are challenged to run up the hill... because you don't know how to say no sometimes...
hey, look at me being consistent doing exercise...
why is my hip out of alignment...
why the fuck does my back hurt!
ACK! I can't lift the water bottle with my right arm...
is there a reason my thumb hurts?
maybe exercise is not for me
I will just get the pool installed and go
new carpet for the craft room is in motion...
in other words, I'm waiting for the store coupon before I go get it...
I may or may not begin the clearing out the room process of the stuff touching the floor
there's far more stuff on the walls than on the floor, so that's good
and I need to prep the wall... for. an. art. project O_O
I don't think the word 'project' is appropriate.....
more like an overhaul of extreme imposition of color and magic...
it was going to be the wall or the kitchen table first...
however I still haven't, and will not, inform the family of said plans on the table
They are most certainly assured to get the drift when they find it in the garage getting sanded...
or when they find it tilted and surrounded by paint colors...
and chairs blocking it from getting touched by the pets
It'll be fun... in like 3 months when it's a bit warmer and I've recovered from the wall 'project'
but the wall is first...
and it'll be primed this week...
other stuff in the real world...
book is on chapter 6
it's been so enjoyable hanging with my peeps
sewing orders... on schedule (question mark)
have some waiting to be paid for...
have some pre-ordered so they will get purchased when done most likely
have to venture out to Dunlapia this week sometime...
for closing on a property sale and updated pics on the house...
which is a whole other consensus of things that will need handled shortly
I'm sure the buyers will arrange the needed requirements for the insurance...
and I'm ready for all possibilities on that matter...
except paying a higher price for said insurance... that's the least prime of noted options
house is a disaster and needs someone to clean it
I'm not sure when this person will show, but if they would hurry up...
that'd be nice
aether world....
I have no idea
I contemplated what I would wish for again with those 3 wishes...
not because the learning is hard... or I don't remember some of it
but there's nothing wrong with easier and quicker...
I can get wishes anytime I choose in all honesty...
I'm curious as to why we think there's some arbitrary limit to our ability to receive
grand and amazing and near impossible things and desires....
it's another test in perception I suspect...
because I wouldn't need anything from them...
and I know they know that...
the learning is in the learning, after all
not in the polarity of questions and answers ...
but on the whole frequency of such matters...
law of polarity - Kybalion 101
so mentally, this whole being and soul knows all the things already...
and our shifting of vibrations and frequencies determine at which perspective...
or which dimension, at which we are able to determine and define what we see....
and seeing it all from the highest one can reach at the moment, is the best we could ever do
the best we could ever do
so don't be hard on yourself for doing what you do or not doing or knowing what you don't...
no one has ever chosen the lower step on a ladder when there were four choices....
the one who's standing on the fourth is at their best...
even if you stand on your mighty 6th rung...
give them a break
be nice
be kind
and keep climbing...
they might pass you one day...or always be two steps behind
and that's fine...
all ladders take you higher
and the higher you step...the more you can see of the lower...because your feet aren't in the way
pic! I'm doing so great at remembering!! huzzah!

there's a considerable amount of science I could ramble on about...
but no....
too many words... trying to describe what can easily just be felt
look at that glorious jacob's ladder... dna double helix...
which I'm confounded why there weren't more relevant images of...
... relevant as in amazingly pretty with colors... fyi
I suppose they haven't linked the two yet in his slowAF 3d world...
so Imma go do some moving of stuff around
and take up more carpet...
and then...
....dishes, dinner, maybe something sewing related...
measure the hallway while it's empty, move more stuff,
locate gallon of white paint we are sure to own...
write, meditate, bed...
*thumbs up
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