Sunday, July 17, 2011

Swaying to and fro like a sea without a home.

Today was so cool.
No, I didn't win the lottery or have some amazing epiphany....oh wait, YES I DID!!!
Unfortunately, it's the latter, I didn't win the lottery, unless you count in your own mind ;)
But I did get a full tank of gas on a possible idea that I had been contemplating. (Okay, so I only thought of it a few days ago) but who cares how longs it's been swarming in my head when it is something that was 'put' there by a higher force.
Anyway, now that I have the fuel for this plan, all I need now is a way to present it....and yeah, I'm sure that that is where I'm supposed to come in and provide that, but oh I nice it would be if it was just 'put' there as well.
How nice it would be if many things were just 'put' there. But we all should know by now that it doesn't matter which way we walk, but just that we do.
That it doesn't matter if you decide to go left or right, or skip up the mountain, or slide down to the valley....just that we keep moving forward....forward. All things are possible, all things are accomplish-able, all things can end in victory...the hardest part is choosing what you want to conquer, choosing what you want to make possible. Choosing something to accomplish. Choosing what you want to be the victor of.
Because in the end, it will all be under your feet.
But you have to fight the resistance that chains you in place.
Turn away from those things that keep you in fear, that keep you hidden in your your box. Fight.

So enough with all that eloquent speech, it was sounding kinda blah blah speechish....which reminds me of a time where when you feel out of place, it's everyone else that has the problem ;)

Let me tell you a story.....

There was a time long ago in a galaxy far far away (no not really, it was about 30 minutes down the road.) Anyway, we were at church (lol, can you believe it)
So they had a guest speaker there that day who was chanting some mumbo jumbo about some stupid missionary trip he went on and people were 'saved' and yada yada.
Well, it was so hilarious that this guy sounded just like a salesman...I suppose it's no coincidence that he was taking donations and selling something or another....but, that wasn't the issue (even that in itself is a major issue considering many things if you have ever read the Bible or watched movies like "The Passion of the Christ") but we won;t go into that, as it isn't what I'm trying to get at.
So anyway, while this guys was selling the congregation his 'saving adventure' one of the first things he tells about is about how this old Witch Doctor was 'saved' that some dog brought in a book and it 'changed her life' and blah blah.
NOW, my point is that, an average 1st grader (on the spirituality scale) will believe everything this guy had to say. They will be amazed how this guy's 'work' made some "Witch Doctor" convert to Christianity. They will also unfortunately reveal how uneducated and judgmental they all can be.

Point #1 - What is a Witch Doctor?.....yeah I'm sure there are some of them that go chanting and dancing in a sweat box to 'heal' people, but really now, many many more of them are just herbologists who's work is to know plants and give to people the ones they need to help heal sickness. (I suppose no different than a real doctor)...the point it this guy simply used people's fears (aka...using words (witch doctor) that invoke difference) to sway these donators to their cause.
Point #2 - what gave anyone any reason to think this person (witch doctor) was lost to begin with?? Do you think you're all high and mighty and better than them, closer to God then know nothing about them. Maybe this person was doing their work (studying plants) to actually wholeheartedly help people...but now that she got swept away by some slick businessman and his stories...all she does now is go crawl around on her knees and pray her life away.
I'm not saying this is true or not, I'm not saying she had a good life or not and whether it's better or not now...the point is that people buy into this "business agenda" and give their attention to other worldly causes, but seem to turn away from things that are right in front of their makes me sick.
Yes, help your neighbor, but good gosh, the people next door may need you, but you have your head in the clouds on some other country because someone bought your attention with their 'stories', with their "spooky words" and all you are is uneducated and gullible.
Have you ever thought, just maybe, if you are in a place in your life to where you are worried about some people in a far off land need your prayers, but yet you don't know if you're very own neighbor or friend might need you more..... You were put in the place you are for a reason.....stop ignoring it and trying to escape it, there's something important for you to do HERE! Wake up!

Okay, that was a longer story than I thought....
To start you on a journey to being educated (yes, 'educated' is the word of the month!) feel free to look into the spooky things you fear so much and learn to decide for yourself things you will accept in love or turn away from because they are not what your people pressed into your young brains while you were growing up....
God is LOVE. If you don;t like it, get over it already. We will wait for you.
~ Many great links to 'educate' yourselves before you scream and go hide in your deep dark cave HERE

OHHHHHH....I just thought of something else that I just can't understand yet.
WHY OH WHY is it that when a person that blatantly states that they are an 'atheist' asks a question and everyone else just spouts out some crap about this or that verse and actually expecting this person to take you seriously...seriously??! Can't you just speak to them like a real person?
And why oh why is it that when confronted with some sort of argument, that many many many many people will just abandon the idea and instead of finding common ground they bail?! Especially a pastor or preacher, or whatever else they call themselves nowadays?? They freakin' bail out and give up and just stop carrying on the conversation??? WHAT?? Are you kidding me? Is your God not big enough to include all in His glory? It's okay to disagree, but what...are you out of little cute limericks, forget your Bible lines? WTF??!!!
Speak from your heart damn it! If it runs dry then you yourself have a more serious problem than that person ever will.... Love all, like He has loved you. I have seen too many times where people get too offended and forsake the 'other' person....shame on you.
Okay, I guess my ranting for the day has ended, because now I'm bummed just thinking that people are so fickle... Not all, but those that condemn anything that does not fit into their little worlds they they carved out for their lives, and their God, and their hearts,,,better stop carving too deep, you'll end up making a hole right through that heart of yours.

"Hearts are burdened, but your heart is Mine and nothing shall trample upon it." ~ Jesus

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