Saturday, August 29, 2020

Water, Thoth, and a mouse

 There may or may not be a pool in my backyard...

but if you were aware of the magic that bleeds from the aether...

and especially through this manifestation...

you'd know that there most definitely is.

So this long hiatus from writing was legitimately excused.

There may or may not be *many shares of Tesla on my Robinhood account.

And I appreciate the financial backing they've provided me the past few months.

and for the future too *thumbs up

There may or may not be an adventure in abundance happening tomorrow too.

When we douse the casino slot machines and play the ones that are ready provide sustenance.

Because if it works for water...which is energy... 

It most certainly works for money...which is energy too.



There may or may not have been a huge download a week or so ago...

and we were going to write about then, but waiting felt more inline... 

so we waited... and maybe the passion involved isn't as rose colored as it first was.

but it's gold... for sure.

There just may or may not be the issue of not remembering what we were gonna say about it.

hehe.... *awkward

It was about the sacred puzzle.

About falling into divinity.

About this evolving and INvolving.

And it's deep, and high, and even if one was aware of the duality... 

there are layers upon layers upon layers... but they are not layers so much as unified fields.

There's a place for them all. And all of them are equal...

We are speaking of all the things. And heaven, and hell, and light, and dark.

And all are sacred.


I asked Thoth about this perspective.

He said that we hold all of Christ in us... and we hold all of the devil...

all of the light, and all of the dark... all of heaven and all of hell...

 "Who do you think is more powerful?" He asked directly, simply...

... he answered it before I could... 

"I am." He glares.

 "And so we are, because we carry all the power of all the earths, of all the realms, both starbound and of the terrestrial planes."

"We are whatever, wherever, whomever... we move into."

there was way more... about those who are not able to hold both, unable to choose their lives.

That royalty (his reference of royalty are those who see from above) sees the perspective of the ALL

and actively and purposely choose their paths and create their worlds.

Unlimited and unconditional... as everything is welcomed and allowed...

and your focus and centered vibration "brings forth that which you are".


So there's that... 

 New Moon Diary ⋆ Andrew Smith



and there's some painting stuff to do

and some swimming

and some winning

and some dirt playing

and some laying grass seed

and some stir fry

and some other stuff I am not consciously remembering atm.


oh...and Sebastian passed on last night...

He was like 2 and a half sooo... really good for a pet mouse.




Sunday, August 9, 2020

I present to you.... your prize.

   "Someone has to see the sunset."

 That's what he gifted upon me while we were revisiting an old paradigm.

A place from which we only meet less than a tenth of the time.

Because the new world has been birthed, and there we are not apart.

Not even a mirror to remind me of our unity... yet bestowed with all the things.

All the things. 

And I wondered how this place was seen, how this knowing was known.

I wondered wherein lied the purpose and the reasons...

and a simple statement...not even a question this time...

because there are no more questions in the new world. In the new paradigm.

"Someone has to see the sunset."

because maybe... no one else can see it. THIS specific one. THIS specific way.

And that in itself is an honor, to serve for the divine.

To be the eyes for the heavens.

To be the vessel for the Christ.

To be the realizer (real eyes) of the Universe...and of Source....and of Soul.

I will drown myself in this place.





 Life on Fort Myers Beach: Fort Myers Beach | Nature, Beautiful ....


 The no more. Neither is the past. 

And while the world does what the world does... and I'm unsure of what that is, because we've severed ties with the old world.

We are HERE.

and HERE is beautiful.

even if I can't show it, or say it, or reveal it in the way you need.

I promise though... each and every moment after this moment... will be something new.





Body is confused, yet playing along and trusting Soul, even though Soul is nuts. A few whines here and there and then easily and quickly shrugging it off...cause Soul said to. Body is rolling with it and it appears to be working for her.

Mind is crazily quiet lately...and while she's present and watching...she hasn't commented on anything specific. We are keeping eyes on her, just in case. This is a new thing.

Brain is humming something while tinkering with random ideas and anomalies. She seems satisfied and strangely interested in the little things. 

Ego is chilling and orchestrating the song Brain is humming. Ego knows she can do all the things and have all the things, and yet she's satisfied just hanging out with the rest of these pieces of self.

The Kid has toys strewn across the floor and fixing the hair of one of them. She's kicking her feet, happily and also satisfied with the happenings around her. She's secure and at peace in her world.

Soul is way up here watching everyone and everything else. She's appreciating all their cooperation and trust, and looks at them all with a smile. She's not the same, and sits steadfast with some sort of empowerment thing going on. We like it.

in other news.... there's other news?

but guess what... we do not subscribe to that channel (the news channels) 

and have unfollowed them all...

so... if you want to know the mundane physical stuff that's occurring here...

you'll need to ask someone else, cause that's old news...

and we are HERE and we are NOW

and right NOW... we are writing in cryptic vibrations in hopes you'll take the leap and join us...or bring yourselves in line with where we are.... because I can't go down to meet you.

we can't go back to meet you either. or forward. or up. or over. or in. or out.

Only here. Only now. and that could be anywhere, at any time, in any place.



Internet fiascos and barrages of insightful mysteries are always on the agenda. Yet we carve the paths for our soul to travel and our hearts to scourge the bridges we cross. Passion is fire and the waters are life. We move with them all and carry those dreams out to the stars, the stars from which we've come

....and to which we go.