Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oh, look, I did a rant for you ninnies


So the government has issues. They are all stupid!
I can't believe how many programs they fund! Many of them are so idiotic anyway, and so simple that the communities themselves could upkeep them on their own. OMG!
Say...for instance...head start programs...really?? I don;t agree that kids should be thrown into institutions that early, but are you telling me someone can't just start their own personal business to provide this type of service to those who use it? Why involve the gov.?
Elderly care....that should be every communities responsibility to provide for their elders. Plain out and simple. Are there not enough volunteers to help do a helping part...ugh.
Parks and recreational places... I understand tax dollars on the cost of the property, but are you saying the community surrounding these areas can't simply find 50 volunteers or so to help upkeep these areas on their own?
WTF people.....lazy bastards, get off your ass and get to work. Can you not spare a weekend a month to give of yourself.....

Now not dogging the losers who don;t do crap, but for those who are willing and don;t know what to do.....why isn't there a section in the local paper (or a website!) that lists things that need done around the community? that way it can get help, people will know what needs done, people will step up if they knew they could provide something to the cause....
For instance, why the hell do they hire a worker to mow the local park??? What for??? It's a waste of money. Can you not find 20 people to mow the grass for free...I bet you could, but you don;t try, you just complain and bitch about not having money when you don;t realize you are wasting it.
So 20 people, 1 person mows it a week during the growing seasons...does some litter clean up. A few take turns stopping by to make sure things are taken care's not so hard when people work together....
Hell, I'll even mow the grass once or twice to prove it....and don;t have to pay me. But i can't be the only one....and I need to borrow someone's lawn mower and weed can be's the lazy sloths that keep people in debt, not only with money but with productivity...

Stop being sissy little ninnies that want your damn little bottles full of corn syrup and candy and get off your damn hands, knees, or whatever you find yourself resting on and stand up on your own feet and work or walk and DO!

Want to know what needs do I. But no one will tell us, because they spend money on all this shit we don't need to be paying for and won't tell us.
I can tell you what I need though. PLEASE feel free to list what you need too, otherwise no one will know and nothing will be done about it. So I will tell you what I need that I have trouble doing all by myself...
I need someone to sew some things in their spare time. they will have to have a serger and a sewing machine. I will pay for this service if you can do it well. If not, I will teach you and when you get better I will pay you, but I can't pay you until it's good enough to sell.
I need my yard mowed and weed eated. I do not have a mower or weed eater though, but it needs done. I can give you something, small amount of money, some cookies, sweet tea maybe... Free photography session (though I am learning still)
I need doors built for our shed. We have the materials and tools. Just need it done. Need a ramp for it too.
The government doesn't give me money for this shit like it apparently gives the state, so I am screwed unless we do it ourselves which we most likely will have to because no one helps each other...because this world is dying.... I'm not talking about the earth, I'm talking about our souls.
Are you still alive? Do you sit on your knees or stand and walk?
If you need something (besides money, because I am poor) let me know and I will see if I can provide it, however I am just one person, and there's only a very few people I know who are standing, even fewer who are walking. But if we can find more great warriors then we will have something.....and we will make a change....and show then how it's done....So post here if you need something, or email me at .

And....I can give counseling though you may not like what I have to say, is free. You can bitch about how I write or how bad you don;t like my curse words I put in my ranting blog, I don;t care, I will listen. You can say how awful I am and how I don;t understand what's really going on it the world, I don;t care, but I will listen. You can state all the bad things you think about me and I will listen, i don;t care. I don;t care because I know who I am....and I never think anything bad about you....unless you actually DO bad things....but they have to be really bad things ;)

I can tell you what I think, but I don;t know everything, and you know that, but I have a sideways upside down, tilted perspective of things.....and similar to those hidden picture pictures...sometimes you can find the objects much faster if you distort the picture. I may can help you find your answers or at least make you feel better cause my ideas were stupider than yours :).... I don;t mind.

Okay, gotta go now, it's 2 am here. I guess I should sleep, tomorrow we have schoolwork, cleaning house, sewing orders, my launch! and roller if I come write again, it's all your fault.
Love you (((HUGS)))!!!

Vicarious Visage of Vexing Voices

My computer is being slow today :P that sucks.
But anyway, I wanted to invite you all to stop by my biz fan page on facebook and give you a heads up that we are launching our new fall line "Under the Moon' tomorrow (Monday!) Be sure to stop by and grab some deals....GO HERE!!!! (or what I like to call steals, because you so know I don;t charge what it's worth, I charge less because you love it and I want you to love it more because it's cheaper than most stores and looks cuter anyway)

Go buy me out please.

Tomorrow I have roller derby, yay, but I hope I'm able to do it, as I am still recuperating from my butt hurt from last week.
I do not have much to write about today, but am fixing to go watch a movie (not sure which one yet...) whatever netflix sent....
Oh, but I did watch V for Vendetta again (parts of it anyway) earlier today....that is a good movie....still. You should go watch it. Equilibrium is pretty cool too, so if you haven't seen that one, that is the one you need to watch for your education this week.

I have skirts to sew up and I'm not sure I will be able to linger around and play on the computer as often as I have been..... Last time I had about 50 skirts to sew up, this time I have more and am afraid to count...but they need done by the 9th....yay. So I'll be busy.
Not to mention I have to make whatever customs I sell in my line that will be listed tomorrow...hmmm....
We shall find a way.

Have fun guys, no rant today except for the lack of money which sucks shit. I could easily demand money to appear, but the equivalent exchange theory usually is not worth it, so I will take the accept things as they are theory and deal with it for tonight only.
Seez youz laterez.

Friday, July 29, 2011

... and I keep bleeding...keep bleeding love.

....but I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you.
They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth.
My hearts crippled by the vein that I keep on closing.
You cut me open and I.....

So what is up with this week....besides it being an utter mess!!
Friday I pulled a muscle...saving a momma spider and her eggs (or more like moving it from inside to outside) That was no fun.
Monday I fell on my arse playing some roller derby. I am still recuperating from that thank you. But I can move now.
I worked everyday this week like there was no tomorrow, because there wasn't. So damn tired. Luckily I have that order completed......but knowing there is another huge box of orders sitting right over there laughing at me.
My own design line launches Monday.....I still have a few tops to finish (which I will totally get to on Sunday night)
I have a photoshoot I need to go on to get my 3 photos for the camera club I joined. Hoping tomorrow I will get to do that

On a good note, we managed to get all the school work done this week. Fascinating! Considering how unorganized this week has went. TGIF! Tomorrow is a fun field trip day :) and we will be using up those train tickets I won!! Whoo hoo!!

So, since I've been working I haven't had time to educate you...but I will make up the lost time with one of my lovely stories....

Once upon a time there were a group of students visiting their teacher. The teacher offered them something to drink and had them go over to a table that was set up with cups and mugs and glasses of every shape and size, each one was different from the others. They each grabbed one to their liking.
The teacher poured them their favorite beverage into the cup they chose.
He said "Each cup represents yourselves. And the liquid represents the spirit of God. Even though each cup is different in shape, the liquid will form to that vessel in order for you to know it. What one sees in one way will be different from the others, just like the liquid will form differently in each cup. This is the wisdom of truth."
One of his students asked "But what if the cup is empty?"
The teacher replied "Even though cups may be empty, because they refuse to have God enter them, does not make them so. There are those who cover their cups and let them remain empty, but alas, their efforts will fail, for when God wills he can place that cup in the heat, and water will form within the void. There is no escaping it."
"But" he added, "no matter the shape or form or fullness of your vessel, or whether there is something in it, what is important is that God made that cup."

Well, that wasn't so bad....kinda lame, but not bad.

Let's see...maybe I can find you something cool to look up if you are feeling insightful and open-minded....(ugh, this would be so much easier if I had the links on my old hard drive! I had bunches of cool stuff)
Okay, try this one, this is the Tao Te Ching CLICK HERE if you are unfamiliar or a wuss, the Tao is ancient Eastern scriptures, some of it is cool, some of it kinda sucks, but reading through the sucky parts, makes the totally awesome parts worth the read.

How about this one too....
The Holy Book of Destiny... though I cannot find a good link to it, besides this one HERE a pdf download, it is free.... I have not read it all, but I like this verse...
"And when they seek
to oppress you

And when they try
to destroy you,

Rise and Rise again
and again

Like The Phoenix
from the ashes

Until the Lambs
have become Lions

and the Rule of Darkness
is no more "

Maitreya The Friend of All Souls

The Holy Book of Destiny

and a rant for the day, because I am sure you miss it and are in withdrawal....
I can do everything...yes, I can do it all and can undeniably prove to you that I am awesome.....BUT, deep inside, I am screaming, I can't do it all!!!
Seriously. It is possible to accomplish it all, all by myself, but it hurts. It hurts that sometimes it is only me that can do it. I hate it. I don;t want to do it all. I shouldn't have to do it all. There are more than enough people in the world to support each other in a great and fulfilling way. Unfortunately I only know a few who are willing to do such. And even more unfortunate is that I really could use some more help and there is no one around. I could slave drive the kids, but I'm too nice for that. They do their chores and school and clean up after themselves, really isn't that totally cool enough. They even help when I ask them to (because if they don;t I will tell them to, lol.) But overall I let them be kids and anyway they aren't quite old/tall/strong enough to do some things I need done. And hubby does what's only mandatory, because he works a real job (not that I don't also have a real job too!) He's harder to persuade to get to work than the kids, but 'eventually' he may think about possibly maybe getting partially closer to kinda being doneish.'s a 'I won;t do it all' thing with me starting a few hours ago. I can, I don't want to, some things I do want to, but right now I won't. So any previous arrangements I made are null and void, because I am the boss. And well, we can blame it on the boss and get over it or learn to deal with it.
All hell will break loose next week.....and I will certainly keep refreshing my ranting blog with more crap I am frustrated about and some more education for you curious readers.... lol, I put 'curious readers' you have no idea how nice I am being. But then again, I think it's cute and now I am deliberately making you rethink your thoughts..... now tell me, does adding that extra insight make you think bad thoughts? Why does everyone assume the worst in people, when maybe we are just screwing with your mind only to make you realize at the end of your days it is your own judgements that have kept you in your box.
Okay, well, you probably do not understand what I just wrote, but I will leave it for the ones who will get a hint of enlightenment from it.....Do you like it when I say 'enlightenment' like its some Zen or Buddhist phrase? It's not (well, maybe it is), so please go educate yourself further, try, they have a really great search engine. If you use swagbucks, search google, then on google search to your hearts content....assuming it will ever be content.

Did you know that if you actually take the time to research into other 'isms, they are not so far apart as you perceive. I find it sad that many consider every other one bad. I have truly found that it is not the basic theologies that make it bad, it is what people turn them into. What's bad is the weapons that guard each one of their cages, not only to keep others out, but to keep themselves in.

Reminds me of Yin Yang..push and pull, twee and la. too bad many are one or the other but not part of both... accept them all or deny them all.... ugh... too much other stuff in the way of what really matters.
What matters is for you to figure out.

"Whatever it is that divides the world between you." ~ JC

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

.... just a secondhand emotion

what's love got to do with it..... who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?

I do.
And of you stab it with some dull blade, then like Wolverine, it will heal. But similar to how bones tend to grow stronger and more durable with every stress crack you impose on them while young, so your heart will grow stronger and deeper with every knife that slices it open.
Maybe that's why many of our youthful days were spent in agony, sorrowful times that slowly carved chasms through the fine tissues of that part of us, so that when we were not so young anymore, we could not only bare the painful stings, but also the slaughterhouse.

But, sometimes there are those who fight against the pain and deny themselves the right to earn a scar by protecting themselves with artificial cloaking. These are those that place barriers before their hearts and never let anything in or out...until it suffocates. Life will fade and love will not flow.
On the other hand you have those that live and love fully. Their hearts are littered with scars. They give their all and in return have gotten all back whether it be good or not. But their hearts are strong and they will survive. They are willing to live and love again and again.

Let us bare our hearts. Put them on the front line. Show those who fear, that pain is beauty and power. Agony is life. Death is nothing but a dream.

So no one will see, no one will know, no one will care. Does it really matter though? If you don't show love for them , do it for yourself. Do it for that greater power that calls you. Do it for love itself. Do it to spite the resistance that tries unceasingly to stop you. Do it no matter what.

"Hearts are burdened. But your heart belongs to me and nothing can trample upon it."

You know what song never fails to make me smile..... THIS ONE , LOL!!!!
Yeah, I'm a little loopy ;)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dirty little freaks...

We will never be, never be anything but LOUD...and Nitty Gritty....

Pretty bad, I wrote my title with one song, but since my itunes switch songs I'm now listening to The Beatles....with love from me to you....
I guess this is how we will direct this post then, instead of the prior. Although I think nitty gritty is fun and gets some nice dirt under you fingernails, and if you don't wash your hands you taste it and bite into one of those specks of grit and it's loud in your ears...but you know it probably contains more natural minerals then that cup of coffee you just drank.
Nitty gritty also gets under your skin. It rubs and scours away at your soul. It irritates those sensitive parts of yourself that you felt were so strong and reliable. However that grit causes harsh consequences to whatever you built your domain upon. Nitty gritty tests those foundations. It blasts away at the walls, and if it can it will leave you vulnerable, and your tower will fall......
But what does that mean?...
.It means that whatever ideas or beliefs or opinions that stood upon those foundations will crumble. If the nitty gritty hurts or bring pain, then your foundations were never meant to stand. If that nitty gritty can cause any amount of grief or strife upon your kingdom, then your kingdom needs a new King.
If for instance what I say (the sometimes nitty gritty) shakes you. Then perhaps your ideals are not as strong as they would be if they were in fact based upon the truth...because the truth will stand, the truth would not be shaken by anything nitty gritty, foreign or domestic.

BUT, I guess we need to focus on The Beatles....With Love From Me To You.
Whether you see things as such or not, most of what I write either has nothing to do with anything at all, because it's just a random rant about something that irritated me at the time. OR, what I write has something to say that's important. Either way, the idea is to get it out of my head so it won't keep me awake all night.
Writing helps me clear my head. I don;t care if it is read or not. I don;t care about anything other than it's not stuck somewhere where only I can hear it. Now some things are meant to be shared, because they have some education in them, and I like to help with the conquest of enlightenment. But some maybe perhaps aren't necessarily share friendly. But, If you want to know my good side or bad sides, or up sides, or down sides...I will give freely. Even without being asked sometimes.
So the point being that whether I am frustrated at some idiot who did something obviously disruptive to my calm, or whether I am sharing that fact that nitty gritty stuff is really good stuff if you choose to see it that way, it is all in love. Not meant to bring turmoil to your little worlds...maybe perhaps to test your foundations, but not to destroy your dreams. Distort it all you want and make up your own opinions, how you take it is a mirror image of what you think of yourself. And a wake up call to have another look at your foundation.
Is there something you will lose if you do something nitty gritty? Will He love you less? I think not.....No, I 'know' not...

Hmmm...Josh Grobin is playing on itunes now....I swear that is as close as I can possibly get to actually liking that kind of music, lol....

Anyway, let me tell you a story....
Once upon a time there was a young girl. She stood in the darkness near the edge of a great pit. The pit had dark gray stones that lined the edges. It was wide across to the other side. So deep that the bottom could not be seen. A pungent smell bellowed out of it. Sulfer maybe? Brimstone? And heat...lots of heat.
She listened as sounds from the pit echoed from below. They were terrible screams and peals of pain. So many...she thought as sorrow filled her mind.
The Lord was standing nearby and looked down. The screams became louder than before just by His gaze. He looked sad.
"Do you think I would allow any child to be placed in there?" He asked.
She didn't respond, for they both already knew the answer....He would never send the ones He loves into that place...never.

You know what would be cool.....having someone sew all this crap for me.... I have too much to do, but find myself here writing about things that no one probably understands anyway. UGH. But, I don;t do it because I find it fun or entertaining...I do it because I'm led to do the point I will be in the middle of sewing or cooking or doing something and this 'thought' will just be 'put' into my head and my first thought is to go write it... I don;t know why, considering I think my poor blog here has caused more strife in this poor town than it's worth. People get their panties all in a wad over this or that and stir things up....makes me think that maybe it;s the nitty gritty working it's way into their foundations.....and they feel the tremors...I don;t know. But I do know that no matter how hard their towers may fall.... if they just let love lead them, and teach them, it will build a great kingdom for them that can never be destroyed or shaken....
God bless you all in Christ and without, He'll mess you with too oneday, all you have to do is ask.
but believe me He will mess with you HARD!...

Watch for the yellow butterfly.....It'll show you the way.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little soldier boy, come marching home....

Leaves from the vine....falling so slow.

Like fragile, tiny shells, drifting in the foam.

Today is a beautiful day, just like yesterday and the day before, and they day before that, and even tomorrow. Maybe you just need to see it as such....
Let me tell you a story...
Once there were some monks who went to town and bought some seeds of those most beautiful flowers they could find. They took them back home and planted them in a garden they had prepared just for these special flowers. They made sure to provide fresh water and enough sunlight for their seeds. It was going to be the most beautiful garden in the world. Every few days a new flowers would bloom one after the other.
One day a visitor had came by and saw the garden and noticed how flowering weeds were growing amidst the planted flowers. He asked, "why haven't you removed the weeds from this garden"?
The monks responded. "because we never saw them".

Let me tell you another story....
There once was an old tree that had rotted and died. It stood in the middle of a great field. It's bark had turned white from exposure and many of it's once great limbs had been broken of from the savage winds.
"Why don't you cut that tree down?" asked the young boy to his father. "It is ugly and old, and dead."
The father took his son by the hand and walked with him out to the old rotten tree. As they approached a few birds flew from a hole in the side. A squirrel scampered out from a deep crevice at the bottom. Holes adorned the outside of it from woodpeckers.
"Look at this old tree." His father began. "Even though it's life has ended, it still provides life within itself. The birds and squirrel have a safe home. The bugs eat the dead wood for survival. Woodpeckers come to feed on those bugs. And life continues. There is beauty in life, there is beauty in death. It's accepting that truth that is hard."
The boy smiled. "So this tree is like Jesus. He lived for a great time. He gave life and even when he had to leave he still gives life. And look." the boy said pointing to the sapling growing from the ground. "Even now, He's still with us to become great once more."
"But it's not just the tree that will be great." His father added. "It's us."

yeah, I told you I suck at short stories....I'm a novel writer and only occasionally have made a few sappy children's books. But anyway, I smile. Because if you have ever read my journal you know that things are bound to get even better. So bear with me. It's not dark enough outside yet.

On another note....because people seem to be tempted to cause drama. If anyone decides they want to bash my friends over some nit-picking crap you are uneducated about I will slap you upside the head to knock some sense into you. Go read a book about Zen and learn something useful for once. Be happy and give of yourself. Because if you were 'educated' you would already very well know that we are all God's children. He made us kings, not slaves. We are meant to reign, but also to humbly be a servant of our people. When you give of yourself, you are giving the gifts of God.
Oh, and go watch V for Vendetta. Learn to love God and his people, not just the ones that match your opinions and follow all the rules you think you know all about.

"It is I that has made you the way you are.
Don't ever think it is wrong.
It is your path.
It is your truth.
It is what My Love has brought you.
'You' are My Glory." ~ Jesus

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Short story" by the Dodo Dots

Do not read PETA'a website stuff...all those things are real....and horrible.
Reminds me of a late night show I watched on HBO about 20 someodd years ago...yes, I'm that young. It was really bad and had people killing monkey's and throwing goats off of towers, and skinning cats was awful and it scarred me for life.
Hence the reason I am an animal advocate, although I don't always have the time, money, or energy to 'save' least not all of them. I try when I can.
Bad stuff and I hate clicking on those peta links, because I already know too much of what goes on...sad.

Today we will discuss judging. Yeah, you know what that is.
Let me tell you a version of how it works....
You make opinions for yourselves based on a situation or person. Then you build on those opinions and naturally find like-minded ideas and other's opinions that fit in with your own opinion. Then you build on that. Then before you know it everything is so surmounted against whatever it was that you were judging, and therefore this leads you to believe that everything you think is true...(when in reality, it's still just your own building on your own opinion)...
Many things work this way, whether it be for a style of clothes, or music, or movies, or a person, a job, etc., etc....

Now afterwards...what happens? ....Yes, you will eventually be judged by those same standards....
Now, let me tell you a story.....

Once there was this girl. She had a great life with a few close friends. But oneday she heard on the radio a song that sounded awful. She disliked everything about it, the sound, words, tone, and the awful singing...and the band was called the "Dodo Dots". So she decided that this band sucked as bad as their song and refused to listen to them anymore. Her friends also stated they too disliked their songs.
A few years pass. Oneday while she was driving she heard a new song on the radio...this song sounded different, it sounded nice so she turned it up and listened to the lyrics. The words sounded just like something that she had recently been dealing with in her life and she pulled over and cried, because the song made her 'feel' something that she had been avoiding. The song ended and she went home to look up the song so she could hear it again....and there it was on her screen... "Dodo Dots"...
"But I hate the "Dodo Dots". She said to herself.....But she listened to the song again and cried again. Then by chance she clicked on another song of too was as perfect as the first....She bought the cd.
Her friend had come over and heard the new songs playing and asked about it. The girl told her who it was and the friend said..."Oh, I hate the "Dodo Dots". The girl felt sad that her friend still lived in the past...still hated the old things but never moved forward listening to the new....and so after feeling sorry for missing out on the bands many songs she ended up loving, she decided to never judge again, because she never wanted to miss out on another beautiful thing.

Yeah, so I'm bad at writing short stories....
Also, has it ever occurred to anyone that perhaps maybe it is yourself who ends up being the know what I mean (probably not) but I'm talking about those times when you feel that you are worthless and lost. times when you think you can do nothing right. Times when you are your own worst enemy....... call it karma...but I think we just may judge ourselves sometimes far worse than God would....And I think we may love ourselves far less than what God does.

Think about that. Maybe we just bring all of our own strife upon ourselves. Everything we do to others, to us it will be done.....though it's very hard to recognize it.

BTW, I used to hate the band "Train"....I'm sorry. I kinda like them's pitiful that I feel bad about it now. So nowadays I just love everything, because all things will be made perfect...if you can't love it now, you will be hurting come that day you see God in them and had denied them....

Open your eyes, minds, hearts, whatever......

I'm feeling totally misunderstood today. So if you don;t get it, I don;t care. If you don;t like it, I don;t care. If you don;t care, I don;t care. And this button ; I don';t care that I have a habit of hitting it instead of the correct one '.... ugh.

Some education for the day..... nope...take the day off, we are....I don;t think I like the name of this blog anymore....hmmm. Maybe I can change it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Short and stout, here is my handle, here is ..a trout?

What became of this day? - let me tell you.

Actually I kinda forgot what happened before dinner, but I know we did get schoolwork done in an orderly fashion, and I learned that it is much better if I do not give the kids math at the beginning...somewhere in the middle or afterward is fine though.
Dinner was rushed, as derby practice is earlier than our usual dinner time...We had burger bites and fries and me rice. I will confirm now that I do not like beef, or pork, or any other type of meat for that matter...though I will beat you over a chicken or turkey....and I will eat bacon so long as someone else cooks it. (Like IHOP) I'll eat 5 or more strips. :)
Anyway, then it was derby skates, hurt my feet, but I did well and didn't fall, but I ended up sore and achy afterwards. Good times.

So for the enlightenment of those of you seeking some education! I have a good link I'd like to share with you.
This is the 5 gospel parallels (omg, did you hear that? there are more than just the 4 that's in the bible...why yes, there is, and there's even more than that too, but we won;t go into that, after all it's just society shaping your mind....though some of them do say not to include it (yes really, they say that!) Anyway, here's your link for the day. A good read if you have never read it before....Please take the time to read it.

I'm too tired to continue. g'nite :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Swaying to and fro like a sea without a home.

Today was so cool.
No, I didn't win the lottery or have some amazing epiphany....oh wait, YES I DID!!!
Unfortunately, it's the latter, I didn't win the lottery, unless you count in your own mind ;)
But I did get a full tank of gas on a possible idea that I had been contemplating. (Okay, so I only thought of it a few days ago) but who cares how longs it's been swarming in my head when it is something that was 'put' there by a higher force.
Anyway, now that I have the fuel for this plan, all I need now is a way to present it....and yeah, I'm sure that that is where I'm supposed to come in and provide that, but oh I nice it would be if it was just 'put' there as well.
How nice it would be if many things were just 'put' there. But we all should know by now that it doesn't matter which way we walk, but just that we do.
That it doesn't matter if you decide to go left or right, or skip up the mountain, or slide down to the valley....just that we keep moving forward....forward. All things are possible, all things are accomplish-able, all things can end in victory...the hardest part is choosing what you want to conquer, choosing what you want to make possible. Choosing something to accomplish. Choosing what you want to be the victor of.
Because in the end, it will all be under your feet.
But you have to fight the resistance that chains you in place.
Turn away from those things that keep you in fear, that keep you hidden in your your box. Fight.

So enough with all that eloquent speech, it was sounding kinda blah blah speechish....which reminds me of a time where when you feel out of place, it's everyone else that has the problem ;)

Let me tell you a story.....

There was a time long ago in a galaxy far far away (no not really, it was about 30 minutes down the road.) Anyway, we were at church (lol, can you believe it)
So they had a guest speaker there that day who was chanting some mumbo jumbo about some stupid missionary trip he went on and people were 'saved' and yada yada.
Well, it was so hilarious that this guy sounded just like a salesman...I suppose it's no coincidence that he was taking donations and selling something or another....but, that wasn't the issue (even that in itself is a major issue considering many things if you have ever read the Bible or watched movies like "The Passion of the Christ") but we won;t go into that, as it isn't what I'm trying to get at.
So anyway, while this guys was selling the congregation his 'saving adventure' one of the first things he tells about is about how this old Witch Doctor was 'saved' that some dog brought in a book and it 'changed her life' and blah blah.
NOW, my point is that, an average 1st grader (on the spirituality scale) will believe everything this guy had to say. They will be amazed how this guy's 'work' made some "Witch Doctor" convert to Christianity. They will also unfortunately reveal how uneducated and judgmental they all can be.

Point #1 - What is a Witch Doctor?.....yeah I'm sure there are some of them that go chanting and dancing in a sweat box to 'heal' people, but really now, many many more of them are just herbologists who's work is to know plants and give to people the ones they need to help heal sickness. (I suppose no different than a real doctor)...the point it this guy simply used people's fears (aka...using words (witch doctor) that invoke difference) to sway these donators to their cause.
Point #2 - what gave anyone any reason to think this person (witch doctor) was lost to begin with?? Do you think you're all high and mighty and better than them, closer to God then know nothing about them. Maybe this person was doing their work (studying plants) to actually wholeheartedly help people...but now that she got swept away by some slick businessman and his stories...all she does now is go crawl around on her knees and pray her life away.
I'm not saying this is true or not, I'm not saying she had a good life or not and whether it's better or not now...the point is that people buy into this "business agenda" and give their attention to other worldly causes, but seem to turn away from things that are right in front of their makes me sick.
Yes, help your neighbor, but good gosh, the people next door may need you, but you have your head in the clouds on some other country because someone bought your attention with their 'stories', with their "spooky words" and all you are is uneducated and gullible.
Have you ever thought, just maybe, if you are in a place in your life to where you are worried about some people in a far off land need your prayers, but yet you don't know if you're very own neighbor or friend might need you more..... You were put in the place you are for a reason.....stop ignoring it and trying to escape it, there's something important for you to do HERE! Wake up!

Okay, that was a longer story than I thought....
To start you on a journey to being educated (yes, 'educated' is the word of the month!) feel free to look into the spooky things you fear so much and learn to decide for yourself things you will accept in love or turn away from because they are not what your people pressed into your young brains while you were growing up....
God is LOVE. If you don;t like it, get over it already. We will wait for you.
~ Many great links to 'educate' yourselves before you scream and go hide in your deep dark cave HERE

OHHHHHH....I just thought of something else that I just can't understand yet.
WHY OH WHY is it that when a person that blatantly states that they are an 'atheist' asks a question and everyone else just spouts out some crap about this or that verse and actually expecting this person to take you seriously...seriously??! Can't you just speak to them like a real person?
And why oh why is it that when confronted with some sort of argument, that many many many many people will just abandon the idea and instead of finding common ground they bail?! Especially a pastor or preacher, or whatever else they call themselves nowadays?? They freakin' bail out and give up and just stop carrying on the conversation??? WHAT?? Are you kidding me? Is your God not big enough to include all in His glory? It's okay to disagree, but what...are you out of little cute limericks, forget your Bible lines? WTF??!!!
Speak from your heart damn it! If it runs dry then you yourself have a more serious problem than that person ever will.... Love all, like He has loved you. I have seen too many times where people get too offended and forsake the 'other' person....shame on you.
Okay, I guess my ranting for the day has ended, because now I'm bummed just thinking that people are so fickle... Not all, but those that condemn anything that does not fit into their little worlds they they carved out for their lives, and their God, and their hearts,,,better stop carving too deep, you'll end up making a hole right through that heart of yours.

"Hearts are burdened, but your heart is Mine and nothing shall trample upon it." ~ Jesus

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What a lovely day!

I just got home from a slow drive from I put the groceries away and turned on my computer.....then as I am waiting for it to load and whatnot...I get asked to "squeak both my feet" from a little boy who is happy that he and his sister had just gotten in their toy monkeys today...(they paid with their own money and ordered them from (yeah pet they are dog toys, with squeaky things in both feet and both hands)....
Of course Isaac (the dog) thought they were for him, and now I feel bad that I didn't order the dumb dog a squeaky toy too...ugh...and now the children are in my bedroom (why is it always MY bedroom??) happily squeaking away....playing whatever make believe game they arranged....
If I had known they had sqeakers in the monkeys maybe I would've throw the magazine out before the kids saw about 20 monkeys adorning the front page....

And I noticed I had 40 emails...40 seriously??... I haven't listed a new design line or anything business wise lately...nope, but I got many from the roller derby girls yahoo group...but that was only like 20...the rest was just stuff....
Perhaps useless stuff, and one from coffemate creamer which I quickly unsubscribed to, but still....Way too much for me to bother with if it's not bringing in money or making me hoping tomorrow goes with a better number of emails, because I seriously need to get those last 12 skirts sewn before my next huge order comes in the mail.....AND I need to fit in getting more of my fall line finished up before August gets here! (2 weeks...) not very long when you have more than you should have agreed on....but that's okay...
I will pass on some work to my wonderful mom who is also working on my 'other' fall line (and BTW...OMG those knit peasant tops are ADORABLE!!!!!)
And I will work my tail off...because eventually come mid December, I will have no orders and no more money, lol...yeah so it starts, the busy season where I can possibly make more than my husband, but also lose out on my sanity and time and we are planning to do it gently, and only do what I can that still gives me plenty of schooling time, computer time, roller derby time, other school group time (assuming I'm not kicked out because SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO BLOW THINGS WAY OUT OF CONTEXT!)..apparently I'm not 'good' enough to be in a church.
And time for writing book 2 if I ever just MAKE the time to work on it, even if it's just a page a day...I want to, but as we all know it's the starting on something that is the hardest, not the actual doing it.

I have to also confess that Target had a great clearance deal on knit leggings and I bought 'many' of the sizes I use for my work.....really though, new jeans for $4 is not bad at all! the leggings were $2.25 and they just so happened to match BOTH of my fall lines.

And I bought a turkey at Publix, because I just wanted breast strips, but they didn't have them anywhere so I bought the whole thing...I can't cook (hate cooking), so I hope it actually comes out like they do at my sister's house for Thanksgiving. Her turkeys are good, especially the fried one...ah yeah...and well the one she bakes she injects butter crap into it which would make me suffer the whole day after during Black Friday yeah, I try to avoid that one if at all possible.
MILK IS DEATH! Or at the very least regarding me, it puts you in a place to where you think you might die, and you get to go tfhrough all those wonderful midnight thoughts and prayers every night for 2 years or so. It's great. And I wouldn't wish it on anyone.....though I don;t wish anymore either sooo....

Oh, I wanted to put this link up for those of you who are jarred by the fact that I put the word 'mysticism' on here a while back.... I am not talking about black magic, voodoo, or any other genre you assume is spooky...I am referring to this---> Christian Mysticism Please educate yourselves!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Okay, so there's is sue me.

Well, it didn't rain today except for the teasing sprinkle that decided it didn't want to loiter.
So that means I didn't get much sewing done. Haha...oh well.
We did have a another great school day though, but I really am not liking the Beka science readers....boring and dramatic and not enough literal facts...more like saying you were made perfect that's why you can see, instead of you can see because you have eyes and here's how they work...I find myself having to collect education before going through the chapter so the kids can get a real education instead of being sheltered and told that "that's just the way it is".
Dumb. But I think it's a great way to actually educate yourself while you're at it.

Yeah, I can feel it now, that writhing turmoil that comes from not being able to freely express what I am really thinking....because there are a few issues that people have with the way I find myself in the midst of laughing and ignoring them. I debate why I would try not to offend, but the only conclusion I have found as a reason to do that would be because....well, I can't say that aloud either, can I?
This goes back to a time when I was forced to spend my days in the school system....I never expressed myself then, never. Not because I was afraid or shy, but because none of them deserved to 'see' me. And the few times I did express myself (like in art class) I got scolded for doing it the wrong way (is there really a wrong way in art??!) or worse when I had finished the classwork way before the slow students and I got punished for drawing and was told to do more work... (which I didn't do, I totally wrote a short story, which I still have so I would look busy)
So now I find myself in a predicament to where I can please others and convert (pervert) myself to their happy happy land with lollipops and rainbows and all good things, or I can not. I can pretend I see things the same way I was manipulated into believing growing up in society, or I can just be who I am, which is the way God made fall back on those certain experiences that revealed truth to me....and I am not sorry to say that those experiences are worth more than any flap happy crap you read in any book, and I can never brush them off like they were nothing more than a speck of sand.
If those moments were all that was left, it would be all I needed.
I can't help it that some others so easily play into the standards. That they think that everything they are told is truth. That they will easily bend into the box the world offers them. I'm sorry you cannot see what I have. I would hope for you all to, just to see, but I didn;t bring a camcorder with me, and I rarely ever think about recording prayers so you can see them answered, so I guess unless you are speaking with the big man Himself and He's speaking back, you will never know until you let go of all the crap you keep filling your minds with.
Are you going to bury yourself with those bricks?
Try to build a stairway to heaven maybe?
Is your heaven up? or forward? or within? Mine's in me and in you.....but unfortunately I never get to see yours because you hide it behind your wall. And you mumble little tidbits of stuff, but no one can hear you, and you gripe about things, but never do anything about them.
Are you afraid of what might come out? that's natural, but is it the fear of what's in you or the fear of being unaccepted either by others or by God? Either way it is fear.....and where there is fear, there is no peace and there is no true love.

Will you be forsaken or unforgiven? Will He take back everything he gave(gives) you because you have feelings, because you have a voice...Not at all....He'll only help you use them to His glory.....but what do I know, I'm only a random citizen that writes things you can't understand.

But on the other side of the equation, there are people who are moving on to better things and see the things that are false...I wish them all well on their journey...we all have to grow in love, but it's sad that some never step foot outside their brick castles, so they complain and judge.
Yeah, I complain too sometimes, but I'll get over it. And I find it very difficult to judge, because what they are today will not be what they are tomorrow....That's why even though I used to hate tomatoes, I love them now, and even though I used to hate certain bands, I like them And even though I used to love sewing, I am on the fence now.

So I just love everyone now, because eventually I will have to later ;)

Oh, let's do a quote of the day!!

"Your eyes, let them be my eyes.

Your hands, let them be my hands.

Your lips, let them be my lips.

And your heart, let it also be mine.

See what I see.

Do what I do.

Speak what I speak.

And above all, love what I love.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monkey's like to fly, and ants like to sing.

You don;t have to read this....
Nope, not at all.
You can freely choose to turn away. I care not. As this is just a ranting blog afterall.
And it probably doesn't make sense least not to many of you.
It might contain 'bad words'
and other things you may not understand.

Today was a good day I suppose. We started school up today which went well. Some roller derby practice. I sewed a skirt sample.
You know what else..... I came into this world alone, except for Him....and I'll most likely die alone too, except for Him.
Isn't that a lovely thought?
But I suppose He wanted it to be this way, considering how the follow the leader game works....
Want to know something?
It's a secret, but for today, I;m going to share it...
I have an old picture of Jesus I carry in my wallet. Funny, because many of the pictures I've ever seen of Him, just aren't quite right, save a few. But this picture is really close.
Now you may think to your do you know??...well, let me tell you a story....
He was wearing blue, the sleeve hems had gold scroll work on them. He smiled at me as I ran up to Him. I jumped and He lifted me up (as I was just a child in this moment)
You know that feeling like when you haven't seen a loved one for a long time and then surprisingly they are there and you are so happy and you just fall into their was like that, only better. (of course, my life here on earth has never gave me a real sense of what that would be like in reality, but whatever...this was more than plain reality, more realer than it anyway.)
I can't remember for the life of me what I said at first, but I had asked Him if I was doing okay (as in not failing to be a good person basically)...well, you know how He loves to answer a question with another question... Anyway...He said "What makes you think you are further behind than when you began?".... and so...after the mind blowing moment when I was trying to think up an answer..I unfortunately woke up.....
I know the answer...but still. Would someone else even have the slightest inkling of what it means...probably not.

Just like you have no idea what I mean more than half the time.

Are people afraid? Do they live in fear? Do they hide in their caves and boxes and cells and minds never to touch the light of day? Yes, they do...and I am saddened that I see them like that...sigh*

I want to try an experiment.......please don't laugh or stop half way through...oh wait, maybe you should, but this is what happens and I want to see how it looks written down.....
The first paragraph below will be written in child what does that mean, not not for children...but for those still on the milk.....(Yes, I know you don;t know what I mean, but if you wanted to read Isaiah 28 or 1 Corinthians 3 or Hebrews 5 11-14 or where ever else you might find a reference, you would learn)....but what do I know, I'm only a stupid girl.
Anyway first paragraph will be to the toddlers (we love them they are so cute and fragile!)
The second will be fire to their eyes, so don;t bother reading it. I love you too though meat eaters...even though I am against animal cruelty and really don;t like beef or pork....soooo hmmm. Oh wait, that kinda meat..sometimes it hurts going down, sometimes you choke on it till you learn to chew, and sometimes it leaves a sour taste in your mouth....but when it gets digested you feel stronger and more together with the Lord than before.....but don;t listen to me, I'm just a stupid girl who believes in angels and in the goodness of man.

Paragraph 1 :
I am very upset that people who kill little children are able to get off scott free through the court system because there was lack of evidence. Oh, how ever shall we manage to cope with this evil?! God shall have to spank those who do bad things. But it's okay, because He loves me and I am a good person, but He does not love them because they are a bad person. Or He loves up both, but they will have to pay for what they've done.

(I really thought that the sin of one was the sin of all, but I guess I'm wrong about that....)

Paragraph 2 :
Scott free???!!! WTF! Well, I guess we will need to make sure this doesn't happen again by amping up our efforts to collect evidence and get jurors who are more prone to see through horseshit....

OMG< they are doing something...other than sitting on their asses....
When you sit still, God sits still. When you take action, God takes action.
But it is not your power, it is His, and it cannot fail.
Rise, and rise again, until lambs become lions.... because we like to eat meat.

That reminds me of something totally not on subject btw, but on my doomsday list I have compiled about weird stuff that pops up on the news...that there was a lion (from a zoo) inside a church down in Louisiana to escape the flood waters...and when the rescuers arrived the lion was sitting upon the alter and had roared at that could mean 2 things (maybe more) but it either represents Satan (a roaring lion...1 Peter 5:8) and has invaded the church, or possibly that it represents Proverbs 28:15, or maybe Ezekiel 22:25 ish somewhere....either way, it's all bad....IDK, and it's late, so I don;t care right now either. but it was fun talking with you tonight.

Now, if you took the time to actually look up those, you are hardcore! congrats on lasting this long. Me love you lots!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

the dawn is breaking...a light shining through..

finally find that you and I collide....

I think I am aiming the pistol directly at my own (you know, that saying "shooting yourself in the foot")
See...I got hired to make a handful of skirts for a boutique store.... not bad money and the fact my lovely employee will actually be doing most of the work...but see with me being nice and all, I gave them a link to my business blog...which in turn they discovered the other wonderful things I make.....which in turn may or may not give me bunches of other orders....
Good part, I get money...bad part, I have to make that crap....
Didn't I say I didn't want to make customs
I keep smiling at the fact that I love to see how far things will go, laugh at the fact that I embrace pushing myself further, kick myself for doing something that may be different but still possibly the same...I guess it has to do with that resistance shit.
And lately, I've just been saying yes to everything to plain out spite that resistance...just to see what will become of it. Will you join me in this wonderful twisted world of chaos?
I'm hoping this pistol is a .22 and not a .45. or better yet...a bb wait, a plastic pellet gun, or a low pressure paint gun...

Not too long ago, I was informed that my sewing room was quote "....a magical place."
Maybe it is...but maybe it can be something more....

Oh...did you want a rant?
Um...I have a blister on my toe from skating last night at my first roller derby practice...blisters suck, but It's not that bad.
What else?... I wanted to work on my book tonight, but never made it off the computer here to work on the other, lol. I also wanted to go cut out fabric too and never made it there either :P, but I did bake cookies today only to discover that I accidentally got the wrong kind of flour and they came out a bit flat instead of the regular more fluffy kind like before....oh well, they are still edible.

Things I love- God, Jesus, my kids, my hubby, my pets, my mind, my garden (no matter how wild it gets when I neglect it, my murder of crows that visit every day, my plants (indoor and out), my fabrics (you are so pretty!) my awesome necklace medallion that has Wolverine on it (I love Wolverine!), homeschooling, painting, writing, even ranting, my fast ass computer which is just as fast as my sister's and faster than anyone else's I know, my jeep even though it's deadly on gas consumption, photography, art, the forest, building stuff, and setting a good example for my people (inside joke, but not really)...

Things I hate- people who kill kids or kittens, or even hurt them...bastards. That's about it besides stupidity, but that has to do with people's actions, not themselves. Oh, and taxes, rules, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, yellowjackets, chiggers, gnats, (nasty bugs in general), the government, lazy ass people, this ; button, my crappy kodak camera that has it's moments, my fridge that never gets cold enough, my dryer that likes to eat my clothes and ruin them, and the water company who puts too much chlorine in our tap making it poisonous to drink (unless you want to kill the bacteria in your gut and become lactose intolerant or allergic to all sorts of shit afterwards).

Things I never think about- television, molecules, tofu, buffalo, migraines, antelope, jogging strollers, pinto beans.

Things I always think about- my book, God, revelation, astronomy, the weather, trees, birds, rocks, plants, animals, stupid shit, things that rhyme with butter, photography, pretty colors, roller skates, life, death, OOBE's, remote viewing, dreams that I've had (some were def. not dreams!), Wolverine, Edward Elric, anime, Avatar the last airbender (cartoon! not the retarded movie they made though! That sucked ass!!!) x-men, Star Wars, root beer, and other stuff...

Things I plan on doing soon- finish painting that Link picture I started a year ago (or 2) and never finished. Need to make a bowling bag to carry our bowling shoes in, the Old Navy stuff and save bags are too small for 5 pairs of shoes...., Also need a bag for my roller derby equipment, I want to paint some rocks to make them look like little owls...need to find the rocks first. The art design I;m making for my great nephew Jonah, need to get my Personality Pouches of my 'oh how cool would that be' ideas, lol.... I really should deweed my garden, but it keep raining all the damn time. Shed needs finished too.

Things I plan on never doing- bungee jumping, growing old and grumpy, drinking/eating milk, walking on hot coals, piercing my nose or tongue, stupid shit.

Things that would be cool oneday to do- sky diving, getting a new tattoo, wearing a furry suit and walking through town, getting some huge pink bunnies made up and leaving them in the middle of a busy intersection (please don;t tell on me when I do this!), actually getting my book turning int a movie, getting my future profession of theater directing and script writing in process, finding that other certain person I have been looking for, snow boarding, getting at least 25 acres, I want to go to AUSTRALIA!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's time to feel the rush.....

There ain't no reason me and you should be alone.....

tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby.....

Where we both can fall further in love.....

You know what I fear?

I fear that Lady Gaga has gone slightly too Christian music sounding with this song "Edge of Glory"....

I like the beat though, so maybe it's just the fact she repeats the same chorus line way too much.... but then again, she has that song called "Judas" too....and well, I just wonder about her sometimes....makes me think back about the band Creed.
Love their old stuff, but that last album of theirs was literal crap.
Then again....I find it impossible to ever really judge anything or anyone, simply for the fact that what they/it may be today will not be what it will be tomorrow...and things slowly alter themselves eventually....or maybe we just alter ourselves and how we perceive things.

Everything can teach us, even things we despise.

So today....I found something.
You know, that thing known as resistance. Resistance. The thing that comes that tries to fight against your work. That thing that arises just after you have a great idea or starting a new adventure. That something that shows it's face and sends ideas about how it would fail, or how it is not for you, or how it cannot be done.....yes, that thing.
It tries rather hard, and sometimes prevails....but I'm going to slaughter it. It will fall frailly unto the stones, it's flesh torn and electric red stains of red will gush forth from it's wounds. It will bleed before me. It's life force, however immortal it may be, will flee from the face of Him who resides within me. Peals of horrific screaming will echo from it's trembling lips, it's eyes will turn away in terror and vanish before my eyes, running as if it had been set on fire....but lo' it will be consumed by the flames....and it will remember our encounter and will shiver in disdain when it hears our name. It will never return.

Whoo, I oughta write more, lol.....or better yet, go work on book 2 of 'Angel of MidKnight'...yeah...good times.

Soooooo......what to rant about today....beside that resistance we were speaking about something else I recently encountered....
Remember that thing I told you about giving great sacrifices for others that would really never matter to them...maybe it has more to do with sacrificing for the glory of love. Cause really now, that's all that will eventually matter.
And anyway God is Love. I read that somewhere ;) matter how utterly worthless it would be for you to do something above and beyond for anyone...please continue to do it. Do it no matter it no matter how much the Resistance fights you. Do it for Love. Do not do it for the person, but for the one who lives in them. Even if they may be blind or stupid, or retarded, or just an idiot. Do it.....fight unto the ends of the earth.
I will help you, I've got nothing better to do anyway but write ranting blogs, sew some stuff, write more weird crap on deviant art, write, paint, draw, teach, read, mow the yard, cook dinner, dishes, laundry, feed the animals, tend to a quite handsome man, collect swagbucks, shop online, prepare and coordinate multiple time warp systems, make and remake to do lists, build stuff, watch movies, research crap, watch youtube videos, listen to music, read my group posts, mess around on facebook, and sleep, poo, pee, shower, shave, contemplate a vast amount of things, pray, mentally work on books 2 through 4 (book 3 will be outstanding though!!!) and do the other thousands of multiple things that I may or may not get to today.......but they will all be done. And resistance will be devoured.

I need to go upload pics from my camera onto the computer and edit them and post on facebook....hopefully my dumb Kodak camera got some decent shots.
FYI....never buy a has it's moments alright.
ta ta fa now! Love you all