Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Short story" by the Dodo Dots

Do not read PETA'a website stuff...all those things are real....and horrible.
Reminds me of a late night show I watched on HBO about 20 someodd years ago...yes, I'm that young. It was really bad and had people killing monkey's and throwing goats off of towers, and skinning cats was awful and it scarred me for life.
Hence the reason I am an animal advocate, although I don't always have the time, money, or energy to 'save' least not all of them. I try when I can.
Bad stuff and I hate clicking on those peta links, because I already know too much of what goes on...sad.

Today we will discuss judging. Yeah, you know what that is.
Let me tell you a version of how it works....
You make opinions for yourselves based on a situation or person. Then you build on those opinions and naturally find like-minded ideas and other's opinions that fit in with your own opinion. Then you build on that. Then before you know it everything is so surmounted against whatever it was that you were judging, and therefore this leads you to believe that everything you think is true...(when in reality, it's still just your own building on your own opinion)...
Many things work this way, whether it be for a style of clothes, or music, or movies, or a person, a job, etc., etc....

Now afterwards...what happens? ....Yes, you will eventually be judged by those same standards....
Now, let me tell you a story.....

Once there was this girl. She had a great life with a few close friends. But oneday she heard on the radio a song that sounded awful. She disliked everything about it, the sound, words, tone, and the awful singing...and the band was called the "Dodo Dots". So she decided that this band sucked as bad as their song and refused to listen to them anymore. Her friends also stated they too disliked their songs.
A few years pass. Oneday while she was driving she heard a new song on the radio...this song sounded different, it sounded nice so she turned it up and listened to the lyrics. The words sounded just like something that she had recently been dealing with in her life and she pulled over and cried, because the song made her 'feel' something that she had been avoiding. The song ended and she went home to look up the song so she could hear it again....and there it was on her screen... "Dodo Dots"...
"But I hate the "Dodo Dots". She said to herself.....But she listened to the song again and cried again. Then by chance she clicked on another song of too was as perfect as the first....She bought the cd.
Her friend had come over and heard the new songs playing and asked about it. The girl told her who it was and the friend said..."Oh, I hate the "Dodo Dots". The girl felt sad that her friend still lived in the past...still hated the old things but never moved forward listening to the new....and so after feeling sorry for missing out on the bands many songs she ended up loving, she decided to never judge again, because she never wanted to miss out on another beautiful thing.

Yeah, so I'm bad at writing short stories....
Also, has it ever occurred to anyone that perhaps maybe it is yourself who ends up being the know what I mean (probably not) but I'm talking about those times when you feel that you are worthless and lost. times when you think you can do nothing right. Times when you are your own worst enemy....... call it karma...but I think we just may judge ourselves sometimes far worse than God would....And I think we may love ourselves far less than what God does.

Think about that. Maybe we just bring all of our own strife upon ourselves. Everything we do to others, to us it will be done.....though it's very hard to recognize it.

BTW, I used to hate the band "Train"....I'm sorry. I kinda like them's pitiful that I feel bad about it now. So nowadays I just love everything, because all things will be made perfect...if you can't love it now, you will be hurting come that day you see God in them and had denied them....

Open your eyes, minds, hearts, whatever......

I'm feeling totally misunderstood today. So if you don;t get it, I don;t care. If you don;t like it, I don;t care. If you don;t care, I don;t care. And this button ; I don';t care that I have a habit of hitting it instead of the correct one '.... ugh.

Some education for the day..... nope...take the day off, we are....I don;t think I like the name of this blog anymore....hmmm. Maybe I can change it.

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