the body when you want to be...but prefer the view from
up and behind your player... It gives you a view of what's around you without
having to negotiate the primal urges your body sometimes like to delve out at every turn

View #3 is rare for people to use.
It's a bit far detached and although their perceptions are more on everything surroundng them
rather than themselves.
Not saying this is bad in any way, they like the distance and are comfortable with that

Turning the game off from time to time is my preferred view...
most of time View #2 is my seat of center.
when I switch to view #1... it's like a shock to my body and it significantly pays for it
View #3 is great at times, it's not as comfortable and there's sometimes too much other info that I really don't need to give attention to...
Now view #2 allows more interaction and distance to where I can choose so look ahead or around...
it provides my comfort exceptionally so.

So what does all that have to do with anything?

I'm a bit disgruntled at myself for listening to people who want you to embrace being in the body
embodiment... movement... let's feel the energy move through your body SHIT
and for the love of all the stars.... when they do that take deep breath and get into your body words...
there's no getting into this vessel like that...
focusing on breathing= out of breath....
focus on moving anything 'in body' = hurts
focus too damn much and something unwanted will manifest...
....they don't understand the power system....
and this vessel...for me right now... is far too small a conductor to hold all of me
circuits get blown
things hurt
things get out of whack

so in short... view #1 is NOT my friend

and what is the lesson...or the remembering?

(my fucking 3 year old self already knew this.)
in short...
it's breaktime from absorbing information from outside...

I say this as I have 6 tabs open for an AH video...
and I'm debating to listen to them first...
or not...
easy to understand it all...
but is that me listening to the thought of repetition is learning?
or me thinking something will resonate deeper?
...and I know once I just wrote that, the answer...
cause we are the answer...
always there it is....

and everyone should know NOT to listen to THOTS!


 WLOP is one of my fav artist's by the way
they are on
I get tons of inspiration from their work


oh, here's this stuff...

Chapter 19 ... book 6
I have to could cut out appliques... but look where I'm at!! :)
I thought about painting a piece of the wall...
... I don't know what happens next...
in this world, or in the book... I have these short few word sentences on my out-line
that kinda show throws me in a direction... but I'm unsure what happens inbetween, haha
it's like discovery channel, my characters grow in those moments.
there's one more adventure they need to go on... (unless more pop up along the way)...
and that will wrap it up for book 6
I have to bring my lower vibe characters to the forefront and give them some rain and sunlight
Everyone is allowed to grow...
 I swear this whole series is like Game of Thrones mixed with Days of Our Lives, and a dash of some strange Harry Potter/Star Wars baby....

god, I want to write a screenplay now...
10 days to write a screenplay... versus 45 for a novel...
I could write 4 screenplays... O_O
(note: none of those time frames include editing)

but then I'd have to pay for copyright...and I'd go broke...make more money
it's $55 a pop for screenplays, yo

...hmm... here's one for you... 32 page short
about Killian O'Malley! <3
you'll love him...
you can thank me later... it's only 32pages of screenplay...
there's foul language in this one...


Laser Racers and Victory....can also be found HERE
those are animation kid's films...
they are available for purchase, fyi


well, I feel better after writing this blog post
hope you do too!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Space invaders don't use force...

So...this is odd...
I think I've shifted dimensions...
and I'm trying to gather info on where the hell I am...
because things are radically different.
I am being serious...

same faces, same places....
but .... I don't think they are the same...

so would it be me who shifted?
or the world?
or is that one in the same?

this is freaking weirdAF...
and is rather enjoyable in a creepy weird way...

everything today has shown me this about-face on what it is...
or who it is...
but it's completely cool... *shrugs
everything always moves to the betterment of itself...
so all better than it was before
____________________________ third eye is vibrating... and electromagnetic energies are weird
...the aether is BUSY...
like there's something everywhere
and you just go to whatever you like...
but it's almost like overwhelm....cause you want to try everything and see everything
and do everything...
Like being at Disney the first time...without the lines.
more than you can sift through...
what the fuck is going on...
whatever it is, I fucking like it.

but it's not just the aether lands...
it's here in this 3d reality we live in!
..or at least the one I'm in...


umm...this world stuff...
on Chapter 17...
I am loving loving loving everything about one of my fav characters
omg... there's a reason I put him in this story to begin with....
and god... I love him so fucking much...
he teaches me something all the time...

what good is writing a book unless you evolve and learn from your characters...
...and they do their own things and respond their own ways... and you see their beingness
their beingness....
something that most people in this world never show you openly...
you see it and feel it and hear it....
but they show you something else, or say something else, or pretend something else...
and you see through their projections and illusions....
and they don't know you can... or they do and avoid you...
and all you want is to love that being beneath the armor....
the soldier beneath the guns
the hunter beneath the camo
the light beneath the cloak

I didn't think I'd have anything to write today...
and I didn't want to work on cutting out appliques...

and we've become something new for today
and enjoyed the idea of a space force to complete today's strange destiny

for what it's worth...
this isn't a new thing... they've been shipping people out to Mars for awhile
(this is in some future time which I think some other part of me lives...or will live?)
they go out there to work for about two weeks and then come back...
there is never a shortage of jobs in that time...
there is always work to be done...
most factories have been moved out there to Mars... (really, they are taking the means to clean the earth and take better care of it)
there's a super large space station...
the moon is used only for storage and communications...not much else besides a few luxury buildings for the company bigwigs
They don't have wires for anything....and you can't believe how this is such a conundrum for me why wires are still a thing.... or fucking push buttons... ?? among other things
Cars do not fly... but they are so much better/safer than today's flying chunks of death.
The ships that take people out to Mars for but they are using only partial engines for thrust. The actual engines are electromagnetic conductors. They sound awesomeAF
.... things are better.... even though they could be way better than that... and I've seen that too....
...I see that too...
energy pods that gather energy from the room itself and conduct for use in the newer utensils.
crystals, light, sound... hydromagnetism... the same things they used in Atlantis
much much much better.... but whether that is the past...or future...
or also now... *shrugs...



PIC! Look at me remembering!
 Related image.

Space eye!!
like your third eye....
but not like they tell you about it on google.... or those books...

it goes deeper than that....

much deeper






Wednesday, January 15, 2020

You are the POWER!!!

~ "What got us here, won't get us there." ~ -- Gary Vaynerchuk

when we try to remember what we were doing when
things came simply and easily and there wasn't any of that 'trying' shit
 ... those things.. not even mattering what those thing actually were..
are only yesterday's rung on the ladder...
and because we shifted and stepped to a different place...
those things aren't easily fitting in the keyholes anymore.
they don't open the new doors
the old keys don't fit...
and things don't get unlocked

new levels require new treasures...
and we don't even have to remember what we are looking for

and we carry this toolkit around...piling up the things we used that worked...
but as with technology... your windows 7 disc is obsolete....
and your coax cables are a joke
and you can't plug the atari in to anything you better hope that box tv still works.

Time to drop the tools...
we don't need to fix
or plan
or arrange
or use all the cool trickety-tricks we once used that worked brilliantly.
some that worked like those times when you made $100 a day right on schedule....the whole month... ;) only because 'of course you did' and you were fascinated with every fucking color you saw like a real creep... and somehow this process milked cash like an organic dairy farm.
or when you bought that accordion for someone else... and was gifted with that stainless steel wok you waited so long to find! <3 and it was like $20... (and it is a $125 wok if you buy it online!)
and for the love of all the stars....
patience is such a divine gift to have...


I'm calling forth an uprooting
and a pouring out of the tool kits
and a dance around the fire of freedom
because we are always provided for... in every moment...all ways, at all times...
and we don't have to carry anything with us
we are set free
and as our clothes litter the ground, and our flesh peels away, and all our coverings abandoned...
we still have everything we are
all the things...
provided, fully, forever


I think I'm on Chapter 15...maybe 16... (?) I can't remember....
and gahhhhh!!!! I luvs me some book characters like no one's business.
...and I'm almost at the end of my sloppy and erratic outline... but there's still more...
and I don't know what's gonna happen! I'm so excited to find out!
things are gonna get brokens... :( I have this dude named Eridon who is under Reyna's spell...cause she's a sorceress...and he's gonna fuck some shit up... like smashing castles to the ground kinda stuff)

Sewing orders.... Almost done with one... Almost done with two...
2 more than I need to do... and they are simple... but Brain is on hiatus...
Once 1 is done... then 2 will get done... and then 3 and 4 will be like nothing...
and then...I can start on the wall.... <3
(no guarantee I won't do that tomorrow though... cause I'm the Soul is... boss of my time... and Soul runs the show around here...)

There's plenty of things to do... but I'm not doing them...
I wish I had more time to meditate actually....
book writing at night does no good in working in conjunction with meditating...
and morning meditation...I'd be lucky to get 20 minutes... considering book writing at night does not guarantee any such schedule such as going to sleep at a certain time.... so it might be midnight.... it might be 3am.... and 1pm wake up hour is not in alignment with meditating very often....
I'm rambling! I love it when I do that and get nowhere....but in circles circles circles...
like a merry-go-round...



no aether lands... (see previous paragraph) but I did chat with the Alchemist earlier today...
until I forgot I was chatting with him... and well....
I will make an effort to stay in connection better...

I did have a chat with someone in transition... so that was weird...

I gotta go!
Kyle call!
 later peeps!...
oh wait PIC!!!

Image result for thor hammer stars.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

We may dwell in the forest...

~ "Clever is the fox who guards the magic." ~

The one who doesn't get dis-tracked... distracted
the one who stays with the momentum of their desires and the feeling of them
the one who rides the wave of motion forward

do not tear your heart away from that which brings you joy
that which brings you peace
 and comfort
and happiness
and sparkling diamond goo goo eyes
your pair of dice... your paradise

Keep it close and don't look away
guard your magic by watching it like you watch your cubs
it is which brings your desires to fruition
and all things are possible

don't look away little fox

no matter what the wolf tells you
no matter what the rabbit says
no matter if the bear roars loudly
or the birds scatter to and fro
listen not to them little fox

you are the clever one...
and you are the one.... the only one
who guards the magic within

stay true, little fox
all the stars align for you
and light your path in the darkness


Image result for fox stars..

When all you want to do is write and paint...
but you have to sew, lol
because you couldn't the last few days because of construction...
and 3 hours later... here I am writing blog posts...
because the reception is high in a place like this
very high
maybe not from new carpet fumes or star wisdom...
but because... back on track...
which always seems lost in obliteration while the sun is still up...
but once it's gone and all the little things pop out...
all the stars that aren't close enough to blind you....
you see the grandeur of all that is...
and remember...
like in the Lion King...
remember who you are!! in Mufasa's voice of course!

just maybe not the 'who' so much as the 'AM'

I'm not explaining that



Guard your magic.


Friday, January 10, 2020

What is it that you really want?

~ "Sometimes the simplest one is the right one." ~

...and overthinking on the enormous abundance of all the other options...
scrambles the single, solidified, pure tone signals
no need to effort and try and make all these things be...
just take it easy
be simple when there's overwhelm
be courageous to know that all things are working out for you
so the simplest to the most challenging and any in between... IS the right choice. Every time.

and so it is.


we don't need to overthink our wishes
or over analyze our dreams
...the only prerequisite needed for doing or having anything is 'want'
so what do you want?

this isn't WishMaster where your words are obliterated into horror
nor is there any judgement or looks of disdain...
when your own vibration is that of a pure thought
nothing can ever be misconstrued or taken out of context...
It's never the words we actually speak that spell out the manifestations
and nothing can deter or interfere with a signal you send out that is solid
one that is singular in essence
it's simple
and in being so...
it is the right words... the right choice... the right everything

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” -- The Little Prince

We don't have to save the world
Or everyone we know
Just ourselves....
and in doing so.... the whole world is saved

Related image.



3d world...

carpet in, furniture back in place
looks like I'll have to sew later because I feel soooo far behind now, haha
behind what? idk... I don't even know what day it is

book mid way through chapter 9
and I didn't realize how awesome some of these side characters are...

tasks and crap


aether world! 
I miss you...I'll pay attention during the day I suppose
that might be the only way to tune in when I'm writing a novel into the wee hours



Wednesday, January 8, 2020

There's only ONE world

The truck unexpectantly unloaded today...
they stuck all the packages and new things in the middle of the house
and I've yet to begin opening 'all the things'
but I feel their presence
Oh, I feeeeeeel it!
all these things handed to me and delivered and even set in my face
thank you...

ooohhh, to be a piece of magic for the world...
and all I ever have to do is be present for it, with it, with myself
and keep from doing that thing where you try to get in the way of the signal
that crisp prime signal that moves from here to there and there to here...
and all the time we muddle it up when we try to interfere...
Complete allowance.
could you do that?
it's seems like a hard thing... and sometimes we forget to NOT help
but the Universe doesn't need our help...
and when we try to step in and look at how the process is going..
we mar the signal and things get throw into a traffic jam...
jamming the signal...

stop doing that
everything is always working out for you
stay out of the way
and wait for the delivery trucks
they know what they are doing and you don't need to know which route they need to take
or how to load the trucks or how to package the goods...
all you have to do is place the order and wait...
2 day shipping happens... or 3 month shipping...
but it all comes when you stop trying to reroute the trucks
and you stop trying to think think think!
just allow

it's like radical unschooling but with energy
and you want to force your kids to do this or that
but you mar the signal and they rebel
they resist
but by allowing....even when the world is falling apart
they show up for themselves
and you didn't have to tell them to
... they told themself to...
trust is the name of the game

and I trust the Universe


so that's figurative and frankly, I have enough craft room stuff jammed in the hallway
right now that packages would not be prime at this moment
Carpet is coming, I promise....
tomorrow if it's not raining

and I've remembered how to get back on track...
its like being lost in the woods a bit because you were chasing a fairy...
and finally made it back to the path that takes you where you want to go
and we are on our way


so aether lands...
I did that weird DMT meditation thing again...
and it was different this time, but still no OBE or astral projection, which is fine...

and I totally made a wish today by partial accident...
I watched myself saying it...
and I watched as Mind was doubting whether it was gonna be honored...
it was... so maybe that's 1 down... 2 to go, haha
I intentionally also said 'fuck it' to myself and wished for something more exciting
... O_O
I don't think I should tell anyone...
yes it feeds Ego, Mind, and Soul... as she explicitly mentioned getting her cut today
in a different aspect... which involved that first wish....
Everyone is fucking excited to see this play out!!!
 so am I...

Soul informed us that her productions could be larger... and we all cheered that prospect.
Mind is extremely excited to have new fodder to munch on
and Ego is like... 'Yes' That will suit me.'.... I'm not sure about her intentions just yet.

(really now... I did start this whole blog post on ALLOWING.... and that includes
allowing yourself to have and USE what's available to you. Even wishes offered to you by big blue guys with long hair, jewelry and wavy stuff at the bottom.)

book is half way through chapter 8
....and I read through what outline I do have and I'm so excited to see what happens later !! Eek

I DID do sewing work today... congrats to me
Got all the Frozen appliques cut out and pinned...and the 2 others...
depending on the carpet situation....tomorrow those will get sewn...
or at least I can print off the other ones I need to do next

Marketing day is Friday... who even know what that means?
but like said, Soul wants her cut...

I'm already anticipating getting started on this wall.... ART! COLORS! PAINT!!!

PIC! for the win!
Related image.

I wanna paint soooo bad now!!!!

it's almost 11pm...and I'm late for writing a book, yo!
outta here !


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Embers in the rain.....a rising in the pain

~ "Anything that comes to you, summoned or not, will never be a lower vibration than your lowest vibration. If you have trauma or ill intentions, or guilt/regret/etc that you have not healed...those entities can trigger those and make you feel the emotions linked to those unhealed things. It is all vibration. It is not any more 'evil' than you carry inside of you. The more you heal, the less and less any negative things can even touch you...because they will not be able to exist on your frequency plane." ~

Mind you this was a reply comment I posted in one of the groups I'm in...

but there's something deeper here...
while I was merely rectifying the obvious error about 'evil' things in the world... or unworld...
this could be a revelation that is definable and utilizable on other life aspects...
like relationships
like finances
like family, and tasks, and jobs, and things you hear/see....
like life and all the things it entails
all the things

for example...
I'm wondering myself why I'm emotionally traumatized by looking at Australia..
like, I've only been obsessed since I was little little...
and it's on fire...
but it's not the flames that burn
it's the unknowing of a place I'm energetically somehow linked to
and while things happen all the time everywhere...
I don't usually care about them...
they don't bring me to a deeper place
but down under...
this is a different story
and this story hurts, is filled with all the things...
and what amazing things it's revealing for me...or will reveal

perhaps for everyone.
...and you thought the Amazon rainforest was devastating...
but this hits home
home country.... even if we've never been in this lifetime
down deep...
down under those layers we've built

clear the surface and find your gold....
there will not be things that can take you this deep everyday
witness yourself before the rains come to heal the wounds...


not even summoning rain
or demons
or the gods
can bring you the gift you are receiving when you are faced with raw open wounds
a bleeding out...

so summon yourself
and look at your mess
that beautiful glorious mess
... dig out the splinter... the sty.. the rage... whatever is hidden beneath your layers
 truly heal

 (summon in etymology = to give a hint)


I'm sure there's far deeper we could go with that...
and while Mind could take off on five different perspectives easily...
we will let that alone stand as a place of stillness and witnessing
After all... it is whatever it means to you
and all the things in the world... are for you...



3d world adventures 101
carpet is up... and I found some online I might pick up, if they get back to me before I've lost
most furniture is out of the way except the heavy table... and the fold up table I have work stuff on.
...which I should probably get to work on... but I found a blog post to write instead...
I am procrastinating... and I love that. Nothing is such a rush that I can't find time to write
...the bird still needs put to bed too...and I hope I don't have to do it again

book... I'll be starting chapter 8 tonight... (like in a whole 30 minutes to an hour)
the cat still has an issue... which is neither better nor worse...
I'm tired of making decisions for all the things except things I've instigated myself...
not even my cat... but where's the owner.... hrmmm?
'4am mom' is about to go whack...
Even I don't want to do damage control because of her... *sighs

 I also painted the wall.... like base coat...
I'll start the art part of it eventually rather soonly and all...
but I've got to do some sewing stuff so I don't feel like I actually skipped 3 days worth of progress
we'll do that tomorrow... first thing... *nods with a slight shrug
look at me being a wavering ball of unfocused energy...
exactly what I tell everyone NOT to do,   LOL

I don't even know what else right now...


Aether world adventures 101 ...or Ether....whatever... I like aether and I don't even know why
so... I released both me and the djinn from any obligations or bargains...
like... they don't have to give me wishes... or give lessons...
but all in all, the last thing I learned was a lesson...
and now I'm feeling like I jumped like four levels and we both are surprised...
does that make sense?
like..'whoa, didn't see that coming'... and now I've gained some fans it seems... blue ones.
I don't know what I'm talking about...

but I'm 100% certain that the whole ache and pain things were my nervous system trying
to align with the new level.... of course you never see that until afterwards....unless
you were paying more attention beforehand... which I may not have been...

I don't know if they will stick around and still teach me things...
or if I still have access to these wishes... which I'm starting to get the sense they
are not what we think they are... ? ? ? (*question mark)
~ fascinating! ~

PIC!!! <3

 Related image.

that'll do it for tonight!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Quality perceptions

Let's do exercise... ya know, so you don't keel over when you
are challenged to run up the hill... because you don't know how to say no sometimes...
hey, look at me being consistent doing exercise...
why is my hip out of alignment...
why the fuck does my back hurt!
ACK! I can't lift the water bottle with my right arm...
is there a reason my thumb hurts?
maybe exercise is not for me
I will just get the pool installed and go swimming lounging in bliss


new carpet for the craft room is in motion...
in other words, I'm waiting for the store coupon before I go get it...
I may or may not begin the clearing out the room process of the stuff touching the floor
there's far more stuff on the walls than on the floor, so that's good

and I need to prep the wall... for. an. art. project  O_O
I don't think the word 'project' is appropriate.....
more like an overhaul of extreme imposition of color and magic...

it was going to be the wall or the kitchen table first...
however I still haven't, and will not, inform the family of said plans on the table
They are most certainly assured to get the drift when they find it in the garage getting sanded...
or when they find it tilted and surrounded by paint colors...
and chairs blocking it from getting touched by the pets
It'll be fun... in like 3 months when it's a bit warmer and I've recovered from the wall 'project'
but the wall is first...
and it'll be primed this week...


other stuff in the real world...

book is on chapter 6
it's been so enjoyable hanging with my peeps

sewing orders... on schedule (question mark)
have some waiting to be paid for...
have some pre-ordered so they will get purchased when done most likely

have to venture out to Dunlapia this week sometime...
for closing on a property sale and updated pics on the house...
which is a whole other consensus of things that will need handled shortly
I'm sure the buyers will arrange the needed requirements for the insurance...
and I'm ready for all possibilities on that matter...
except paying a higher price for said insurance... that's the least prime of noted options

house is a disaster and needs someone to clean it
I'm not sure when this person will show, but if they would hurry up...
that'd be nice

aether world....
I have no idea
I contemplated what I would wish for again with those 3 wishes...
not because the learning is hard... or I don't remember some of it
but there's nothing wrong with easier and quicker...
I can get wishes anytime I choose in all honesty...
I'm curious as to why we think there's some arbitrary limit to our ability to receive
grand and amazing and near impossible things and desires....

it's another test in perception I suspect...
because I wouldn't need anything from them...
and I know they know that...
the learning is in the learning, after all
not in the polarity of questions and answers ...
but on the whole frequency of such matters...
law of polarity - Kybalion 101

so mentally, this whole being and soul knows all the things already...
and our shifting of vibrations and frequencies determine at which perspective...
or which dimension, at which we are able to determine and define what we see....
and seeing it all from the highest one can reach at the moment, is the best we could ever do
the best we could ever do

so don't be hard on yourself for doing what you do or not doing or knowing what you don't...
no one has ever chosen the lower step on a ladder when there were four choices....
the one who's standing on the fourth is at their best...
even if you stand on your mighty 6th rung...
give them a break
be nice
be kind
and keep climbing...
they might pass you one day...or always be two steps behind
and that's fine...
all ladders take you higher
and the higher you step...the more you can see of the lower...because your feet aren't in the way


pic! I'm doing so great at remembering!! huzzah!


there's a considerable amount of science I could ramble on about...
but no....
too many words... trying to describe what can easily just be felt
look at that glorious jacob's ladder... dna double helix...
which I'm confounded why there weren't more relevant images of...
... relevant as in amazingly pretty with colors... fyi
I suppose they haven't linked the two yet in his slowAF 3d world...


so Imma go do some moving of stuff around
and take up more carpet...
and then...
....dishes, dinner, maybe something sewing related...
measure the hallway while it's empty, move more stuff,
locate gallon of white paint we are sure to own...
write, meditate, bed...
*thumbs up

Friday, January 3, 2020

Who's in the receptive mode? This girl

I'm going to jinx it and say that this is the third blog post of the year!
And it's Jan 3rd, yo!
Look at me being consistent. LOL

I randomly just thought of like 20 things I didn't know I wanted!
How cool is that!
Not sure whether it was because my whole day involved sewing and cooking
or because I listen to at least 10 Abraham Hicks videos...
or because I listened to some weird DMT meditation sound thing last night...
or because there's this beautiful fog covering everything outside
...fog is just pretty, yo

There's also a sense of a 'something' to look forward to in about 5-10 years
yeah, perhaps that's a long time to some....
but I don't want it right now.

anyway... so I did do the meditation thing...
and even if I learned something then, I don't remember what it was now...
if anything they were chatting with each other about how weird the sound thing was
*rolls eyes


here's a pic before I forget!

 Related image.

Gah, love this pic with all the colors!
why can't I do stuff like this....
I can... but do I ever think about it before I 'try some other technique'
I do the stupid thing and try something new instead of do what I love
which is draw weird designs and things and then plaster brilliant colors all over it
with stars ;)
There might be a time when I remember this as I start a new painting...

(of course this image is most likely all digital...)
and I don't do digital art... there's enough computer projects already
I don't need another something to do 'on the computer'
... and then it's not real enough for my liking...
and who really needs another picture on their computer...
when you can put it on your wall instead (or sell it)


whilst I was transmuting something.....
I had a grand idea!
omg! who knew there were so many cool things that are possible?!
it's like, hum drum...
and then BAM!
a crazy idea pops up out of nowehere
and then you feel this tinge of insanity and bliss wrapped into one
my kind of idea!!!

it's a huge project and will take a long while to complete
but I get to bring home more pretty paint colors... and that's always enjoyable
and I get to draw weird designs and plaster brilliant colors all over it!
Umm... YES please!
Sign me up for that near impossible task no sane person would outright agree to!
Thank god I'm not one of those people!

when I say huge, that equates to the size of an entire wall....
when I say a long while... that means like 100 days....
cause I still am going to do sewing orders
and write a novel
and meditate
and write blog posts
and play ukelele
and I will still have to cook dinner and clean house
and go shopping
and organize plans for the yard
everyone will get their turn, I suppose

So I'm gonna go!


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Etymology is the root of all truth

Feeling a bit behind, so we are going to pretend I'm making this a quick blog post

I thought of something cool...which had to do with yesterday's
"The magic is in the heat." sentence I accentuated by writing it 3 times...

Did you know that you have to rub the lamp to get the genie to come out...
not call it forth
not shake it
not blow in it
not fill it with oil or hot tea
rub it.... and rubbing is friction which produces --->>> Heat

just a random thought


when you try to silence all the words..
and only focus on vibration..
you get colors, you get images..
sometimes words that accompany those things as well
You get feelings, you get to a layer just under the skin...
if you go deeper...
you enter these pools... where there are still colors..
but it's more of swirling eddy's that more often than not try to swallow you
(you, the observer)
sometimes you can let it...
and then it's all this movement... you are the swirling... you are the colors
and what you observe is the oneness... that it's all you...
from the outer to the inner and back...
all the layers are you
it's only the perspectives that make one believe there was ever a divide


I knocked out about 15 pages yesterday
(I totally wrote a whole chapter, yo!)
and even though I intended on writing more tonight...
my aether friends are enticing me to join them instead
...yes, both the Alchemist and the big blue guy
 so I will oblige them... get to sleep hopefully at a more decent hour than 2am...
and depending how the weather looks tomorrow...
debate whether I can delay another day of not going to the stores

I did actually leave the house today...
but ONLY because the youngest came downstairs and asked for Five Guys
and he rarely hunts me down.... soooo
I once again confirmed for him that the world does comply with his wishes...
sorry world.... you're going to have a wonderful time with him in a handful of years.
a true manifestor, he is
I'm only sad that he has such ease and non-thought about it...
which actually makes it effortless for him...
and I have to think... and feel it all out...
(gah! I do too much work....)
maybe that can be the subject of the evening.....

anyway... here's a pic...

Image result for genie lamp.


they said that "That's not the kind of lamp it all refers to."

lamp in etymology = torch
there's you another fancy reference for heat, yo...
and I'm not making this up...
I literately and figuratively just follow along
this is the stuff I receive...
and I find it significantly a *thumbs up

also this-  'vessel containing flammable liquid and a wick to lift it by capillary action when lit'

keeps coming back to expressing
and ferver
and passion  (which happens to = suffer)
but not as in the bad way (suffer = to bear, from below)

I'm pretty sure it has to do with our human bodies
and the fact we are grounded into them (soul to body)
and as receivers, our intention is to express the heat that is within us....
'heat', as in our expression of that particular soul...
like how a specific radio channel expresses it's own specific music
and a different channel expresses something else entirely
in the simplest words and terms I can think to use...
that should explain a bit

if you don't want to bother researching, behold
I did it all for you...
the simplest simplest I can get it

"The magic is in the heat"
"Greatness is in the suffering"

which means the beingness of your soul in a manifested body
is the ultimate expression of God.
(God...which is Soul, which is energy, which is the universe, which is everything, which is YOU)

I hope you enjoyed all that,
I have other places to be


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Partaking in the rituals of glass shattering

It's been a few days of contrast.
A whole day of living without electricity
as well as a day to discover all the things that aren't so important
there's also a dash of today
which included tackling those things the previous days would not allow
come to find out, those things were easier than predicted
and it's a place of getting back on track (as if that is actually is a thing)
without doing much at all

I want to do everything in my power to ignore the idea of doing a new year's post
to refrain from resolutions or plans
since after all...
I make plans when the inspiration comes
and I break them without another thought
and today... the first day of the new year
is just as great as yesterday, or the day without electricity
or christmas, or a hot summer day with nothing to do

it's a being
a presence inside of the space that allows
a stillness as the world moves around and does it's things

I did catch myself making a stupid wish...
one which an 'oh, shit." followed directly after
so I'm hoping it was disqualified
don't you just hate it when your mouth just blurts out something
without realizing you actually do have wishes available to you...
and to beat it all, I also noticed I should have added the word "like a master"
at the end of it... that way, if it did come true,
it would be phenominal rather than mediocre ...

I haven't checked in with the ascended masters on the matter
(and only because I'm writing a novel and what is time... specifically time afterwards when you just want sleep and do not have the attention span to converse with otherworldly beings in the aether)
so it's been a few days of whack.
overall good whack and good contrast...
but I realized I fucked up blabbing on and saying those words "I wish" very haphazardly
it's like getting a note to go to the principle's office...
and you don't know why...
but it feels all messy and strange
Am I in trouble, or is someone here to pick me up
all a conundrum until you actually go to the office and find out
I've had both experiences
isn't that a shrodinger's cat anomaly... idfk


Image result for djinn.

 Meditation session 101 -- You are Allowed here
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 btw, they said that pic is highly exaggerated

"What is the power button?"
When you are looking to express
like a toaster plugged into the wall
The electricity is the source...
and you are the apparatus ...
the toaster expresses heat, creating toast
but when it's you...
what do you express?

If you know the energy
If you know the ways to express..
that is one piece of the purpose...
but to turn on...
to input the power...
what exactly is that, and how does it look?

You're plugged in... attached to source
and you flop out toast all day...
but the magic is in the heat...
the magic is in the heat
the magic is in the heat

and the heat is the fervor, the passion...
supernatural art... of the magi
(fucking genies, yo
I'm just sayin')

so what is yours?
technically, what is mine?

_ _ _ _

His name is Mothrehk
and while meditating and conversing with him
he asked that I write along as we progress...
and so...
we are here.

I don't know if we will continue this new trend
however I find it as something that cracks the glass (aka, the windshield thingy)
and we become a place of refuge for both you and I
(AND I get time to meditate before writing on the novel...) win/win/win!

...and it's the small things...
the trillions of small details that line the corners and enhance the color
this heat that is a sanctuary of space
this overlooked energy...that does more than you notice


it's about to go down
and I've got a front row seat
hell to the yes

Soul is on stage...
Ego is ready, with her blanket and waterbottle and bag of chips
Mind is waiting to analyze the first thing that begins the scene... impatiently at that

But I watch them all...
and I see the color green on the edge of the blanket, I love the color green
and I see the curve of the chair... I love curves
I see the way Soul is unafraid of being phenomenal, or fucking it all up
I love Soul.
I see how Ego is being so considerate of Soul's work
her expression... her heat...
and maybe Ego isn't such a narcissist as she thinks she is
I love Ego. She is awesome.
and I see Mind, how Mind wants something to think about...
all the time
...even if it serves no purpose or forward motion...
I love Mind too.
and the stone color of my coffee mug
and that splattered messy composition book of black and white
and the green on the highlighter that marks a darker green than the what it should be
and big white birds who talk
all the things