I think I've shifted dimensions...
and I'm trying to gather info on where the hell I am...
because things are radically different.
I am being serious...
same faces, same places....
but .... I don't think they are the same...
so would it be me who shifted?
or the world?
or is that one in the same?
this is freaking weirdAF...
and is rather enjoyable in a creepy weird way...
everything today has shown me this about-face on what it is...
or who it is...
but it's completely cool... *shrugs
everything always moves to the betterment of itself...
so all better than it was before
ok...now third eye is vibrating... and electromagnetic energies are weird
...the aether is BUSY...
like there's something everywhere
and you just go to whatever you like...
but it's almost like overwhelm....cause you want to try everything and see everything
and do everything...
Like being at Disney the first time...without the lines.
more than you can sift through...
what the fuck is going on...
whatever it is, I fucking like it.
but it's not just the aether lands...
it's here in this 3d reality we live in!
..or at least the one I'm in...
umm...this world stuff...
on Chapter 17...
I am loving loving loving everything about one of my fav characters
omg... there's a reason I put him in this story to begin with....
and god... I love him so fucking much...
he teaches me something all the time...
what good is writing a book unless you evolve and learn from your characters...
...and they do their own things and respond their own ways... and you see their beingness
their beingness....
something that most people in this world never show you openly...
you see it and feel it and hear it....
but they show you something else, or say something else, or pretend something else...
and you see through their projections and illusions....
and they don't know you can... or they do and avoid you...
and all you want is to love that being beneath the armor....
the soldier beneath the guns
the hunter beneath the camo
the light beneath the cloak
I didn't think I'd have anything to write today...
and I didn't want to work on cutting out appliques...
and we've become something new for today
and enjoyed the idea of a space force to complete today's strange destiny
for what it's worth...
this isn't a new thing... they've been shipping people out to Mars for awhile
(this is in some future time which I think some other part of me lives...or will live?)
they go out there to work for about two weeks and then come back...
there is never a shortage of jobs in that time...
there is always work to be done...
most factories have been moved out there to Mars... (really, they are taking the means to clean the earth and take better care of it)
there's a super large space station...
the moon is used only for storage and communications...not much else besides a few luxury buildings for the company bigwigs
They don't have wires for anything....and you can't believe how this is such a conundrum for me why wires are still a thing.... or fucking push buttons... ?? among other things
Cars do not fly... but they are so much better/safer than today's flying chunks of death.
The ships that take people out to Mars for work...fly... but they are using only partial engines for thrust. The actual engines are electromagnetic conductors. They sound awesomeAF
.... things are better.... even though they could be way better than that... and I've seen that too....
...I see that too...
energy pods that gather energy from the room itself and conduct for use in the newer utensils.
crystals, light, sound... hydromagnetism... the same things they used in Atlantis
much much much better.... but whether that is the past...or future...
or also now... *shrugs...
PIC! Look at me remembering!
Space eye!!
like your third eye....
but not like they tell you about it on google.... or those books...
it goes deeper than that....
much deeper
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