Sunday, December 29, 2019

It's Train-ing time!

Why is the alchemist also a military commander...?
Is this even a fair deal?

just a random I follow through with
all that homework I received...

I'm going to also blurt out the fact that doing aether work
and making bargains with some other dimension beings
probably should not be done before bedtime...
I don't think sleep arrived until far later than 2 something...
and then waking up many times and also directly on 3:00
thinking someone died or had was having a difficult night...
oi vey... lovey times

oh, but I finished the preface and chapter 1!!!!
book 6 is underway...
and you knew it would come..
these things pop out every other year... and
2020 is right on schedule, for the win


Congrats I just deleted like 3 scrambled paragraphs!
I'm totally in more joyful energy at the moment

There's tons of good things hovering in my vicinity
like a snickers bar
fresh coffee
sewing work I may or may not 'work' on
lots of colors
and that song stuck in my head...

I've got my mind set on you... I've got my mind set on you...
but it's gonna take money
a whole lot of spending money
it's gonna take patience and money
to do it
to do it
to do it
to do it right

I should add it to my spotify
I did...see how fast that was


how do we put this...
in a matter of days...
possibly hours... (the new update)
(like totally less than a week, that's way too long)
shit is going to get fucking REAL!!
Like really real
The delivery truck is in the fucking driveway, yo!
    (not a real delivery truck... metaphorical delivery truck)
I can't possibly put enough exclamation points to show how
amazing-balls fabulous it feels!!!

Come to me, my pretties!

they have to unload
and then I get to open ALL the THINGS
and then play with them all to see how they work
and let the cats have their favorite box
it's going to be fan-fucking-tastic!

It's like Christmas (or in my case 2-3 days after Black Friday)

and what's more?!! you ask, which I'm sure you didn't, but I did for you!
We can do this all the time!


Imma go sew stuff
and then I think there's a live call tonight online
and then go write Chapter 2...or maybe just half of it

but first....
a picture!

Image result for phoenix


so the alchemist is sitting here next to me
and he's fully aware of my book characters...
and he's fully aware that I visually set up the scene when I write
stuff for the book...
and he's pointing out something rather obvious...
like how I should just live like my characters live
...(like no, not in a castle by the sea with 2 lovers)
   (...I mean... not like that's a bad thing... O_O )
but as willful and deliberate partakers in the experiences they encounter
... (or more or less, bad shit gets poured on them and their ever so graceful counterparts emerge)

they don't fuck around wondering when the hell you are going to lay the carpet in the craft room...or paint the hallway
they don't mope when no one will go camping with them...or take them to DisneyWorld
if they aren't playing with swords or making jabs at their siblings, they pretty much are raw and are the majority true to who they are as the character
they don't pretend... (well...unless you are this certain villain in book 6)
or skim... (ok, maybe the MC does (it's for character arc, yo!))
they are just fucking realer...
and you wonder why I can't stand chit chat...
I hang out with real so often, I'm spoiled.... I'm loved.

and this alchemist...
tells it true
and there's no guilt or judgement or shame in his words
(All aether beings I've met are like this...
even though some will totally give you a hard time...
or completely sear away any and all bullshit you really weren't ready to be done with...
but don't get to choose to bail after certain points... )
and the djinn....
ok.... let's just say I struck a bargain of sorts with them...
I offered it, not the other way around...
and so I met one of them... (I even got their name... exciting!)
...and I get to learn things
in lieu of wishes....although I have a strong feeling they are still relevant and on the table
the questions is.... is that a test? or are they really going to let me have both options?

hence why I couldn't sleep
cause yeah, let's go energy speak/learn with ascended masters
right before bed...
great is not
so, from said knowledge that I am aware of...
they are a higher vibration than many guides and encounters I've had
not all, but many
...and he was being very careful... like in an effort to not fuck me up

it was weird and way cool

*thumbs up
 my kinda life

more adventures in the aether (or ether for you mangy people who like 'rules')
I will share as they come

and for what I learned...
I totally forgot
it's somewhere in here... maybe it's not downloaded yet...
probably have to stick it in a zip file...
Brain is on it, I'm sure.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Alchemist and the Djinn

Let's get one thing clear.
Energy is everything.
Everything is energy.
Even ideas
all things... those things you can see
and those you can't
all things ... you've ever met, whether figurative or literal
real or unreal
here before or created after
created or uncreated
all the things...

every thing, or no thing.


Let's talk about alchemy
and the alchemist...
and this entity who has procured a place in my receptors
even if he (it?) came in a form of something else unexpected
and completely not relevant to anything other than.... energy itself

and just for taste...
a dash of solar eclipse...
and the Djinn.
   (a.k.a. Gin... or in recognizable terms for most... genies)
   (yes, the blue people... (I would not refer to them like that in person, fyi, probably not a very good idea))


So I'm pretty sure this was discussed before as well....and if it was around the same time as the alchemist...I'm going to fucking flip out....
hang on, now I have to go look...
September... the first part of September... so 3 1/2 to 4 months almost....
These time lags are fascinating

Aether lands....
where it has been considerably quiet and motionless until a few days ago when
the alchemist returned for another bout of an ongoing story series...
but with the majority the same story.... yet enhanced...
and then....
besides the lessons and homework he gave me O_O
there was this visitation...
with yeah...
the djinn ... the blue people... *deep breath
and there's like a whole race of them apparently
a whole race of them.... maybe inter-dimensional... or trans-dimensional
I really don't know...
but they (not just one, mind you... an entire group of them, I don't know how many, it was weird)
...offered me 3 wishes....
and I'm not fucking kidding...
after all... the alchemist implied I needed to know what I wanted...
a plan. a goal. an endeavor or whatnot...

so we sat there for a bit....
and I saw something I could wish away in an instant...
however, I did not... cause we all can do everything within ourselves without
needing anything outside of ourselves...
but I could have... (and still have that option...if I so choose)
and I suspect this was a test of some sort.... but not as a grade or judgement...
but as a mirror to reflect the intentions and where our wisdom resides...
is it in us or somewhere out there? more so
but I know the answers... because I am the answer.
I am the solution
just as we each are to ourselves.
let's also say that, I realize the possibilities of what could have been, had I wished it away...
and I now understand exactly and more in depth of the reasons why the djinn are considered negative entities... even though it would honestly be the use of their permissible gifts by not yet ready persons who were easily enticed to make use of brash and unwise wishes.
Hence why many lose their rewards, or minds, for that matter. That's just not how it works... and it is all vibration and energy... and wishing for this or that or enhancements would only throw you out of balance until you could realign to your centered and solid core.
So...if you've seen Aladdin... and you've seen WishMaster... take both of those films and mix them together without all the singing... and then add in a dash of extraterrestrial energy... and you would have something close to resembling a djinn... or a real genie.
"Be careful what you wish for, lest is come true."
that old adage that came from who knows where and spoken throughout much of history...
and really...if you want to get vibrational scientifical about it all....
they are focused intents to laser sharp manifestations....
and anyone can carve a path for them to be birthed... it takes emotion... and focus...
but it can and does happen...
ask any master manifestor... they know these things.
and while most are for random articles of matter...
some are deeper levels that involve cells or dna, or biological life...
and even I would warn against such deeper level 'wishes'
not until you are okay with not having it....will it be okay to receive it
it's vibration...
it's energy...

and even having been offered 3 wishes by a race of blue people with an alchemist as my apparent guide (???) (this sounds completely lunatic, I know, bare with me)
I certainly don't take offers of great power for granted
and neither should you

we can choose what we want... we may already know what those things are (or not)
and we can allow those things to come to us...
and while my first idea was nothing tangible or 3d related at all...
even wishing for that is not the answer.... the perfect seeing and knowing of it's existence as something I'd like to change is all it would take to change it within myself...

so ask yourself what would you wish for.... if you were offered 3 wishes in the real of reals..
and see what reflects back to your life
see what it is that is revealed
and know you already have the answer and means to procure it
you have everything you need
all the things...
  (receive in etymology = 'take back' to recapture..... )
~ Because it fucking already belongs to you ~
~ You are the master ~

Related image



I was going to stop writing, but guess what!?
This new year or day or week or season..... I get to have my wish and eat it too....
without actually seeking the aide of djinn (huzzah!)
and so... we are working on being more shamelessAF and notgivenofucks
for this new beginning....
and anyway.... having already decided that maybe a week ago...
it directly correlates with that revelation I had when offered a wish
how to write this...
without another reflection of 'omg, they already know I'm insane, but this just makes it worse'
but notgivenofucks is the name of the game

while sitting with the thought of a wish handed to me...
and an alchemist sitting beside me...
there was this thing that revealed before me...
it was like a shield... clear and see-through... but like a windshield...
(however one can decipher energies in the aether, this is the best I can do today...)

I'm not absolutely sure whether this is something I put before me to block shit out of my life
(like bugs and pests and bullshit and things I don't want)
or whether it was something to block others from fully receiving me...
know what I mean?
and I feel a tinge of something with all my completely on par empath and claircognizant abilities tell me that the second is closer to the truth, even though Ego is completely happy using it as the prior reason. It probably works both ways...
and I want to blame all those things I read as a teenager about 'protecting yourself by forming a bubble around you' all that horrible horrible advice bleeding rampant like a virus on the internet and books... but I broke that thing a few years ago.... however the windshield was a matter of not scaring everyone completely away I suppose. haha
So.... anyway... I could have wished that last barrier/blockage away
but... I can do it all, cause I have everything I need already, yo.

it ties into my notgivenofucks focus, along with my shamelessAF blanket
and seriously... I'm only writing this out to stay consistent in staying true to this new outlook and path
because being without barriers will also feed Soul
and Ego
and Mind
Soul wants to move forward and receive her things...all these things she has planned for her feature she's partaking in...and this shield is in the way. Got to make room... and can't grow with this thing in the way... this thing that was invisible until an alchemist and djinn arrived to bring on it's downfall.
Ego wants those in the way to move... even if they do it scared... even if it hurts... and if they like it, that's good too. Ego already givesnofucks. (*thumbs up Ego)
Mind wants clarity, and solid focus... and like a laser, she too is down to laser eye this 'windshield'
like superman. ....(she really wants to see how it looks like when it melts... and if it's actually made of glass or something else)

so yeah... Soul has all these things she's gonna do...
and Ego is ready and willing... really just watching
Mind still wants to plan and make lists and sort and organize and divvy out steps...

and I reside in the midst of the stillness... watching them all, like they are children
god, I love them
I love them

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Take my hand...and follow me home

Stories that crash through like torrential wind
Unexpected, yet, they remain unending for days...
What do you want with me...
Revisiting, adding to a previous version...
unending and forever growing...
what am I supposed to do with you
and I live...relive them again and again...
this time with more of this or that or the other
this compelling route to express emotions which may not be my own
who are you
then in the next moment they will cease
leaving me empty, having survived the onslaught
..only to revisit perhaps months later...
 after all, when was the last time I mentioned Roy fucking Mustang...
it's only been that long
oi vey

 so I'm compelled to go look for those posts...
cause I want to know the connection
possibly finding the meaning within the structured time frames...

((( side note : ... O_O
there's a space between astonished and beaming adoration
that's where I am
*thank goodness )))

so I did go find those posts... and read them...
and I realize I don't nearly share enough of the inside story...
like I know it... and say quite a lot at times...
and other times I skim so gently and vaguely, haha
by the way, it's been approximately 3 exact months...
since the last entertaining visits from the alchemist
3 months is the going rate these days...

want to play the future game...?
umm, YES please!
Let's try to guess manifest what our reality will hold by the end of March...
ready... I'll go first and you can write out your own shit on your own time...
sooooo.... 3 months from now....

> The dead tree in the back yard will no longer be there.
> A plan will be enacted regarding the installation of a summer experience into said back yard
> Dates for a camping trip will be more narrowed out and precise
> I'll be able to both play the ukelele and sing while playing it.... hopefully not horribly, LOL
> at least 5 huge orders that will pay for said installation of that experience into the back yard
> 3 debts will be paid off in full
> Craft room carpet/floor will be done
> Stairwell/hallway will be painted and flooring found decided on

that all feels grand
we will stick with that lovely list
I wrote all that down on my phone, so I actually can remember to check in on it
*thumbs up

I'm so sad there's no 'gif' options here.... :(


back on track...
so 3 months ago we were enjoying the separation of water and sky
of motion and stillness
of chaos and serenity
the transferring between one to another
where perspective expands and the volatile experiences cease...
cease to cause any ripples in true reality
and I can see this is all Soul's creation... this is her show...
and I'm just watching...
observing what is and feeling the energies that have evolved as well...
I forgot she was going to make us sit and enjoy...while she does all the things...
that's a relief
and it all blends together wonderfully, like a well written screenplay
and things of the past reflect the present, and unite them both
... and whatever separation that echos out is only the echo and not the truth
only waves have an up and down...
stillness does not..
it is solid
and just like Lochor said...
it is here... and it is now...
and we are the space in which it resides

stand true

come home victorious

Triumph2 by wlop

Monday, December 23, 2019

Buckle up for safety...and you should probably wear a helmet

We can dance if we want to, 
we can leave your friends behind
Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
I say, we can go where we want to 
a place where they will never find
And we can act like we come from out of this world
Leave the real one far behind
And we can dance.
Good evening glorious 
this crisp whiteness blazened across the screen
I like the color white today... and red
like blood in the snow
I want to squeeze the life force from recent book scenes
that have happened across my way of late. I luvs them sooo much!
Devouring the essence...mmmmm
Perhaps no longer thinking this is a book at all...
but some perplexing conspiracy for Soul to gain ample perspective.
I'm almost positive you have no idea what I mean by that.
Tis okay... no one needs to know how intertwined we've become
perhaps you do...
not a need to know...
but a visual acuity of wholly fuck awesomeness
and shamelessAF devastation and creation
it is a beautiful thing
what we are becoming
shall we proceed together?
There's been a massive shift... but not a shift really...
that perspective shift has already came...
but now it's a dimensional gravity shift...
and there's open pathways every fucking where
and what will become of this freedom
this freedom
all these good glorious possibilities
 if only we could choose one...
one at a time anyways...
oh... I see it...
that false aspect of humanity... 'at a time'
let's do them all
all NOW!
because now is all there is
here and now
and oooohhhh.... just so you know...
I stole this whole perspective from a book scene...
will be in book 6....
Cause Lochor is fucking badass and knows grand things, he's like 1000 years old!
and I say stole, because he said it... 
but I suppose I'm taking credit as author, so maybe I'm a fucking badass too


Dude! Christmas is in 2 days!!!
I love Christmas!
SO much so, that Christmas is anytime I want!
I love Christmas!

Hey! I like how's there's an immediate need to follow through on ten million things
and I want to do them all....and Brain is like... 'I can't do them all at once!'
and Ego says ...'Want to make a bet?'
and Soul just laughs and laughs keeled over on the floor...
and Brain ...'Pick one 'at a time' and we can do that!'.... like she knows how to 'fix' this problem...
and Ego still thinks how it can prove that it can do at least a multitude of them
and Soul is laughing laughing laughing... cause this girl doesn't know what the fuck time is... and to her all this stuff is already done and she is happy she just gets to revisit the process of 'doing' it.
Brain is analyzing which it thinks it can do quickly, or easily, or cheaply...
Ego is fuming a bit, because Ego does not want Brain's idiotic patterns of limitation to get in her way.
Soul is laughing harder.... she loves to watch them argue with one another.
Brain doesn't understand... while still counting and making invisible lists that even she knows will be forgotten in a few moments...
Ego...looks distastfully at Soul, still on the floor... she rolls her eyes.... 'Fine... you do it all then.'
Soul stops laughing, her eyes light up like stars and gets closer to Ego's face with a huge smile...
"Really????!!!!!!!" She goads, more excited than attempting to ask a question.
Ego shrugs...  that means yes.
Soul jumps up like lightning and does her stupid ass little happy clap and giggle....
Brain is configuring...still trying to determine the path of ease and productivity....
Soul grabs Brain by the hand and yanks her along in glee... practically pouncing delightfully ahead...
Brain is trying to figure out why, who, what, when, which... but gets discombobulated in the rampant erotic and chaotic lala dance of Soul's unpredictable motions...
"Sit!" Soul presses Brain to the floor happily.
"And just watch the show." Soul leans close to Brain, with a slight glance to Ego. Almost seemingly more of the beginning of a horror movie than a home network craft show... Brain takes a deep breath. Ego crashes back into a chair and leans back, almost curious...
Soul giggles.


We can dance if we want to, 
we've got all your life and mine
As long as we abuse it, never gonna lose it
Everything'll work out fine
I say, we can dance if we want to 
we can leave your friends behind
Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
I say we can dance, 
we can dance 
everything out of control
We can dance, 
we can dance 
we're doing it wall to wall
We can dance, 
we can dance 
everybody look at your hands
We can dance, 
we can dance
everybody's takin' the chance
My birthday is coming up.
I want Mandalorian armor.
and a GoPro Hero 7 black.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Life is cluttering my vision

So that was a week or so where I got swallowed up by time.
I don't think I like being busy...
I'm missing the chance at boredom.
there's still plenty of things that need me to 'do' them
....nothing a rush though.
there's still other things I'd like to get done
....and truthfully I'm looking for the motivation

some little things here and there I'm expectantly awaiting
always a good thing
always a good thing.
I'm rather enjoying my new blue-tiful ukelele ;)
and enjoying filling in details in book 6...
which will have to get written here soon... cause I want to read it...
and I want to find out what happens at the end...

and there's a screenplay I have on hand ready to flood the pages...
and I'm lingering between doing an outline... or not
I've only done them WITH outlines...
but I don't need one...
we will see....


aether lands are quiet
but not really...
they just aren't talking so much as hurling expansive landscapes and images my way
and pronounced accuracy of highlighted vibrations I've been looking for
specific channels... which I am in absolute love with
who knew, that all we had to do was find the frequency and tune to it....
DUH, I did, we all do! But to actually DO it.... Mmmm!!! ExcitingAF!
THIS is new
and I like it
I like it A LOT

it's like getting an infinity stone.... and you are not afraid to use it to it's fullest potential
just sayin'


it's time to make blueberry muffins again...
it's time to write a book
it's time to write a screenplay
it's time to take a break from sewing orders (besides this one that I'm curious to see the outcome)
it's time for Christmas
and Star Wars
and ukelele songs
and sleeping in

(psst: I have pack of kazoos!!!)

and I really didn't write about anything today
want a book 6 scene ...?



this black sweater I have...
has pockets!!!!!!!!!! <3

I have an odd suspicion that UFO's are going to be a thing next year....

and the rains are coming...

I love the rain

these are a few of my favorite things....
when the dog bites
when the bee stings
when I'm feeling sad...
I simply remember my favorite things
and then I don't feeeel....soooooo....baaaad

 dogs bite? what?
wait... I don't ever feel bad unless it's someone else's shit...
'real' empath problems 101

gah! It's late! like 11:32
which is late, cause I got to meditate!
and I rhymed!
just in time!

I need (want) to de-clutter....
there's so much stuff to purge....
spring spring, where art thou?

I have a Bruce Lee t-shirt
it's my new favorite shirt

I'm hoping something useful will come from this uneventful blog post...
but it's just a bunch of randomness
and pretty shallow if you ask me.... *insert eye roll
yes... I do roll my eyes at myself

All the things to think up and create.... yet uncertain of the goal...
this is a conundrum for my 3d person
cool things, nifty thing, fun things, awesome things... but lacking a why
other than the satisfaction of seeing the completed project...
still... the end result... is awol
....strange insights these times are
 a bit of fun to be had delving into such mechanisms and delicacies
I like using big words
makes me sound scholarly
and educated...
and whimsically a bold liar
a brazen chieftess of manipulation and egocentric esoteric monopolies
one versed in the manifestations of material quantumbiology and epigenetics
... all the sciency stuff ;)
all the stuff
all the stuff

all the things

let's have some fun together
you and I

what would you like?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

actually... it is all perfect

I'm not sure who has time to write lately, but it certainly is not me

with a certain number of clients wanting things superhuman fast
and other more 3d world things a happening...
writing is not where it's at

overall, I did get a few superhuman orders completed
*insert gif of wonder woman arm flex here...
(cause this blog doesn't 'do' gifs... *sad face)
one that I would have liked to get done, but it wasn't...and still isn't done.
and some that I got done and shipped earlier today
and I need to go hunt down shirt tomorrow still... ugh
not a bad thing, but I'm tired and want to not do anything
gonna finish current orders.... and take a Christmas break
...I call it a break... but I want to install new carpet in the craft room...
and maybe start a screenplay, lol.
I remember these times... when you are actually busy fulfilling orders...
and you think of all the things you'd rather be doing...
but when you aren't doing orders... you kinda don't want to do them then either, lol
funny how that works out
I can probably finish all orders by next weekend...
so if something happens after that... maybe I can find time to write about it

6 orders to go... take a break....
4 orders that aren't needed until way later... January's stuff probably...
and I'm excited to say that Christmas shopping is complete!
Going to put up a little tree and lights (nothing else)
and got to wrap all the goods still
and other than waiting for Star Wars to come out...
it's a *thumbs up from me

now once the mom and the cat starts feeling better,
we can give December an A+


and the good stuff... this time following 3d world hubbub...
the aether lands of increasingly growing pings of wisdom and insight....
I'm not sure what is going on
I have no guide, no direction, no intent, no nothing, lol
and it is ever fascinating....
way overly attuned to certain things and energy....
way overly aware....
all in a good way, I suppose
I am taking myself somewhere.... and I guess it's a surprise!?! *shrugs
new stuff.... and some the same... but different...
I have no idea what I'm talking about


I have caught glimpses of future possibilities...
pathways that seem to pave out effortlessly and beneficially...
and I don't know what to think of them... or exactly how I feel about them
nothing bad, of course not... but interesting and different...

I've been keenly aware of movements in society, in people, in earth vibes...
it's like a bulge... if that could be any way to actually describe it...
a build up of something that could cause a substantial change in the world...
I don't know what it is. I just get vibrations... and it feels like a bulge
a swelling...if you will


 hmmm.... other outside things are falling away... fading...
like things in resonance... at one time... are shifting out of my view...
or I'm shifting... either way...
it is a strange thing lately... I'm not sure even what to call half of it...
all very obscure vague movements that don't come with words...
I don't know what I'm talking about


there's a place calling...
I must go...

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

20 seconds hugs melt your worries away

I had this dream....

There was a door that when you go through it
it led to another dimension... later in time I think?
but I didn't know that until I went through...

we lived on the side of a mountain in a stone building...
I don't know if it was a castle, but it had winding pathways and such
and huge from the ground anyway, I never saw the 'big picture'

There was a certain doorway at the top of some stone steps..
when you walked through, it all turned to old dusty ruins
there were soldiers of some sort there..
not like sci-fi, or military... but like scavenger smugglers or something
everything was old, falling apart...
many of the floors, had no floors...
lots of debris, and there were metal piping contraptions added to it...

I was trying to find the door to return back
but was lost in the ruins
and the guys were all around the place looking for whatever...
so I was trapped in a room when the door opened..
I stepped around it and there was Matt Damon.
He saw me and knew I was not supposed to be there
(I had on clothing from god knows when...they were cool leathers and all)
but he saw that I was worried because I was lost in this old place
He walked up to me and hugged me
like a hug hug...and didn't let go, lol
I was concerned...but he was so loving
when I started shaking, he'd hug me slightly tighter
then my uneasiness faded and I felt so calm and safe

then the other guys showed up and he let me go...
and I had to go and hide while he distracted them..
I hid behind some machinery and it was loud
flipping through cause I don't remember everything...
besides this kid trying to stab me...
I made it back through my door and got home, but ...
I wanted to see Matt Damon again... so I kept going back
my mom in the dream didn't like that I was always leaving, lol

Soooooooo... long story short..
I think that might make a good movie
just sayin


got a course unit to do today
some prep work
some minor house cleaning
tuning the gorgeous thing I bought
I might have to cook dinner

peace out

Monday, December 2, 2019

Lesson 5: only eat what feels good

It's December! Whut whut!!
Why is this exciting? Who cares! I love it!
WHy do I love it? Who cares! Just that I do.
That I choose to.

I'm finding it rather boring to linger near the 5d questions...
and even more boring to watch them...
If you could analyze this inner space where I am...
it is still in the fluctuations surrounding 6d
...if you could even call it that...
the number of such is irrelavent, just a different perspective really
there's actually no 3d or 4d or 5d or 6d or 7.... however they are merely
labels attuning to the understanding and view from a separate place...
a perspective of higher... because you look downwards in a way...
but not a guaranteed higher....
it'd be like in space... there's no 'north star' in space...
that's only for location means for on earth...
so the use of 6d means only that one is observing the 'what was, yet is...'
while being the 'what is and what is to come'

maybe that may make sense....perhaps not
not everyone has followed the same path...
they don't know the same things, nor do they see them the same way
even if the paths matched for a time

and 'nothing is true'
'everything is permitted'

the delusion of separateness and duality is false and at best just a basis
for learning the contrast of the worlds
important, yes, of course...
but at some point, no longer relevant...
right now, I use it as a guide, to gain some sort of footing of direction...
but Soul knows even that is a funny character in itself...
this illusion of here or there.... something else entirely untrue

good times it is


What I'm going to keep referring to 6d as is just my current perspective...
and it too will be moot again... so don't hang on any words except those that feel good
take what you need and leave the rest...
like a buffet, as Abraham Hicks puts it...
don't put food you don't like on your plate, nor try to choke it down...
take what you like and enjoy the shit out of that
but don't condemn that which you left at the buffet table...
not everyone likes steak, or spaghetti, or salad, or lobster, or potatoes...
but... it is all good
even the coleslaw and cabbage... (I mean, not to me... but other people can take it)
all good
all good


3d world review...

a bunch of quick orders to create
some shopping for fun christmas items
I bought a zafu! and scored the most beautiful ukelele for 70% off (thank you AMAZON!)
still have the youngest's gifts to obtain, and the hub's

I think I'm about ready to write that book
if I would sit to focus, I could hash out another screenplay or two...
they are fairly easy actually... but my indecisiveness to choose one over the other...
is detrimental to taking action
and they take a lot less time than a book... I can do a screenplay in 10 days...
first draft anyway... which is shit, but at least it will be on paper...
and editing is easier (cough cough) anyway...
we'll see.... inspiration strikes at midnight



"You don't need patience" (<--- something I just heard)
You need to align with what you want, because you really fucking want it!
Impatience is primal at knowing how important something is to you
Fucking own that shit and GO FOR IT!

*insert Shia Labeouf gif here

It takes EARTH
the grounding force to anchor that energy and the ability to take hold of such energies
the receiver

It takes FIRE
the desire, the drive, the power that brings such things to you
the inspiration
It takes AIR
the thoughts and beliefs that keep you in line to get to the checkout counter
the leader
It takes WATER
the movement and allowing of energies to come to you without stress, the flow and current
the force
It takes SPIRIT
you.... to give and receive... to align, to choose, to decide
the being, having, IS-ing

It's pretty simple

So I got sidetracked on cyber monday shit....
and guilt free, bitches...
later peeps!