maybe not just the words you speak...
(((when you are talking with a guru master...and you are far too used to speaking to idiots
who often need it said a conglomerate of different ways until they can grasp it.)))
but maybe not just the words...
maybe it's also our actions...
taking the same steps as before...
as our old patterns...
as our old stories...
never moving forward into the new
into the renewal of ourselves...
because it is all unfamiliar
we haven't been down this road before...
we've never cut this trail before...
this wilderness
this wild untouched rawness of where a soul dares to tread
holy fuck, yes
Machete in hand, and acceptance of the trek
certain of scrapes and scratches and a possibility of thorns
might run into a snake or briars, or something poisonous.
might come out on the other side with a rash and hives
but you can't find El Dorado taking the road...
You can't discover Parapata while driving on the highway..
or Paititi....or the Goose that lays the Golden Eggs while shuffling around Target.
You won't end up in Paradise walking this path you've carved out to Safety
fuck yes...
Go Wild
So I'm looking deeper into the pool thing...
and heaven help me if I end up hiring homeless joe to dig me a hole before it's all over with
I've seen it already...
I like the way it looks in my yard
It's always warm...
and I enjoy throwing the cleaning robot into it every now and then... and he has a name
I can afford it
I can have it
and there's no reason I have to believe it's going to be hard
I've included the installation package when I ordered it from the Universal Catalogue.
I will make sure the prep work is included as well, because that's where I'm at right now...
and although I know everything is taken care of...
3d world slowness is trying to dictate that it's harder than it looks...
and I know better than to believe anything 3d world says.
....or it's people
you've never met me, have you?
~ "You don't know crazy, until the impossible is squashed by the the creator.
And the created... the manifestation is born out of that which we are." ~
snap, that was good quote.... and I'm the one who made it
huzzah bitches!
mmmm...this without all that shade, or close to it... or way better...

on chapter 27
it's getting there to the end! and I'm winging most of it...
things keep popping up that I wasn't aware of...
only three things left on my outline....if you could call it that...
it's like three sentences with three words each, lol
no inlet to put them has appeared yet...
aether lands are interesting, although not in leaps and bounds...
some deep oooooooooooommmmm hum sound in sync with this high pitched iiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg... sound
need to take more time to meditate, book writing til the am hours is not helping
once the book first draft is done, I'll be back on a roll with it.
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