Saturday, July 24, 2021

None of this is real

I did that thing again...
Where the Alchemist slides a contract my way and hands me a pen.
And when I sign it, I also draw a little happy face next to my signature.

"You didn't even read it all." He sighs.
I smile at him and shrug. I am ready for the upgrade, otherwise I wouldn't have been offered the new contract.

He pulls the form away and glances at my signature, with the little face next to it.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He smirks at the childish drawing.

Well...I guess he has now.

He seems in a much lighter happier mood than his usual egoic stoicism.
Gentler. More patient. More relaxed.
I merely just wonder if I'll lose this connection with him.
He's been with me for over 2 years. I've grown immensely fond of him.
I'm not worried though. He is easy to find.

One thing about signing ethereal contracts....
you really don't know what it entails, it's a 'jump and you'll find out' kind of thing. Every time
But I can fly now...


If that wasn't enough.... I also overlapped my whole history and past with a replacement.
....this morning....
This is beyond the 'past hacking' that was satisfying before.... where you just alter and shift around things...
This was like recording over a recording... there's still the original imprint...but now you've written over it to where most of it is completely the new, versus the original. It still buffering, as it's only been a few hours... but... I can already feel the differences...
I'm not even the least bit afraid of erasing any of it. It was merely a bad recording of the same song...
but the new one is made in a studio, with someone who can sing worth a damn...and has a record contract... HAHAHAHA! Get it... a 'record' contract.
I fucking love my life.


I have writing homework.
Because I buy courses on a whim to hone my perceptions of whether I'm crazy or not.
I'm knowingly still more chaotic than not. For the win.

I get to write a bio...
but a creative upscale bio...

If only I believed in bio's... this might be more aligned.... *sigh

"  Jennifer Coots is a multi-million idealist with more than enough aspiring adventures to cause a sufficient tsunami in the Atlas Mountains. If the six discrete fantasy novels she wrote wasn't enough, you'd still be left with the paintings of numerous oddities and fabric arts that seem to arrange themselves into cute children's clothing from time to time. Not to mention the photography whenever she's really tired of thinking about how she should do more photography and just does it out of spite, but is always happy she did.
  What was that about painting furniture? Oh yeah, a rescuer at heart, she saves abandoned and abused wooden anomalies on the side of the road and brings them home for rehab and refreshments. We won't mention the arrangement of plants and animals that genuinely co-habitate with her because she's a sucker and falls prey to their beck and call...all the damn time. She loves to arrange home remodels sometimes in the middle of four other projects. Cause chaos and fun are best friends and like to start shit while the momentum is HOT!
  A master manifestor...manifester?..with ever-so-satisfying connections to the ethereal realms, she is hyper otherworldy and often found grounding in the pool, meditating, writing...oh shit, did I even mention she's a damn fantastic writer! or sometimes vegs out on Farm Heros Saga (level 2350 someodd, yo!) and Tik Tok, because how else are we supposed to get the 'closer to real' news.
  A real keeper. There's a Twin Flame husband, a Fire Sign daughter, and a Guru Master son involved too. A healthy ego when it comes to Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy and almost everything else that doesn't involve history or literature. She also doesn't follow rules, so don't expect anything to go as planned or in all relevance, good, legal, normal, or taking sides with love and light all the time, cause that shit gets old fast. Will ghost you if you start acting or talking stupid, because explanations are for people who care about soothing other's confusion. This girl will ditch your ass and never think of you again.
  Blunt advice, real talk, deep talk enough to drown you within the first 14 minutes after she gives you sufficient time to bail. No mercy, probably a bit hard core, and no tolerance for the weak or fear trodden. Loves conspiracy theories, but not that much. Loves alien talk, but not that much...unless it involves those black triangle ufos, cause she's seen that shit up close. Enjoys a good frolic into the psyche, into the aether, or into the eternal throes of Source and fake moon jargon.
  Has a soft spot for superheros, villains, and kittens. Pisces sun, Scorpio moon and ascendant. And that's far more than needed already. Good luck! :)  "

That does sound so like me.... hmm... I should be a writer...


"I like to mix tequila and rum into all that love and light shit."
Another one of my grand quotes I'm willing to post all over social media...


So it's days later....
I thought I'd just come to post all this...but meh... not feeling in... hoping something good will fall from these fingertips...

HD wallpaper: hands, fingers, stars, tattoo, long hair, women, lying on  back | Wallpaper Flare

I have another writing lesson, which I'm not going to do....

There's so much overwhelm drifting in the world. This and that and these things and those things and all that stuff over there. ...
Do we even know that we don't have to pick any of it up...
do we even know...

The Alchemist walks with me. He's silent, a bit overly focused forward...
but he's more tuned in to my vibration right now... it's kinda
like he's putting me through one of those virus scans, haha...
I don't want to interrupt him and

It's I already know what the next step is... which is also new...
I'm usually left hanging until I'm thrown into it...
but now I know exactly what's next...
and maybe I'm waiting for him to tell me, for confirmation or something...
but even that... I know he won't now...
we are in new territory....and things have been reworked and new worlds have awaken...
I say this like I didn't just write it a few days ago up above...
it feels like forever...
a whole lifetime even....holy shit...

This step is the reboot...even as we go through it now, and now...
a rewriting? a something...
things are soooo weird... and so fucking cool!
and this step is also the awakening after this reboot...
and what will the world be then?
how fucking beautiful.... <3


I keep seeing so many others in their corrals. Not even aware that they are corrals...
many still fighting against other's barriers all while ignoring their own.
and also knowing that all the barriers aren't even real or there in the first place!
This whole elaborate experiment is so fucking amazing....and people are just thinking up their corrals and their paths and their enemies and theirselves... wow!
even still others fighting against the ones in charge..
is there even anyone in charge? I haven't found proof of this... these gamemasters....
Even me.... I watch this game... seeing all the pieces...not even knowing what the end point is or why...
and the gamemasters are hidden from me as well...
at this point, I can't say they are bad, or aliens, or good, or humans...or aliens...
and all possible theories out there are not coherant to what's happening...
and I'm really bummed that new ideas haven't reached the players ears... like come on already...
wake up!
I wonder how much I paid to watch this movie?
Or maybe I own the theater...and this production is happening on I watch from my pristine viewing point... and I can't remember the director's name, lol. Enjoying the show, nonetheless.
I love all of this.
The player, the actors...the extras too... the props, the backdrops...
None of this is real.....yet they all believe it is.... and I am astounded and exhilarated to discover what's next in this story.

I'm guessing this is enough...and will be back to write when I fill up with some momentum and inspiration to write something.

Hubble bunnies drift through the stars while eating their chocolate discs of peppermint dipped in shadows. Try not to crash into the moon, we're using it for a watching station and it echoes really loud when you try to shoot things at us.... thanks.


Friday, July 9, 2021

Covering all the bases... and then some

noun: a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.
A recess, a crevice, a little hole for you to crawl in and make your nest...
This nice cozy place called: this is where you stay there...

Let's not, yo.
Let's not shrink yourself into this little piss water hole.
Not a niche, not a focus, not an all in to this tiny glorious hole...

Let's be water.
A flood.... the tsunami.... the tidal wave...
The one that scatters it's force in all the niches...
That fills many holes. That carves out deeper and deeper trenches and rivers.
The one that not only fills the gaps... but drowns out the filth...

Be so fucking awesome...there's no room left for anything else.

"Be water, my friend"...a simple Bruce Lee phrase
Crash, drown, move, flow, and at times rest....
but never just stay in one place.

We are all meant to transform.
And to transform the world around us.

We get to choose all the things that bring us joy.
We get to choose all the things that are a part of us.
We get to be, do, have everyfuckingthing we want.


There is a baby mouse in my garage.
He got cat captured and still kicking...
I've named him Zackary.
He's kinda sorta taking kitten formula, so there's hope.

I also have the group of 15 (is it 15?) 3 week old quail in the coop, but separate from the adults.
And 22, 2 day old quail chicks in the brooder.
These will be the last batch for a year or so.
Some get added to the flock, some go to freezer camp.
Either way, my egg supply is at it's best game

Why do they give Roman Reigns so much shit?
He's my fav, and I don't even watch wrestling.

I have so many things in the works, it's kinda fun.
Some ShadowDragon Dreams line up for late August...
will most likely have to hit up Hobby Lobby and Joann's..
as shipping and fabric costs online are stupid crazy...

Branding work for fb...
honing down the whole writing gig thing..
I'll eventually add in some art, when it decides to show up...
met some really interesting, fun, cool people....
only a handful or two get unfriended or blocked....but it's worth it to find the good ones.

There's a writing course I bought...starts tomorrow, but I haven't gotten the email yet...
So *shrugs... last minute thing I guess...

I'm exceedingly probably gonna cut everything short.
Need to feed Zackary once more, refresh the baby chicks water...
meditate, reiki, and sleeeeeeepppp

I will avoid tik tok for tonight, only out of recognition that I like meditating better.


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy 4 whole days of whatevers

 Soooo.... water was making sounds today...
and a friend of mine suggested I got a hearing upgrade...
cause just a few days ago, I had a 'thump thump thump' on my ear...
like a fairy kicking it.... on the outside, but nothing was there...and I don't even think I felt it physically.

and today I heard water...
not the sound it makes as it hits things...
it's's frequency as is flows....
at first I let it go by as these hoses (both front and back yard) are weird today...okay
sciency pressure, right...
but them inside in the sink as it was dripping, it was like some old analog computer dings and dongs...
like aol dialup (does this age me?)... like morse code... like tones....
it was weird....
I asked the kitten why the water was making that sound...
but she didn't answer me...

Imma have to take a shower tonight and see what it says, LOL


The Alchemist wasn't kidding about the falling away and not holding hands thing...
it's not even gone yet, but I see it inching towards the edge.
I'm kinda excited to see it falter and trip, cascading down the mountain
I like the destruction. The chaos. The momentum of change.
I like the falling away of old things... it leaves such open spaces
broad skies, leveled ground, ...possibilities

Maybe I see too far ahead, always seeing the greatness...
while the world always seems to look at the what is-ness...things in the way today...
crying cause they are falling apart and dying, or crumbling...
um...yeah.... can't you see how amazing it's gonna be!

"The greater the chaos, the greater the joy."
something I actually wrote many years ago when I tried my hand at making memes....
I should do that again, but with mini art...
it's much easier to talk myself out of writing content...than it is to post art...
and art with words.... it makes for a great combo of having content....and art...
it's always fun to share art...
but content, especially my content, is rather abrupt and filled with a sense of ...please jump off the damn cliff and kill you can 'really' know the truth of who you are....
and people are often afraid of the death stuff...
meh.... pussies

no shame bitches...I'm kinda burnt out on being passive
not that I want to engage with anyone....but blah...
we can be all the things....and that be a good thing...


speaking of...

I spoke to Thoth again last night....
learned a whole hell of a huge revelation about resonance.


this has to do with choosing, focus to feed energy to that choice/vision...
and resonating with it to 'tune' it into a feel good vibration...
and then open to receive the match to it.... (by letting go of resistance or blocking it)
In other words, expert level manifestation.

It's been less than a day....
I will certainly update you on this new technique.

this goes hand in hand with that dream I had about the resonance chamber and the tones coming from the center pipe totem thing.... and it echoes/reverberates back off the circular walls to create coherence within the body/position...and creates/heals/tunes/etc, all of reality.

Anyway...really cool shit happening!

Here's a pic with colors!!!

Colors are my fav.


I'll be back later, maybe post this eventually....

Day 2, cause that's how I roll

"Something to be passionate about. An 'extra' $3k."

look at this shit... the shit I write when asked what I'm 'calling in for July'.
We know the answer to passion, isn't to be passionate about a thing or action...
it's being passionate about you....yourself...your whole being

if that was the case, that $3k would be some low ball offer for something priceless
...we know that number is crumbs for the peasants who wallow in the sty
some poor people mindset of paying off a I don't even pay interest on anyway...
fuck that...

I am beyond this shit that trickles out of the bottom of the vessel...
time to establish a kingdom
and it will be me


argh...  Day 3
nothing all my days are practically fantastic
and I feel a release of some heavy weight lifting off...
maybe it is the planets or some shit like that

I wrote a post for my coaching page yesterday and later around 2 am, deleted it...
meh.... how can we be the same person all the time?? what fun is that really?
I call you a motherfucker...but the definition is not what you think...
or yo, bitches....but even that comes misunderstood or too bluntly...
yeah, I may want to shove your ass off a cliff because you're fucking stupid...
but not unless you asked me to... I have a low lying level of morality somewhere, geesh

meh... fuck you all
another falling away thing...
cause Imma just do what I want...
and I quit one of those jobs I got already...
HAHA! Bitches! Hows that for testing the waters like fucking BOSS!
   (what made me jump ship, you ask? the moment it said the job was only relevant for Whole Foods, or Whole Foods East for Prime deliveries...yeah well, Whole Foods was great until they became a bunch of left wing fucking pussies.) I said what I said.

Watched 'Infinite' last night. ummm.... the premise was okay, but I give it a pass. Low enough budget to give Mark Wahlburg (sp?) little to no action scenes...and something akin to a mix between Sharknado and Fast and Furious 12....a.k.a. kinda stupid. The car was nice looking. Way too much bullshit talking, and took forever to get the story moving...and the bad guy was un-believable so much so that he wanted to not reincarnate, but had a gun that could keep the others from reincarnating... lol.
Someone didn't pay attention in production apparently how bad this massive hole in the story was far too apparent to keep it in the final draft...ugh. It was BAD. Don't watch and certainly don't pay for it.
I'm not even sure if its at theaters, but if so, stay away.

I gotta get started on cutting out Imma go now... might be back later, or tomorrow...
see how this whole week of shit blog post turns out....

still day 3, but hours and hours later from wheneverthehell I wrote the above...

"I don't want to balance shit. I want raw wild chaotic freedom."

Sometimes I'm in utter love with the shit that I write.
Something I am passionate about is when surprises like that procure themselves onto the computer screen and I'm not even sure who lives inside me, but fuck yes, I love her.

This also scored me a chat with another coach that mingles with the movie/writing biz...
and I feel rather vibrationally aligned from such an encounter
He's one of my newest favorite people I find when I randomly accept/request friends on fb.



Day 5.... I skipped day 4

I told someone to piss off today.
I was trying to be nice...but my glorious Scorpio Moon/Ascendant likes to show off
I love me

I'm here writing, even if I possibly have a few too many things I need to actually do
I still consider it a viable reason to be here, as this is important, even if I'm not saying anything...
I'm practicing typing... we'll go with that, because it's true.

Lots of plans...and I'm going to not overthink them too much, as that's when the momentum and inspiration falls off a cliff.
We'll do all the big stuff tomorrow...because right now, I ain't got a fucking clue what I'm doing, we are going to focus on that clarity and get a clear picture of what I want to manifest...
not even a thing, but I have to tackle a photoshoot (cause I'm cheap and a branding photoshoot is like $500.....and people are fucking drunk if they think a currently going to pay that....) (not that I wouldn't when I have a shit ton of income...but right now...I'm just starting out, and we are spending theoretical money on other things, haha)

I literately have a whole list of plans for today....and I'm trying to recall them without looking at my list...
Most of it's computer work...and some are held up due to others...and I really only have 3 things....

Imma go do that....and Imma post this so I can start a new one ;)