And it's Jan 3rd, yo!
Look at me being consistent. LOL
I randomly just thought of like 20 things I didn't know I wanted!
How cool is that!
Not sure whether it was because my whole day involved sewing and cooking
or because I listen to at least 10 Abraham Hicks videos...
or because I listened to some weird DMT meditation sound thing last night...
or because there's this beautiful fog covering everything outside
...fog is just pretty, yo
There's also a sense of a 'something' to look forward to in about 5-10 years
yeah, perhaps that's a long time to some....
but I don't want it right now.
anyway... so I did do the meditation thing...
and even if I learned something then, I don't remember what it was now...
if anything they were chatting with each other about how weird the sound thing was
*rolls eyes
here's a pic before I forget!

Gah, love this pic with all the colors!
why can't I do stuff like this....
I can... but do I ever think about it before I 'try some other technique'
I do the stupid thing and try something new instead of do what I love
which is draw weird designs and things and then plaster brilliant colors all over it
with stars ;)
There might be a time when I remember this as I start a new painting...
(of course this image is most likely all digital...)
and I don't do digital art... there's enough computer projects already
I don't need another something to do 'on the computer'
... and then it's not real enough for my liking...
and who really needs another picture on their computer...
when you can put it on your wall instead (or sell it)
whilst I was transmuting something.....
I had a grand idea!
omg! who knew there were so many cool things that are possible?!
it's like, hum drum...
and then BAM!
a crazy idea pops up out of nowehere
and then you feel this tinge of insanity and bliss wrapped into one
my kind of idea!!!
it's a huge project and will take a long while to complete
but I get to bring home more pretty paint colors... and that's always enjoyable
and I get to draw weird designs and plaster brilliant colors all over it!
Umm... YES please!
Sign me up for that near impossible task no sane person would outright agree to!
Thank god I'm not one of those people!
when I say huge, that equates to the size of an entire wall....
when I say a long while... that means like 100 days....
cause I still am going to do sewing orders
and write a novel
and meditate
and write blog posts
and play ukelele
and I will still have to cook dinner and clean house
and go shopping
and organize plans for the yard
everyone will get their turn, I suppose
So I'm gonna go!
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