Mind you this was a reply comment I posted in one of the groups I'm in...
but there's something deeper here...
while I was merely rectifying the obvious error about 'evil' things in the world... or unworld...
this could be a revelation that is definable and utilizable on other life aspects...
like relationships
like finances
like family, and tasks, and jobs, and things you hear/see....
like life and all the things it entails
all the things
for example...
I'm wondering myself why I'm emotionally traumatized by looking at Australia..
like, I've only been obsessed since I was little little...
and it's on fire...
but it's not the flames that burn
it's the unknowing of a place I'm energetically somehow linked to
and while things happen all the time everywhere...
I don't usually care about them...
they don't bring me to a deeper place
but down under...
this is a different story
and this story hurts, is filled with all the things...
and what amazing things it's revealing for me...or will reveal
perhaps for everyone.
...and you thought the Amazon rainforest was devastating...
but this hits home
home country.... even if we've never been in this lifetime
down deep...
down under those layers we've built
clear the surface and find your gold....
there will not be things that can take you this deep everyday
witness yourself before the rains come to heal the wounds...
not even summoning rain
or demons
or the gods
can bring you the gift you are receiving when you are faced with raw open wounds
a bleeding out...
so summon yourself
and look at your mess
that beautiful glorious mess
... dig out the splinter... the sty.. the rage... whatever is hidden beneath your layers
truly heal
(summon in etymology = to give a hint)
I'm sure there's far deeper we could go with that...
and while Mind could take off on five different perspectives easily...
we will let that alone stand as a place of stillness and witnessing
After all... it is whatever it means to you
and all the things in the world... are for you...
3d world adventures 101
carpet is up... and I found some online I might pick up, if they get back to me before I've lost
most furniture is out of the way except the heavy table... and the fold up table I have work stuff on.
...which I should probably get to work on... but I found a blog post to write instead...
I am procrastinating... and I love that. Nothing is such a rush that I can't find time to write
...the bird still needs put to bed too...and I hope I don't have to do it again
book... I'll be starting chapter 8 tonight... (like in a whole 30 minutes to an hour)
the cat still has an issue... which is neither better nor worse...
I'm tired of making decisions for all the things except things I've instigated myself...
not even my cat... but where's the owner.... hrmmm?
'4am mom' is about to go whack...
Even I don't want to do damage control because of her... *sighs
I also painted the wall.... like base coat...
I'll start the art part of it eventually rather soonly and all...
but I've got to do some sewing stuff so I don't feel like I actually skipped 3 days worth of progress
we'll do that tomorrow... first thing... *nods with a slight shrug
look at me being a wavering ball of unfocused energy...
exactly what I tell everyone NOT to do, LOL
I don't even know what else right now...
Aether world adventures 101 ...or Ether....whatever... I like aether and I don't even know why
so... I released both me and the djinn from any obligations or bargains...
like... they don't have to give me wishes... or give lessons...
but all in all, the last thing I learned was a lesson...
and now I'm feeling like I jumped like four levels and we both are surprised...
does that make sense?
like..'whoa, didn't see that coming'... and now I've gained some fans it seems... blue ones.
I don't know what I'm talking about...
but I'm 100% certain that the whole ache and pain things were my nervous system trying
to align with the new level.... of course you never see that until afterwards....unless
you were paying more attention beforehand... which I may not have been...
I don't know if they will stick around and still teach me things...
or if I still have access to these wishes... which I'm starting to get the sense they
are not what we think they are... ? ? ? (*question mark)
~ fascinating! ~
PIC!!! <3

that'll do it for tonight!
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