This 'Everything But' the run-of-the-factory revue show...
except those paragraphs that include day to day happenings...
which in all honesty, I don't like writing...
but it satisfies that small percentage of my Ego that says...
"that's all they want to know anyway" ... shit
because sometimes certain people want to know when the damn book is done...
or what strange artistic adventure I'm tackling next...
or maybe not...?
those things are for facebook posts...
so either way...
this place is for inner conglomerates of ideas and assumptions
a wreck of perceptions and analyzed info..
with a gallon of 'all this weird stuff I found in the attic' stirred in...
and always stirring...
we've discovered something...
more like uncovered it, it was always here...
you know how in video games, you the main player usually is offered
a choice of three different views to watch your player...
you can choose
#1 view - which is like looking through the eyes of your player...
#2 view is hovering right behind them, so you see them, but close...
#3 view is back and away from your you can see behind them too.
((pretty sure real life is like 7 different views, but for the sake of this description, we are going to stick with the basic 3))
You know which one you like best, so you choose that view while you play...
and if you switch it, you end up dying or lost...or something...
because it's not the perspective that works best for your player...
Now imagine that real life is like you playing this player...
Lots of people are using #1 view.
They are completely in their body and enjoy all the things of such...
they feel things and get rapt up in other things...
their perspectives are based on where they are and what they are doing...
up front and center...
View #2 is used by others, but not nearly as much as #1
where you are in the body when you want to be...but prefer the view from
up and behind your player... It gives you a view of what's around you without
having to negotiate the primal urges your body sometimes like to delve out at every turn
View #3 is rare for people to use.
It's a bit far detached and although their perceptions are more on everything surroundng them
rather than themselves.
Not saying this is bad in any way, they like the distance and are comfortable with that
Turning the game off from time to time is my preferred view...
most of time View #2 is my seat of center.
when I switch to view #1... it's like a shock to my body and it significantly pays for it
View #3 is great at times, it's not as comfortable and there's sometimes too much other info that I really don't need to give attention to...
Now view #2 allows more interaction and distance to where I can choose so look ahead or around...
it provides my comfort exceptionally so.
So what does all that have to do with anything?
I'm a bit disgruntled at myself for listening to people who want you to embrace being in the body
embodiment... movement... let's feel the energy move through your body SHIT
and for the love of all the stars.... when they do that take deep breath and get into your body words...
there's no getting into this vessel like that...
focusing on breathing= out of breath....
focus on moving anything 'in body' = hurts
focus too damn much and something unwanted will manifest...
....they don't understand the power system....
and this vessel...for me right now... is far too small a conductor to hold all of me
circuits get blown
things hurt
things get out of whack
so in short... view #1 is NOT my friend
and what is the lesson...or the remembering?
(my fucking 3 year old self already knew this.)
in short...
it's breaktime from absorbing information from outside...
I say this as I have 6 tabs open for an AH video...
and I'm debating to listen to them first...
or not...
easy to understand it all...
but is that me listening to the thought of repetition is learning?
or me thinking something will resonate deeper?
...and I know once I just wrote that, the answer...
cause we are the answer...
always there it is....
and everyone should know NOT to listen to THOTS!

WLOP is one of my fav artist's by the way
they are on
I get tons of inspiration from their work
oh, here's this stuff...
Chapter 19 ... book 6
I thought about painting a piece of the wall...
... I don't know what happens next...
in this world, or in the book... I have these short few word sentences on my out-line
that kinda show throws me in a direction... but I'm unsure what happens inbetween, haha
it's like discovery channel, my characters grow in those moments.
there's one more adventure they need to go on... (unless more pop up along the way)...
and that will wrap it up for book 6
I have to bring my lower vibe characters to the forefront and give them some rain and sunlight
Everyone is allowed to grow...
I swear this whole series is like Game of Thrones mixed with Days of Our Lives, and a dash of some strange Harry Potter/Star Wars baby....
god, I want to write a screenplay now...
10 days to write a screenplay... versus 45 for a novel...
I could write 4 screenplays... O_O
(note: none of those time frames include editing)
but then I'd have to pay for copyright...and I'd
it's $55 a pop for screenplays, yo
...hmm... here's one for you... 32 page short
about Killian O'Malley! <3
you'll love him...
you can thank me later... it's only 32pages of screenplay...
there's foul language in this one...
Laser Racers and Victory....can also be found HERE
those are animation kid's films...
they are available for purchase, fyi
well, I feel better after writing this blog post
hope you do too!
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