Sunday, March 31, 2019

Boundless... Eternal... Infinite...

Day 82 of 100 of WTFIW....F

this keyboard is dying...
and tends to skip the space bar until a few letters later...
so if this appears to be a huge mess of typos, it is not my fault.
There's also some weird tendency for it to double letters as well.
I already had to go back and fix a word.
to be real... this whole computer is dying...
it was top of the line about eight years ago.
The monitor isn't that old though.... it works fine...
The mouse is from somewhere else.
The side isn't even on the modem...
and sometimes the usb doesn't work.
sometimes the card reader doesn't work either.
the keyboard is missing a few buttons...
but that's Butter's fault.
the old mouse having to be replaced is his fault too.
he likes the rolly thing...crunch crunch.
and the fact he can get his beak under the mouse buttons and rip them upwards.
...just like the keyboard keys...

I had a run-in with colors last night.... from around 9-2am
body is trying to catch up, but seems it's completely wiped out
So yeah... 5 paintings in 5 hours or so....

There was also a run-in of a trigger I needed.
One that is catapulting me to another level....
I don't even know what is coming my way...
But even as I recuperate from last night's art fest....
and from the heartbreak...
I know some huge doorway has opened.

and even as I watch how much one part of me cringes...
wanting to flee, to fight, to die, to cling, to understand...
I will stay and stand and be in this space.
Because everything must kneel when we rise.


Truth of the day:
      ~ You (everything) are (is) worthy. Infinitely, eternally, boundless. ~

you are only worth equal to that which you find worthy.

"I can only give you what you give yourself first."

The Universe can only give you what you allow yourself to receive.

Hold this for a bit... see what it tells you.
See how it feels.
Carry it.

my gift to you is more than just the message...

the Law of Polarity... everything being part of the whole.. the one...
separated not in substance, but in degree.
Your worth...your value...
not as opposites of higher and lower...
in more or less...
Boundless... without bounds... without limitations...
be all of it.
receive all of it.
even that which you have deemed worthless....

Everything is value.
Everything is worthy, lest it would not exist.

Friday, March 29, 2019

I did not write a book scene in this post.

Day 80 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Ice cream... but not real ice cream...
So Delicious soy vanilla ice cream... non-gmo ;)
and Hershey's chocolate syrup...
'cause I'm balanced like that...and neither contain cow pus.

Truth of the day:
Nothing is true.

Yes, I know this was truth of the day about two weeks ago...
but you see...
it's circular, like a spiral... and here we are once again on another level..
this rising.
But now there's more.
Nothing is good or bad either. Or new, or old.
Or right, or wrong. Or hot or cold. Nor is there anything above or below.
Alas, the way the mind divides itself into two...
getting pulled apart by the gravitational torus of our electromagnetic hearts...
a biochemical dance of matter.... of cells... of atoms and electrons...
the positive and negative which also are only different degrees of the same oneness.

Like the light from the sun and the shadows it casts on the dark sides of solid matter.
But the dark and the light are never divided.
So even the falsehood and truth of everything is neither divided nor set apart.
Each like lovers, embracing one another as itself.


 Let me tell you a story.
About the clouds, about the sea, and about you and me.

You'd think for a minute that the clouds only touched the sea with their reflections.
Skimming the water's flesh like a cloak in winter.
That the sea ever strived to reach upwards to the clouds, trying to grab hold of them.
Trying to take it's hands and pull them down.
Only when fog spanned on soft waters, did the clouds and the sea mingle gently.
Soft whispers between them in the night and in the dawn.

But their souls were united.
The sea made from the very substance which created the clouds.
The clouds made from the very substance which created the sea.
Just like you and me.
Just like you and me.

But though we try to reach each other and pull one another close...
our bodies could never carry us close enough.
Only the soul can do that.
And our flesh rages against the barriers between us.
Why can you not see me?
Why can you not hear?
this chaos.
This dream that maybe, somewhere, somehow, you would know you were a soul...
and not just a body...
Why do you live as a body, but not as the greater part of yourself?
Like a cloud living as a cloud...separate and at the mercy of the winds.
Like the sea living as the sea...separate and at the mercy of the earth.
You living as a body...separate and at the mercy of the world.

Be water. Be soul.
That's where you will find me.



Bathroom remodel is underway.
The pieces will be apprehended this weekend.

There are artwork inspired images coming my way.
I have heeded the call and have purchased the canvases.
And I have the sketches ready.
These will get started whenever I am brought to tackle them.
I go by feeling.... so I do not obligate myself to myself.
It will come when it comes.
I am only available for inspired actions.
(which really seems to be a lot lately) (finally!)
for a peek....lots of gold.
it really is the theme of the year thus far.
they will be for sale, btw.
I have 5 at first and there might be another 5 after if I'm still inspired.
Then 1 special one, but it will not be for sale...unless you throw a pretty amount my way.

I have 4 fucking screenplays floating around in my head that I can't catch.
It pisses me off a bit, because I love to write.
But something is not letting me....
I'm crying inside because I WANT to!
But evidently not enough to actually do it.
which is sad.... :(
which is great, because I love that too.
I know they will come when they come... and then I'll have 10 of them trying
to battle it out to get written right at the same time.
I know this, but it still makes me all... 'UGH!'
I have time now, waaaah!

I also have book 6 playing out scenes every night and morning.
and sometimes randomly from 1am-7am.
mind you, that I have no idea how this book starts yet....
or how it ends.....
but it's exciting to spend all this time with my favorite people...


Want a peek into something I haven't written yet and may possibly change by the time I do write it?
Sure you do!

*** ~~
  His eyes were a deep gold and full of fury. They bored into mine, unafraid and unflinching. A growl echoed from his throat as he pulled me closer, wringing the collar of my coat tighter.
"You will never find him." I said, half as a whisper, half as a promise.
   The wind gusted and I felt his grip tighten even further. He lifted me upwards as he stood. Nothing but silence from him as a cold light rain began to fall. His dark feathered wings moved behind him and lifted outwards. He kept his eyes locked on mine as his other hand reached behind his waist. The sound of his blade slowly scraped against it's sheath. He was finished with my lack of cooperation.  ~~ ***

I don't even like the bad guy, but damn... he's still sounds hot when I get to write about him.
now I wanna write the book...

okay, really I have got to go...
otherworldly things are summoning me!

- be good to the fireflies and the grasshoppers, they call forth the summer and bless the night with songs of the field and a festival of lights. Here, the children frolic and laugh, while the chorus of the angels hover above the earth in everlasting glory, shining down, shining down... like stars.

Monday, March 25, 2019

fly little spark... light the night

Day 76 of 100 of WTFIW....F

It is a peeling.
Like skin from a week old sunburn.
Like the flesh of a banana that is no longer yellow.
Like the chrysalis.
Like the cocoon.
But this wouldn't be the first time.
We've done this before
but now it feels.... truer
something emerges that is not like the others.
this newness, surrounded by the same world
but not of it.
Be wary of this newcomer.
She is fire, and earth, and wind, and the rain.
She is soul...
and she will torch your land and set destruction before you.
Uproot your gardens and pour mud into your homes.
She will cast everything about and send it away.
She will drown you.
and then....
there will be the calm.
and the new earth.
and the new world.
and the new self.

and what a wonderful world it will be....


 indeed...what kind of world would it be...
if only she would stay true...
and flow without borders..
without the rules thrown in her path...
Why do they try to contain her so?
Who do they think they are?
Who do they think she is?
Why do they scream in fear at what she calls love?
Why does this light burn their eyes?

They cannot see... what she sees....

dear ones... it will not hurt you to relinquish the control...
set her free...

like the sea...

homework is hard this week....
it's been too long since recalling such depth
maybe only days... but it feels so far away from these eyes

it doesn't fall far from awareness that detachment is still needed
the mind wanting to decipher and define the threads that still entangle me
the body still wrenched closed, unable to open itself
the soul still staring into the darkness, knowing but not seeing...
feeling... but not wrestling with an action...
at least not until there is clarity and clearness in the action...

She knows heaven calls out to her...
"Come. Come up here. Let us show you the world from above."
"Let go. Let go."
And she's still gripping the idea that there's something that needs done...
something she needs to know, needs to see, to let go of....
but the soul knows it takes the act of 'being' to surrender and release...
and still the mind wants to know first...
always wants to know...

but the soul...
staring as it does, with the crystalline pair of dice...
swiftly silences the mind...
and nothing is left to grasp...
even the threads fade away into the dark...
and the soul rises...

_ _ _

really though...
I have to go do homework.
and then eat some gmo-laced artificially colored non-organic circles
with a toucan on the box...
with organic non-gmo unsweetened, '$5 for a half gallon', almond milk.
cause I'm balanced like that.

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted

...even myself.

Monday, March 18, 2019

It's a merkabah!!! O_O

Day 69 of 100 of WTFIW....F

only 30 more days of this... ?
there's a almost infinite chance that it will go longer than 100 days.
because doing what you want...
doing what you feel...
it's a rather exceptional way to live


Truth of the day:
All pain is division.
All division is pain.

Yes, I know this was the 'truth of the day' last week sometime.
But there's more...
it seems I've been brought back to it.
Not like a u-turn, but more of a different... no... broader perspective.
Much more so.
Not just about unconditional love and acceptance for ego.
Not just about unconditional love and acceptance for your mind and thoughts.
Not just about unconditional love and acceptance for your earthly body.
But the space in the midst of these three...
The world. The earth. The situations, circumstances, occurrences, events, and happenings.
The energies that rage, and sway, and move, and rock in chaos to a whirlwind of existence.
Others. All the others. Everyone. Every physical being and thing that exists in this place.
The space of this reality. All that you see.

and also, the fourth... unconditional love and acceptance for time.
The appearance of it passing, or it being yet to come.
The past, the future.

Ego, mind, body, time....
and the space in the midst of them (the world)

All of these are you.

Then there's the other you.
The Soul. Spirit. The Aether.
and Eternal Infinence.
and the space in the midst of them (the Universe/Heavens)

All of these are you.

 You can choose what you like and continue on with your day.
Disregarding the other parts...
ignoring them, resisting them, fighting them....
trying to change them...
casting blame elsewhere...

but you'd be casting blame upon yourself.
fighting yourself. resisting yourself. ignoring yourself
dissecting and splitting your likes from your dislikes.
throwing half of you away...

Tell me again, which part of yourself do you hate?
Let's make it none.
Let's make it none.


There's power and truth in changing those dislikes into likes.
An alchemic reaction and alteration...
one that can move those harsh darknesses closer to the light...
transmutation of energy
from hate to love
from unknown to known
from resistance to acceptance
from fight to friend
from ignoring (ignorance) to awareness (truth)
from there to here
from then to now

do not cast yourself aside....

I love you too much to watch you treat yourself in such a way....


so cleaning house....
this is real work...
I guess bathroom tile, shower doors, and slat doors
were probably created by a man.
The oven too
   (although I do not clean ovens... if anyone wants it clean, they will have to do it.)
No offense to men,
but they did not take into account the effort involved with such contraptions.
not to mention the outside of the windows...
now I have tilt windows, sure it's easy to clean the glass and all....
but why make a ledge on the outside that traps dust/leaves??!
Does the word flat or open make any sense to you....?
you know, so you don't catch dust and debris and leaves and dirt...
so when it rains, it's all just washed away...
no trap, no collection agency, no effort to clean the trap out!

living room still needs some minor attention...
It's not really dirty considering I super cleaned it when I painted the walls.
Some dusting and wiping down the tv console.
maybe vacuuming the sofa out
and hanging art above my glorious piano. <3

otherwise downstairs bathroom is getting completely redone
craft room needs organized
hallway downstairs needs help of some sort...
what do you put in a hallway you only walk through???
the stairwell needs the steps cleaned, but it's getting a paint job soon too.
then there's outside, but I have plenty of time before the temps are my kind of tolerable.
and I can't really say when this momentum will suddenly end...
then I can write and meditate all day. It'll be fantastic!

off to go do homework....

Have a splendid evening among the willows and the fontaine trees of ecstasy.
May they bring you everlasting creme of liberation and empowerment.
Just be sure to tell them how wonderful they are, they like that.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

We've got some work to do now....

Day 67 of 100 of WTFIW....F

So I had this dream...
   (don't you love when a sentence or probably in this case, a paragraph starts with those words?
       and I'm so going to add commentary for your enjoyment!)
This dream, it had monsters... which I never saw, but they were there.
They only come out at night though and don't like noise
kinda like that movie The Quiet Place... or maybe they did like noise... idk
doesn't matter. I never saw one or anything in this dream.
Also my mom drove a get-away car made from large pieces of lined paper taped together
after I happened upon two little kids who's mother abandoned them. One of them was named Jeezer, he was like 9mo-1. Older sister was maybe 2.5 or 3.
anyway, in this dream, there were trees, like a mini forest
and I was singing out the Scooby Doo theme song because it echoed through those trees.
maybe I was calling or talking to someone else, idk.
((( My subconscious brain knew the words to said theme song, which is kinda scary, because I do not like Scooby Doo. There is nothing about that cartoon, and god forbid the live action movie I would consider salvageable. )))
fast forward...
picking up stamps at the post office... the next day, in real life, dream was way over...
and I only need a few, not a whole fuckton... (cause who mails shit anymore?)
so dude behind the counter says he has half books of 12, but only a few designs.
THEN he says.... "I have Scooby."
and I was like 'what?'
"Scooby" - he points to a picture of the stamp on the counter top... oh...
"Sure... I'll take Scooby."
  (because I love playing games with the Universe, duh!)

and wait... there's more..

A whole day goes by and I'm really just paranoid of seeing anything else related to Scooby Doo.
.... and THEN...
I don't know what happened or what I was thinking...
something clicked...

remember that fucking screenplay idea I mentioned before...
  the one I dubbed 'Mystery Machine'
  (I know I can't and would not use that title, but you get the connection)

So to the excitement of my writing mind, it looks like we have a volunteer!
And apparently there might be some monsters in this script that we may not ever see.

I'm guessing the lined paper get-away car was a cue to WRITE!
  (finally, it's not like I didn't want to!)
the fact it was taped together in pieces means nothing but screenplay beat card lingo to me
that's just how it works, but I use a tack board and roughly attach things together
it may end up looking like something viable eventually.... or not.
I'll let you know when the first draft is done.
Hopefully it will pan out to a full length movie and know where it wants to go...
   (not like Killian! what a little pain in the ass that was! and totally still needs edited)

hahahahahaha!!! You know I just realized that in this screenplay 'Mystery Machine', they are driving a white mini van! hahahahahahahaha! I should put lines on it! Maybe they can drive through some brush and shit and get scratched up.
I'm glad it's intended to be a comedy!

In other news.... here's a cropped screenshot...

I have no idea what that means other than it will be available to read at the festival(s).
I read through some of the other screenplays...
       ( research... yeah... research, and not a competitive bone in my body at all... O_O )
not all of them had scores, but from the ones posted that had them...
     (I'm not going to say mine was the highest for sure, that'd be totally egotistic and a bit like bragging.... and fucking awesome....)
But mine was the highest.
  (not to mention for Kid film fest selections, many of them were rather violent...)
(and truthfully I love my ego. I find it strange people want to kill theirs... :( poor babies... )
(and nothing may come of it at all, but it's totally possible something does! it's all good)
and Laser Racers was my favorite feature to write (thus far) ... not that it didn't write itself...
it's like I had a dream client and they did all the work while I just sat in.

Anyway... I'm doing other 'stuffs', but nothing important that has to be written here.
And deepness and elegant meanderings will have to wait for another day...
No soup for you!
Off to finish what I started earlier...


will write more in the dusk of the radiant skies, where nymphs and jack-o-lanterns swim from treetop to golden sea....
be sure to supplement your quasar shrooms with double mocha chocolate sundance films.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Day 65 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Last coat on the piano is drying.

Ideas and possibilities are looming
movements are afoot
shifting has begun to take physical form
and the aether has made her presence present in the earth
this is facinating


unless you know how to listen

Monday, March 11, 2019

Rise up. And devour the earth.

Day 62 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Truth of the day:

~ "The Children of the Gods do not beg. Nor do they doubt their desires will come to them." ~

god love a great teacher when he's called upon....
the power spoken in such a way as to bestow it upon the one who hears.

there's a course I have involved (revolved) myself with and it synchronizes with this.
and there are lessons to be had and endorsed upon this journey.
a becoming.
and conditions crumble, and limitations fall away.
remove yourself from me
God is HERE.


piano almost finished, another coat or two of sealant.
and the keyboard cover needs painted. this = done.
then maybe I can write something!
and not get side-tracked with more art....
unless it's for $$$ that is.
I'm open for commissions.
but in truth, I'll just do whatever I feel.... soooo...
we shall see what becomes of me.
assuming I don't go all super saiyan again...
wait... that was FUN! like real FUN.
I'm totally up for that.
but now I know more.... feel more
so will it be funner?
anyway... book 6 is driving me up the wall....
and I don't even want to think about writing it yet.
I want to write a screenplay, but nooooooooo.....
something is not wanting me to outline it.... or even have time to start...
so.... that's fine, I'll just do nothing.
I'm okay with that.

have set intentions (even though I don't agree with that exact word usage)
which I will begin initiation of those once the piano is done.
I still have plenty of time.
but I know once I do them, big awesome shit will pour in...
so I'm really just delaying awesome happenings...
which I should not be okay with, but I weirdly am.

I think I'll get up early tomorrow.
that will shake the reins and plow the fields
it'll be devastating and riveting and extremely beautiful
and I can finish the piano....


oh ... truth of the day....imo

Take hold.....hmmmm

"Stand up."
"Take hold."
and "Follow me."

(...the only things that were ever asked of me.  I say asked, whereas at the time, it was a command, but there was never a possibility that I wouldn't obey them, so I'm not sure if it were asked or told...)

He never asked me to believe, or have faith, or do this work or that work to earn this or that.
He never asked me to serve or wait in line or do more of this or that.
He never asked me to entertain or impress or abstain from anything.
He never asked me to be anything or go anywhere or do anything or say anything.
He never asked that I suffer or struggle or writhe in disdain or disappointment.
He ever asked that I follow or lead or give or move.
He never told me to obey or praise, or pray, or worship, or kneel.
on the contrary....
It was to stand and take the heavens by the hand and go with the universe. not so many words...
and it was way deeper than that and I probably already wrote about it on this blog years ago.
there was no forcing...
there were no planning or commitments
there were no detailed directions or absolutes.
it was only me.
it was only Him.
and spirit led us.

No one asked you to beg for your desires or your needs, or your wants.
You only chose that for yourself.
No one ever asked you to chase after your desires, to force your way through the space to attain them, to hold them close to you.
You chose that for yourself.
I implore you to let yourself just receive them. As a king would give freely to his children.
There is no lack in the kingdom that would cause you to wait or work for your share.
You are already worthy to have everything the kingdom can hold.
I implore you to have confidence that all things are yours and when you set your attention on a certain one, it will have to come to you, because you are it's master.
You are royalty and everything must bow and obey. It must. It must.
You don't have to throw a tantrum or yell with anger or plead for it to come. Know it will come when you call for it. You are the summoner. The one with a voice. The commander. The source of all that is.
You don't have to think whether or not it heard you. It always hears you. Like you can hear yourself.
Don't think that you must be in this certain spot or take this certain action for it to come. Know it will obey when you call it with certainty. If there is hesitation in your voice it must hesitate as well.
If there is doubt in your words, it will doubt as well. If there is fear in your desires, it will fear as well.
Be sure. Be true. Be confident. It must be too.


"Do I care if you juggle?"
He had asked me once while I practiced juggling some dog toy balls. He asked this after I had asked what he thought about people thinking Halloween was for the devil, lol. And He usually answers with a question...
and the answer to the answer was no.
This glorious example of creativity, learning, commitment, expression, the tasting of energies and feeling, the excitement and entertainment, the joy of pretending, the growth of someone from experience and choice. Wow...all the great things that come from Halloween...
how utterly beautiful....
and how sad that some people at that time turned away from such an honored gift to them.
if you only knew....

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Please follow these instructions if you want to LIVE

Day 60 of 100 of WTFIW....F

"I have Existed from All Eternity and Behold;
I Am Here;
and I Shall Exist till the End of Time,
for My Being has no End."
~ Gibran

Truth of the Day:
~ All that exists is HERE. ~

there is not yesterday or tomorrow, no past, no future.
there is not another place of existence other than this current moment
this vibration, this awareness is the only existence.
everything you possibly think of reaching outward to get or have...
does not exist any other place.
There is not a there at all. There is only here, with and inside of you.
Manifesting 101, lesson 12 states:
"If you are wanting something, that is a division in your self, as you are thinking something
is beyond or separate from you and you must reach or attain it.
This is folly, as all things exist in this moment.
Your body is at a slower vibration of light than your consciousness.
If you desire something (which that in itself means it is already yours, you just can't see it)
bring your conscious attention on the desired outcome or object.
Maintain that awareness with the emotional frequency that matches it's physical presence in your life. Actually feel what it feels like to have said desire. Hold that awareness.
When your consciousness (which is already moving faster than your body vibrationally speaking), aligns with the awareness that the desired outcome or object is present....
maintaining that frequency and charge will align your body (which is at the slower rate) to align with that said desire. Therefore causing a physical manifestation of the outcome or object."
Your body is the past, your consciousness is the future. Your awareness of both is the present.
This matches the idea that your thoughts create the future.
This matches the belief that Christ goes before you to prepare a place for you.
This matches aspects of power and will that profit mankind.

Multiple massive actions have appeared out of nowhere today.
Which means this week is going to be awesome.
Things are leaning towards vibrational shifts and wowsa, there is a lot of work to do.
I say the word 'work', but what I really mean is divine aspiration.
An overhaul is in order.... and I did not realize the correlation between yesterday's
blog post title and how fast this shit synchronized with today....
like literately less than an hour ago.
I wish I was kidding.
So yeah, an overhaul, but guess who's the director, and the cast and crew...
This is what I get for agreeing to otherworldly contracts. Hoorah!
I feel like a viking with a huge ass spear in hand, banging it on a shield or something.
No wait, a Spartan.
No wait.... an Atlantean  (NO, NOT from the Aquaman movie! Lame!) a real one, yo.
Like Spartans, but mixed with magic. ;) Jason Momoa can be there though, he can sit by me.

Still painting piano.
Still writing at least a blog, lol.
Plans have unfolded and now the course is marked, so that's new.
I hope to maintain the WTFIW....F vibe.
I still have 40 days left, yo.
I'm severely disappointed in google for not being able to tell me how an ion or atom changes polarity from positive to negative or from negative to positive. Reversing polarity...simple shit.. wtf, google...
I guess I will have to ask someone wiser... I guess you know what I'll be doing later....
Learning some physics for alchemy and electromagnetic theories. It'll be fun.

speaking of truth of the day....
tomorrow is fantastic!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

ummm.... disk deframentation procedures are underway? maybe

Day 58 of 100 of WTFIW....F

It's 11:47pm.
I'm standing here eating a bowl of BHT laced GMO circles.
They float upon stuff that pretends to be milk, but isn't.
You know... Froot Loops (Fruit Loops for timeline shifters)
and Almond milk, which really just tastes like white water.
Only to finish, then debate if sitting would be better...
but the stool with the cushion has a piece of a piano on it...
hang on...
It's my stool now.

I'm not sure what I came to write about, so today will be a bunch more rambling.
This seems to be the theme of the week.
Maybe the fact that the sun is conjuncting my natal mercury or some shit.
None of that matters.

Tomorrow begins the day of reprogramming on the higher frequency.
So in a few more minutes... I will no longer be available.
Like the present me... I'll be someone new
It'll be 'fun'.
and I say that with utmost sarcasm.

I have a few manifestations preparing to be birthed.
I'm wondering when they will arrive.
No longer excited as much as ready and prepared for their arrival.
There's still a bit of space clearing that needs handled.
I shall conquer that in the morrow...
like after I wake up and do the other things I need to do first.
What's coming is big and I don't want to be suffocated by it...
so I need to make plenty of room for them to fit.
Things are going to be amazing.
Everything is amazing.

There was a shift today, but I think I missed it.
I feel it, but I can't quite say what or when 'it' happened.
This is rather normal. Staying present in the body hasn't been my thing.
Never has been. But I've recently discovered means to do so more often and continuously.
This is the level-up.
This is what has happened.
And as of right now, I don't have a designated guide.
This was expected considering the last one said he was the last...
I can still connect with any of them though...
So this all is new for me.
Being present in the body.
When all I do is live elsewhere much of the time.

and tomorrow.... ooooohhhh... the reprogramming.
Shit is gonna get freaky weird.
and this makes me smile.
almost like a villain... almost like a hero.

good thing I'm both.

other adventures.....
piano parts painted.... now to start on the piano parts I couldn't take off
5 out of 11 to go.
writing... it's a good thing I even show up here.
I have been recording book 6 in my head every night....
and keep tweaking it... my characters are evolving and it makes me sad, haha
no screenwriting yet, but I want to.
no awesome dreams except the last one with the bounty hunter who was also very hot.
I painted another piece of artwork with arrows.
I painted another that will be pyramids, not done yet...
yes, I multitask. It gets bunches of things partly done so one day they all get done and it looks like I'm a master at everything.
I like how 'I'm a master at everything' showed up on it's own line and I didn't even hit the enter button....
of course when this posts it will probably move and not look like it does now in 'edit mode'.
Here, let's make sure...
"I'm a master at everything."
The reprogramming has begun. Care to join me? I'll be picking out this stuff all week.
7 days of awesome. Let's do this.

Not sure where to go with this.
What to do with this.
That's the good thing. No obligation to meet an expectation.
The perfection of chaos. Mmmm... tasty.
Remember truth of the day?
even though I don't think I posted that one....
it's to the right  ------>

anyway the truth of the day the other day...was
~ All pain is division. ~

which at the time, I was describing how one part of me really does not agree with the other part of me.
like a spirit versus personality, or soul versus ego thing....
but there was an event that occurred which allowed those two parts to unite as one.
to where the part that really disappointed my other part was accepted unconditionally.
She is awesome. All of her. All of me. All of us.
This is when Toriel said 'look you have wings now'. *shrugs
... so today....
there was an awareness of the mind.
and how the spirit/soul/ego/me didn't like how the mind thought.
all that stuff that gets in the way, all that stuff it only thinks out of habit....
so mind is now absorbed into this magic self that is now.
   (and Toriel pops up and is like, 'now you have a crown', lol. She's so kooky.)
so hence the reprogramming analogy, that's on the roster.
Uniting all these parts...
I'm wondering what else is floating out there unseen and unheard and unloved.
I want her to come home too.

so all that brings me back to a certain question I was once asked while drifting in the aether.
"Which part of yourself do you hate?"
and at the time it was none....
but I didn't see all of me then.
and I promise it is none, I just have to find her first to tell her.
maybe she doesn't know that....


so it's late, got places to be that's not here.
must go.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

good times...good times

Day 56 and 57 of 100 of WTFIW....F

It's been like two weeks since posting, guess it wouldn't hurt to write something

it might be rambling
it might be deep
it might be true
or it might be something else
we can find out together, cause I don't know either.
it'll be a surprise!

let's get the bs out of the way...
still painting piano...
5 parts done, 6 parts to go
writing... ummm... yeah...
book 6 still floats around in my head every fucking night.
mostly the same few scenes...
ocd, much?
my inner self wants to write a screenplay
but no clue what it actually wants to write one about
need to contact muse... she'll know

huge huge huge massive shit happening in the otherworlds
like... I skipped a level or something, cause this is not what I was expecting...
no joke
like no no no joke... real as real can even be qualified to get
energy is HERE
and HERE
and I got what I wanted
and more of what I want is already being sent my way
I AM what I want.
Happy Birthday to me

What else....ummm.....
there's this thing creeping up... like tip-toeing...
and it's a test... which sucks.... cause I know how to pass it...
...and that requires awareness and courage
and it's going to be fan-fucking-tastic!
and other people are going to blow their shit
and they are going to give me all their wonderful judgements and fears!!!!
I eat that shit!
Sprinkle it on, baby! I love it! I love it ALL!
They don't realize the power in this room!
I feel this coming and it's going to be A-MA-ZING!
   (and quite frankly horrifically, terrifying too)

what else....?

umm...yeah so next day...
nothing to write... but posting now, haha

Sunday, March 3, 2019

333 - welcome

Day 54 of 100 of WTFIW....F

the key code number of the day
please enter

it's been rather involving of late.
many adventures.
many motions.
many times in the silence.

it would be a truth to say that it is unknown what this leads to.
it's like a pulling
not me to it, but it to me, and none can stop it
what shall we meet upon the horizon
will it be a who?
another guide perhaps?
there is a voice that calls out in the darkness, but pay it no mind
as that is what it attempts to do... to call back your mind
oh, but you see...
that was untethered long ago... like yesterday... like months...
there is no mind here for you to sway
I can converse with whomever I want, but I know the voice
is only there to give me strength to continue...
you shall not break me down or sway me.
I have agreed to continue.
I have accepted.
On I go.
I come.


So I had this fascinating dream last night
and it might make a good movie if I delete the part with Luke and Leia in it.
I will consider it's viability.
It's sci-fi action. ... like star wars, but totally not star wars.... meaner... and hotter... ;)
              (.... can you tell I dreamed of another hot dude last night again... oy vey!)

of course, being in the pocket to write is also going to be something I may need.

I'm still working on the piano.
3rd panel will be finished tonight, then seal it tomorrow.
the bench will be finished tonight, then seal it tomorrow.
then I can work on the sides of the piano...
which means I have to do it upstairs... all the removable parts would be finished...
so I guess listening to some random netflix show is on the agenda....
unless I decide music works better...
I was listening to kyle's videos...
but I'm about done with them, so.....

I can not remember what my intentions were, haha!
the piano...
something else?
.....  I had to go back and look, good thing I write this shit down....
all credit cards paid off...
write screenplays...
be in body...
be me...

those still sound good.... let's feel that.


Truth of the day: compliments of Jesus Christ.

     ~ All pain is division ~, here's a take on this that may or may not fit anyone else's perspectives....
Pain in etymology is = penalty, a suffering inflicted as punishment.
All pain within and of your mind/body/emotions is a direct revelation of a division within and of yourself. This correlates with the punishment of sin, if you want to use the bible as proof. It is not set forth as a punishment per se, but it is present when one is divided from oneself.
In the mind, when you choose one or the other, even tough in truth, you are the space holding both.
In mind, when you dub one thing as good, the other as bad. In complete division. The mind was intended to be used as a tool, not a compass. 'Choosing' and 'Choice' in and of itself is an illusion directly affecting your ability to unite with yourself. Thus the split tendencies create pain. This pain is accentuated in the form of stress, bombardment/racing of thoughts, anxiety, fear, indecision, etc. All things regarding the mind and the idea of choosing anything over another.
In the body, when you choose one thing for it and limit it to the perspectives of whatever your split mind has decided. In the body, when you ignore it's inner guidance and instead rely upon the mind once again. Choosing that you should be this or that, or look like this or that. This is all 'choice' and that choice is what causes pain. This should be, that shouldn't be.... this is the root of pain in and of the body. Physical stress, actual pain and aches, diseases (dis- ease), ailments. The division of yourself from your body is the illusion. You are everything. All parts! The body included. Holding division in the mind replicates into the cells of your body. Water has memory! Water is your body. Unify yourself with yourself and with your body. Choosing soul over body kills the body, choosing anything kills the other side of you, as you are all parts, all sides, all choices.
In the emotions. Again, one is not better than another. Both joy and grief are allowed. You came here to FEEL fully. All aspects of what you and your body are capable of. Do not chase away saddness or tuck it away under layers of distracting happiness. Water has memory, even those emotional energies will stay with you... be a flowing river... feel them all when they come and allow to feel fully...and be fully filled... unpack those stored and feel them fully too... Three's more and there's twenty different aspects of all this, but I'm not here to explain, I'm the conduit, the vessel, the messenger...
the message is for you, gifted by the messenger. So you take what it means for you... I am not your translator. That's your job. <3

I like truth of the day...
maybe again tomorrow. ?

another kylego needs done and I don't feel like using a pencil/pen..
so I will do it here...
and not post.
if you found your way here....
disregard what is below, it's only my proof of the future occurrences... which come my way!

March 3rd, 2019 - Day 333 key code master shifting level-up supercharge.
Let's throw a bunch of random nonsense out there so you will cease reading further.

*****  ~~~~~  It's December 2019, the day before the day the 'event' is scheduled to happen.
I'm excited about tomorrow. I've been excited all day. But I'm still excited about all that has happened this year. I remember when I paid off all those credit cards. I remember when that money started pouring out directly to me and I paid off all those debts. I didn't even tell anyone. I had money pooling in every pocket, safe, and bank account. So much money I gave tons of it away. It was so liberating. I even got those things that have been waiting for funds to be fixed, fixed. Got rid of a bunch of stuff and got the best things instead. Everything is set and ready to go. Money and me are ready to take an adventure. Dude, I even sold a screenplay! They want more! I sold art! they want more! I did nothing but awesome things for myself and others and the universe gave me awesome things. That's totally how it we get along! There's no way around it! -- I remember being fully present and learning so many new and exciting things. I remember all the supportive people that showed up and the amazing circumstances and situations that were handed to me. All this was possible in less than a year! I have producers calling and my editor, I have studios reading my scripts, I have all the things. All the things.
But wait there's more, so much more! This year I also completely leveled-up to some level no one has gone to before. Magic shit just falls in my lap as if it was made solely for me. Inspiring people and events have been set directly in my path and I can't even describe them! Like weird miracles! Poof, I have money! Poof, I have great health! Poof, I've got the attention of people I want to pay attention! Poof, family is doing excellent! Poof, huge changes and shifts in possibilities! Poof, manifesting has become the norm, because that's who I am. Ever since they gave me the code to the luxury suite of Heaven, everything has been nothing but amazing!
And that's not all! I remember after I paid off all the cards, that I bought hubby a huge gift! We even went on a few trips together and I got us booked for more next year! ~~~~  ***********


these kylego's are not as exciting as you ever want them to be, lol.
I should take my own advice and 'feel' first before writing...