Thursday, July 7, 2011

the dawn is breaking...a light shining through..

finally find that you and I collide....

I think I am aiming the pistol directly at my own (you know, that saying "shooting yourself in the foot")
See...I got hired to make a handful of skirts for a boutique store.... not bad money and the fact my lovely employee will actually be doing most of the work...but see with me being nice and all, I gave them a link to my business blog...which in turn they discovered the other wonderful things I make.....which in turn may or may not give me bunches of other orders....
Good part, I get money...bad part, I have to make that crap....
Didn't I say I didn't want to make customs
I keep smiling at the fact that I love to see how far things will go, laugh at the fact that I embrace pushing myself further, kick myself for doing something that may be different but still possibly the same...I guess it has to do with that resistance shit.
And lately, I've just been saying yes to everything to plain out spite that resistance...just to see what will become of it. Will you join me in this wonderful twisted world of chaos?
I'm hoping this pistol is a .22 and not a .45. or better yet...a bb wait, a plastic pellet gun, or a low pressure paint gun...

Not too long ago, I was informed that my sewing room was quote "....a magical place."
Maybe it is...but maybe it can be something more....

Oh...did you want a rant?
Um...I have a blister on my toe from skating last night at my first roller derby practice...blisters suck, but It's not that bad.
What else?... I wanted to work on my book tonight, but never made it off the computer here to work on the other, lol. I also wanted to go cut out fabric too and never made it there either :P, but I did bake cookies today only to discover that I accidentally got the wrong kind of flour and they came out a bit flat instead of the regular more fluffy kind like before....oh well, they are still edible.

Things I love- God, Jesus, my kids, my hubby, my pets, my mind, my garden (no matter how wild it gets when I neglect it, my murder of crows that visit every day, my plants (indoor and out), my fabrics (you are so pretty!) my awesome necklace medallion that has Wolverine on it (I love Wolverine!), homeschooling, painting, writing, even ranting, my fast ass computer which is just as fast as my sister's and faster than anyone else's I know, my jeep even though it's deadly on gas consumption, photography, art, the forest, building stuff, and setting a good example for my people (inside joke, but not really)...

Things I hate- people who kill kids or kittens, or even hurt them...bastards. That's about it besides stupidity, but that has to do with people's actions, not themselves. Oh, and taxes, rules, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, yellowjackets, chiggers, gnats, (nasty bugs in general), the government, lazy ass people, this ; button, my crappy kodak camera that has it's moments, my fridge that never gets cold enough, my dryer that likes to eat my clothes and ruin them, and the water company who puts too much chlorine in our tap making it poisonous to drink (unless you want to kill the bacteria in your gut and become lactose intolerant or allergic to all sorts of shit afterwards).

Things I never think about- television, molecules, tofu, buffalo, migraines, antelope, jogging strollers, pinto beans.

Things I always think about- my book, God, revelation, astronomy, the weather, trees, birds, rocks, plants, animals, stupid shit, things that rhyme with butter, photography, pretty colors, roller skates, life, death, OOBE's, remote viewing, dreams that I've had (some were def. not dreams!), Wolverine, Edward Elric, anime, Avatar the last airbender (cartoon! not the retarded movie they made though! That sucked ass!!!) x-men, Star Wars, root beer, and other stuff...

Things I plan on doing soon- finish painting that Link picture I started a year ago (or 2) and never finished. Need to make a bowling bag to carry our bowling shoes in, the Old Navy stuff and save bags are too small for 5 pairs of shoes...., Also need a bag for my roller derby equipment, I want to paint some rocks to make them look like little owls...need to find the rocks first. The art design I;m making for my great nephew Jonah, need to get my Personality Pouches of my 'oh how cool would that be' ideas, lol.... I really should deweed my garden, but it keep raining all the damn time. Shed needs finished too.

Things I plan on never doing- bungee jumping, growing old and grumpy, drinking/eating milk, walking on hot coals, piercing my nose or tongue, stupid shit.

Things that would be cool oneday to do- sky diving, getting a new tattoo, wearing a furry suit and walking through town, getting some huge pink bunnies made up and leaving them in the middle of a busy intersection (please don;t tell on me when I do this!), actually getting my book turning int a movie, getting my future profession of theater directing and script writing in process, finding that other certain person I have been looking for, snow boarding, getting at least 25 acres, I want to go to AUSTRALIA!!!!

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