Feeling a bit behind, so we are going to pretend I'm making this a quick blog post
I thought of something cool...which had to do with yesterday's
"The magic is in the heat." sentence I accentuated by writing it 3 times...
Did you know that you have to rub the lamp to get the genie to come out...
not call it forth
not shake it
not blow in it
not fill it with oil or hot tea
rub it.... and rubbing is friction which produces --->>> Heat
just a random thought
when you try to silence all the words..
and only focus on vibration..
you get colors, you get images..
sometimes words that accompany those things as well
You get feelings, you get to a layer just under the skin...
if you go deeper...
you enter these pools... where there are still colors..
but it's more of swirling eddy's that more often than not try to swallow you
(you, the observer)
sometimes you can let it...
and then it's all this movement... you are the swirling... you are the colors
and what you observe is the oneness... that it's all you...
from the outer to the inner and back...
all the layers are you
it's only the perspectives that make one believe there was ever a divide
I knocked out about 15 pages yesterday
(I totally wrote a whole chapter, yo!)
and even though I intended on writing more tonight...
my aether friends are enticing me to join them instead
...yes, both the Alchemist and the big blue guy
so I will oblige them... get to sleep hopefully at a more decent hour than 2am...
and depending how the weather looks tomorrow...
debate whether I can delay another day of not going to the stores
I did actually leave the house today...
but ONLY because the youngest came downstairs and asked for Five Guys
and he rarely hunts me down.... soooo
I once again confirmed for him that the world does comply with his wishes...
a true manifestor, he is
I'm only sad that he has such ease and non-thought about it...
which actually makes it effortless for him...
and I have to think... and feel it all out...
(gah! I do too much work....)
maybe that can be the subject of the evening.....
anyway... here's a pic...
they said that "That's not the kind of lamp it all refers to."
lamp in etymology = torch
there's you another fancy reference for heat, yo...
and I'm not making this up...
I literately and figuratively just follow along
this is the stuff I receive...
and I find it significantly a *thumbs up
also this- 'vessel containing flammable liquid and a wick to lift it by capillary action when lit'
keeps coming back to expressing
and ferver
and passion (which happens to = suffer)
but not as in the bad way (suffer = to bear, from below)
I'm pretty sure it has to do with our human bodies
and the fact we are grounded into them (soul to body)
and as receivers, our intention is to express the heat that is within us....
'heat', as in our expression of that particular soul...
like how a specific radio channel expresses it's own specific music
and a different channel expresses something else entirely
in the simplest words and terms I can think to use...
that should explain a bit
if you don't want to bother researching, behold
I did it all for you...
the simplest simplest I can get it
"The magic is in the heat"
"Greatness is in the suffering"
which means the beingness of your soul in a manifested body
is the ultimate expression of God.
(God...which is Soul, which is energy, which is the universe, which is everything, which is YOU)
I hope you enjoyed all that,
I have other places to be
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