Thursday, October 31, 2019

Not a flame... but an alchemist

~ "Don't spend one more day looking at all your shit in the toilet
rather than your own divine glory." ~

What you give your attention to is what you will attract.
STOP focusing on all the things that need fixed or bettered.
or you will receive more things that need fixed or bettered.

Everything that is good... all that is nice, comfortable, satisfying....
all those things that uplift and provide ease or support....
Look at all these wonderful aspects... LOOK at them!
and never look away.
Let thine eye be single... my friends...

The Universe is big enough to provide even more of those things.
of those experiences.
of those fantastic amazing moments.
and all the money too.


Some people aren't ready....they say.
It's too much for them....they say.


Let them see where they they can know that more exists...
so that they can know.... there are other options...
they can't know anything without it....
so give them more than they can chew...
too big of a bite...
overwhelm them...
pull them too deep...
lift them too high...
fear not for their lives.... that's their job...
....  so they can realize what an amazing life they already have.

I dare you.
To be selfish
and harsh
and believe so fiercely in your desires.
And know what true power is.
And know... who god is.


All orders complete...
1 on the roster whenever details are smoothed out and payment comes in
that sounds good...
There isn't any inkling of any new inspiring ideas either...
which is also grand...
I like being free to do nothing....or something...or whatever lies on the brink of creation
I might consider writing a idea that came to me today...
or start on that book.
Maybe meditate for a week straight.... which actually sounds more appealing
A few random things that I might decide to do...or not

There's still this wave...
and at the very tippity top... where the water caresses the sky...
a small yet fragile touch lifts tiny droplets upwards...
like this ecstasy of communion.
I watch it...and all slows as these particles separate from the wave and flicker into the air
where are they going?
I shall follow you, little spirits...


Roy Mustang

 Image result for roy mustang.

so I'm just a tad obsessed with him lately...
among a few other select fictional characters....
which all have this similar and revolving synchronicity theming...
and I'm wondering why this life decides to accentuate such things...
like is it something I'm mirroring, or reflecting...?
or is it something I'm reaching for?
Is it something familiar I'm trying to find?
Or something I already know, as a trait or a person... and they remind of such?
yeah... this is what I do in my spare time... LOL
"Lets debate why certain characters/traits remind me of a past or future life! That'll be fun!"
I could say that this awareness has been here since I was a little little kid...
I found the same personality traits in cartoon characters then too...
like him...

 Image result for gruffi gummi.
Gruffi Gummie
like I KNEW this entity...
Mustang mirrors certain aspects for sure...
but of course... in *cough 'real life'... said person or aspects were ZERO%

even this dude...
Image result for wolverine.

Were these vibrational entities trying to live? If we want to go all x-files propaganda.
Are they spirits trying to invoke into flesh? gasp
Spirit family member who didn't come with this time around? (you know who you are)
which I find more likely... but nowhere near certain... can we ever be certain?
There's plenty of random questions I could throw out there...but I'm reaching already, lol.

 North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola

just so you know


Friday, October 25, 2019

better not to speak at all, actually...

someone tried to 'coach' me yesterday, lol
it was kinda 'meh'...cause I knew what they were doing..
and I knew the level at which they could teach...
one I had already partook in more than a year ago....
while I tried to be helpful...the vibe was sooo off
you can't use those small words with me... I'm not one of them...
I'm nothing like the others...
I already have a coach.

I doubt I will hear from this person again...
cause I don't have any of the things they want to help people work through.
I have bigger better funner things to work through, lol.
She was nice and all.... but not for me.

uuuggghhh...the small words...

stop speaking small.
go big
or go home
dig in, with teeth, with claws
with truth
with hard core body slam choke on this BIG words
if they flee, then that makes room for those who can withstand the fire
those who can stand firm in the storm
those who are leaders, masters, avengers, royals, gods, seers, mages, wizards
let the peasants work with peasants...
let us gods keep to the heavens... and the big words
words so large you can't even hear them
only fumble across pieces of them while they litter across the page
haphazardly at best....
but those who can hear... let them hear...
and those who can know, let them know
and those who see, let them see...
but they are the ones who must stand and walk forward...
stop dragging the ones who still pander to the small
the small words
the small minds
the small world

heaven is eternal
and never-ending

Huge things.
huge things are appearing
big moves, big actions, massive waves
and the cracks are filled in...
and there's an excitement building...
the place where you know that the wave will crest before it begins it's arch
the place of aphelion, the peak...
the lifting off place, if you would so choose... or you can take the ride downward.
both are exhilarating actually.
both are fantastic...


pic... hmmm.
Image result for big words.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

em-pathetic .... don't listen to the internet


The higher you rise...
the more attention you give to the NOW
there is so much more to see from up here
a vastness
a neverending

and you also have deeper recognition
the details blur slightly as the expansion goes outward forever
all the things you couldn't see before
all you had forgotten about

don't let them pull you down....
don't let them weigh you down....

fly motherfuckers,    fly


Much to write about, although I can't promise it will be worth your wile.
I even wrote some notes down a few days ago...
all from... the voice! huzzah!

and I just coined a new term...
like, not new... but new way to use it.
Art... work
not as in artwork...
but work... as an art.
so... "Art" work.
like yard work would be "art" work.
especially when you hack the bushes on the side of the house....
but the front ones, you gotta be gentle and kind...
'cause everyone can see them...and you don't want to mess them up....
and they probably can't handle the beating you give the others...

carrying 2 big ass canvases through a very big building ...
would also be "art" work... but in a more literal sense.
They got severely more heavy the longer that went on.


so it has come to the point once again....
where google is unable to satisfy.
questions about certain aspects of something...
results in ZERO relevant answers... or quality wisdom.
so...once again... I must defer to the aether guides...
however I keep getting diverted to this voice... whom will not give their name...
other than some lengthy anecdote of description...
I guess that's fine then, I'm rather pleased with our encounters of late.
right now I'm flaundering to locate a manner in which to explain said encounters...
like I even have some of the words... but you'd have to know the full context of the matter
for them to make any sense...
and well... that is not appearing to be a easy task

Support... in a word.

The force that presses up against your back to keep you standing.
The force that propels you forward, without much effort of your own doing.
The force that moves into you from behind and through you until your being is expressed
I want to say cyclical... but I'm not sure of that. Many paths have been discovered.
It continually moves.... and supports... and provides.... so long as you allow it.
So long as you allow it.
Like flying... the air does most of the 'work'.
Like surfing... the water does most of the work.
Like running... the momentum does most of the work.
Like living... this force can do most of the work...
but like in flying, you have to take off and be fearless to release the ground.
and in surfing, you have to be willing to catch the wave.
in running... you got to get up and take those first steps.
and in life... let the fuck go of all that shit you carry.
not your stuff, your old crap thoughts and feelings.
energy shit, yo.
even though getting rid of your shit stuff wouldn't be a bad idea.





energy healing is a thing, yo.
but not like that horseshit all over the internet.
and a recent experience with such matters has lured me to explore further's like this whole new section of your life puzzle has come into focus...
does it mean anything?
is this your soul's gig?
you knew something important about this before... but now there's more...
like a lot more... and whether that ties into anything relating to your purpose or not...hmmm.
but there's no information on it here in this world...
and now you've got this voice spilling deep truths with you...
and why don't you just ask?
and in an instant.... amazingness and all that vortex shit could spill into your lap....
and in the words of a guru master....

"Stop overthinking." - The mind can't understand what the soul knows and will chase itself in circles trying to discover what can't be found.  (more or less)

"In the blink of an eye." this voice says... "You are, whomever you want to be."
then that image... the one where you see yourself at these different perspectives...
different channels of vibration...
that one with the higher vibe... that one you are, but haven't quite reached that channel yet....
and your stupid stupid mind *thots* (thoughts).... thinks you are still using a fucking tuning dial...
and believes it's slow and you have to move through each station one at a time until you find the frequency of what you want... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
But SOUL fucking knows better. Soul knows we are when we step into and embody that beautiful beautiful beingness of ourselves. Whomever we want to be.
There isn't a tuning dial.
It's not even digital at this point.
Even bluetooth is primitive.
Just step into it. Be it. Own it.
and I got a bit off course there...
back to the energy healing thing....
I will have to ask I suppose...
cause I could utilize this shit.
and all the shit in the world would make so much more sense, eh

I want to go get some fish for the tank....
and I want to clean the living room....
and I want to bake a pie... actually I just want to eat it... but baking isn't too extreme a task.
One dress left for this big order....
then Santa's stuff (still...I know...)
then 2 tee shirts, easy peasy...
and I have another order lined up afterwards
then nothing!
I love nothing!
except whatever I want to do.... which is what I do anyway....
but I like inbeween times a lot.
I need some downtime...
big big things are coming!!!
this wave has yet to crest, yo.
still rising
still rising


and I'm totally posting a pic so that fucking pencil doesn't show up!



LOL...I found this... and I thought it's be funny...
and it was
for me anyway..


Monday, October 21, 2019

all the glory there is... is in you

We have not reached the crest.
Nor has the summit come to grace our views.
Still we rise.
An ongoing movement as we await the vista on the horizon.
What a sight for our eyes to behold.
All of them.


~~ the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form
  ~~ in reference to a soul or spirit invested with a physical form
    ~~ "in" "body" (material frame, material existence)

and when you stand in the place of the temple....
a god standing in the form of a human....
it would make you think that one would feel desolate and forsaken...
oh...but I digress...
it feels like potential
like the master has returned... and this whacked shit mess needs cleaned up 
like right now
everything has already been taken care of....

and also like I'm dragging you through the mists where you can not see...
faltering over words that can't bring a resonance with understanding...
for I am here
and you are nowhere to be reached
because you didn't get on this ride...


I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world

 There's a voice up here.
Atop this wave....
but it has nothing to do with the wave.
nor that I've taken passanger upon it.
nor that I've even known it's existence
...the voice...
an unforgettable sound...
and Soul knows all the things...
but words are unable

Soul sees all the things
even the things to come
and words.... dear words... no matter how they form in a pattern...
words could never speak of the light before the light reaches it
Soul can.
Soul can.
Soul does.
The edge of creation.... long before your eyes would ever notice it...
Soul sees all the things...
and all the things...
are headed this way.

and this voice...
...can't you hear?
can't you here?


let all these words fall from your mind...
only Soul understands.

are you too heavy for her, for him?
unburden yourself
untether yourself

you must let go...
the wave will carry you upward... 
be fearless
and take hold of the sky


there's a voice up here....

it's not what you think it is...
yet is
physics and science and gravity and wavelengths and frequency
and you were never taught
you were never taut....

tune your fucking strings, bitches
you are out of tune 
make fucking music
play it loud
and stop fucking yourself over with weakness
with lax and limp fucking shit you waste your time with
god... I want so much for you
I want so much for you
you play in squalor and I want so much better for you
you are worth so much more

..'s raining outside... like really raining
I think we had a whole 7 days of rain in the last 6 months
today would make day 8
i was gonna stop writing and go to sleep....
but then I had a thought... and you know that usually means there's no end to this unabated rambling I tend to get into at times...especially at 1:11am times
ah...but of course it's 1:11
in alignment... the best place to be!
I was gonna write some sort of stupid love letter
but now I don't want to and really am more inclined to lie down.
but I'll give it a minute in case the inspiration comes back...
I don't even know what it was going to be about exactly... hmmm.

eh... whatevs...
eat chocolate from the monks and drink all your smoothies so you can grow stronger in your intentions and your decisions... lord knows you need it

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tally ho!

The Offensive.

not intending to be translated as being offensive...
even if that too is fun at times...
but more essentially...
going on the offensive.

like the attack.
the one who prompts the action and makes the energies move
especially those that reveal themselves to be things such as walls
or barriers
or some obstruction... between now and will be.

Of course... as an intellect more so than brash warfare for the sake of slaughter...
the actions are only meant to shake up the dirt.
to see where the cracks are
to find the weaknesses within the named foe...
and using only their arsenal to test fire....
it's an interesting few days.
where once stagnant energy was shifted... sometimes rather forcefully...
and there will be no fruits or rewards..
but that's not why we are here.

we are here for the game...
as this one doesn't fear death, or surrender, or anything the enemy can threaten

and the cracks... as the shifted energy falls into them...
will be devastated once winter comes... and those cracks become chasms
and the wall falls

make war with a seer
and the war will be no more

lo, and Winter is coming.


and frankly, there's a bit of amusement relating to how much movement one can cause
and how easy it is to accentuate action
mmmm... fire power

the looking back at possible other actions is not helpful though
even if you made steps aiming for that 'thing you thought impossible'
you wouldn't have known what you came to know now...
BUT... now you know it was totally possible...
of course it was...
So, onward, and forward, and upward, and expanding into greatness forevermore.


soooo.... daily life hubbub...
carved pumpkins today... with the youngest...
which I will still call him the youngest, cause he is... even if that age equals 15
Cleaned the garage...which was a by-product of cleaning Sebastian's cage
and the pool idea for next year has had a significant boost in morale...
made waffles for dinner...
forward action steps on the warfront -- "Liberty or Death!"

lining up details for new order that involves many spotted dogs
book call tonight
chip and dale appliques on the roster too... (not THOSE chip and dale's!)
oldest is back in D.C. for the time being.... lovin' those big cities, they are.
I was scrolling earlier... and I thought I saw a tiny dinosaur... and scrolled back up...
but it wasn't a dinosaur, it was a dachshund.... and I was sad for a hot second...
I'm going to draw tiny dinosaurs and put them around the house now... LOL
cause I'm cool like that... and I know what makes me happy...
it's the little things.


so....right now... I'm gonna go hunt down some tea lights for the pumpkins..
then cut out chip and dale....
then sew chip and dale, while listening to the book call
then sew the rest of the dress together...
then paint chip and dale's faces....
and then hunt down a big enough box for this order....
somewhere in there, play with Butter and put him to bed
and eat some chocolate
and then... take a shower... and ??? who knows...


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

5 rants for my enjoyment

Rant 1 before I forget... Target's 2-day shipping... is now going on 6...
get with the program Target... free shipping is great, but really now..
Amazon is 2-day and I get it in 2 days...
Therefore...guess what... I LOVE Amazon
I know you aren't keen on being 'all that'...but 2 days.. and 6 days...
are nowhere near each other.
and I see you also assume the weekend is off limits as well... that's fine...
But don't tell me 2 day shipping... and I still not have it on day 5

Rant 2... last blog post I did had some fucked up font and font sizes going on...
and I don't know why.
Every time I tried to fix it, it wouldn't fix it...
and I eventually just gave up... but at least I got the letters to
all be the same size.
So if it does it again.... *shrugs.

Rant 3.... okay, fantasy writers...
you are killing me... and now i remember why I don't read fantasy books.
My brain will not stretch to accommodate alien sci-fi with erotica
with vampires... and dragons... and magic... and talking trees...all in the same universe.
Maybe some people can handle that.... but not me.
Just a big NO

Rant 4... I suppose only I have a subscription to the Universal Catalogue
therefore, it has been imposed upon me to order from it...on the behalf of others.
I'm not sure if they realize how this works... but I will try.
Yes, I know other people use my Prime account...
Yes, I know the Netflix account is also shared
Yes... I will order you a Jeep.
no promises... you gotta be open to receive it, yo.
then again... I did order the Camry... hmmm...

Rant 5... ok... when you got tons of sewing stuff on the roster...
and not enough down time for leisure...
like meditating... or just doing nothing...
or doing all that crap in the yard/garage you said you would do when it wasn't hot know once these 2 big orders are done, then it'll be cleared...
but still...
I don't like waiting 6 days for a tee shirt that could have been done over the weekend.
I don't like running out of thread
I don't like having to go to Hobby Lobby for 3 basic colors...
I do however appreciate the time I get to spend with Disney characters.
and other more financially erratic gestures of support
and that by this time next week, all current orders will be GONE
except Santa's stuff.... which will take like 2 days... assuming I don't procrastinate

hey... guess what...
you'll have to guess...

So I had this dream where I had something to write for this blog....
and I wrote it down in the dream...
but lo and behold, I woke up... and...there's no paper here... sooooo
it was really good, I'm sure.
I only write down the good things... unless I try to remember them...
which also at times, completely fails.

gah... it's like 1:20am... and I finished sewing all these t-shirts (11 of them)
cause I want them DONE
and I already started this blog post and had to come back to it to finish
but now I'm trying to think of something to say...
and nothing is showing up.
lots of things are showing up, but I'm not gonna share them
tough luck



and btw.... I figured out how to see this blog on your phone....
as it shows up really dark/black screen...
Go to the bottom of the post on your phone...
and touch on the words that say WEB VERSION
or something like that...
then it shows up how it supposed to.


Friday, October 11, 2019

It's art... the things we are

~ Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate. ~ 
Sun Tzu ~ The Art of War

It's rather intense when the wave carries you higher and higher...
and you get to see all the things that were always there....
but now you can see them, and certainly from a better viewpoint than before.

sometimes... you know you know and tell all the things you know...
and then they happen and you still end up surprised at yourself.
Like, "Hey, you were right!"
but of course I was.
None of this is 'new' to me. Not in the least...
These are the things I just know... even if they have no real form....or definition.
I've been expecting it for quite some time... probably before incarnating this round...

and things are unfolding...
all of them expected in a sense...
...which leaves one to consider grandeur possibilities...
none of which dwell here, but are far more valuable...
far more

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

but here's the thing...
this isn't any ordinary wave...
it's extraordinary.
and we are still rising...

I so hope your on it with me...
or were you not prepared?

Could you even imagine the view from atop it's crest?
Just wait... it will be spectacular.
And these eyes already know what all it will behold...
but I'm sure it will still surprise me.

then the fall... the tumbling... the rush... the chaos and turbulence of all that overpowering energy curling around and around as the wave re-enters the fold...
Q: What shall we do with it all....?
A: Whatever we want.

There's still time to catch it's upward lift....
Get the fuck on.


~  Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; 
Attacking, a superabundance of strength. ~
~ Sun Tzu - The Art of War

Let us no longer maintain our feeble attempts at sustaining our security.
The wave will rise and victory is a given... 
yet, the crash must come... and in all it's beauty, let us devour our meals fullheartedy
...and completely.
death doe not exist, nor does poverty, nor does pain...not even barrenness...
for all things are alive and rippling with never-ending streams of life...
stop holding onto your meagerness... 
and rise.
and conquer.
and go ALL IN


~ Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. ~ 
Sun Tzu - The Art of War

Can you see what has yet to be revealed?
If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand....
So how good is your imagination?
There are no losing sides....when you take your own side.
Stand firm. ...
and what do they call it... having faith?
Words fall so far below what is possible.

~  The onrush of a conquering force is like the burst-ing of pent-up waters into a chasm a thousand fathoms deep.~ Sun Tzu - The Art of War

mmmm... savory
How did they know I was talking about water? About energy? 
all the synchronocities... and still I find you lingering in dismay.
Of course, chapter 5 is all about energy... but we will continue this venture the next time.


What's happening here...
I shall not tell you that which has substantial energetic value... but
I'll give you the expected run down of things many fancy...
like the last few art pieces... I started but lost interest in...
they may or may not get finished.
Sewing applique stuff... the usual plethora of Disney characters...
which actually coerced me to look up the Seven Dwarves Mine Trian ride at WDW... to make sure I actually rode it and wasn't missing out on anything. Cause I only need so many reasons to venture that way again.... ..alas... I did ride it... 
Another purging session with clothing... and another bag of items to be removed from my sight.
I'm sure by the time it gets cold, another bag will join the first.
Book 6 outline is still coming along... and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to finish it before actually starting on the book... the end parts are still gelling... and I don't know what's going to happen either!
I'm pretty positive at least six characters are going to die. O_O ....yeah I know... a lot. Sorry. *shrugs
wait... argh... I have to get up early... 
I guess I will go. Have fun reading this mess... oh wait. You already did. HAHA! Sucker!

say these out loud, in order (even the word 'and')... 
and let me know if you can feel anything afterwards.



Sunday, October 6, 2019

see you after a long while...

"I once had a thousand desires,
But in my one desire to know you
all else melted away..."


There isn't any intention here tonight.
Words seemingly bland and without the need for being heard.
Only present in a moment, to see if anything should arise from it.

Awaiting a calling or a prompt.
Allowing a space for the energy to commence...
even if nothing shall approach.


perhaps there's something...
a long held secret, only kept hidden for fear that these words would be unrecognizable...
oh but aren't they always...
always... in all ways...
only one at the same level appreciates words heard at that level...
and we all are on different levels...

too deep
too shallow
but precisely exactly where we are
and that
is what makes it perfection

This wave is bringing me upward...
so it's no longer a choice... (as if it ever was)
and I see the things that are falling out of sync
falling away, falling away
and I know what this is and understand many aspects of such...
and I wonder if anyone else knows of these things
if they can see
or hear
or feel
or know
of any thing
...or again leaving me standing alone on the vast earth
while all other parts of me linger in the aethers.

you couldn't catch me if you tried...

and the one(s)? that can...

isn't you



Thursday, October 3, 2019

Maneki --- without the neko

A fine line of spider's web, moving as the wind passes.
The light reflecting off the silken thread...
not strong enough to break it free from it's anchors.
And what is the wind?
the electrified current that moves through air molecules...
in waves... just like the ocean, just like the light...
All just the energy of atoms and electrons circulating and vibrating.

all a science for those with eyes to see

like cooking meat even.. and how the protein break down...
fast or slow, making the meat tender or tough.
heat rapidly altering the movement and behavior of molecules.

science in etymology is 'know' or 'knowing'
and there's something here for all to see.
that even belief or faith or trust... all breaks down into the knowing.
if you want it to be true, that is.
Science as the world speaks it is wrought with ideologies and farces...
based merely on a conglomerate popularity vote...
but the real science of the matter... of the energy... is based in actuality.
where there is no more breaking down of materials.
The root.
The sole. The soul.

and it's all molecules... atoms... electrons... protons... photons...
energetic amplitudes and frequencies of electricity... in all it's many forms.

and the wind... as it were, the simplified structure of a wave through the air.
and the spider's silk... the coherent bond between abiding atoms placed by the tiny
consciousness of a spider... with the means to get from the chair to the lawnmower.
All for the sake of said consciousness.


I'm fully aware all those words have fallen by the wayside and scattered.
and I care not.
they aren't for you then if you do not heed to pick them up.


The mind is so small....
and using it, is likened to using an atari.
Sure it works for simple tasks.
but it's only a tool... an archaic one at that.

why have we not already moved on from here?
why is the world so far behind?
there are better things.
greater things
more beneficial things.

yet this time and place... is littered with primitive aspects everywhere
why are you so far behind?
what are you waiting for?


I have nothing for you.
and if I did...
I would only ask that you come for it.
In the meantime, I will hold it waiting and ready for your return.


The horizon beckons.
Something comes this way.
....many say to hold tight....
but alas...
let go.
I dare you to let go.

it's coming.... the wave...
it's coming... get ready...
