Saturday, September 25, 2021

FFS 9-10

Tip of the Day!
Delegating, patience, and trust.

When we hand extra tasks over to others, that means we are stepping into trust with them. That means we are letting go of control and removing ourselves from having to negotiate, figure out, and do the work ourselves.
Answering questions, sure, but inserting our noses to check in, rush, remind, etc.... is you just taking on MORE work!
So when we delegate... LET GO of the task altogether and allow.

This means having patience and building on that trust with your crew.
Patience in waiting for the task to be completed.
Patience in answering questions when you need to.
Patience in doing things on your side, out of step, or differently.
We make adjustments and allow as much as we can while we are getting support from elsewhere.
Trust that the work will be complete and no matter what, we can adjust for the slight differences if there are any.
Trust that all time is being used efficiently and effectively.
Trust others to honor their word, and allow the time for them to do the work their OWN way.

Sometimes it would be 'easier' to do it all ourselves, but we often realize sometimes our energy does not equal the amount of energy required. When we feel that discrepancy, it leads to burn out, overwhelm, and a chaotic vibration.
When we have those wonky things, we carry those wonky things in our boat...and introduce more wonky energy... so be very vigilant and aware of your own energy when you 'try to do it all'.... your mind might be more at ease in taking control, but your energy is not.... and your energy is the boss.

When we allow and release the extra pressures by delegating, we also allow patience and trust and grace and SPACE!  This welcomes more of it into your reality as well.
So while your mind might be a bit impatient and flip-outable... your energy is a solid stream of movement without all the banging against rocks all day.

We can allow the mind to chill out with some meditation, some soothing, some space....and then both your mind and energy will co-conspire to work together....which creates FLOW.
It just takes awareness. Maybe some patience, allowance, trust, all those supportive energies...
It's about working with your crew and allowing your crew to work for you.
YOU are the CAPTAIN...don't try to do the swabby's job.
Maintain the CAPTAIN energy! Don't nitpick and tell the crew how to do their job, lest there be mutiny! ARRR!


~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~

9:10 Deciding Different

When we begin choosing new thoughts, new emotions, new actions....
It bangs up against our old thoughts, our old emotions, our old actions...

It feels really comfortable doing what we've always done, it feels really 'safe' replaying the old patterns and walking the same paths....cause we already know how it ends...even if it's in the shithole...or more debt...or to that paycheck at the end of the week....
but overall, we are dissatisfied, we are not really happy, we feel that 'safety' of the known... but that's all we feel.
It's easy to walk a path that's been flattened out and more smooth. We know where the rocks are, or the tree limbs. It's like flowing on the Mississippi River....all wide and cut smooth, cluttered with buildings and grime...and trash... (I've only seen it in Memphis, so forgive the lack of broadness on what it might look like somewhere else.)
It's easy to go where we've always gone, done what we've always done. It's easy to repeat ourselves day in and day out.

Breaking out of that mode, that pattern, that 'comfortable' is often met with difficulty. It's unfamiliar, it's unsure, it's full of skeptical energy, full of different.
Like when you are so used to listening to rerun 80's rock...and someone turns it over to new country pop, or hip hop, or kpop.... it's different all right. (I am not knocking BTS, just a reference.)
Or going from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean.
None of it is bad, or more difficult, it's just new. It feels new, it may even feel scary...but while you might think your safer in the river, versus the ocean... the same amount of possible dangers are often the same. You could get ran over by a lot of things in the river...or eaten by other things in the ocean....
Logically, both are unlikely if you learn the tools and skills needed for each.

When we DO want to walk different paths, when we DO want to make different choices, or travel to different lands...waters...energies... we have to feel the uncomfortable and move through the trust.
Trust with ourselves.
We give attention to the new thoughts that are supportive and we don't abandon them 4 days later because someone dismissed you or your feelers....and you're now caught up in that net.
We give focus to the emotions we want to feel and move our thoughts to match that....and we don't bail out in 2 day because we forgot....or didn't have the time...or just didn't have the
We always have the energy, but if you're giving it to the doubts instead of the new choices....the doubts will indeed stay.

You either want new or you don't....
We all know how bitchin' ass hard it can be to stay focused, to day in and day out give attention to the new ideas and intentions, to catch the shit thoughts and feelers and correct them...
I mean really, have you had toddlers...? These guys are new and learning to form their own trails....and you expect it to be paved smooth after just a few days of 'but I did pay attention'....

Toddlers don't often learn everything in a few days... paths don't get flattened out smooth after a few days of walking the same trail... thoughts don't suddenly not get trapped in nets or snags because you had 3 days of positive bliss... emotions don't suddenly never feel the feelers because happiness poured your bucket full for a week....

We all get snagged in the river, in our lives, often by things we neglected within ourselves.
We play thoughts that feel safe, but often are just the comforts of our old paradigms. Ones we don't even want to keep up with.
We coddle feelings that give us the attention of others, or keep us in the small world of who we used to be, but not who we truly are.
If you imagined yourself as fully all of who you are... would he or she play those same thoughts?
Would they play the emotions like that?
Would they do these things?

If that you is wealthy... would you stress about having to pay bills? Would you even look at it the same way?
What about the things you desire? Would that wealthy you see vacations as huge mountains to plan for and attain, or simply a great way to gain some experience and rest?

Remember that you are always THAT you... you just have to meet yourself there and start thinking like he/she does.
Feeling what he/she does.
Moving in action how he/she does.
YOU CAN absolutely connect to the energy of him/her because you ARE him/her!
And when you start playing and becoming familiar with that energy.... it carves the path FOR YOU!
And you can walk it like you've walked it a thousand times..... because your energy carves things before your actions have even gotten there....

You can grow to like kpop....even if Bon Jovi and Guns and Roses are your go-to....
You can grow to become aware of your wealthy, healthy, fucking awesome ass self, even if your body is sitting in a dump right now.
You can be all of you.....and our conscious awareness is the thing that can change the channel, the pick up and receive what we choose to receive.

It's up to you.
Don't give up, it's a practice, a growing, a teaching...
Carve the path with energy first.
With thoughts, with emotions.... then when the time comes...with action...
to move your reality into the NEW reality.
<3 <3 <3

Jennifer Coots ~ JC MidKnight


~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~

10:10 -- RINSE and REPEAT

When we build the structures of of our habits and ways of doing things.... we use the tools as much as we can while we are present and attentive to them.
We build our worlds, our realities, our streams, our rivers, our boats,... and maintain what supports us, like our bodies, our crew, our energy.

Sometimes our tools get dirty, so we have to clean them, refresh them, update them...
sometimes they get broken...and we replace them with something even better.

Remember that nothing is a one time offer, for all eternity...
Even the Universe travels like a river and changes over the course of it's journey, just like we change over the course of ours.
We update tools as they become necessary or more beneficial...
We get new footings when we build new boats and get to know them as we grow into them.
We negotiate and add crew members into our lives that feel more aligned with us.
We expand and broaden our views, our possibilities, and our abilities as we travel.
Even our goals change, our people change, our energy changes....

We clean up, we realign, we feel out our NEW energies, and we move with them.
We let go of the old, we release the tension, we relax and allow.

This is the rinse cycle.
Where you build new ways of doing things...but now you only keep active the things that you feel are beneficial and empowering to you.... and we let go of the rest.
If it may serve you later, it will return later, so don't worry about forgetting or releasing something you don't understand yet.
How energy translates into what we can understand isn't up to us....its only up to us to take what comes and use what we can NOW....not 2 years from now, not 5 years ago...not even next week....
Take what serves now...forgive and forget the rest.

We rinse and clean our tools we are keeping. We leave the rest.

This is like taking a siesta on the shoreline to clean our boats, our crew, our tools, our oars or doing an oil change on the boat engine. We nap, we veg out for a little bit on Candy Crush or Netflix or Tik Tok or the PS5. We go on vacation, we have a yard sale with all the parts to get rid of and we don't bring it back inside, we donate it... we meet new people, and we take another step back from those that are heavy or difficult. We relax and breathe. We go to the forest, we burn the notes, we dance the night away. Whatever calls to you to embrace this side of life. The freeflowing, the allowing, the rest, the rinsing....


Then, when you are ready.
We decide to create and build once again.
We gather the tools we love, we take the boat out and construct our river.

We repeat... not the same as before, but  process to where we are allowing the natural flow of energy to carry us effortlessly towards our new ideas, our new goals, and with our new eyes.

We clear, we clean, we create space.
We navigate and use the skills we've gained to make our journey one of enjoyment.
We get to choose what we are doing, each and every time.
You may have took 'Fun' with you last time, but this time, we definitely are including 'Confidence' to the crew chart.
We may have aimed for 'Abundance' last time, but this time, our river is cut straight through the land of 'Big ole chunks of cash in my pocket!'... (that is a fun place to be, btw. I once had $12k in my pocket in bundles of cash (and another time $7500) was nice, even if it only lasted an hour.


I want to stress while I'm thinking about it ...
DITCH the vagueness.
When you order from the Universal Catalogue all the things you desire or want...
Ordering 'Abundance' is VAGUE AF.
   abundance in cats?
  abundance in attention?
  abundance in workload?...
I probably got your abundance all just don't want to include some of that on your list.

Now if you say you want an abundance of clients, or customers....paying customers...
or an abundance of shopping Maui....... that's certainly more specific...

The Universe likes Specific.
It doesn't like playing guessing games.
Even if you gotta be a bit vocal and explicit in your exact meanings to what you are asking for....
Energy doesn't have feelers to get butthurt about...
It responds to ENERGY.
And if your energy is saying loud and clear that you won't be taking any shit and THIS is what you desire.... It delivers....with prime shipping. Because you were prime in your request.




DO the inner AND outer work.

When you are ALL of you, unapologetically... THAT creates the balance.

The only off balance you get is when you are trying to do it that way when you inwardly already know something else is better... when you reach and effort for something in place of yourself.

When you are ALL of you.... - YOU ARE the balance.


Jennifer Coots ~ JC MidKnight

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

FFS 7 & 8:10

7. Gaining Contrast
8. Delegating
9. Deciding Different
10. Rinse and Repeat

~ Financial Feng Shui 101 ~


Contrast is the defining and separating of things we DO like, versus things we DON'T.
It's seeing the options and choosing which ones we prefer.
It's weighing the differences and discovering that we either do know what we want...
    ....or have no clue.
And when we have no clue... we spend more time gathering up more information until we do know.

Some of us settle for 'good enough', maybe because we are impatient.
Or we have a deadline, and something needs done asap.
Some of us just don't care enough to delegate the attention or time to figuring it out.
These scenarios often lead us into the world of 'drifting' if we consistently give over our rights to choose, or avoid them altogether.
Others begin to make choices for us, (perhaps their own impatience).
We delegate important things to others, (perhaps we don't trust ourselves).
We settle for things that are okay, but we aren't really happy with/about, (perhaps they are 'good enough').
And sometimes we are in 'rest mode' and it's just something we are not going to pick up, (which is making a choice!).

Here's the thing though...
We can make choices, avoid choices, delegate choices, CREATE choices, or just throw it all in the bucket and light a match.
BUT in order to effectively do that, we have to know what we want.
We have to know what we are throwing into that bucket.
We have to know where we want to go, who we want to be, how we want to feel...
and if it's none of this shit...
throw it all in the bucket and set it ablaze.

We don't have to carry the worries we've been carrying if we decide not to.
We can choose to participate in things that bring us joy ON PURPOSE, and it's not even our birthday, just a sleepy Wednesday.
We don't have to put on our happy face and deal with assholes like we are some droned out robot.
We can be ourselves fully, without explanation.
We don't ever need to believe we are destined to struggle or that it will always be you versus ____.
We can rewrite how it's gonna be for us....and we can live that proof when we just choose it day after day.


Contrast gives us precisely the light and shadows of everything we engage with.

When we look at the light....
We see things that strike our fancies, we see doorways that lift our spirits, we discover ideas that call to us, or we engage with people who bring opportunities our way.
BUT if you are only concerned how dark that shadow is....
You see things that are dumb or wasteful. Doorways that are too hard to open or reach. Ideas that sound stupid or expensive. People who are snobs and won't save the world with their gobs of money.

Knock this shit off.

You are not any of the things you see, you are the one witnessing them.
So choose a fucking side and live it.
Or create a new paradigm and start owning it.

We get to have both (ALL), because everything is BOTH (ALL)!

AND we get to experience the energetic parts, that we are aligning with.
SO ALIGN with what you DO want/desire/like/love/enjoy/choose.


If you could take your perception of money and erase it completely...
What would you rewrite it with? How would you make it better for you?

Affirmations can go a long way if you take the time. Practicing correcting shit mindsets can shift your whole focus. Taking new actions that actually support your goals can do wonders too.
But you have to care enough to make changes.
Many often care enough to worry about it....there's absolutely no reason you can't start moving your perception onto the light side, instead of the shadow side.

If you want, you can have both light and shadow...I like both sides truthfully... but if you are hating on the parts you don't like, then you've lost perception, lost focus, lost clarity, and all that contrast is just sitting there while you ignore tf out of it.

Contrast is a GIFT.
Contrast is a TOOL.
Contrast is a powerful WEAPON, when you learn to wield it.

Contrast is our friend and is like the boat repair man.
It fixes leaks, removes dead weight, reminds you of your purpose, defines the path, etc.
and then often is the rudder man too...
You're the captain... and you have to trust your crew.


Where are you losing time/energy/money?
Define these places.
Make corrections and repair these places immediately.
What can you change to make them not wasteful?
Focus on how you want to feel when they are handled.

What is in your way?
What is holding you back or slowing you down?
Define these things.
Make corrections and get down to business in making these things easy or gone.
Focus on how you want to feel when they are handled.

Affirm your intentions and desires.
Write them out, scream them out, vision board them out - Make those fuckers REAL!
Define these things.
CHOOSE right fucking now that you get to have whateverthefuck you want.
Be an asshole about it. If you can't trust yourself to be in your own corner, no one else will.
Captains make the decisions. Stop letting the swabbie whine about not getting his fucking doughnut.


That's the homework.



~ Financail Feng Shui 101 ~


Delegating is about you and your crew.
Even the captain needs to take a break, needs to rest and recuperate, to stare off into the distance.
And is allowed to be their self.....while their crew handles the rest.

Delegating is the handing over of things and jobs and tasks and issues that the we either are unable to take on ourselves, that we aren't even good at and someone else is, or that costs us more energy that we feel in alignment to give.
It's the handing over of control and trusting others to fill the gaps.

It could be simply someone taking out the trash, or washing dishes.
It could be someone else handling the bills.
It could be them watching your toddler for a few hours so you can clean house or go shopping.
It could be so many things and scenarios.

You know where you are not the strongest and could use some extra support.
So find that support.
It could be for only a weekend.
It could be once a month.
It could be for all year...
but when we are falling behind somewhere because we aren't able to keep up, or despise whatever that task is... we get to ask for help.

Some of us are alone on our journey's, but that doesn't keep you from calling a service, or asking a neighbor if they know anyone willing to clean your house, or asking a family friend to help you organize your financials.
ASKING goes a long way!
You might want to ask Bob the accountant to do you bills, but he's probably going to want paid.
However, even your 15 year old niece who's great with math can arrange you a system to help you get started, even if it costs you $20 at Starbucks or a trip to the Cat Cafe for an hour. (Bribery works too)

If you are a gung ho DIY-er, set time aside to dive into the work. Allow for mess ups. Allow for time to learn and gain footing.
----(((1000%.... I would suggest creating your own path in how you manage finances. Focus on what feels best for you!)))
----Dave Ramsey works for some people, Robert Kiyosaki works for others, Suze Orman is a fav of many. Lots of people swear by the snowball method (it was a death wish for us, but it might work for you). Some focus on debt, some focus on building wealth or assets, some focus on savings or clinging to money...whatever feels in alignment for you is what is best for now, you get to change it up as you learn and grow to realign again and again.


Where can you use extra support?
What areas would you enjoy help with/on?
What connections do you have that you can ask through?
How would it feel to receive some support or even more clarity?
How do you want to feel by being open to receiving support?

How can you help others?
What areas are your strongest allies that you can offer or exchange with others?

Do you trust yourself to learn and be all in?
Can you trust others to assist you?
Where can you allow more trust?

Meditate and visualize...
What feelings/emotions/energies are heavy and dampering with you?
Where can you expand and relax to allow those energies to move?
What can we let go of, and what is able to receive help?
Visualize how it would feel to be supported.
How would it feel to relinquish those tasks or issues onto someone who is a master at them?
Focus on that feeling of release, of freedom, of ease, of trust....
Affirm that those feelings are allowed, and you choose them.
Say them out loud. Write them out. FEEL them thoroughly through and through!

Practice this every day!!! This is the honing and setting of the signal, the channel you want to experience..... if you keep flipping through and never settling on one energy, it will be all over the place and so will you and your energy and your world.

Give away that which is too heavy to carry, you DO NOT have to do it ALL...
But you certainly get to HAVE it ALL!
That includes the ease, the joy, the eagerness, the abundance, the fun.... <3


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

You do learn something new everyday

 It's Wednesday...
and I'm not sure if it's business wednesday...
cause I ain't done shit...
The Alchemist is probably going to behead me....
*sigh... not really, but I feel like I've failed starting something...

"What makes you think you haven't already started?"
   He cuts in, loudly present, like he was just waiting for an 'in'.

"But what have I done, what do I have to show for the last 2 days?" I glance at him, already disappointed that I find it beyond hard to take initiative on many fronts...

"Are you always looking to show what you have done?" He asks. "Where you are is already in the you think that doesn't count? This whole river of energy you keep writing about and yet you often forget the energy is many things before it is seen in the world."

tf....this boi... he's absolutely right....

"You're welcome to use that quote for one of your 'posts'." He jests with a grin. "It was loaded."

as is much of his words... I love that he still plays on the ego, strongly, but the perfect amount.

"I've practiced quite a bit." He adds.

...."So....does that mean that every time I've waited to start something....I did start, but only in the energy area first?" I clarify.

"Not every time. But often, yes.... you give yourself too much strife for your efforts...or lack thereof." He says. "Let's do away with that. There's no room for strife in the place of intent."

"Okay." I agree, liking that statement.


"Now what?" I ask.

He glances up at me.
"You tell me."

Everything — Including the Human Body — is Made of Energy

I'm currently sitting in the parking lot of the surgery center...
waiting for hubs to get another dose of 'needle to the back to relieve some pain'
but writing takes time and I've got time.

I got my own homework to do...
Figure out wtf I'm doing or want to do...yet again, LOL
 of course, I didn't bring a notebook....but I have a tiny flip notebook....that might work...
gonna do that, cause that seems enjoyable at the moment.
be back in bit or way later....roll the dice :)

So I did my homework and wowsa...
lots of room for possibilities there...
You'll probably see the action steps in the following weeks...
 Gotta go!

Later peeps!