Two by Two.
Three for Three
Four and Four
Five is Five
and Six times Six
We set the gauge to burn
and we incinerate the flesh
melting away the lusts and the grime
forever being changed and rebuilt
leaving behind a diamond
long after the flesh has flaked away
and we grasp out at the seen
forgetting the unseen
and we watch it disintegrate from the fingers
and where does it now remain...
but inside the essence of memory
and we carry it with us
never forgotten
and the crisp spark that lights the night
radiant and true
everlasting vision forward to expand
we take another step and recreate
forever choosing this journey
like night chooses the dark
and we wrestle with the splitting
and we tear ourselves
wrought usunder
there and here, here and there
and everywhere
until we no longer are forgotten
and we travel home
Could I show you something which words can not embrace...
where the drop in your heart isn't a falling but a breath
and we float upon the galaxies of creation
a sound can take you there
an image can take you there
a song can take you there
a sentence can take you there
all the ways...
yet who follows the path unending
but the fearless
the one who is willing to be rapt
willing to let go
and able to loose is all
to lose it all, knowing nothing is ever lost
and I saw it today
felt it today
and all the things that hit that chord
that blissful chord where you stand...
I saw you
and I know you are here...even in the mix of others
so much noise...
so much creation dancing to and fro, to and fro
yet, today I saw you
and you were still there
beautiful as ever
and where was I...
...but in the midst of it all
I will never forget your song

just a thought....
pour out = poor out
no more of that!
Let's be RICH!
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