Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oh, look, I did a rant for you ninnies


So the government has issues. They are all stupid!
I can't believe how many programs they fund! Many of them are so idiotic anyway, and so simple that the communities themselves could upkeep them on their own. OMG!
Say...for instance...head start programs...really?? I don;t agree that kids should be thrown into institutions that early, but are you telling me someone can't just start their own personal business to provide this type of service to those who use it? Why involve the gov.?
Elderly care....that should be every communities responsibility to provide for their elders. Plain out and simple. Are there not enough volunteers to help do a helping part...ugh.
Parks and recreational places... I understand tax dollars on the cost of the property, but are you saying the community surrounding these areas can't simply find 50 volunteers or so to help upkeep these areas on their own?
WTF people.....lazy bastards, get off your ass and get to work. Can you not spare a weekend a month to give of yourself.....

Now not dogging the losers who don;t do crap, but for those who are willing and don;t know what to do.....why isn't there a section in the local paper (or a website!) that lists things that need done around the community? that way it can get help, people will know what needs done, people will step up if they knew they could provide something to the cause....
For instance, why the hell do they hire a worker to mow the local park??? What for??? It's a waste of money. Can you not find 20 people to mow the grass for free...I bet you could, but you don;t try, you just complain and bitch about not having money when you don;t realize you are wasting it.
So 20 people, 1 person mows it a week during the growing seasons...does some litter clean up. A few take turns stopping by to make sure things are taken care's not so hard when people work together....
Hell, I'll even mow the grass once or twice to prove it....and don;t have to pay me. But i can't be the only one....and I need to borrow someone's lawn mower and weed can be's the lazy sloths that keep people in debt, not only with money but with productivity...

Stop being sissy little ninnies that want your damn little bottles full of corn syrup and candy and get off your damn hands, knees, or whatever you find yourself resting on and stand up on your own feet and work or walk and DO!

Want to know what needs do I. But no one will tell us, because they spend money on all this shit we don't need to be paying for and won't tell us.
I can tell you what I need though. PLEASE feel free to list what you need too, otherwise no one will know and nothing will be done about it. So I will tell you what I need that I have trouble doing all by myself...
I need someone to sew some things in their spare time. they will have to have a serger and a sewing machine. I will pay for this service if you can do it well. If not, I will teach you and when you get better I will pay you, but I can't pay you until it's good enough to sell.
I need my yard mowed and weed eated. I do not have a mower or weed eater though, but it needs done. I can give you something, small amount of money, some cookies, sweet tea maybe... Free photography session (though I am learning still)
I need doors built for our shed. We have the materials and tools. Just need it done. Need a ramp for it too.
The government doesn't give me money for this shit like it apparently gives the state, so I am screwed unless we do it ourselves which we most likely will have to because no one helps each other...because this world is dying.... I'm not talking about the earth, I'm talking about our souls.
Are you still alive? Do you sit on your knees or stand and walk?
If you need something (besides money, because I am poor) let me know and I will see if I can provide it, however I am just one person, and there's only a very few people I know who are standing, even fewer who are walking. But if we can find more great warriors then we will have something.....and we will make a change....and show then how it's done....So post here if you need something, or email me at .

And....I can give counseling though you may not like what I have to say, is free. You can bitch about how I write or how bad you don;t like my curse words I put in my ranting blog, I don;t care, I will listen. You can say how awful I am and how I don;t understand what's really going on it the world, I don;t care, but I will listen. You can state all the bad things you think about me and I will listen, i don;t care. I don;t care because I know who I am....and I never think anything bad about you....unless you actually DO bad things....but they have to be really bad things ;)

I can tell you what I think, but I don;t know everything, and you know that, but I have a sideways upside down, tilted perspective of things.....and similar to those hidden picture pictures...sometimes you can find the objects much faster if you distort the picture. I may can help you find your answers or at least make you feel better cause my ideas were stupider than yours :).... I don;t mind.

Okay, gotta go now, it's 2 am here. I guess I should sleep, tomorrow we have schoolwork, cleaning house, sewing orders, my launch! and roller if I come write again, it's all your fault.
Love you (((HUGS)))!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think they ought to make the people work at the park and recreation area for their freaking welfare checks. And don't EVEN get me started on whether they should be able to VOTE if they're taking money from the coffers....
