A whole day of living without electricity
as well as a day to discover all the things that aren't so important
there's also a dash of today
which included tackling those things the previous days would not allow
come to find out, those things were easier than predicted
and it's a place of getting back on track (as if that is actually is a thing)
without doing much at all
I want to do everything in my power to ignore the idea of doing a new year's post
to refrain from resolutions or plans
since after all...
I make plans when the inspiration comes
and I break them without another thought
and today... the first day of the new year
is just as great as yesterday, or the day without electricity
or christmas, or a hot summer day with nothing to do
it's a being
a presence inside of the space that allows
a stillness as the world moves around and does it's things
I did catch myself making a stupid wish...
one which an 'oh, shit." followed directly after
so I'm hoping it was disqualified
don't you just hate it when your mouth just blurts out something
without realizing you actually do have wishes available to you...
and to beat it all, I also noticed I should have added the word "like a master"
at the end of it... that way, if it did come true,
it would be phenominal rather than mediocre ...
I haven't checked in with the ascended masters on the matter
(and only because I'm writing a novel and what is time... specifically time afterwards when you just want sleep and do not have the attention span to converse with otherworldly beings in the aether)
so it's been a few days of whack.
overall good whack and good contrast...
but I realized I fucked up blabbing on and saying those words "I wish" very haphazardly
it's like getting a note to go to the principle's office...
and you don't know why...
but it feels all messy and strange
Am I in trouble, or is someone here to pick me up
all a conundrum until you actually go to the office and find out
I've had both experiences
isn't that a shrodinger's cat anomaly... idfk

Meditation session 101 -- You are Allowed here
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
btw, they said that pic is highly exaggerated
"What is the power button?"
When you are looking to express
like a toaster plugged into the wall
The electricity is the source...
and you are the apparatus ...
the toaster expresses heat, creating toast
but when it's you...
what do you express?
If you know the energy
If you know the ways to express..
that is one piece of the purpose...
but to turn on...
to input the power...
what exactly is that, and how does it look?
You're plugged in... attached to source
and you flop out toast all day...
but the magic is in the heat...
the magic is in the heat
the magic is in the heat
and the heat is the fervor, the passion...
supernatural art... of the magi
(fucking genies, yo
I'm just sayin')
so what is yours?
technically, what is mine?
_ _ _ _
His name is Mothrehk
and while meditating and conversing with him
he asked that I write along as we progress...
and so...
we are here.
I don't know if we will continue this new trend
however I find it as something that cracks the glass (aka, the windshield thingy)
and we become a place of refuge for both you and I
(AND I get time to meditate before writing on the novel...) win/win/win!
...and it's the small things...
the trillions of small details that line the corners and enhance the color
this heat that is a sanctuary of space
this overlooked energy...that does more than you notice
it's about to go down
and I've got a front row seat
hell to the yes
Soul is on stage...
Ego is ready, with her blanket and waterbottle and bag of chips
Mind is waiting to analyze the first thing that begins the scene... impatiently at that
But I watch them all...
and I see the color green on the edge of the blanket, I love the color green
and I see the curve of the chair... I love curves
I see the way Soul is unafraid of being phenomenal, or fucking it all up
I love Soul.
I see how Ego is being so considerate of Soul's work
her expression... her heat...
and maybe Ego isn't such a narcissist as she thinks she is
I love Ego. She is awesome.
and I see Mind, how Mind wants something to think about...
all the time
...even if it serves no purpose or forward motion...
I love Mind too.
and the stone color of my coffee mug
and that splattered messy composition book of black and white
and the green on the highlighter that marks a darker green than the what it should be
and big white birds who talk
all the things
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